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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 27, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 27, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL;--Pub!!sbed I, "Ohr tmasfenvn, U.S.A.", Shelton, ,,PAGE 9 DD, CHICKEN, CHAR-BROILED STEAKS Io perfeclion by our own chef "TEX PAYTON" P.M. DALLY --- Except Monday r aa~| lwighbo,', "~nd therefore not a resi- dent, he just didn't count, and no of queens who have done their one said anything about it. At royal part not only during their least, not openly, limited term of office, but over the ICire use, on oe('.asioll, became y(:ars since. Who can )neasure misuse, not because the land clear- :~heir contribution to the cause we ors had ally el'in/trial intent but espouse? A glance at :M.ason because the polmlati(m became ac- County's constantly improving oust(mind to associating the sun]- Fire record shows that. it is the met season with smoke in the focal point in this state's most woods, st)toothing to bc expected, remarkable fire prevention record. There were lilnes when fires got 1 do know that the department [COAST TO COA$I STORES SALE NOW IN PROGRESS of Natural R~ourc~, a dgpart- merLL of which we, as citizens, can be rightly proud, is second to none in its praise of what the Folding Alum;num LAWN CHAIR • Chrome Rim, & Truss Rod=l qll Chromed Headllghtl • Sporty Whitewall Tiresl 024 & 26" SIxesl • Girls' White With BIua Trlm| Boye~ F~mboyont Redl (SX 0536 -6 -SX 053?-3 ) Char.Rite 24" MOTORIZED BRAZIER Large comfortable ,,Iza cholr wrtha 2¼ bright colored woven plaeti¢ web. blng. 1" squored olumlnum tubing,* (FT2250..4) Zebco: Ze~ .Bee Model 202 SPINNING REEL SPECIAL PRICE Swing-out spit and UL approved splt Fine reel with adjustable drag, Inter, and motor• Spit fork. Crn,k coetrol changablo spool, thumb control and grid adjustment, sturdy hood, bowl ,o backlash. 11 yds. 10 lb. tastline. ond rubber tire wheels. (SE6525-4)(SN3180-7) Quality 5/8" Plastic Coast.King LAWN HOSE BIKE TIRES 50FT. SECTION ===-----,=-@ Quality-made bike tire tubee YEAR by US. Rubber. Built to,last. GUARANTEE Si*o~ 20. 24 and 26 x 2.125 a,d 1.75. B~ke Tires. (SW0020-6- ~Xtension All plastic, groen with white stripe SW0026-0) aa ends. hose. Brass couplings. (LF0025-9) BIKE TUBES. Coast-KI.gSafe Flex ~) !25' HOSE. (LF0024-0 ....... $2.75 i (SW0100"9-SW0115"2) ... $~ Shclton 126 S. ?,nd i Forest Festival and the Keep Washington Gree~t Ass0ciation~ have done in bringing back clear skies instead of the smoke clouded summers of a few decades ago. This ha.~ been truly a revelation to those of us who have been ac- certainly not the view of the peo- ple of this state. Well do I remember tim solid support I_ received from Mark Reed, who was the very spirit of Shelton, and when he brought Gee. Drake into the picture, it was the signal for a veritable uprtsit~g ir~ th9 field of forest protection. This year, 1965, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the great national movement rightly called "Keep Washington Green", an(* it is not altogether a mere coincidence that this is the coming of age of the Mason County Forest Festival. But these two men could not do the job alone: What was needed was the nnswerving support of the con.ununity, and this is what was given, freely and without question. tively cunnected with the job of fire control, for it has been a change in public habits that could only have come from an interest- cd public. You here tonight can pruudly point to the part that your conmmnity has taken in awakening that interest for it could not have been done by the forest using industries nor the policeman on the corner, it had to be a change in public thinking by education. I HAPPENED to be connected with forest protection in this state nearly 40 years ago. It was the day of the land clearer, the day of the mlbdivider who wanted to get rid of what was termed bmlsh, in order to make land surveying an easier and cheaper job, when people accepted the fact that sum- mer was the time of dry weather and smoke filled skies, and a "What can we do about it?" at- titude. This acceptauce of disaster was certainly not in keeping with the spirit of America, and most Other naules come readily t,o • '; "~ ' ' '1. Tl~at b r" lnnl(l~ Ose tl LeVU ea of a man who not otlly saw cleH,r[y the hmwest would be, but forLunale enough to see its 'list fruits. ]ludy Wcrberber stands tall in the hon(u" list of those who labored so hard in the vineyard. ANOTIllel • . ~ { I{,UI)y, Oltman, is H ll'O LO 1)( Lt ':':' m~n ~'~ the top of any list o[. : who have brought life an(~, x~gor to this cause, and can Well De ral~ked with Clive Troy who has added hlstre to the Lradi- ti(m t h',at is beinR' lived. 1 wisI: thal L lla(I as eoulplete a list of tile ladies Withollt \vhoIll the silow luight lla\,e had life, bllt 11o (',oh)r. Sllrely, 5il'S. l)|)l'a])l- "~ke will rank l{igh: I do know that on at least olle occasioll sile Was |,he cllapel'- one to the charming county princ- CSSeS. I was forLlulately. . a guest at her hotlse whcu she was doing her ap- pointed job, alld I call ILSSIIrC yOU that she most certainly did chap- crone them, and that ts why my li~t of la~a is iacomplct¢. But I Stock Up, Use Your Penney Charge Card ALWAY8 RRST QUALITY ® PAIR • Proportioned for slims, regulars, huskies • Authentic, trim-fit western styling • Reinforced at strain points • Sanforized, extra-heavy weight fabrics Choose Foremost jeans in cot- ton twill, or rugged denims in cotton. Durable weights . of 13 /4 or 11 (t ounce fabrics. Compare... buy.., save... at Penney's---NOW ! CHARGE 1T! ]/ :/ i.