May 27, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 27, 1965 |
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I-IEL ON-- AgON COU'N"TY .IOURNAE--PtlblIr, he I!{n ,qt eI on, Wamhing ort
PRACTICING FOR A DANCE recital to be given sot the show which will feature talent from Shel-
in the Mountain View school at 7:30 p.m. ,tonight ton, Olympia, Chehalis and Onalaska. About 20
are the above students of the Smethers School of Shelton youngsters ranging in age from 3 to 15
Dance. Back row (left to right): April Kuhr, Bev- years will participate in the two-hour show. Ad-
erly Diemert and Alexis Kuhr. Front row: Tonimission will be 75 cents .for adults; 25 cents for
Lynn Fonzo (left) and Marilee Matson (right).children under 12.
The Sherilynn Byrd Orthopedic Guild will spon-
A ! Mason Oounty Women
, , . a ' ' ) Meel To Form Local
00' '? Several Shelton and Mas:)n
County business and professional
women met reeenlly to eiecl offi-
cers for a Mason County Sorop-
p.m., home!., timist. Club now being organized
of Pat I~adich.
Olympi. Lea, gut bm'~eball, finnl
g~r,Ae of S('~sotL f-~h(qL(m vs. Cen-
tral Ki!st;p, I+oop Field, I p.mJ
Fri'3ay, May 28
Ruby Ecbe'.mh l~o.lge, 8 p,m.,
I()OF ha.ll.
IJ3[~ ,'~ht{rc, h rttnu~tay,e ,.ale, 9
!l.~!l. - ,~ i) 1t1., PITD ;t/l(|i|;(ll'illln.
Get)rFine Y~ccd Orth,q)edie Guild
~lL' J p.D), ]:h'inic's Eroiler.
Sat'arday, 5lay 23
Drivers ] i (',e l-i;.:(, eel r~ tiller, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police s[ation.
LDS C]llu'ch runllnagc ;+++le, 9
a.m. - 5 p.m., PUD auditoritm+t,
Sunday, May 30
She!ton churches invite you to
attend the clmrch of your choice.
Memorial Day services for de-
parted war veter'ms, 11 a.m,, Stml-
ton Memorial Park.
Monday, May 31
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD auditorium.
Most Shclton retail stores clos-
ed for Memorial Day holiday.
Tuesday, June 1
Kiwanis Chlb h.mcheon, noort.
Memorial hall.
I PUD No. 3 eon3mission meeting,
1 p.m., PUD commission room.
County commission meeting, 10
a,ln., cc)ilrthOtlSe.
City commission meeting, 2 p.m,,
city hall.
Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Ameri-
can Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall.
Lions Club dinner meeting, 7
p.m., Shelton hotel.
Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ma-
sonic temple.
Salvation Army truck in town.
Phone 426-6564 for pickups or
leave~ at 325 No. 5th street.
Wednesday, June 2
Drivers license examiner,10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
Thursday, June 3
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restaurant.
Yacht Club business meeting, 8
p.m., clubhouse.
Navy Mothers Club, 7;30 p.m.,
Memorial hall.
World War I Veterans and Aux-
iliary potluck, noon, Memorial
,I0 & 8 Voil:ure 135 Jtme Prom-
enade, 8 p,m., 40 & 8 Club.
wscs offi?ers Held Weleom+ Chapter No t SPRING RITE IN VANCOUVER
The Woman's ooeiety of Chri,,+t- Social Club will meet .hme 8 at]
i~m Service of the First Methodist tim home of Mrs. Marie Story fro'
church entertained over 100 mere- ) a 12'30 p.m. hmcheon. Anyone
ber~.~ of tiw organization Monday n e e d i n g transportation should
for a "Leadership Training for Lo-
cal Officers" wills president Mrs.
Conant Dodge of Tacoma in
Officers rathe from Bremerton,
Po)'t Al]geh)s, Gig" Harbor, Port
Orchard, T:w()ma, Olympia and
Auburn. A poen] vcritten and rea(I
meet at Mrs. Hack's
by DIru. Gus Bletch of Tacoma was
?,.-highlight of the mo)ning pro-
' Lttncn was served by the Shel-
Ion society.
'64 International Scout 4 wheel drive
Long Top -- Hubs -- H.D. Rear Bumper --
Dual Tanks -- Ro{I Down Wind+ows -- 8500 One
Owner Miles -- Like New
'62 International H.I). ton Pickup
V-8 Engine --. 4 Speed Transmission --- Heater ---
Large Mirrors -- H.D. Rear Bumper --
Long, Wide Box- Dual Fuel Tanks
'60 International ½ ton Pickup
Rebuilt 6 Cyl. Engine -- Heater --- 3 Speed
Transmission -- Wide Box
'60 GMC ½ ton 9 Passenger Carry,all
Heater ~ V-6 Engine ,-- 3 Speed Transmission .--
Locking Rear Axle
'58 International ½ ton Pickup
6 Cyl. -- 3 Speed with Overdrive -- Radio --
Heater --Custom Cab
'53 Ford ½ ton Pickup '53 Dodge 1½ t. C&C
'48 Ford ½ ton Pickup '46 ][H ½ t. Pickup
'51 Ford ½ t. Flatbed '47 IH ll/ t. Flatbed
'50 GMC 3/4 t. Pickup '42 Dodge 6x6
OualityUmd Cm
'59 PLYMOUTH Fury 2 door Hardtop
V-8 -- Automatic -- Radio -- Heater
'58 PLYMOUTH 2 door Station Wagon
Radio -- Heater- Automatic
'58 CHEVROLET 2 door Station Wagon
Radio -- Heater -- 6 Cyl. -- Automatic
'59 FORD Custom 4 door Sedan
Radio -- Heater -- V-8 -- Automatic
'57 CHRYSLER Windsor 2 door Hardtop
Radio -~ Heater -- Automatic -- Power Steering
'57 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 4 door Sedan
Radio -- Heater -- Automatic
'56 2 door Ranch Wagon
Heater-- Automatic -- V-8 Engine,z=o ~,*. ~'~ CHRYSLER
707 So. First 426-3433
II I I i
MR. AND MRS. * i, ":~AYMOND BRIGHAM following their
April 24 wedding in Vancouver. She is the former Jacq,Jellne
Cecele Stacel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stacel of Hoods,
port. His parents ace Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brigham of Shelton.
The Brlghams are making the!, home in Vancouver. He is a
second class commissary man with the Coast Guard, stationed at
Swan Island.
LONG TRIP--Mr. and Mrs. Harley Ferree, Minneapolis, Minn.,
were the caravaners from farthest away at the Wally Byam
Caravan Club campsite at the Mason county Fairgrounds during
the Forest Festival last week. They had spent the winter in Cal-
ifornia and were coming to Washington and decided to stop off
here for the caravan gathering and the Forest Festival.
in the county. Chairman Ernes-
line b',u'long presided ()vet' the
e!ectioa of officers.
The president is Joy Kilbom'ne;
vice president; MarjoHe Furlong,
secreLmT; Nancy Beckwith; treas-
me,'; Virginia Grout; board mem-
ber, Micki Coles. Others present
from Mason County were Jean-
nette Hanson, Lucile Wojahn, Mac
Grant, Mabel Quiggle and Shirley
The Soroptimist Club of South
Kitsap County is sponsm~ng the
new club. Members from South
Kitsap and Olympia clubs were
present to lend encouragement and
It is planned that club meetings
will take place the second and.
fourth Thursdays of the month,
one to be devoted to business, the
or.her to special programs.
Soroptimist Clubs are devoted
to developing the highest concept
of patriotism and love of country,
to maintaining high ethical stand-
ards in business a~d professional
life to advancing the status of
women, to serving their commun-
ities and to developing understand-
ing and universal friendship.
JEANNE NICLOY'S ButterScotch Brownies will be a welcome
addition to your cookie recipe file. The flavor gun be varied with
the use of nuts, dates and figs,
A rich, chewy cookie that,isas[Sift, then measurer;
good as Candy is this week s re-t ~,~, - .
• . . ~. cup all propose flour
ripe ..... foz Butterscotch Browmes re-[ R~mf." t wit..:h
celved from Jeanne Nmloy. They ...... , ,
I i tap oaKzng powuez
are eas. y. to mix and convenientlz,,2 tap.' salt
for serwng.
Stir these ingredients into the
Jeanne is the new president of: butter mixtnr~
the Shelton General Hospital Atlx- ~ .................
iliary. Last year she was secretary Add: to 1 cu finel cho ed nut
of the same organization and was /'-' P Y PP "
}n cha_rg~:ffd thtst~rl:l who+w:~ I meytS~eCh:~bPsPt~?udAt¢~n~i~dl/'gs
me _ +y . p " +; ~ : ] in part Use a little of tile flour
Tne uanay ~tripers are nlgn sancta .7" '
girls who assist at the hospitals!, ovor tn.em. .
1 {~ nne also t'ouz tne nattm into a gzeased and
on a vohmteer bas's. J~a ' " -" ' - •
is chairman of the Worship Com-
mission for the Methodist church.
Husband Gary is director of In-
strument music for both the high
school and the junior high school.
Jeanne enjoys golfing and flow-
strumental music for both the high
has a difficult choice to make
when tile mm starts shiuing.
Bul terscoI('ll Brownies
Melt in a saucepan:
~,4 cnp butter
Stir into it until dissolved:
1 cup brown sugar
Cool these ingredieat~slightly.
Beat in well:
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
Over-Night Service on those
Miss ]
uate from
versity lhis
spend the
return in
she will stt
Miss Clif
Mrs. Ceeelia
floured 8 x 8 inch pan. Bake in
a 350 degree oven for about 30
minutes. Cut into bars. Makes 32
thin 1 x 2" bars.
third me~ber
receive her
Rachel Knofl Guild
Entertains Guests A!
May Luncheon Meeiing
There were several guests at
the Rachel Knott Orthopedic guild
luncheon held last Friday in the
home of Mrs. Harold Nordeng with
Mrs. Harold Nichols as co-hostess.
Guests included Miss Caroline
Patterson of Honohflu, cousin of
Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale; Mrs. Tom
Rowe and daughter visiting the
T. C. Rowes; Mrs. Pierre Collins
and Mrs. R. B. Dickey.
Mrs. Pearl Dutcher conducted
the business meeting. It was voted
to send a memorial to the Child-
ren's Orthopedic hospital and Me-
dical Center in the name of Rachel
Knott and one to the new hospital
when the building in completed.
Mrs. Charles Allison and Mrs.
Geo. Cropper form this committee.
Officers for the new year are:
President. Mrs. Harold Nordeng;
vice president, Mrs. George Gris-
dale; secretary, Mrs. Roy Baker;
treasurer, Mrs. Boa Grout.
Mrs. Dutcher thanked the hos-
tesses for the hmeheon.
Two Shelien Students
Named To Fraternity
Offices At WSU
Two former Sheiton High School
students hard been elected to of-
rices at Pi KaPpa Alpha Frater-
nity at Washington State Univer-
Ed Stock, non of Mr. and :Mrs.
Fred Stock, Allyn, was elected
president. He is a senior and has
served as chahTnan of Greek
Week at WSU.
Joe Waters, son of Mrs. Russel
Jacobson, 1748 Stewart St., Shel-
ton, has been elected pledge train-
er of the Pi Kaps. He is also a
yell king at WSU.
Stock graduated from Shelton
High School in 1961. At Shelton
he was president of the Boys Club
and a member of the football,
baseball and wrestling teams,
Waters graduated from Shelton
in 1963. He was on the student
Board of Control and on the foot-
ball and track teams.
See the'
Among the graduates to receive
degrees from the University of
Puget Sound at commencement
exercises May 30 are Edna Burn-
ett and F~an M. Clinton. Shelton.
and V. F'rances Ross, Union, who
v¢ill receive bachelor degrees and
Charles R. F3",+~,~ who will receive
master's degree.
A l'ummage sal(~ will be spon-
sored by the Lakter Day Saints
church from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. this Fri-
day and Saturday in the PUn au-
ditorium, k collection of agates
will be included in the articles for
• Cylinder Head valve grinding - Cyllndet"
• .Piston Pin Fitting - Pistons Expanded
• Cylinder Block Reboring * Brake BrtlmP
• Hi.Pressure Lines for Industrial Eq
• Crank Shaft Kits
229 So. First St.
All of you have been most thoughtful and
tending good wishes to our Company on the occa
75th anniversary.
We wish to take this opportunity to expreSS
We thank the civic organizations of Shelton
County for the luncheon given in our honor, and fo
did wood carving symbolic of Simpson's 75 years
We thank the Mason County Forest
tion for designating this 21st annual Forest Fest
ute to our anniversary,
We thank the publishers of The Shelton-Mat
Journal for the special anniversary edition of MaY
,advertisers Who extended greetings to us in this
are grateful to all of the area news media for the
attention given us.
No recognition is more gratifying than to
so many sincere expressions of goodwill that
ance through three-quarters of a century has bee
interests of the communities served by Simpson.