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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 27, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 27, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ley, from Arkansas. Dinner guests of Mr. and MrS. Christ Lund May i8 were Mr. and Mrs.~ Raymond Caulfield ~nd children Jim,'David and Judy, and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hem4ckson. ~he occasion was the birthday of Mrs. Caulfield, daughter of toe Bill Simmons caught seven. :rout at Lost Lake }ast wee~en . Visiting Mr, and Mrs. Rufus Cuzick for two weeks are Mr, and Mrs. Norm Brown and their three girls, Shelley, Pebble and Laura. Mrs. BroWn is Cuzick'S daughter. They live at Walnut Creek, Calif. BHan Lisk, 3, h~s been visitinff his grandparents 'Mr. and Mrs. N. 'L. Lisk tn Wapato for two weeks. Brian is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Lisk. L Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Lisk and children Donny, Can- ~u di, and Scott w~nt to Wapato _to - get Brian and to visit with reta. I O O tli • . ._ .--..i..o,$ bi,gest new Six- tires and friends in Wapato anc 24 - . in. stanuar engine ,s " " "eW O,,f2mobil, Racim3 Club of America expert, s, it I}O Yakima. :In Wapato they Vis'te, I with his Parents, Mr, a~d Mrs ~Gd N.L. Lisk, and his brother and • -" "'a;ce{erat;o", ci, ,.e, ec~nomy.+,""'"" .mi, y, Mr: and Mrs. Duane LiS~ aM ehlldre. L.r,.y, zenw, aM est a pies and pears are "year-round" fresh.., thanks to iF°proved storage Coleen. In Yak,ms they yisited with friends Vie and Jo.yee Hum. Famed Northw P ................. H weserve their natural freshness phrey. While [he Lisk's were in Wapato processes, including uontroueo atmosphere storage, they all had a bi,'thday party for Brian. Then on Saturd'&y moi'ning and fla r, and extend the marketing season by months. . Brian came down with tire mumps The uV n Pacific is a vital link in speeding these perishables to distant markets. Moving in What a birthday present for Bri. erature-controlled r frigerator cars and piggyback trailers--under the watchful eyes of an~, AND MRS. ~I[+ LeGault e -- ,, resh" condlhon. This Sr,, ~ndMr..nn Mrs. Arthur temp these fruits are deliv • ttlibokl motored to G,,aylaild lab+sk!lled personnel-- ered to consumers Orchard F " weekend to vlsLt M,', 'and Mrs Lester +slier. Mra Wail++,, in the is another example of rail service at its best-- by Union Pacific. LeGauit's daughter ann Mrs. Hli- boki's sister. " Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. A~ LeGault St. visited another daugh- ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs Alvin Nagle, in-Kamilche. The dance at the Cloquallum grange hall last Saturday was well attended add everyoa¢ enjoy- ed the western music. The next CloquaBum ~range meeting nab been postponed from 11 to June 25, Don't forget the Cloqualhml Gran~. eon!mu.nity ~%.nce ~ Ju~e a~d Verna By~'ns have leas° 'Uratg" place On the Clo- quallum road. They have three IIIKAT'tI.It mu~l PORTL,AND OMAHA (~HICA@O pOCATI3.t~D IT, &OUlO ~iillni' For'4 Gal.xia Test... and invest.., in the best! See our HlrdtOP