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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 27, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 27, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE ,I'$ SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 30URNAL-- In "0hv ma awn U.S.M." H 5/27 ---Alder or green or dry fir. Phone Ph. 426-6163. 5120 tfn 426-8122. H 2125 tfnDAY- WoRK----~]ANTI~D~L|giit ~IN-CO~tJ-E-'(~£-()RS ~--~--C~in-~uppliesl b(mselceeping or baby sitting. Write U.S. proof sets. Wanted, 'old coins. Box 336, Belfalr. E 5/13-27 426-4366, H 4/22 tt'n -- Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, outtlng Lemke's 8ervleo 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2255 "' ][ ..... I'] i' i i I, I [ ] 11/21 t~ J, [[ i i -- ,~ [ Art's Bulldozing! m~eavatlng --- Cement Gravol Dirt Art Indahl eh. 877-545~t Hood~ort, Wash. , 6,/17 tta I NEW YORK LIFE i INSURANOE 00, Call Dick Kerw [ 943.m4 (toll f,. eOO)[ d [ Life • Famdy Mortgage • Health BOOTII Construction & Lane House Moving HOUSES RAISED, FUNDA- T1ONS & BULKHEADS Phone 426-8147 4/22 tin in, i ,,,,i i I M M • No DadyGtmm,eks Everyday is S;tve Day at the Sound Millwork Co, for all kinds of Building Materials of G¢od Quality at Low Prices. 25 kinds of prcfinishcd pan- cling, Cedar Sidings, lun~ber, Arizona Stone, Vermont Slate. largo ~tock of plywood,, Johns- Manville Roofing, Ceiling Tile, doors, door hardware, crystal glass, mahogany mouldings, nails, S. S. sinks, wrought iron patio table hardware, alum- inum windows, Olympic Stain, fibre-glass, chain saws and oth- er products. Whcrc the Smart Peoplc Buy. Vz Mile S0. of Shclton on Olympic Hiway SOUND MILLWORK CO. OperaLcd by VERN add DAN DAVIDSON ~= I I ,,,J I I, , 8687. C 5/27 Sporting Goods HAVre GUN W~LL'"fiFfi"Kx-i ~xterior and Interior. Free estimates. Work ~uaranteed. Bcnnctt Painting C~ hone 426-3248, 5/10 accurate precision grlndinlT Now at Sacger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1115 ttn designing. Women's and ehildr(.,~ls' cloth,re. Phone ,126-6826. K 5/27 LA%VN M()WlNG, oth,n' yard work. Dependable (:(dh!ge utudenl. Call 426- reavcnlcHlt. I:t(q'lllltU lle.inold, Jack (;riggs l,'anlily, l']mi]y Kidd, Laurel S,'.I- jcst,td Fanlily, John :]311eher lea- znily, Mr. and l~]rs. Btl(i Bucil~!l', ]!;(I }{c yllo (Is l*'amily, Mrs. l~t[JlO. Griggs anti 1,'amily CARD OF Ai'I) ItI'~(',IATION The kincinc'.~s sud synH)aihy of n('igil- ~#I'S Slid f1'ieads ill our l'('cent SOl'- rOW will always ren]ain WiLh US SS [| ,1)r(!(~i(tU,~ n}l:nl(H'y. Our sincere thtlll]{s add gratitude fol" ,ill those conlfol'tin~ 4201 cveaings. F 5/27 tinacls, 8"AND--.4:ND GR.~VEL, top ~o-fi'[-pe-at iMrs. Rolwrt A. Johnsoa soil, custom tractor work. Johns aad Family Creek Sand & Gravel CO., phone 426- CAll:]--)--017T-iiA-NlIS 8552. ~ 9/12 tin We wish to cxl,ress our heartfelt DAV]]~S-B(~i~JJli~JZi, N(~-~- ilk.lid-~i~'~l~ gratitude fir the synBmthy, kinchu'ss ing, road building excavating, grad., and assistam'e, also tile beautiful flo- ing. terracing, hireling. Dave Dick, ral offerings given u.~ during the loss 426-4360, Shelton. , D 4/15 tinof our l,)ved one, ................. i, ................... Mrs. Cecil Wbeatl.y and Faulily 5/27 SEPTIC TANK %Villi tflade., pl0w, disk, New tires (,n i'ear. RuBs good, $325. 1)buoe 426- 8154. 5/20 tin INSTALLATIONS 500-gal., 750~gal., 1000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SttARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Belfair. 8-18tin "~)I;ENIN(; TUESDA¥~ JUNE~ I~WERGREEN SECOND HAND sic'e, fotlr ll,lh~s W(!si. oU Dayton lh)a(t. : Ft, rlltcrly Wilson Everg]'eelt. Buy - Sell - Swsp usedfLIl'lli(Ul'e, IIIisc. ar- ticles and antiques, 426-2028. 5/27: Hammond Organs Kimball Pianos Sherman & Clay, 205 W. 5th Olympia, Phone 352-3791 BEA LARSON LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone 426-3376 4/15 tfn two bedroom cottages, Call 426-4420. Highway 101 south, S 6/11 tfn IIOUSEKEEPING APTS -- One snd Lwo rooms. Dishes, linens, utilities supplied. 426-2081. B 5/27 tin F()I~-'I~ENT -- Two bedroom dulflCx one mile toward Olympia on high- way. Phone 426-2232. B 5/27 tin Mt. View ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS Now Available Unfurnished • 2-bedroom • Wall-to-wall carpeting • Draperies • Laundry facilities • Applianoea • Private parking • Private Storage • Swimming Pool month Contact Manager, 426.3100 1/7-tf~ Lake Isabella Road (old Highway to Olympia) TOMATOES --- PEPPERS 12 KINDS OF PETUNIAS SNAPDRAGONS dw. & tall ASTERS --- ZINNIAS AFRICAN & FRENCH MARIGOLDS ALYSSUM --- LOBELIA NEMESIA Many bedding Annuals by doz- ens and individuals. Good se- ection Of canned trees and' shrubs. Jap. Maples, Lace Leaf,, Pink Dogwood, Junipers, ,Peonlea, Rockery plants, Golden Chain, Hanging Baskots of Fuchsias, Geraniums and Combinations, Check the Bargain Box Everything ~a Pricedl 5/26-6/10-2t IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE At the beautiful new HOLIDAY HOUSE 1 bedroom garden court apartment. Sparkling new, carpets, drape% Westinghouse appliances, off- street parking. Drive by 7th & Cedar Street. Just a few steps from complete shopping Sorry, No Pets! $89.50 pc=" month. See THE MANAGER APT, NO. II 426-2549 ....... :,OT,C, :i ,way detour. Take the 1st road to the right towards Lake Isa- bella, THE GARDEN SHOP Rt. 1, BOX 48 5/27 - 6/10 FOR SALE BY ESTATE 2 Bedroom House at 535 Ell(nor Street $7500 Contact KATHLEEN SWENSON Administratrix RLc. 1, Box 45, EllTlar, Wash. Phone Elma 482-3953 C 5/27-6/3 MEMORIAL DAY Open 9 till 9 all through this week. CUT FLOWERS COMBINATIONS CH RY S ANTHE~3j-M S MARTHA WASHINGON GER. Many Small Flowering Pla~Ls and Flowers GARDEN SHOP Rt. 1, Box 48 5/27 Exoeplionally Good Hideabed Sofa ............................ 7-pc. Living Room Group--- Daveno, Chair, 3 Tablcs, 2 Lamps Like New .................... NEW Swivel Rockers Save $20.00 ................ $~,~t50AIA~ Franklin Heater Cast Iron .................... 7-pc. Chrome Dinette $[~P~50 (new Chairs) ............ 4th &Cota 426-4702 They Really Get Results Journal Want Ads ourse! w View of downtown. In Moore's Addition. Large older 3 bedroom home with fireplace, full base- ment, separate dining room and on a lot that's like a private park. Price is $9,950. Better see this one. I know it will be hard to beat. Angles(de Hill. Nice modern 3 bedroom rambler with fireplace, 1=/'~ baths, carpeted living noon and dining room. 2 car garage and loads of storage room. $15,000 with $750 down on FHA terms. Two Lovely Colonials. Both in downtown area. One is a 4 bedroom Williamsburg style with everything you can imagine. One of those real. ly quality homes at $30,000 on FHA terms. The other is an ear- ly American style with 3 bed- rooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces and full basement. A home that re. fleets the good taste of its build. er. $24,000 is the price and the owner will take your equity as trade f.ov down payment. ACREAGE 5 acres with 2 bedroom house. 330 feet excellcnt creek frontage about 6 miles from town. $6,000 is the price with $1,500 down. 20 acres. Small creek and pond. About 3 miles out. Some Christ- mas tree land and a good building site. $5,100 - you namc the terms. 80 acres on thc East fork .of the $atsop - and excellcnt fishing :river. Older but cozy cabin. Small fishing pond and a lovely recre. atiqn area close to Schafer State Park. Better have a look here be- fore we discuss price. e A. ROY DONN Phone 426.6363 @ 126 Railroad Eves. oall: A. Roy Dunn ....426.4601 Mary Vo~ ........ 426-8074 HOOD CANAL v,EW Southside had bette 2 bedroom, full basement, top It's condition, panoramic view, land-has every scaped with creek $12,000 - terms, living ro0 Even a Two bedroom, 2 baths, new con- $9,500. dition plus guest house. Great -=-your Mountain and Canal view, spring water, also tidelands with lots of oysters $20,500. 4 bedroom, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, dock and beach privileges. Close to Alderbrook. $19,900 terms. Beautiful, new spacious 2 bed- room home with dock and float, 75 ft, frontage, close to Rau's $24,750 - terms. SAV,E $t Westside Now at room Good as new solid cedar 2 bed- There is room home, 1~ baths, 2 car gar- extra age with atorage. Beach, dock and for a float privileges $16,500 terms. 3 bedroom and guest house, fireplaces on 90 ft. of beach. Artesian well and wonderful view $27,000 terms. In Hoodsport A real buy, real roomy 4 room home and lot. Within walking dis- tance ,of Post Office and stores $5,000 terms. 2 bcdroom home, 1argo utility, garage and concrete patio . top condition. $7,750 terms. North of Hoodsport 3 bedroom, fireplace, 100 ft. low bank beach, 2 oar garage, trees and view $37,500. Low priced view lots with beach access $1,400 and up. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE Hoodsport Ph. 877-5211 • Real Eslale & Insurance 401 Raih'oad Ave. -- Phone 426-8272 Evenings -- 426-4134 or 426-6188 If you are searching for a home, stop by our office, or phone, and we will discuss your needs. We have the finest listings in all price ranges and we will be glad to show them to you. a look.