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May 26, 2011 |
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Munro named May hospital employe
of th
In 2005, Alvie Munro, a radiol-
ogy technologist aide, was honored
as Mason General Hospital's Em-
ployee of the Month. Now, six years
later, he has been given that recog-
nition again - as Employee of the
Month for May. "I was surprised,"
he said, after the announcement.
"I guess I must be doing something
As a child, Alvie grew up in the
halls of Mason Gen-
eral Hospital while
his mother, Gina
Munro (now retired)
worked for 35 years
as a nurse. "I spent
most of my child-
Munro hood walking these
halls. It was a fun
place to be,~ he remembered.
Alvie started working at MGH in
1997 in environmental services. He nominator for the award pointed
worked there for six years and then out,"Alvie has been an integral part
moved to diagnostic imagining. As oftheofthePACsystem-oneofthe
a tech aide, he schedules appoint- most crucial systems in our hospi-
ments for patients and files reports, tal. He not only helped with the
Since the last time he was honored, implementation of the system when
Alvie acquired a new responsibility it was still in its infancy, but also
- assisting with the Picture Archive developed several protocols himself,
and Computer (PAC) system, which that have streamlined things within
stores all the electronic diagnostic our department. He truly believes
images. It was because of this, his in patient care and patient satisfac-
tion, and is always looking for ways
that we can improve these."
"I low the challenges this job
brings, and the people I work with
are great," Alvie added. When he
isn't working Alvie enjoys playing
in his band - TDY, camping, fish-
ing, and being with his family. He
and his wife, Reno, of 25 years have
three married children and five
Justin and Cathy Baze
Grange honors Justin and Cathy Baze
Justin Baze and his the efforts of his band "The
mother, Cathy Baze, took Varmints" to fund the nec-
all the honors this past year essary work.
for their work in improving Cathy Baze was award-
and restoring the life of the ed the Community Ser-
Skokomish Grange Hall, vice Award for her work
making it more usable for inside the building, clean-
public events, ing and painting. She gave
Justin Baze was named up countless hours on this
Granger of the Year for his task.
work, not only for helping Justin Baze is a member
to restore, but also for help- of Skokomish Grange No.
ing to raise money through 379.
City of Shelton Animal She is hoping to find a spe-
Shelter cial family that will share
Adoptions cost $75, which love, and affection that this
includes vaccine, wormier, little lady deserves. Goldie
spay/neuter plus $10 city li- Girl wants to share a life-
cense, time of kitty cuddling, nap-
New dogs are brought in ping and lap warming. Geldie
all the time. Call 427-7503 or Girl will bring enjoyment and
visit the shelter at 902 Wes~ companionship to the right
Pine Street. Dogs may be home. For information on
viewed at: shelton.petfinder. Goldie Girl and other indoor
com. only kitties call 584-0594 or
The hours are Monday leave a message at 426-2455.
thru Friday from 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. The shelter is closed Sat- Adopt-A-Pet Dog of the
urday and Sunday. Week
Current listings:
Labrador mix, male, two Introducing Boomer. At
year old. about one year old this very
Labrador mix male, nine exuberant yellow lab adores
months old. people and is great with cats,
Labrador mix, male, four dogs and children. He is eager
years old. to please and willing to learn.
If you are looking for an en-
Kitten Rescue ergetic, lovable lab that can
keep up with your active life
Geldie Girl has raised her please contact Adopt-A-Pet at
children and is ready for a 432-3091 or visit our website
forever home of her own.
Habitat hosts volunteer picnic
Habitat for Humanity
vfMason County is honor-
ing all of its hardworking
volunteers with a picnic
from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sun-
day, June 5 at Kneeland
Park in Shelton.
Habitat invites its re-
markable volunteers and
their families to a fun
filled picnic including a
roast pig and grilled salm-
on, plus games, drawings
and music by Old Time
Those that plan to at-
tend should RSVP by call-
ing 426-8134 from Shelton
or 205-3250 from Belfair.
First annual Aliyn Geoduck Festival. set for June 4
In what could be the
first community celebra-
tion of the deep digging,
charismatic geoduck clam,
the Allyn Community As-
sociation is pleased to an-
nounce its first annual A1-
lyn Geoduck Festival at 10
a.m. Saturday, June 4.
Festival activities kick
off with chainsaw geoduck
carving and Geoduck Der-
by registration.
Citing the Thomas Edi-
son quote that "Opportu-
nity is missed by most peo-
ple because it is dressed
i gift for any
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in overalls and looks like required for each digger, ily activities throughout
work," Allyn Community The geoduck judging at the community including
Association Vice President 4 p.m. is sure to attract Sea Grant natural history
Ken Wilson said of the up- cameras and a crowd, walks and beach scavenger
coming event that ~You are The public is invited to hunts with prizes.
gonna get dirty if you want watch six of the best chain- Taylor Shellfish Farms
one of the big ones." saw carvers in the region is spons.oring oyster shuf-
"The geoduck has never create geoducks from six fleboard, an oyster roast
had its own party,~ Wil- foot lengths of timber from and amateur oyster shuck-
son said. %Ve decided to 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at six lo- ing contests at 11:30 a.m.,
celebrate our unique asset cations in Allyn. Contest 2 and 4 p.m. with the win-
with an enthusiastic an- awards and auction of the ners of the three heats
nual event." carvings takes place at 3 competing for the festival
If you have never dug p.m. at Waterfront Park. championship at 4:30 p.m.
a duck, now" is the chance Geoduck will be on the Do the "Loop around
to earn your stripes. June menu at Lennard K's Boat Town" and win prizes from
4 coincides with a -2.4 House restaurant. Festi- local businesses. Live mu-
minus tide at 2:15 p.m. val goers can also try deli- sic is ongoing from 11
when aspiring geoduck cious geoduck preparations a.m. featuring "Stmshine
diggers have a chance to by Xinh's Clam & OysterForecast", "Perry Acker~
dig a ~duck~ in the Festi- House and Steven's Fineand "The Lester Murphey
val Geoduck Derby with Dining of Shelton. BandL Bring your dance
prizes awarded for the Geoduck will be avail- partner and kick up your
heaviest and longest shell, able for photo ops. Wowheels. Local high school
Geoducks typically burrow your friends and familyrock bands will also play
three feet deep. Teams of with a photo of you with an in various locations around
two to four people can reg- Allyn geoduck, town.
ister online or from 10 a.m. The homespun day offes-For a complete list of
to 1 p.m. at the Festival. tival activities includes con- festival activities, schedule
Shellfish permits, avail- tests and entertainment, of events and parking go to
able on-site or online, are food and beverage and faro-
1829 Jefferson Street Shelton, WA 98584
360-426-8401 360 GO BRUSH
We are pleased to welcome
Stephen K Edwards, DMD to our
office on a fulltime basis
....... l Cotne see why everyone is smiling!
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 26, 2011