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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 27, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 27, 1965
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PAGE 12 SNELTON--MASON JOURNAE--Publlsheil in t¢Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin NEW UNIFORMS--North Ma- son's school band was appropri- ately attired in loggers' raiment and tin hats as it marched in the Paul Bunyan parade playing "1 Don't Want To Set The World Oil Fire". SCHOOL NEWS State Delegates Selected Top Ten Seniors Are Announced; Boys, Girls Student Officers Elected BY DEBBIE ROSE I.]ELI,~'A!R-I,a,% week the top ten Were t~Dl'K'd.lnct'd. The t.op ten arc accordinK to their position: Ned Colielet,,, Arlene I)ahl, Carol Thompson, Patsy Bixcm~:a.nn, Pete lv[errill, Kathy Lehman, Kathy Wilbur, Tim WinK, Jeff Fortner, and Debbie Rose. Jay Allen has been chosen to represent North Mason at Boys State. Boys State will be held this summer at Pacific Lutheran lYnt- vcrsity in Tacoma. Nancy Drcher was chosen to represeJ~l: North Mason at Girls State. Additional information will be given in the next issue, Last week an all-school election was held. The election was con- cerned with the proposed amend- merit to Article V. Subsection C of the constitution. In other words, this was to lower the required grade point average for Student Council Officers from 3.0 to 2.75, cil, Track, Tennis, F o o t b al throug'hout his four high schoO ye'.~r,.;. Ned plans lo cm:'oll at th, (rp. i vc rsi~.y of. }Vii shington this fal filial D'I,'~jCI' ill oeeano[4l'tLphy• A;'Icu(~ Dahl, dcllll~hLer of M~ ~',nd MJ'.~-;. l-]. l%uss~!i 1)ahl, Bclfai: A.rhu?e ha,s been named Sahltator inn of her graduating" ela,~;;:, h~:~ be( t :~-' 'esidcnt of Gii:is' Chib thi year and active in G.A.A., ttonor Society, Student Council through out her four years of ]q~?,h sc)~' Arlene was a candidate to Girls State and on the Homecoming Com~• Carol Tkompson, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Kay Thompson, Be fair. Carol has been active i) G•A.A., Girls Club, Honor Societ Drama and a member of the a{ hurl staff, the Drill Team. Patsy Bixenmann, daughter c Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bixenmam. ii ()i i,/; : FOREST GEMS ~ Southside school's float honored Simpson's 75th anniversary with this dia- mond - decked arrangement. Atnong the gems were Princess Cindy Hovind and her charming "ladies in waiting', Linda Au- serif, Mary Morgus, Candy Brown and Mary Dyed. WAY UP THAR!---Paul. Bun- yan had the loftiest perch of all parade participants Saturday, Belfair. P~tsy has been active in The amendment passed 139-34. G.A.A., Girls Club, Honor Society, llll astride his huge log "throne". hig.~aYc/(2olS~:r~lobO~ef~Tmp:he hStUd~ntelC~l~, R411a~ Sq72dya2d =l~I Floyd Barnes enacted the role. Timber Compm~y field trip. The Patsy was also Queen of the Home- by Mrs. Ray Kratcha Mr. and Mrs. James Neff of At- Imeeting will be held• June;2 at~-- trap lasted all day, starting at S coming Court and is this year's cadla and Mt and MIs Les Ctos Slm sons • ' ' : SOUTHSIDE--Southside Schooll " ,. .., , • . | • p . FORESTRY PARTNERS -- The a.m. Queen for tile. Mason.CourtLy For- boys were defeated by Kamilcl~elsan of Skokomisll Valley.| Mr and Mrs Roy Brumbatwh U.S. Forest Service salutes the • " es F .... - -"-- o-- . Conglatu.latlons .were extended :.,t . cstlval, fihchas been on the boys 4-0 in Fridays game. Kevin I Sherilyn Byrd Guild nlet at Vi ]of Arcadia returned home from Simpson Timber Company as to ~u.san u'isaer, wno was present.- tcnms team ior tour years, worK- Reynolds was the pitcher and Brl- I Heights home last Tuesday even- ]visiting Mr .and Mrs. Guy Nelson partners in community stability" eel wltn an Amer)can ~'lag Dy tne eoon tar SChOOl newspaper ann an Lovgren did the catching for linK. Guild members cotmted the |of Havre, Mont. The Bru'mbaughs in this Paul Bunyan ,Parade V~r~..womei~ S.AUxiltary.for her nero v oifices lot her class Sout;hside. The Kelly boy fi~mI pennies from tile Penny Drive they |also visited with Mrs. Gustafson float, on which Smokey the Bear part~mPatton in t,nel: annuany sport- ~m:ougnout her nigh. SChOOl years. Kamilche held Southside to six / had and discussed their next pro- [of Rudyard, Mont. watches children at play in the sores essay contest. ~a~sy pmns to enrou a~ o~ympm hits and allowed no runs. /ject which is a recital for the I Guest~ of Mr __~ ~.. ,~:, forest playgrounds of the ha- • N~.×T YEAR.S Student Council College for the fall quarter.I Soouthside School girls were de-/Smeathers School of Dance whmh |Lord:and ~.onni~ fur th ....... ~o,,~ tional forests. elections were nei(1 las~:week ................... Runnin~ in the -rimal:iaswere"- May 30,.the. baccalaureate, wil! 'feated by the Kamilche girls. Cin-lwill be held, May 27 at 7:30 p.m. ~were Mr. affd Mrs. Wallacel Le~ a ~ - ' I oe neio in the nigh SChOOl gYm at, dy StanlEy and Tlnady Rodgers of / at the m~. view SChoOl. Attending/Moine of Seattle president, Andy Veiteh, Nancy / 8 p m The following, Th~'r~:lay, t Southside did the pitching , | the meeting were Vi Height, Ma- | .........."_'.. ,,~ ~,, o~ ~Veh.e.'r, ~fi~.~i.;_Mtlie~.~.:vt~e~.~l~fi~ ~:.~la~.~i~attox~ eeremoi/tesI South icle Homemakers club met| rie Frazier Joyee Byrd, Ruth Sny- |.. m~.,v rv, u H#~r~ spe. ...... presiaent, r)lann~a" Tl~rlm~" Tirol will be a~g ~).m ' /Ma,, 18 at th'e hem" ..~ "u,.. tder Helen Kunkle ~ ...... ¢~ a~'~ /weonesaay visiting with Myrtle Brown, and Mlkc t~leu sec~c , Kratcha . . . ~" u__.rYi "". ] The 1965 Graduating Senh:)r / Vernon Chambers. The Club de-/Kiss|ok, Dee Crank, Ann Wheeler, t " ~ary-~reasurer, l~aura ~'oster an(l/~.~.,~,,,o [ i ~ ' ~ +~ Toni Matson Dale Dawson an Jo Due to a change in fans the " 1: --'1 - - - r ....... -,~: .c ded to .oin the .~ta~ Homemal¢-[ , d 1... , P • ~u!m ~l en, an a }reasm'er, [Friday, May 28 Snrin-"Con-[ers Council. Election of officers [Bevis. The next meeting will be |~'mendship Club held their last ~eniu!nger ann Alan uaoy. After [ cert 8 ~.~m " ~ ~ ]was held with Mrs. Vernon Cham. |held June 8. /mee~ing at the home of Alma several says ot campaigning and ~~ _ " - ~" " . . /hers as ,,resident M'rs Adlai iBROWNIE TROOP 109 met last |Hurst. The June 2 meeting will be campaign speeches the final elec ~unoay, May 30 - Baccalaureate - . . . v , • . ............. ........... 7 ....... " [ 8 n m [He|ms, vice president; Mrs. Rex/Tuesday with 15 Brownies attend- |held at the hom.c of Kay Estvotd t~,,~.vasineia w~n the zo~owlng ]Thur~s'(~a" June "~ o_~a,.~,,~.. [Hendricks, secretary and trcasur- ling at the home of t,e Troop lead- [with M~: Dons Bailey of the L.~ ...... ,:l;emue,~. zuancy l)rencr; [ 8 n l~':' . ~ " "~=~"= ....... |er and Mrs. Bob Herrick, reporter•/er Jo Ann Hem-ick with the meet- /r~amnoo ~aop giving a demonstra- v~cc.-.pres!aen~:.~l~m ~'own; see-[Senio~r P art~, ~n.~n ,,~. [The Southside Homemakers will link held outsic~e. Troop members|lion,of candle making. ,~ary, ~uue Auen; ann treasurer, / .~. . ¢ " " ..... ~" ..... /take a field trip to Gig Harbor |played new. games and discussed | Mr. and Mrs. Gib Lord and Allan,oT~dY3 ...... |las~eader .tryo.uts. were held[June 1, this will be the last meet. Jplans for a picnic for June 5.|Connie drove to Brtnnon Sunday _ ~u ~a mason.~i~gn.~cnool has : . _: varmt..y:yar~ara r~uson, |ing of the club until fall. The ]Kathy Bailey brought cookies and/and visited the Rhododendron a June 3 graauating class of 40. ~)lanna rlunm, Niiared hlsler, Jan- I'Southside Homemakers ~ave a |soft drink for'trcaats.Elsie Cool ts/Gardeus. The top four students listed have is Harstad, and Chris Bixen . °' • .... . . ' . ' '_ _ . ./" |surpmze shower for Mrs. Jesse [going to take over the Browmes | Stopping by and vlslth~g with achieves a. gra:~e.po!nt of 3,4 or mann., t~ueen. Jim|or varsity: ]Stites and her new adopted daugh- ]this fall, Jo Ann Herrick and ]Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and mgner curing tnmr Iour eais in ~aarsna Tlpton, ueen, ~ecK • Y ' _ . _ ~ M ]ter Julie Ann: Many lovely gifts [Joyce Sheppard will bc the as-[Janice Saturday were Mr and hi,n school Lehman ~arcn Berber Eliza- • • : . gr _ ." ..... .......... , ~ ]were received. Mrs. Bob Herrlck |instants. IMPs. Jmnes Guyett of Agate _~ew ~oKeietA son. ot Mr. and Detn trent, ~everuy riuson,.aal!y [decorated the lovely rake for the [ Mill Creek What Nots 4-H Club ] Mr, and l~rs. Vern Bedell "and ~rs. ~awara uoKe~et, P. O. Box ~etzler, uonnm weus, ann ~anay/shower |members met at Kelly Nutts last [family wish to thank the Arcadia, 168, Belfait Ned has been named l~leury a a~ ...... -. . _. ~- _ .. .," . [ Ed and Carol Crossan of Area-[Wednesd y with about 15 mem-[Shelton and Forestry Fire De- v or ms graauatmg Next year's senior class elected |dis are the proud oal'ents of a [bet's attending• Tony Olson gave [partments for doing a nice Job mass, has been President of Hen- officers and they are president, |baby born last Tuesday evening |the flag salute and 4-H members [and also thank th¢ quick res onse or society this year m~d active in Laura Foster; vice-president, :lay |weighing nine hounds -and six ]talked about the scrap metal from the neighSors friendsp and B ys Club, Drama, I~ttermens Allen, and secretary-treasurer, Ju-I.ounces. The newcomer has been ]drive. Refreshments were served church for there help due to the t~mo, ~clence ~.Jlllfl 15tu(:lent Colin d, Turner / • , - " 5 " ,. : |named Baron, grandparents are by Mrs. Kelly Null. The next If|re of their home on Saturday. ] SPAR foi'mr:! ~-',7 a air North Mason ly princesses :Areen finery yah parade i i(:i~il~!" i • • J•: £:I:¸¸ .... SAW LOGS--Simpson thinning operations p~ovtde saw logs of this nature, on the truck driven by AI Coleman. It was a prize winner in the logging trucks di- vision. TOP PLACE -- Mission Creek Youth Forest Camp earned first place trophy in the non- commercial floats division A with this green-bedecked entry |n the Paul Bunyan Parade, CHURCH ENTRY-- Mr. Olive Lutheran Church Portrayed the little chiurch in the glen in this Paul Bunyan parade float. SECOND PLACE--This Olsen Furniture Company float won second place in ,the commercial float division, Section C, as it depicted forest products which help make ~omfortable living, i~, :: i;i(:/~ : LOGGERS, ALL!---Forest' garb replaced formal uniforms when the Shelton high school band marched in the Paul Bunyan parade Saturday morning, • / :i~ ,i !//¸ L,~:¸/(/Li/@,:; ~:::)/~/)