May 29, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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I, 3'3 Continuation
85 To 43 Mar-
? 1
Third” Fan
03“ Ballots
“lg/rs of Local 33,
:VOredOOdWorkers of
he Continuation of
m Mason County
._—_. __
and sawmills, 185i
’8 secret bal-
the Labor Tem-
3 officials an-
Imembership of
men. embrac-
tions eomiect-
:gcand tsawmill
‘ oun y.
rLocal 38 fell in
.esuMS of ballots
e” locals of (3.1.0.
as W Cowlitz coun-
‘ er Way and voted
em very indefinite.
“9 asking for four
union shop and
wonfltwn of bushel-
(3) a week’s
5’ each year, and
1‘15! increase in
a vet .
{0‘ action b Lo-
declde whethebir the
icoept the Federal
. tthn Board's
1" rem e 71/2-cent wage
“the tit) work while
m m S were giv-
may or not to accept
“Local 38's rea-
. b strike
in an ad—
pearing on page 2
28- w Efforts
d a committee
i-ndfrom the Grays
“Ce Weyerhaeu-
‘epany loggers to
re last weekend
I “35 held a. meet-
?hlch it voted to
"outside in-
other IWA
minue its nego-
eyerhaeuser and
and the Weyer-
a meeting for
“West Kelso, but
:Bgfid not to at-
a _ esmen said
ttientlon at an out-
mgned to discour-
fll‘ding a train
lay To
Years In
’3’ Sunday
blay. Method—
here for the
(30598 45 years
‘f’lth his ser-
°Clock service
in t h e
lay has been
'1‘ dllitrict super-
' several times
national Meth-
tlzfis named in
9 American
has been nom-
‘3 4941 issue.
e years
both locally
uI‘Ch activi-
. will include the
ership'of sev-
F junior church
6:: Will partici-
Wlll present
Kocal solo, ac-
glas Larson,
. 3:9”, directed
pi {th Miss Ei-
rgent, will ren—
b‘. .
‘t .25 Years, Dr.
lbuted numer-
the religious
Among the
ff Syndicated
‘39 Oregon’s
. Futmbia Ba-
0 . ure. Dr.
Estrlbuted fre-
Lif d Stream and
. e' 0th sports-
8. hunter
blay is very
“t the North-
a keen in-
.1 ow
o nslend Club
. Hal Hall. Ladies
“8” prizes for
a“y volunteer
eStern Washington, I
at?!“ Went into its ‘
1th the next step 1
pro— s
Sunday's .
Swill follow the
“Sim. which
"f, Saturday Noon
Deadline To Pay
First Half Taxes
Saturday is the last day for
paying first half taxes with-
out lncurring interest penalties
and Saturday Is likewise the
delinquency date for payments
an real estate tax contracts,
Mason County Treasurer Omcr
L. DIOn reminded thrifty Ma-
hon Cmmty property owners.
The treasuror’s staff is an-
ticipating a busy iorning Sat-
urday because of tumorrow’s
holiday, which will close all
courthouse offices along with
practically all retail business
stores and other public offices
The treasurcr’s office closes
at noon Saturday, so those who
have not yet paid their first
halves and intend to before the
delinqunncy deadline sh o u l (1
plan to get to the. troasurer‘s of-
fice before. noon Saturday.
Agate Work Cleaned Up Today,
Isabella Next; Rest Of Coun-
ty Mapped Out
Public Utility District No. 3
commissioners Set; up a definite
expansion program to cover re-
maining sections of Mason Coun-
ty not yet reached by their pow-
er lines at the board’s meeting
this Week, giving Manager E. W.
Johnson and Construction Fore-
man Norm Westlund a definite
schedule to work by hereafter and
from which no deviation will be
made. “
Work on the Agate extensions
lis being wound up today and next ‘~
Monday morning a full crew goes
to work on the Isabella Valley
extension, the clearing for which
has been completed and the holes
are now being dug.
After completion of the Isabella
Valley extension attention will be
turned to the Oyster Bay lines,
for which the slashing has been
completed, this to be followed by
the Arcadia extension, for which
the slashing is now in the process
of being done.
North Canal To Be Served
Extension of the district’s lines
from Jorstad Creek to the Jeffer—
son Cbunty line, serving the Lilli—
waup and northern Mason County
communities along Hood Canal,
will follow completion of the Ar—
cadia work. Next will come the
Matlock Loop, Harstine Island,
Lost Lake and Cloquallum, Johns
Creek and Island Lake, and Sat-
sop areas in that order.
When this schedule is complet-
ed every section of Mason Coun-
ty will be under electrical serv—
ice, P.U.D. No. 3 lines serving
all parts except those now cov-
ered by P.U.D. No. 1.
During the progress of the
schedule set up by thedistrict
commissioners, short extensions of
less than a mile in length will be
made at the same time from pres-
ent existing P.U.D. 3 lines to
reach other customers on the
outskirts of areas already being
Two Extra Work Hours Daily
Labor involved in the P.U.D. ex-
pansions will be entirely WPA,
but the district has devised a plan
to add two hours a day to the
working schedule during the good
weather period to facilitate the
speed of the expansion program.
After the regular WPA six-hour
day is over the workers are to
continue for an additional two
hours for which the district will
foot the wages instead of the
So far P.U.D. 3 has experienced
no delay on its expansion sched—
ule from inability to get deliv-
ery of its hardware, for Manager
Johnson has been able to place
his orders sufficiently far in ad-
vance that deliveries have been
made in plenty of time.
Eagle Officers
Going In Monday
New officers of the Shelton Ea-
gles Aerie will be seated next
Monday evening at ceremonies
open to aerie members only In
the new Moose Hall starting at
eight o’clock.
The new officers to be installed
include Art Griggs, president;
Cliff Collins, vice-president; Mel-
vin Delano, chaplain; Russ Lamb.
r e t i r in g president, secretary;
George Andrews, treasurer; Jess
Thomas, conductor; Wayne Stuck.
inside guard; Fred Stuck, out-
side guard; Paul Fredrickson,
trustee; Dr. H. L. Kennedy, aerie
physician; Paul
George Adams, and Earl ’Moore,
delegates to the state aerie; De-
lano, Andrews and Lamb, alter-
nate delegates to the state aerie;
~Nita and Nedra Oppelt, and Mar-
' eral conditions
and Adams and Fredrickson, dele-
gates to the national _aerie.
109 Graduates ()t‘ Class Of 1941
Take Official Status As
Grads; Shirley Marsh
To Give Address
One hundred and nine new mem-
bers will be officially welcomed
into the fold of the Shelton High
School Alumni Association, the
only known active high school
graduate organization in the State
of Washington, this Saturday eve-
ning at the 32nd annual home-
coming banquet honoring the sen—
ior class of Irene S. Reed high
Those 109 members of the Classx
of 1941 will be guests of thei
Alumni Association for the night,
partaking of a free baked ham
dinner with all the trimmings as
prepared and served by the la-
dies of the Eastern Star in the
Masonic Temple. The homecom-
ing program starts at 6:30 o‘clock
with Gib Frisken, Class of 1930,
presiding in his capacity as Alum<
ni Ass'n president. Ed Faubert,
Class of 1913, will be toastmas-
tor, Dr. Georg-c A. LeCompte,
Class of 1918, will give lthe wel-
come to the seniors class with
Ralph LeDrcw of the Class of
1941 responding.
Members Of Original Class
Miss Dora Fredson, Class ofr
1910, first graduating class of
Shelton high school, will give a
history of the alumni association
and ‘Prof‘ Loop, superintendent
of the Shelton school system for
32 years, will take his usual part
in the homecoming fete.
The principal talk of the ban-
quet program will feature Shir-
ley Marsh, assistant state attor-
ney general, former Cowlitz Coun-
ty prosecuting attorney, and a
senator from Cowlitz County in
the last legislature, who will be
pinch-hitting for State Attorney
General Smith Troy, called to
Eastern Washington on business
yesterday. Mr. Marsh is ex-
pected to tie his subject to the
opportunities open to today’s
graduates in the present-day eco-
nomic situation.
_,Selectionswby a, yocal quartet
composed of members of the
Class of ’41—»Shirley Gerhardt,
garet Mallowsfland miscellaneous
toasts and impromptu speeches
by old grads returning for their
annual fling with old school
chums, plus election of next year's
alumni association officers com-
plelte the homecoming program de-
tai 5.
Suggested Candidates
The nominating committee has
prepared a slate of suggested
candidates for the old grads to
vote upon as follows:
For President—~~Phil Bayley,
'31; Robert Allan, Jr., ’35; James
Pauley, ‘34.
For Vice-President—«Cliff Kel-
1y, ’40; Bob Cleveland, ’38.
For Secretarwava Mackey
églskog, ’28; N ita Cleveland,
For Treasurer—vPat Johnson,
’39; Frankie Durand Miller, ’34.
V Following the banquet, which
is open only to bona fide grad-
uates of Shelton high school and
their wives or husbands, the pub-
11c is invited to join with the old
and new grads at the annual
homecoming dance at the Blue Ox
pav11ion. Cliff Kelly’s Royal
Blues orchestra, now boasting ten
pieces in its musical "repertoire,
w111 supply the dance rhythm
from 9:30 to 1:30.,
Brewers Notice
Much Building of
Homes in Midwest I
Tremendous home building in
midwest towns was noted by Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Brewer on their
two-week trip to Lansing, Mich.,
to take factory delivery of a new
car. Mr. Brewer, city street and
water superintendent here, re-
marked yesterday.
‘Mr. Brewer said they were par-
ticularly impressed with Milwau-
kee. Wis., for its cleanliness, wide
streets and general appearance.
Milwaukee was one of the places
where the new construction was
greatest, he said. The building
was mostly in homes of the $5.000
value class, he said.
and Mrs. Brewer enjoyed
\us1ts with relatives in several
places along their route, with Mr-
Brewer’s mother in Iowa, with
Mrs. Brewer‘s relatives near Sac-
ramento. Their return trip was
made through Colorado and Ne-
vada. crossing the Sierra Nevada
by the beautiful route from Car-
son Clty to Sacramento.
Mr. Brewer said he noticed a
marked improvement in the gen-
he encountered
five years ago on a previous trip
B.Y.P.U. Picnic At
Maple Beach Friday
Members of the B.Y.P.U. of the
,First Baptist Church of Shelton
w111 hold a picnic at Maple Beach
on Lake Isabella this Friday.
Memorial Day. Many sports will
be enjoyed by the group and a
potluck picnic lunch serVed.
—Photos by Andrews
A new and beautiful Railroad Avenue greets Shel-
ton residents and visitors these days, thanks to the
energies, persistence and foresight of the Shelton
Garden Club, which completed the big undertaking
of planting shrubs, plants, flowers and grass in four
blocks on the north side of the street at a cost of
$3500 in the remarkably short space of a, your and (1.
half. .
I The beautificdured wasof- totallypresented to the
City of Shelton by the Garden Club last Friday after-
noon. .
The scene above gives anidca of what the beauti-
fication work did to the street, while the lower scene
shows Mayor William Stevenson making his speech of
acceptance as the project was officially turned over
to the City of Shelton for maintenance. The common-
ies were held on the postoffice lawn.
In addition to Mayor Stevenson in the lower pic-
ture are from left to right: George Drake, Theo. Albert,
Mrs. Ed Faubert, Mrs. George Drake, Mrs. George
Cropper, Mrs. Emery W. Burley, Mrs. Frank Bishop,
Mrs. J. H. Frisken, Mrs. L. D. Hack, and Mrs. J. E.
Angle. Mrs. Guy Hutchinson, another member of the
Garden Club’s project committtec, is standing behind
Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Frisken.
Earl Ford of Camp 5 was re- H. M. Cox of Hoodsport was
admitted to Shelton hospital yes- admitted to Shelton hospital Tues-
terday for medical care. day for medical care.
The American Soldier ’. . . . A
Defender of True Democracy
Many are the years that have passed since
the first American soldiers emerged victorious
from the battle which determined a people’s right
to a democratic life. Many are the battlefields to
which soldiers wearing the uniform of the army
of the United States of America have carried the
spirit of democracy.
Tomorrow We observe another Memorial
Day. Wreaths will be placed—battlegrounds
visited—speeches made— all over the land, in
tribute to the men who lived, fought and died
that freedom might continue to ring out here.
Yet the best tribute any American can pay to
those men’s memory is to pledge himself to liv-
ing democratically, whatever part he plays in
civil life, or as an active participant in our na—
tion’s defense.
The Shelton Indgpgndent
SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Thursday, May 29,1941.
- lomas.
Dr. Haggard Outlines Platform‘
For I’urposcful, Valuable Life;
‘I’rof.’ Loop (lives Diplo—
mas To 32nd Class
Five points which shape onc's
course to becoming a valuable in—
strument in society and leading
a purposeful life were outlined
by Dr. W. W. Haggard, president
of Western Washington College of
Education, to the 109 seniors of
the Class of 1941 of Irene S.
Reed high school at impressive
commencement exercises held in
the Graham Theatre Tuesday eve-
Dr. Haggard outlined those five
principal points as:
1. Physical development and
healthful living;
2. Mental maturity;
3. A Purpose or Goal to work
4,. The Ability to get along
with others;
5. Strong ethical character.
“No one can expect to be ef-
ficient or become a valuable in-
dividual in society unless he de-
velops his physical character and
attains a schedule of healthful
living,” Dr. Haggard said. "What-
ever one earns above the average
income for men and women in his
line of work is dependent direct-
ly upon his mental development,
the ability to understand and
solve problems, to think straight.
Greatest Energy Factor
“Having a purposo in life to-
ward which to work is the great-
est energizer known to the hu-
man race,” he continued in en-
larging his third point, “while
the ability to get along with 0th-
cr people, to get and hold friend-
ships, is what determines one’s
ability to hold a job and earn
promotions. I've known many a
young graduate of high school
and college who, despite being
highly capable, sometimes brilliant
persons in other ways, couldn‘t
keep their jobs becauSe they
[simply didn’t know how to get
along with their fellow workers.
“And in the same way, an oth-
erwise valuable individual to his
community and his country is a
great liability to society if his
ethics, his moral character, are
low. I submit to you that the
old saying ‘Honesty is the best
policy’ is right. Honesty always
pays in the long run, so when
you young people are out in the
world making your way, treat
the other fellow right. Be hon~
est in your dealings with other
Dr. Haggard spiced his com-
mencement address with numer-
ous jokes and incidents from his
personal experience to make one
of the most interesting graduation
speeches delivered to an Irene
Reed high school graduating
group in many years. His topic
he announced as “What Will You
rBe Worth 15 Years Hence?"
Student speeches at Tuesday‘s
32nd annual Irene S. Reed high
school commencement program
were shaped around the theme of
“Cooperation” and four places in
which it plays vital parts in the
lives of the people of today’s so-
Thelma Turner on Cooperation
In The Home.
Walter Snelgrove on Coopera-
tion, An Economic Necessity.
Maxine Carstairs on Coopera-
tion In Cultural Life.
Phil Palmer on The Place of
Cooperation in Government.
Rare Action
City School Supt. H. E. Loop
presented the diplomas to the
graduates for the third time in
his 32 years as head of the She}
ton school system. There were a
:few damp eyes, a few lumps in
throats intermixed with smiles
and laughs, too, as “Prof.” talk—
ed to his 32nd graduating class
and reminded its members that
whatever he and his faculty staff
may have done which seemed un-
pleasant at times, whatever mis-
takes may have been made in
guidance of their school careers,
those were “things of the head
and certainly not the heart.”
Three of the 109 seniors were
not on hand to receive their dip-
Art Biehl, talented music-
ian, is now in the East on a trip.
Margaret Mallows, a member of
the honor society, was ill at home,
and Coraetta Cameron Renskers,
a mid-year graduate, who was ill
in Shelton Hospital.
The invocation was delivered by
Dr. Duane Smith, Olympia clergy-
man, who pinch—hit for Rev. J.
O. Bovee, Baptist pastor of Shel—
ton, who was called to Everett
Tuesday morning by the
of a close friend.
Miss Margaret Shumway,
member of the Class of 1941,
played a piano solo as the only
musical interlude on the pro—
The gist of the four student
speeches will be found in the ad-
joining column.
‘Io'clockl in the morning or notify
a I
Ralph McMahon of Shelton was
admitted to Shelton hospital on
Tuesday for treatment.
Lewis Keith of Belfair was
treated at Shelton hospital Tues-
Baccalaureate services for the
Class of 1941 of Irene S. Reed
high school will be held next
Sunday evening at eight o’clock
in the Shelton junior high school
auditorium with Rev. M. C.
Muhly, pastor of Mt. Olive Lu-
theran church, in charge.
The service is open to the
public. Outside of returning to
school next week to receive their
report cards, the baccalaureate
will be the last event in their
high school lives for the sen-
V.F.W. In Charge‘m Memorial:
Day Ritual At Cemetery; Flow—
ers Needed By Posts
Memorial Day brings another
holiday tomorrow to Shelton and.
Mason County businessmen, store
clerks, school students, and most
workingmen, and at the same time
brings another opportunity to pay
homage to the War dead of this
Memorial services at Shelton
Memorial Park ,will be held at
the graves of departed World War
veterans with the V.F.W. post
joining in the observance.
Ritual At Ten O’clock
Members of both posts are to
meet at Memorial Hall at eight
o'clock tomorrow morning to pre—
pare flowers and flags for the
graveside ritual which will be
conducted at ten o’clock by Com—
mander Art Mackey of the V.F.W.
Anyone having flowers they
could donate for use in decora-
ting the graves is asked to bring
them to Memorial Hall by eight
some member of either post so
that the flowers can be picked up.
Stores Closing
Shelton stores, with the excep-,
tions of the drug stores, gas sta-
tions, restaurants and others
Which must remain open because
of the services rendered, will close
for the day, reopening Saturday
so housewives can stock up for
the weekend. All public offices
likewise take the day off and no
mail deliveries will be made, al—
though distribution of mail to the
postoffice boxholders will continue
as usual.
On the industrial front the day
will bring a weekend vacation for'
employes of the McCleary Timber
Plant, who lay aside their tools
and shut off the machinery after
this afternoon’s work until Mon-
day morning, but Rayonier plant
workers continue right on their
regular shifts. To the striking
logging camp and sawmill work-
ers affiliated with Local 38, I.
W'.A., the day will be just an-
other one of the many already
spent in idleness under the cur-
rent walkout.
Loggers Staking
Unbeaten Status
Against Hub City
Shelton baseball fans will get
their first look at the Loggers'
new pitcher, Wiggs Kaiser, a
stocky righthander with a whist‘u
ing fast ball, next Sunday when
the home club entertains the
strong Centralia Elks on Loop
Field in a diamond engagement
due to get under way at two
The Elks will be the stiffest
Competition the Loggers have
tackled so far this season and
will be a real threat to the Shel-
ton club’s undefeated status at
this date this season.
6-Week-O-ld Pig
Raises $29.75 I
For 4-H Group '
Southside, May 28. —— “Tis
doubtful if any six weeks old
pig ever brought in more. money
than the one the Southside 4—
H Garden Club sold last Sat-
urday to raise money needed
to send two delegates to the
‘vannual state encampment at
Total sale of 25—cent tickets
mounted to $27.75 with Jailer
Mike Kennedy turning out to
be the pig owner, but since he
didn’t know how he’d keep a
pig in jail he sold it back to
the club for $3. Alonzo Robin-
son thcn offered the club $5
for the little porker, so another
$2 was added to the club’s prof—
it. Subtracting the $5 the pig
originally cost the club, the
net profit on the deal was
$24.75, which left only $1.25 yet
to be raised to cover the dele-
gates’ expenses. .
Nice business, if you can get
Use the
New Scale, Effective June 1, Still
Subject to Ratification By
Union; Pay 25¢ Above
Other Sections
Hourly wages of 15,000 pulp mill
workers on the Pacific Coast will
go up a flat ten cents per hour
effective June 1 under a new
agreement resulting from negoti-
ations completed at Portland yes-
The base wage for men employes
will increase to 75 cents an hour,
and for women workers to 62%
cents. The agreement is subject
to ratification by locals of the In-
ternational Brotherhood of Paper
Makers, and the International
Brotherhood of Pulp Sulphite and
Paper Mill Workers.
The agreement also contained a
no-strike clause. Employers said
it lifted wages 25 cents per hour
above those prevailing elsewhere.
The increase will affect work-
ers in Longview, Camas, Vancouv-
er, Everett, Tacoma, Port Angeles,
Sumner, Port Townsend, Belling-
ham, Anacortes, Hoquiam and
Shelton, Wash; Portland, West
Linn, Oregon City, Coos Bay, Le-
banon, Salem, St. Helens, Ore..
and Antioch, Stockston, Los An-
geles, Pomona, Vernon and Soutl‘
gate, Calif.
Library Program
Draws Capacity
Crowd Last Eve
Space was taxed to its limit in
Shelton Public Library last night
as a huge crowd responded for
the open house program and en-
joyed a well-rounded program of
talks and musical numbers, fol-
lowed by delightful refreshments
served by the P.E.O.
Mrs. Charles R. Lewis of the li-
brary board acted as chairman of
the program with Mrs..D. B. Da-
vies and Alden C. Bayley, other
members of the board, taking
prominent places in theintrodu~
tion of speakers. -' Dr. George, A.”
LeCompte and Dr. R. E. Brown,
the two newest members of the
library board, gave short talks.
Mrs. Laura K. Plumb, librarian,
introduced three former librarians
during her talk.
Musical numbers were enjoyed
from the Shelton Women’s Chorus
and the Shelton String Ensemble.
Many visiting distinguished guests
were introduced, several of them
giving short talks, while Justice
Walter Beals of the State Supreme
Court exhibited and talked on his
famous collection of ancient bibles
and old documents as the con-
cluding number“
The library was beautifully deem
orated with flowers arranged by
the Shelton Garden Club, while
exhibits of photography and his-
torical matter pertaining to the
library were enjoyed by the crowd.
Novels written by Archie Binns,
native son author, were displayed
on one table and Author Binns was
present himself to autograph vol-
Olympia Pastor
Kiwanis Speaker
Dr. Dwight Smith, pastor of the
United Church in Olympia, was
speaker before the Kiwanis Club
Tuesday, with a. line of thought
intended for .sober reflection ‘ on
the world about us this Memorial ,
Day when the nation honors its
dead and recalls those who gave '
their lives that our liberty and
freedom might be preserved.
He pointed out that the honored
dead of the last war must have
died in vain, judged by the fail-
ure of this generation coming af-
ter them to carry on and preserVe
'the nation’s ideals, and to so build
might profit
that our country
be safe for
from the lessons and
the future.
Most Americans must have sen-
Sed the trends through the later
years, in the breaking of tradi-
tions and safeguards, but have
become too careless and selfish to
check the wayward course until
again the country is on the brink
of another bloody strife, and per-
haps another generation of graves
planted beside those we pause to
honor. He urged that honors are
due not alone to those who serve
in war but equally so to those
who serve well in peace, and it is
timely now to pause and reflect
on the lessons of Memorial-Day.
Senior Girl Gets
Two Sgholarships
Virginia Look, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Look and a
member of the honor society in
the Class of 1941 at Irene S.
Reed high school, has been award-
ed two scholarships totalling $75,
'it was announced yesterday.
Miss Look is the winner of the
annual $25 P.E.O. award and also.
was chosen to receive a $50 schol-
arship at Central Washington Col-
lege of Education.
She did not
apply for ‘either, receiving- them
by voluntary offer. Characteris-
tics of scholarship and student
leadership earned her the awards.