May 27, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 27, 1965 |
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~iK72S. °£oby Si],:a, :~on of Mr., p;: ,, and fir~:', place in the m-unt-
aml Mrs. I~:tyu~oml Silw), fh"at eo units division of l.he Paul Bun-
Cathy Silva and Debbie i~.ope, yan Parade lhey'll find it hold
da;tghter:~ of Mr. ~]tl{l Mr.', Hay-. ic go hi.g'her•
Norl,l:l!ly th(' eoLeetor taxes, I
the City of Shelton found tile shoe!
on the other foot Tuesday nio.i}t
vchen it received a staJenlen|. |o~ :
taxes payable.
The bill came from ComK}
Treasurer John Cole for the .,'am~
(;[ ,~;2"[,,99, \¢hic|; a covcrill.g leiter
(xplained was due for forest fire
patrol assessments on eity.-owned
To l'w-The Decision 0f Re tirod
de, SOIl of Mr.
LisoskieI The Valley V,~qneros will be
dinger, I hard put In match their first For-
and Mrs. Don !e.,t b'estival success.
• , • . , L¸
mood Si}..'~ an,l Mr• and Mr;~, DeN The Vacl',r'Fo:.: repi'e:;cni the firsl
l)t'l't ~c:t)l)t'. SC('•Cll~i. ~tll(l ~,I;II'R I~:,'- }'lo:'~-'.e (']Ill) l)r(~ject ifi M:' ~ '~'l ('Ollll-
CI,II, ,~;o12 (If .~Ir. lind l~,Ir,%, i{d'A'ar,~ 'v -}-,f hi:4[:tl"' add \vel'c fir::" ,)~..-
boforo lh(-Ly,'l,h thi:~L .;",',fi:',('l last f:01 and beg'in i):ar-
made. FLOATS: Benj;m~in 'l'lh):'~l,'.lsot], Iici :',. ..... ~ )toucHed h•'a|ll oaly a
. , . •
.... Y . . " • .' . ' Hp and go soll[n eacll V~,lntor Ill for nun[ins and iisning" lrips
o , , ..... t ( i ~ t children s homes el set
up a buffet saves h df of his space im ,,lea
,,v~, ~,•~..v,=,~" .... ,,,,,.---: .,-..~ .... Icmo lime ~;riends " ion lbcse Their "Ol'L Edward is in/in theh" apartment. There is even|tioners so his population changes
Rc:.olutko~x .16 p el:n . : the nlodeied for retirement living say that they hung onto their big' I then' apartment as a place to visit] retired adults. As Mac says. "A
, , ..... y ........ .. ,,, . t had ....... • ,
O=el¢ing theson cf !:.r. and [¢i.s..Ju:~ti~: 'l.'hom- week bcfn,'c !l,,~ parade. The mere. ~ov, e! in 'A tnnoll tile" p(lm]t
ep Washina.-:u:o,, ~ :;t, :,nd t).~vM m,l l)uany bers are eight to 11 years of ageacreage at tile city garbag~ zhllnp
Was Dwighl Johns(,n. :~(m:; o! Mr.and Mr,. (!xeel)t fo" ,:'or leader Art Toz- and the city watershed. The areas
me taxed it nine cents an ame , y r MR HOWAR IT
u'.. and Mrs C::,'i ,h)hnso,,. :~e,.,,nd. ier. Who in 16 Their leader is Mrs. t~e lettel stated "' ' ". l,,,i. ~2 ..... ~,. ,~iv, :~O,.L~ i,l,.L & ,,l'A3. EL DE WHI', E MR• & S• D SM H
)0d.~port. KEE~~ WASHINGTON GREEN: lira Hunter of Skokomish Valley~
)r firsL pl'me t{ilrl and Mark Wrib,;ht, sons of' Ill wimli:na" top place among tl~Tile city has never before re- By JANE WINDSOR rics and lmying beef by the half'n big decision. This way they have bonle there would be the prohlenl
Green, Went Mr.. and Mrs. l)uane~ .Wright firsL; _Pnul.......... Nllnv't'rl,,,__ Parade rnounted, un- celved. . such ,a bill and the corn- County Extension Agent they. ~,,'e .......... able to keel) food costs ." no unkee_n ~x art'ms' lht'~-,., can ,oek' "' , u,"¢ k ....... ,.a,'=u,,,e,"-' ...... ,~,,t' ..... ,, t,,~'~'"" ~,,,,,,+'-"" .[,.¢e
er, daughler l)OIlg and Boll Chrlstensen, sons its 'all lnore experienced rid- missioners tabled action until ('it The kind of r(of over yonr head within the monev budget It's easy .... '" , - .. "" . ~' " . . I . . " . _ ~ '_ ".
Wermling(w oi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christen- e('s " the' Vaqueros competed inattmmey John Ragan can look in- m rctwement can be the symbol of to hop into then' trailer for camp- ........
awarded i~v sen, seeondl and Seo~t Myers son i~l~i'~ina" which was based on post- to the iegality of the matter, a myriad of decisions. Tbree Ma-. ing trips, reasons Mrs. White. be- the big place it was too n.mch toI Thre was something in the
'or the ' be.s" of Mr. i ld Mrs. T( m Myers, third. ;,~,~'~ o~ feet and hands general ,,a ~,~,~ ,~,~,,,~ the com~,,, son County couples can give three : cause eating costs tile same as at ] ~¢eep. up, tinancially the mtelest [ choice of where toput t}leir me:
B " • ...... ' " • .... - ~"-" o 2:'""" distinct answers from thei] thole 1home ' ion their investment and the up-[bile home after Howard relire(I
obby Jean 'teeny the Safeway clown wan ,)osture unifornls, spacing, g'ener- sion neard tirst reading n Ordi- ' ' "~ "' kee was o a Now for bi " "' '' 'a h
of l~r. and gran(1 marshal of the parade. '-,• uniforn~ity condition "m~ ......... . ............... s~ablisl ...... es. All have the one eommcm de-Mechcal costs have been the only [ P , t o gre t. , • g l from his job in 01ympu . T ey
Second plac.e * * :': I :'roomin~ of (hob' animals, el(:. ::~,"~r~°:nP[.yv:'~'~;~,2£'i~'1o~(k'':2:2¢.,~ nominator. This is to
stay in Ma- pnzzler so far for the g/hites. Pal;t i fa!nily gatherings they go to theirl chose a setting where the .manager
nt to Bobhy ART SltOIV I)llA}IM IVELL i~' " . • * :'~•..~.':~-~, ",r;~;. "..~•~'~ cm. th .... ~ sin Colmty ch se to family filial tinlP vo 'k h~,s lleh)c.t them cush-] ' '. . ' " } - z- .... :' • - •-
5 Mrs. Merv'e Growing in popularity at a rap- I -,-^,~ NO RAIN rose ot ,ue(t sllltaelng (tll|)ln ~ ~ ,
2athy Butlerid p lee i~ the arts tnd crafts'._ ~'~ .... ii~e weathe ...... I. -.- v .'. :...! !"-'ion 'a~d st- g'' To the Clyde Whites of 1'~09 Co- business locally and a grandso,~ I the p )sslbi ily of renting, a com.-I in the sumnler time. The oIht.r
" ' ' ' ~ C)nee s aln t .... ?,,~h~ storm sewer lnSLallat .' ini- • .. ' .... • ' ' " m 'It" o" te .... tcili for" .... ( " (l"
ld Mrs Bill,~;how sponsored by the Mason~ ." , 'g ' - and thleat(n'r- 1,, ;'~,'-I ..... ,,"ca ut ll;. seemed best i,t) stttv in their, l)rovides ll~llt('ll COlllpany. I U, [•y or e.nln ,rclal ii . ty / ll~tlI of tn; space rig made Dp 1
• I COllnly Cotlncii of'PTA's dtlrhlglth°t}g~.Ir°lwo~ns~ Festival a~,]'~(; ~ .... "' (onvenient home which' the5, re- TOM ROWE AND 'H S WIFE Irellnions• Their grandchildren lov~/ permanent residents and all ~11'~
IMROD Chlb the lrol't~l Festival the past cou- Kept t!~e tu 2~arka~le reco,L~ (,.. ,, • ~ ' ' ~ilth~ " " " • "
resse,1 ,' ~ ,~ ~e ......... I maintain a ru, • . ,u ,,• ~:a,c Dy pumic Did ot three lrlangn- ' when tile ,)'tveheck WUS frill For W'(-~st Railro:ld holP'e as a' nlace I after school lind they are but three/man needs other older guys to [a!k
lar pieces of city prope y au- Ihlee cals bet'ole retilemnt M]s fol the family to Ktthel I , t blocks walk from the cenler ot/to once in 'l while " They bolb :e
r~sell," ~},~?' ~11' ]" Tl'lis ';:~:al"s show, held ill Lin-]this regard. .... rt on L ,--- ............ r , , • . • ,
~Uas ' ,, , No P~tnl Bunyan l-alaoe ol JOl~ . . . . . ~- ..... o ,. . .
" ,,el, ~,ilh I (.(fin gym ~xhere there was ade- I ~ .... . . ~ '- rel street m Callanan addition ((m White kent detailed records of h~en their home for 3~ years Now I town. ] having nothing to tie tbem down
Mt Vlew) was approved hnanl helIs ndl a een ,)o s the ale e l ]~ and the, ~ope~ly being ,~at~hei
to Paul Ka- ! quate 'apace to exhibit toe 290 : gers sport snow has yet been rlln- . • " . . " t '.'• • :pc 'ng ih c . nt b k•' .y •; sp a ('1 g from their I A 50 × 50 FOOT expandable [ :" P ' .". , " " .:
Mrs. Bi!l K~,. ~ p;ecos entered drew 575 regis- ed out and o~)ly, a c.oupm nave evm) mously. Pnrpose of this resomhonfurnis!~ed to her by the Extension . downtown S h e l t o n apartment. I home has given Mac Tokes Smit.'l [ for them in the mobile park. There
m to pelmit teal estate devemp ,~e vl(( ~ll ( found o a , e ~s cnou h spa(e that they can de
}tt East, son ' tc.ed gnests. , been sprink|ed. ,un~; Parauc .go} .. ' " . ' ._ .. "_ : , . " "~'. ' "l ~y ut th~ t it wusn't tll(. I and h r husband Howard a hlxur- [ " • g' . , ' : - . , . ,,
n.~nt m the mea since me o~lglna! Then s endm showed that house bnt the , • velo thun own yard alea Go l! II
}er East. Nirieleerl Mason Cotlllt.V adnlt [ nieke(l hy a {].ea~ y doW{}.DoIIr jtlSt " ~ : ' " " " ' ' " 't b "" " ' ' p ' ' g " . ; , . . . y, that I ious setting, of Hood Canal w'tter- ] P ' ' , ' • ~;. '
aequlsltmn of the p~opel y y toethe x~(nld e able to m ¢ the lldr n ~ o ~ likm Howald has space fol ms
n ) ~ is it wa encllng st n~( ll~,e ol SlK
"" " " ' • • v ' I b " al e it on l ch' e and grandchildren 1 front and co(ugh space for the~ " g. ' " " ' -
• Y I,".~sented ',rtists exhibiled 80 paintings, 10 ] ~, ' "~ ' ': ~ ' " " '" "city fo.r .municipal purposes no ret{rement incomeifthey could wanted to be near. Their children electric 0rga'n which Mac is learn-[ pickup and boat moorage and the
ber Company vtuclent artists ~9 lo 16) added lyears ago.
[ l°gger wa'~lanother 20, craft exhibits of nlo'- Twice the pageant x.vas rained ranger hems. cut.down on gifts and down to one are Charles (Chuck), Myrna (Mrs ing to play When they sold theiri fascination of Hood Cm}al .is vis,
be advmtised fill( flora all s!o~s Ol tnel] ~en
The property will " • cat'. Robert Baldwin), Ruth (Mrs Rob- home in Shelton they investigated| } " " :'" ' ' '~
Ultn OfwithMr. see-and ! saic'~,~ r:m~,ementsneedlecraftceramicsdriftw°°dglasscraft,ar- outtivalPriOrfeatnre,tO its removm as a fes- fm~ sale al~t public bid in tile ira- Clyd: White wouldbe lost with- ert Turner), and Vera IMrs R B buying waterfront "on which to|Placed h~ne.
~!mlin, son of woo~t ,.arvi~lgs etc., w~re enteledl Last Saturday's temperatures m.edi-~te f u 'e. out hi. s!na l yard a d good gar. I Lowe). " ' 'l build. They found the interest on/ Housing is one of the big doci-
Kamin and [Lv z2 adults and students, four were uncomfortably cold but be-A city planning commission rec-den spot. After 33 years in the In- / The family house wan too much I their investment with taxes and| sions of the retired. This is a trib-
, son of Mr. i ,@,!idols had a variety ot classroom gan rising rapidly during the pa- ommen(tation that Mr. Olive Luth- sulating Board Plant he is not l work, There were two ~cres with aervices would beover and above| ute to the senior citizens of Masnn
)r lart, and there was one entry of r~/de. The big' illuminated ther- eran church be ~ranted a condi- about to let telcvisioon take over. berries plus a large house. The the cost of the nlobile home in~ County in their national mo!lth ()1
l escnled by n l( t~r'tnhy mometer at Thurston County Sav- ' • - ...... ~ • ' .... • ' '
.. ~ ,- o , , . • tional excephon to build its new With galden vegetables and be~- I mo~e to the small apaltment was rented space. Had they built a/ lecogmtlon.
dressed Pie-I The adult artists of Mason lmgs & Loan moved from 58 de- edifice on Wyandotte Way in the ..........................................................................
Ll[l~ "",~ - ~ ar
Seattle Sy~ndi'cate additiol~ was ap- ii • IlI ~ s • ~ • | u , . • " _ ,~:-~. ~* ~',~-