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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 2011
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i I ~qP~WUmm~Pqlmmv'Im~ ~q'q~W~ur'mm'mr ~ "-I GARDENER Second annual pancake breakfast at Fire Station 53 Mason County District 5 Fire Department Association is sponsoring its second annual pancake breakfast with all dona- tions collected going to a variety ofcanses and purposes, most of which are charitable donations back to the community. Donations nmy include funds for firefighting and medi- cal eqm'pment; assistance to those affected by fire, injury or illness; educati~! a~l public service materials; and the Christmas Adopt-a-Family program. The breakfast will be from 7 to 11 a.m. at Fire Station 53, located 2520 East Mason Benson Road in Grapeview. Organizers will be serving pancakes, French toast, scram- bled eggs and ham. The Winc~ammers will make a special appearance from 9 to 11 a.m. United Way of Mason County holds group meeting United Way of Mason County is holding a meeting of the Community Services Group of Mason County on Tuesday, May 14. The Large Group Topic will be held at 2 p.m. and the topic will be children and f milles. Volunteer coordinators will hold a mee ng at i p.m. There will be another meeting held at 3 p.m. for both the Helming Coalition and the Asset Building Coalition, each lasting 30 minutes. All e£the sessions will be held at the Mason County Public Works Building, located at 100 W P lic Works Dr. in Shel- tonEveryo" ne is welcome to attend. Bring along friends and family to share the valuable information about agencies, vol- unteers and programs. Organizers are also reminding attend- ees to keep voices down in the main lobby area of the public works building. Those that would like more information should contact United Way by by calling 426-4999. Public involvement needed in Community Health In response to changing priorities in some state social and health service funding programs and emerging opportunities associated with Health Care Reform, Mason County is devel- oping a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Those that are interested in learning more about this proj- ect and wish to join the virtual CHIP team, should contact Kim/flint at/ml W,m =0n,vt,tm, By R. JEANNE REHWALDT /. We have received several calls at the Master Gardener clinic regarding the health of Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii) trees around the county. Clients are wondering why they all appear to be dying. If you take a trip up Highway 3 north from Shelton toward Allyn, you will notice most of the Madrone trees seem to be affected. Jenny Glass, Plant Diagnostician at WSU Research and Extension Center in Puyallup, has released a statement about what is happening to Madrone trees all over the area. The damage being observed is known as leaf spot. She notes that the problem is present in other counties and states too. They have badly damaged Madrones at WSU Puyallup, Ms. Glass has seen damaged plants in Seattle and Whidbey Island, and heard reports from Oregon and the San Juan Islands. She states that this is a common problem over the past year. Alas, nothing practical can be done for the trees. Go to: ShowDisease.aspx?RecordID=704 for general recommendations for leaf spot on Madrone. Dr. Mariaime Elliott, at WSU Puyallup, has determined a cold temperature pathogen Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis (also a crabapple canker pathogen and a stored apple rot) is responsible for much of the damaged leaves. WSU would like to create a map Of the fo|iar b|j~ht in the western These are healthy leaves of a Pacific Madrone. Courtesy photo United States. If you are out in and people are trying to follow up the woods and have noticed this with research. problem on madrone, you can help. What should you do for Madrone We are also interested in the health trees on your property? Cultural ofmadrones in areas without severe control can help slow the spread of foliar blight symptoms. Digital this disease. Rake up and destroy photos of the trees and the site fallen leaves. Prune trees to ensure are also welcomed. To participate, good air circulation, remembering to please visit: http://www.puyallup, clean the pruning tools before using them on another plant. Mouthwash foliar_blight_2011.htm, works really well as a pruning tool We are concerned that many cleanser and is less harsh on the madrones have been under so much metal than bleach. stress by this problem that they may For more information about die. However, Dr. Elliott thinks the gardening or plant pest and cold weather is a key factor too. If diseases, please visit the Master the temperatures are not conducive Gardener Plant Clinic on Mondays again next winter, the problem may from 12 to 3 p.m. at the WSU Mason be less dramatic and give the plants County Extension office. You can some time to recover. Another also talk with a Master Gardener colleague traveling south in Oregon this Saturday May 28 at the Shelton saw afflicted trees (100 percent of Farmer's Market or the Harstine the canopy). He said it made our Farmer's Market. You can contact trees look healthy by comparison. At the Plant Clinic by phone at 427- this point it is all a uess ng 9670 Ext. 687. ALL DAY Kindergarten Pre.School - 8th Grade Mason County Christian School 426-7616 Dr. Doris Wilson 29% 2011 811 d us at 5helton FamllF [lledldne anI to kno hat u blessing are to us and to ull the Oeolge who's lives Vou have touched, We ffove Voul -- Vom" Shelton Farfdl memdne Famll The Shelton Men's Oxford House would like to thank the following people for their time, donations and understanding in helping the women and children's house in Aberdeen: Patti Kleist of Faith in Action of Belfair, Pastors Ron and Loretta Almberg of the Skokomish Assembly of God and Cathleen Biernacki of Union. For more information call Will or Kevin, (360) 358-8084. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church MlSy, OU rl Syllod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue *Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m. Christian Education ................. 9:.45 a.m Traditional Worship ............... IE00 a.m office 426-6353 Daycare 427-3165 Www.molc.ctsme R~amin~ strvic~ i~ f~ newl/l rerm~at~ "\-..,~.....!j~ -/ - Praise Band . PraiseTeam '10",45 AM :,, " • Contemporary Message Choir Ohil~'Q~ll INI Adult fUMIlly I~1~1~1 9 &M • Chlldcareboth services Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 26, 201 t Christ Lutheran Church 3701 NE NorU'~hore Road. Belfair, WA ~8528.94~4 (360) 275-3354 Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Childcare: 360-275-0499 website: clcbelfiar@mac.c0m Refreshed - Restored - Reneu,ed in Rivers of Grace Sunday Night Worship 6 p,m. Senior Center * !121; W Railroacl Ave 438-8531 www. r/verso f~ace, oa~ i SHELTON RRST BAPTIST m426-8461 • lund~/MornlngW~rd~lp 9+10:30m. • ~6~n ~BW.~'~a~. • ~t~t~ed~e m • ilMI Youth C~, AWANA ~. Adu~ ~s St. David's of Wales EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shclton SUNDAY SERVICES. 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. 9:15 Conversational Bible Study Office phone: 426-8472 New Community Church of Union ~ Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome.') WORSHIP SF.JgVIG]BS 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire H~ 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: Faith Lutheran Church A Cl en red Church & Brian Weinberge¢ • F~C~ Ci',Ndca,~e Ce~ (M-F) (36o)=s;~37 C, O0 lll~ (~lhmlm iht. IIt1~' I l~t P. O. Box ~ tiood~ Wadm~;tm~ ~qgS~8 360~77.g~/9 Come as you arc! All arc wckomc! 1/2 Mi. up Rt. 119 out of ll~xlstx)~l Sunday Wozslfip- lO:OOm. Shelton United Methodist Church .