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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 27, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 27, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19fi fl ELTON--I Ag0N COU TY JOURNAL-- Published. in "Chri. tma. town, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington , , _ : :'PAGE lh Regular 9.95 VALUE We Do... brake drums brake shoes and repack fronf grease seall Wheel refill master absorbers camber end caster to factory !:Pipe linkage "NT (~rove MATLOCK'S GREETING -- A big birthday cake leads off the Mary M. Knight school float, on which Princess Francis Trim- ble in front of a huge diamond .-g while an early-day "logger" works on a log with his hand- saw and a modern-day "logger" speeds through his log with a powre saw, Dennis DeFoer, Nalmy Stodden To Be Student Speakers At Commencement Exercises Dennis DeFect .rod Nancy SLed- den will speak at graduation exer- cises which will be held at 8 p.m. in the school gymnasium on June 2. Dennis is Student Body Presi- dent. His grade point average is 3.82. He plans to go to Western Washington State College and major in education: Nancy Stodden was named san utatorian this week. Nancy has a 3.78 grade point average. She plan.q to go to Business College in Olym- pia this fall. Ernest Timpani Superintendent of the Washington Corrections Center will give the Commence- meat address. Baccalaureate exercises will be May 30, at 8 p.m. Baccalaurea'te sermon will be given by Rev. John I Briggs of the Ehna First Bap- tist DENNIS DEFOER Church. The choir will sing several numbers, and Rev. Zelma Cowan will give the Invocation and benedictiml. Eighth grade honor student is Judith Springer. She will also speak at Colnmencen]ent June 2. The School Board is busy in- terviewing teachers for the Englisb and 5th and 6th grade teachers i J~()Z' next year. There will be no- !t,ice of a public hearing postcd fin tile futme The all-school picnic will be held May 28. There will be food and i tots of fllll for evet'yolle. Buses !will leave at 10 a.m. and go di- I rcetly to Schafer State Pal'l(. The Girls League and Men's Athletic Union sponsored a bootl ]at file Forest Festival and hay, ~eportcd quite a profit. NANCY STODDEN Hood Canal Sportsman's Club To Meel Tonight By lh'Ity Dean UNION -- • The Hood Canal Sportsman's Club will meet to- night in the library of the I-POod Canal Jr. High school at 8 p.m. This is to be an important meet- ing and thc community is invited to attend. A gamc "department film will be shown. Refreshments will be served, The Hood Canal Improvement TOH [ IOH SCHOOL HEWS (;iris State l)elegates Attend Tea In Puyallul); Student Body (if fleers For Next: Year Elected May 16, seven junior girls and their p'H'ents and friends l'el)|'e- so.nEed SIIS at the Girls State Tea in Puyaliup. The girls are the nom- inees for Girls' State, fronl SHS, and the altcrnate:~. They were Jndv Alltonsen, ace(mlpanied by her'rnother, Mrs. Roberl 5{. Antol{- sen, Mary Beth Connolly, ace()m- panied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Connolly. Linda La- Bissonicrc, accompanied by her nmlher, Mrs. Les LaBissoniere, and Pal:sy Wolf, accompanied 1)3' Mrs. Jean Parker The altel'nal({s who attended were Diane" lerank, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. A. ~r. l~'rank, and Lois MaKelssen, accompanied by her n)other, MI's. H. O. Rowe. The hostesses for tile tea were the members of the Wonlen's Aux- iliary of Puyallup. Present at the affair were girls from all over Washington state, who will be attending Gills' State during the second week in June. :I: fi: Last Wednesday, during fourth period (1:30 to 2:30 p.m.), the A.S.B. of Shelton High School at- tended a general assembly to hear speeches by those students who were running for A.S.B. offices for the 1965-66 school year. The following students ran for offices. Listed after their names are their chosen representatives, who intro- duced each candidate• Those who \\,ill be running for president: Dan Barrom.-- Ed Lath- am and Richard Holmes; Ed Keen- an---Duane Fagergren; Dave KiN bourne--Melody Morgan. Those seeking the vice presidency were Rick Correa--Pam McComb; John Dickinson---Lisa Goldschmid; Dalc Downing- -John Pule; Larry Lutes ---Tom Trotter; Ried Preppernau--- Mike Johnson; and Tom Villines .... Teddi Travis. Students in conten- tion for secretary were Judy An- tonsen--Jim Donohoe; Linda Char- rier--Dep.nY Bailey; Mary Beth Connolly--Pam McComb; and Lin- da Labisoniere--Jim Sells. At the Assembly, the Forest SHS as A.S.B officers next year were ICd Keenan, president; Tom Villines, vice l)residenL; unit Judy Anlonsen, secretary, A tl'e'tsllrel' will be ehoscn next fail. 'PILE ~IIS STIJI)I']NT~ heralded the Forest Feslival feslivitics l,~ri- day. The girls wore pedal-pushers and slacks, while many of the boys wore baggy- bell-leggcd trousers and SllSpt!nders, with red hats and/ or hcavy laced boots. Not only did the stndents of SItS celebrate the Vorest Festival as spectators, but many partici- pated in the entertaimnent. The Latin Club entered "t float in the Paul Bunyan Parade, and the SHS t~and n]arched, led by Candy Nutt, the SHS majorette, and three members of the pep staff, wllo ear- ried the Shelton banner. The l)ep staff gir!s were Reta Carte, Cheryl Bead, Marcia Dorcy, and Cindy Willard. The .band members, in keeping with the spirit of Forest :Festival, wore jeans, coh)rful shirts, and bright red hats. The theme of the Latin Club float was "Pandora's Box". Pare Boardman was chosen to repre- sent Pandora and Rick Correa por- trayed another character. "* It: ¢ Tuesday of this week, an awards assembly was held in the morn- ing. The assembly was broadcast over KMAS. Try-outs for the 1965-66 pep staff were held on Monday afte~ school. The names of the girls who will represent SHS next year were announced at the assembly. After the assembly on Tuesday, the students received their 1964- 65 Saghalies, which they purchas- ed by pre-payment. :]: :t: Congratulations to Mike John- son, Jerry Westhmd and l~obert Miller, who qnalified in the district meet on Saturday, to compete in the state meet in Pulhnan, this week-end. PANDORA'S BOX --- Shelton high school Latin Club depicted the opening of Pandora's Box and the escapement of its many "treasures" in this float in the Paul Bunyan Parade. Pandora was portrayed by Pam Board- man, her husband Epimethius by Rick Correa, Eight "slaves" ~ulled the float, * :!= ;!: Festival Queen, Patsy Bixenmann, introduced herself to the SHS stu- dents. Tile Forest Festival Court was also presented. The students balloted on the candidates during their fifth pe- riod classes. A second vote was held on Thursday morning. Those who were on the final ballot were: club met May 18 at the commun- ity H~ll. Dresidei{t Max Dean president, Ed Keenan and Dave special nleeting Dickinson and Tom Villines; score- called this and in-Kilboun]e; vice president, John vited the public to discuss the tary, Judy Antonsen and Linda meflmrial fund for the late Philip LaBissoniere. Johnson. The club members and FREE WITH the pnblic voted unanimously to Cho:~en to serve the students of )F 4 GALLONS name the park the club is con- - .......... strutting after Philip It will De mm mm m= called "The Philip Johnson Mere- appointed chairman v¢ith commit- "' I ~ '~ ] ) n.~ (l' I 'i a] Playfield'. L'u'ry Schecl was tee men Dick Bueehel, HarrY Hess E ONLY! ,ind Wright Carlson to plan an. construct a plaque. )r ~ ~ The club also voted not to sell the gravel pit land they own but P I( fTF~ n w°uld'leaseit'Refreshmentswerc Fn{$TPAYMENTMUSTII gilD. I" goes to MrS John servea Dy Grace Gardner. ACCOMPANy APPLICATION ~A b)glhand new GI insurance available for one li' ' man of the Hood Canal Sbme veterans applying for the Jr.High school float and totl~ls.I year ~rom May 1, 1965 ,are forget- ting ~o enclose an initial premium payment with their application, John B. Kitsch, Manager of the Seattle Veterans Administration Regional Office, said today. those who had part in making beautiful float. .About 50 attended the game mght sponsored by the Hood Ca- nal hnprovement club FridaY eve: ning at the community hall. ~l.m Wyatt chairman for the affair an- n6'~mced it a big simcess and the next game night will be June 25 Offered once again by Phone 426-4522 plus bottle deposit at 8 p.m. Delivered to your door • • • or at your sfore. UR DAIRY COULD MAKE IT H KITSAP The insurance cannot be issued unless the application is accom- pained by at least one month's premium payment. The correct pnlount to s ' " .end is listed on page ]7 of VA Pamphlet 29-17. Four million of these pamphlets have ah'eady been mailed to veterans. They can be obtained from any VA office. Also, some veterans receiving compensation or pension have ap- plied for the new insurance and asked that the premiums be de- ducted from their future benefit paDnents. This can be done only when th'e insurance i,q in force, Kitsch says, and the initial month- ly premium must be paid by the veteran to Put the insurance in force. The applicant will be no- tified when the application is ap- proved. Only then are deduction- type payments acceptable. Premiums may be paid quarter- ly, semi-annually a.nd annually as well as monthly, Kirsch added. Q ~. ' KEEP tURSHIIIGTOn GgllHI GOLDEN LION-~Princess Don- na Winn sat prettily behind tile Lions Club figurehead on a throne based on a huge peeler log for her ride over the Paul Bunyan Parade route Saturday. ltealth Classes See Film On Lung Cancer; Girls' Athletic Assoc. Elects Officers For Next Year By I,INI)A CREASEY hin self the work while recuperat- and LINI)A IlATHAWAY inK. George RaSmllssen presented a LASTWEEK) the Girls' Athiet- film to tile juuior high health ic Association ehmted their officers classes last Thursday concerning for 1965-66. The officers are: Cin- the topic of hmg cancer. The film's di Surratl, president; Becki Hol- title, "One in 20,000," l)ertained to land, vice president; and Linda the fact thai. one pel'son ()lit of Tz'otzer, secretary-treasurer. The 20,000 doomed by hmg cancer the election took place at the organi- year the fihn was produced was zation's annual picnic at Mason saved. This was in 1959: vital sta- Lake. tistics now show that 60,000 peo- ple a year die from the malig- Lately the freshman boys joined ~ancy. the Sol)homore girls in rnnning the 440-yard relay in gym class. There Rasmussen was also partly re- sponsible for the smoking clinic were two girls and two boys on each team. The team of Sandi held in the Evergreen Building from May 16-20. The idea ef the Gruver, Ruth Aria Trotzer, Curt clinic was to i~ell) adults break the Cheney and Eric Clayton set a srnoking habit, good time of 50.8 seconds. Ed LeGault, a student at SJHS Junior high buildirtg teachers and a stt~dent in Mrs. Venice Fa- learned the intricacies of the'Ther- gcrgren's eighth grade algebra mofax dry copying machine last class, was a student teacher to week. The building just received hinmelf for about a week when he the machine, which iv able to make was ill with an appendicitis at- dry copies of practically any plain tack. Ed was out of school for two type drawing or page which the in- weeks and unable to get help with structors may wish their students his algebra l)ecause of his transfer to have. to the hospilal in Elma. This did %Vater pistol cowboys bit the not cause him to give up hopes of dust last week as the school ~tu- keeping tip because Ed taught thoriLies issued quiet proclama- ....... tions. Reliable sources have it that: nary a g'untoter was seen in the a.t .... THE ,IOUIU'~ AI, , , iii i ill" ~1 . ;J ,, FASTER, EASIER HOMEUTE Does A/I 9 BIG Outdoor Jobs cuts grass • seeds • hauls aerates, fertilizes, sweeps rolls, mulches • p]owssnow and does light eath moving Test Drive the husky 5 lip Homelite Yard Trac Deluxe at SAEGER MOTOR SHOP on Hiilcrest Phone 426-4602 We Service What We Sell green halls of learning last Friday. .......... Ph. 426-8139 You Should Know ... G [iN T--W I L L 0 U a The man wi~o says he.can make better use of his moaey than to put it into Life Insurance may noL live long en,~ugh to prove it, 116 North 2nd St, ./w NAT, BUll might even get those few dollars back at trade-in time. Cln'ysler resale value holds up so well, you get more of your money back at trade-in time. It almost makes up for the few extra dollars you pay a month. That's not talk. That's based on used car guide book prices. Come in and make us prove it. See us. We derived! MOTORS, Inc. - 707 S. First St.