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Screen ~n November 2010, city staff membranes, Michael said. responsible and demanding said. "Even at its deteriorat- chael said.
found what had damaged These contaminantstwo payments of $375,000ed state right now it is func- =Each of the tanks has lit-
Continued from page A-I the membranes, would not have made it past due by July 31 and Septem- tioning phenomenally andtle dead zones in them," Mi-
"Staff drained MBR tank the headworks if the Lake- ber 30 respectively to cover the reclaimed water that is chael said. There are areas
to get past them. #3 for visual inspection and side screens had not failed, the cost of replacing thou- going out is in prime condi- that we didn't get cleaned all
"We believe that the ma-found significant fibrous ma- Michael said. However, the sands of membrane plates, tion." the way but we got it down
jority of what was getting terial and solids collected DOC is now working to de- Although the plant is not Operators also had to goenough that the crews could
screened would have beenaround and between the crease the amount of lint running at full capacity, Mi- through a cleanup process to manage the little bit of re-
flushed out into the treat- membrane plates and other and particulate material in chael said that it is up and get the plant up and running sidual with various in-plant
ment process," Michael said. equipment at the tanks,~its wastewater, running within "specs" or at after the screen failure, Mi- traps for lack of a better
Two months ago the new Michael wrote in a letter to The city first estimated levels consistent with high chael said. term. Once we got to that
screens were in place and Pease. the cost of all this damage to quality reclaimed water."Operators came up with point they systematically
functioning, Michael said, That fibrous material was be abottt $250,000 and with- "Right now we have one a pretty ingenious scheme to drained all the tanks and
but city staff found that the later determined to be lint held that amount from the tank running probably about pump what was already incleaned all the little bits of
faulty screens had caused from the DOC's laundry fa- contractor in retainage. Af- 80 to 90 percent, maybe the plant back through the residual sludge with debris
damage in membrane plates cility, and the solids were ter discovering the extensive as low as 70, we've got one headworks and rescreen it,~ out of the tanks."
used in the purification pro- hard plastic pieces, which damage to membranes in all performing at about 30 or Michael said. "By doing that The city commission voted
cess throughout the plant, poked holes through the three tanks, the city now esti- 40 percent and we have not we were able to rescreen the Monday to use the $250,000
mates the damage at between even come close to the levels majority of the entire plant." retainage to pay for the first
$900,000 and $1 million, discharge monitoring bench- The tanks were also shipment of new membrane
The city is holding Pease marks that we have," he drained and scrubbed, Mi- plates.
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Bite ing out other business," she said. "By Experienced and novice taste-
also having the Bite of Shelton, I testers alike voted for their favorite
Continued from page A-1 think we got a lot more regular Joes restaurant for the prestigious Golden
coming through the door." Fork Award.
extra room for a couple booths. We had This year, the event conveniently "People are going around and test-
to turn people away this year," she took place during Small Businessing - we request prior that the res-
said. Week, a national celebration rec- taurants keep things sample size,"
Althougth the chamber doesn't ognized by the City of Shelton, Ma- McCutcheon said. "It's been quite the
count the exact attendance, McCutch- son County and the Port of Shelton honor in the past."
con estimated that about 1,800 people through proclamations. Last year the Strip Steakhouse
walked through the expo. Many businesses in attendance won the Fork, she said.
"I think there's a real sense of hope, vied for the honor of best booth by This year Steven's on Railroad of
they're really tired of the recession decorating, having games or contests, Shelton'went home with the Golden
and being down," she said. "I think and even bribing attendees with can- Fork.
people have positive outlooks for the dy or giveaways. After the success of this year's expo
future." This year Heritage Bank won the and Bite of Shelton, McCutcheon said
Unlike previous years, many peg- top honor for their display, that the chamber is already discuss-
pie who attended the expo were not The Bite of Shelton, a smaller af- ing ideas for next year.
buainm gwner or hamber mere- fair than the t ite of etttle, included "Thw ' alwaye idea to. mt .e it
bers, McCutcheon said. several restaurants from throughout bigger and better ... it's horrible to
"A lot of them are businesses check- Mason County. have to turn people away," she said.
Continued from page A-1
Officials said that the
need for a Clean Water
Program comes in response
to local plans and initia-
tives, Growth Management
Act compliance, the Puget
Sound Action Agenda and
state and federal Clean Wa-
ter Act compliance.
Officials said that while
Mason County has taken
great strides forward in
water resource ' manage-
ment, nearly all of this work
has been grant funded and
many of those grants will ex-
pire in the near future. They
said that there is much left
to do with no established,
ongoing funding sources to
carry on the work and new
grant funding prospects are
The three upcoming
meetings are the second in
a series of three outreach
opportunities the county is
undertaking to explore long-
"Over 200 people either
attended, sent letters, e-mails
or postcards to share their
thoughts on how to manage
our water resources."
term program and funding lems and locations on maps.
needs. In December 2010, We've used that input to
be explained during the
June meetings where par-
ticipants will be asked to
share initial reactions and
program/funding preferenc-
es. The Clean Water Pro-
gram has been developed in
coordination with WSU Ma-
son County Extension, Ma-
son Conservation District
and many other partners
Mason County hosted four help develop the proposed within the county.
open houses to begin theClean Water Program.m " Input provided during
public dialog~, The p~lm~d ~le~ Wa~ ~ th~ J~ :~.~1 be!
"Over 20$1~eople either ter Program is ~estimatect co'sideWay ~em-~
attended, sent letters, e- to cost approximately $5.3 ber Stormwater Task Force
mails or postcards to share million per year and it is (SWTF) who is charged with
their thoughts on how to estimated that existing making program and fund-
manage our water resourc- funding sources of approxi- ing recommendations to
es," said Loretta Swanson, mately $1.5 million per year the Board of County Corn-
the county's Stermwater will continue in the future, missioners. Program refine-
Program Coordinator. "An That leaves a funding gap ments and more detail about
overwhelming majority of of approximately $3.8 rail- preferred revenue sources
participants expressed con- llon per year. To fill the gap, will be presented during an-
cern about the health of financial consultants have other round of public meet-
Mason County waters, felt identified nine new poten-, ings in November.
it was important to pay to tial funding sources includ: For more information,
prevent pollution and that ing various types of fees and visit
the responsibility for wa- taxes, stormwater or contact
ter pollution prevention is The Clean Water Pro- Swanson at 427-9670 Ext.
a joint effort. Participants gram components and pc, 769, LorettaS@co.mason.
also identified specific prob- tential revenue sources will wa.ns.
Record was booked
Continued from page A-5
at 4:12 p.m. for reckless burning
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Eduardo ~fllalobos He.era, 45, of the 1600
block of Adams St~ was beeked at 2"29 a.n~ for
assault 4th and resisting arrest
James Paul Foster, 51, of the 100 block of Ped-
erscn Road was booked at 1 25 for DWI.
Micki Lee Collins, 41, a Shelton transient,
Fresh Start Market b
committed to providing
excellent customer
ser~ce while supporting
local farmers and small
Virginia Rose Hoard Ferrari, 26, of the
9100 block of Highland Road in Elma was
booked at 1:51 a.m. for DWI~ 2nd and DWI.
Jeffery Scott Stair, 58, of the 6100 block of
10th Place in Kennewick was booked at 9:33
a.m. for child molestation 1st.
Myles Sebastian Carroll, 20, of the 600
block of E St. in Port Townsend was booked
at 6:09 p.m. for disorderly conduct.
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 26, 2011