May 29, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 29, 1941 |
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’ 514329.19“.
dering I ilN Ho I '7
ring a 1,0fsh SPITAL
\-. ent.
, :1; Iowa, Missouri
“the 6 more than 80
move I“ win solfbean crop in
face ‘ ch brlngs Am r' n
it A umual e 1021
in income of
Ion dollars. aC~
w ..L
Elton was ad—1 Last Meeting Reported
hospital Satin-l
“8 Tissue . . . . . lge. pkg.
EloupesalorZ'Ic !
‘___.._, . \ __ - _._,._.I.LE,,.
iSlielton “'omen’s Chorus 3
The Shelton Women's Chorus
‘held their last business meeting"
lot the year. Tuesday evening;
;bringing to a close a very fine»
-_vear for the Chorus. Mrs. E. A.
IFDuyff, president. expressed her;
appreciation to all members and,
,officers for the fine cooperationl
fthat had been shown. New of—‘l
‘ficers elected for the following,
year are: President, Mrs. R. E.,
l Johnson; vice-president, Mrs. John 1
lL. Dotson: secretary, Miss Mar-
i garetta Miller, and treasurer, Mrs. l
:S. G. Russell. An informal get-E
itogether is planned for Sunday:
ievening. following the baccalaurw
leate exercises at the home. of‘
ers. W. F. Roberts. An anl-l
tation is extended to all mem-
bers of the Chorus. Mrs. Loui
Larson and Mrs. John L. Dotson
Eare in charge of the entertain-
ment and refreshments. Ben Hall-
‘grimson wishes the Chorus t0}
‘meet at 7:00 p. in. Sunday eve-l
‘l ning at the Junior High School be-
lt‘ore baccalaureate SQI‘VlCE‘S.
, Spring Jersey Show
At Elma On Tuesday
Elma fair grounds will again be!
the center of interest for Jersey
‘ breeders in L e w is, Thurston,
Grays Harbor and Mason counties
no Tuesday. June 3rd. Jersey cat-
itle and their owners will vie for
ithe top ribbon classes.
i Two Mason county Jersey
lbreeders, Chas. Wivell Dairies and
iWalter Cooke, will have animals
ion exhibit. Wivcll Dairies plan .tol
exhibit about 15 to 20 head while
Walter Cooke will have. a two year
old sire on exhibit.
doz. 19c
Zdoz. 39c '
baby breath.
“lit Juice . . . . . . .. 46-02. 21¢ ,
‘ book. Miss Hendry is well known
'favorite poem, and Mrs. Horace
Band Banquet "”
- ._ ., -_.__.,, W‘.._...c..
E 100 l
' l
Mrs.‘ Nellie Pugh Honored I
By Many Friends Tuesday I
One of our most loved and‘
highly esteemed teachers, Mrs.
Nellie Pugh, is retiring this year
and it was in her honor a tea
was given Tuesday by the Par-
ent-Teachers Association. The en-
tire room was decorated with.
flowers. Guests were served from
a beautifully appointed tea table]
Pouring were Mrs. Pugh’s daugh-
ter—in-law, Mrs. Melvin Pugh of
Tacoma, Miss Maude Shorter, Miss
Jessie Knight, Miss Blanche Bert-
rand and Mrs. John Dotson. A
program especially gratifying be—
cause of the participants’ close
association with Mrs. Pugh, con—
sisted of two vocal numbers by
Miss Margaret Mowry, accom-
panied by Mrs. Donovan Palmer
and two amusing readings by Mrs.
Marguerite Chase.
Arrival of many gifts, bouquets
and corsages from other cities
punctuated the afternoon andi
Mrs. Pugh upon opening her gifts
from the Parent-Teachers Assoc—'
iation, took the opportunity to
thank the members and all her“
friends. She said goodbye to
them too, but that is impossible}
for a bit of Mrs. Pugh will live
in the personality of each child.
with whom she has had associa-i
tion in these past seventeen years. I
Miss Alice Hendry Announces
Engagement And Wedding Date
Announcement of the engage-
ment and wedding plans of Miss
Alice Hendry, younger daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hen-
dry of Tacoma, to Mr. Albert,
Brenninger, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Brenninger of Tacoma, were told
at a tea given Sunday afternoon
by Miss Hendry at her home in
Tacoma. Greeting the guests at
the door was Miss Connie Coah-l
ran giving each one a small rolled
announcement tied with w hit e
satin ribbon and a rosebud. In-
side was “Alice and Al”, August
29. That being the forty-first
wedding anniversary of Miss Hen-
dry’s parents. For receiving her
friends Miss Hendry was gowned.
in white organdy ~formal trimmed
in red, with a corsage of red
carnations. Mrs. Hendry was
dressed in blue and Mrs. Bren—
ninger in pastel print, each with
a corsage of pink carnations. Cen-
tering the lace covered tea table
was an arrangement of pink snap-
dragons, pink roses and white
Throughout the
rooms were beautiful vases and
baskets of roses, snapdragons, iris
and delphinums. A cleverly dec-
orated arch with a miniature bride
and groom, made by Mrs. Doug-
las Hendry, drew much praise
from the guests. Presiding at the
tea table during the afternoon
were Mrs. Duncan MacLoren and.
Mrs. Arthur Coahran, _Mrs. Gor-
don Hendry of Shelton and Mrs.
Alfred Hodges. Assisting with
the serving were 'Mrs. Russell
Carte,. Mrs. Lucian, Miss Lois
Delay, Miss Bessie Hale, and
Miss Nora Hendry of Portland,I
all gowned in formals with rose-i
buds in their hair. Mrs. John.
Malesky, gowned in a white for-
mal, had charge of the guest
in Shelton from her frequent vis-I
its with her brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hen-l
dry. i
Methodist Circle No. 1
Reports Meeting
Circle No. 1 of the Methodist
Church met Wednesday at 1:30
with Mrs. C. 0. Troy. Mrs. Herb
Miller and Mrs. J. H. Hale gave
the “Story of Whitman‘s.” Each
lady answered roll call with her
Crary led the devotions. The
next meeting will be June 25 at
the home of Mrs. L. W. Sexton
on Mud Bay and will be a picnic
luncheon. Tea was served dur-
ing the afternoon to Mrs. Mell
Saeger, Mrs. Oliver Constable,
Mrs. H. M. Wivell, Mrs. Purll
Jemison, Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Mrs.
Miller, Mrs. Grant Angle, Mrs.
Hale, Mrs. Crary, Mrs. Troy and
Mrs. Sexton.
. i
Two shows every night
Starting at 7:00 PM. 1
Matinee 2:15 pm. Saturday
and Sunday
Adm.. 10¢ and 25¢, plus tax
(State 2¢; Federal 3¢)
Tonite Only
Edmond Lowo —— Una Morkel
Friday Saturday
Guy Kibbee
Sunday to Tuesday
Robert Young, Randolph,
l Scott
l 28th.
|and William Royal in San Fran-
-lIold Last Meeting
Mary Moran, Bride-Elect
Honored At Shower
Miss Mary Moran, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Moran, of:
Oakland Bay, was guest of honor
at a shower given at the H. H.
Halbert home at Spencer Lake
by Mrs. Gunnar Johnson of Ho-
quiam Wednesday evening, May
Miss Moran is the bride-
elect of Emery Austin. Games
were played during the eveningl
and refreshments served at a latel
hour. Those present were, Mrs.
T. Moran, Mrs. L. Towers, Mrsi
Leander Geist, Mrs. O. Moran, Mrs.
A. Moran. Mr. and Mrs. K. Liv-
ermore, Mrs. A. Austin. Mr. and!
Mrs. V. E. Paul, Mr. and Mrs:
Don Paul, Mrs. Wm. Fentiman,
Mrs. Roy Longacres, Mrs. Dale
Clark, Mrs. I. Vanderwal, Mrs.
E. Lindsey, Miss Olivia Ceder—
berg, Miss Florence Cormier, Missl
Evelvn Harrison. Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Halbert, Mrs. C. Castagno,
Miss Betty Cardinal of Olympia,
Mrs. Vean Gregg of Hoquiam,
Mrs. R. Hartstrom and Mrs. Gun-i
nar Johnson of Hoquiam.
Visits Mother
Mrs. Ethel Wagner and son, Joe
of Vesta and Mrs. Helen Leque
of Aberdeen were in Shelton on
Tuesday to visit their mother, Mrs. ;
Helen Forrest and to attend the
commencement of Priscilla Fran~
cken. Mrs. Forrest also received
calls from Mrs. Royal in Elma!
cisco. l
Bordeaux Brownies
The Bordeaux Brownie Troop
held their last meeting of the
year on Wednesday, at the And-
rews home with Lorraine And-
rews hostess.
A full length movie of an Our.
Gang comedy, “Shootin the In-
juns” was greatly enjoyed by
all. Mr. Fessler, who has been
so generous all year with his
donations of ice cream, again
treated the 27 girls present with
five gallons of ice cream. Cake
was also served. The past sev—,
eral weeks have been spent study-j
ing community lifeHhealth and
safety. In connection with this,
the girls visited the aquariuml
at Hoodsport, the city jail and
fire station, where they had their
picture taken on the fire engine.‘
These pictures were distributedi
at the last meeting. Mrs. O. Gon- '
ter is their leader.
Bridge Club Honors |
Mrs. Fred Doherty ,
Mrs. Fred Doherty was guest'
of honor at the regular meeting,
of her bridge club which met
with Mrs. James Needham on
Monday evening. She was the re-
Cipient of a handkerchief shower.
Those present for the evening
were Mrs. Claude Strobe, Mrs.
James Morrissey, Mrs. Eugene
Browning, Hrs. Kenneth Blanch-
ard, Mrs. H. Jordan, Mrs. Clyde
Wilcox, Mrs. Lloyd Loughnan,
Mrs. Doherty and Mrs. Needharn.,
Mrs. Doherty, whose husband has:
been called by the navy, will leave
soon to make her home in Pull-I
man. ,
Flowers Praised
Missed by mistake in the write
up of the flowers decorating the
Memorial Hall for the
Club meeting Monday were the
lovely red roses arranged in a
green bowl, and the floating ar-
rangement of Clematis, which
were unusually nice specimens:
Both of these arrangements which I
received much comment were by
Mrs. Martha Deer.
Bernice Stewart’s '
Birthday Honored
Bernice J. Stewart’s birthday
was celebrated at her home Tues-
day evening with friends after
chorus practice. A lively evening
was spent doing musical stunts.
Cake, ice cream and coffee were
served to Bea Larson, Beth John-
son, Bird Dotson, Bertha Dunning,
Nena Roberts, Douglas Larson,
Allan Daniels, Jack Stewart and
Mrs. Stewart.
Rebekah Social Club
Holds Regular Meeting
The Rebekah Social Club met
Wednesday afternoon at the Odd
Fellows Hall for the last meeting
until September. Yellow roses
centered the luncheon tab}: with
the hostesses, Mrs. Tekla Ander-
son and Mrs. Mary Lathman serv-
ing strawberry shortcake and
whipped cream.
American Legion Auxiliary
Will Meet Monday, June 3
The American Legion Auxiliary
will have a regular meeting Tues-
day, June 3 in the Memorial Hall.
There will be an election of dele-
gates to the state convention in
Yakima in August and election
of officers for the coming year.
Mrs. Eula Martin, chairman of
the new citizenship committee,
'is going to ask three of the
people she has coached to answer
questions on citizenship. Mrs.
Ada Clothier, Mrs. Rae Melcum
and Mrs. Ethel Soule are in charge
of the refreshments.
The Auxiliary members are _re~
minded to bring flowers to the
Memorial Hall Friday morning at
l Hood Canal Woman’s Club
[Open Library To Public
The Hood Canal Woman‘s Club
Library will be open to the pub-
lic each Thursday afternoon at
‘the club room in the Hoodsport
school. It is hoped the public
will take. advantage of the many
books and magazines now offered.
One may either sit and read in
the pleasant club room or check
out an interesting book to‘ take
Girl Scout Council
Will Meet Monday
The Girl Scout Council 'will
meet Monday, June 2 at the home
of Mrs. R. H. Allan at 2 p; m.
It will be‘ the last meeting until
fail and will be a regular busi-
ness meeting.
I Gertrude Rains turned in 50 cents
l Dodds Doubles
O ‘ ‘ 0
Monday NIght, 'leam Helsts Up
Members of the Shelton schooli
senior band will be honor guestsl
next Monday evening at a ban-l MIXED DOUBLES BOWLING
quet program at Alderbrook Inn} “. L Pct
sponsored by parents and friends 94 6
of the band members. """""" "M
. . Staley-Dotson ..19 l 1 .633
Mrs. Loui Larson is general , ‘
chairman of the program with g:::::_56‘::§$l‘e
Mrs. Roy Rector, Mrs. Glenn Lan- I qk I, .Sde ” "1,. 15 ‘500
ders, Mrs. William Stevenson andlr‘ule “Kr V ey
"""" “1‘; 15 ‘500‘
Mrs. Harland Jordan as commit-IL I?" lgnrgt,
""""" "1', 15 '500
tee chairmen in charge of mainlvé,1 :ra, 0“? s “I: 16 '46,,
details of arrangement. K08“; F0025 " "13 17 ‘433'
Honor guests will include City'lPrtersgn'igfirke; "11 19
$101.10“ Sufi} am}; Mlés' Elf; Ifoolgi Sutherland—Sergeant 11 19
3“ rs' ' ' 3’ 4“ «smith-Smith ............ .. 9 21 .300
Band Director and Mrs. Ben Hall--
grimson in addition to the sixty-1 Inez and Ron Dodds sewed up
Odd band member? lthe mixed doubles bowling crown
. School busses “"11 leave at 4130: for 1941 with their three—ply
1“ ,t‘me for a beaCh party pre‘ over Merna Wood and I. H. Woods
cedmg ,the banqua at 5:30- A“ . Tuesday evening, leaving only the
entertainment program has beenisecondary positions in the upper
arranged. ‘division in doubt. Inez and Ron
M both turned in excellent indivi-
Red Cross Course .
dual scores in Tuesday’s play,
Inez hitting 510 and Ron 614.
To Get Delegate,
Pauline Stalcy and John Dot-
son clung to Second plaCe with an
odd game decision from Elsie Pe—
A delegate will be sent by Ma- terson and Buck Mackey as
son County Red Cross chapter to
a chapter workers‘ summer train-
ing school at the University of.
“John Dough” smacked home a
572 count. Cora Barber and Ned
Washington July 28 to August 8,
the chapter voted at its May
Snelgrove about cinched third
meeting Monday.
one game out of second place;
. .-z ...-»
with a 2 to 1 verdict over Min
and Hank Durand.
Other matches of the
ifound Dot LaBarr and Pete Rob-
erts blanking Marie Kubik and
A1 Ferrier to move into a tie for
Ififth place,
‘and Bill Smith combination won
a pair from Kay Allen and Arnie
Aronson, and the dummy scores
of Mary Sutherland and Toad Ser-
geant were good enough to win
twice from Gwen and Tiff Skel-
Rex Kidd of Dayton underwent
la successful operation at Sheltonl
hospital yesterday. I
,Tell the prospects wnere you are
with a Journal Want-Ad
Page Three
Lake Isabella. Past
Presidents Meet
The Lake Isabella Past Presi-
dents met at the home of Mrs.
Robert Nutt on May 20. A lunch—
eon was served at 1 o'clock and
the afternoon spent in sewing.
the tailend' Evelyn
Say It.
They Bring Comfort
and Happiness
Delivered anywhere, anytime
Travis Floral Shop
Shelton Hardware Bldg.
Phone 232 270-W
Friday and Saturday, June 6 and 7
Adm. 25¢, State Tax 2e, Defense Tax 3c; ’l‘ot..l Charge
place, and stuck to their post
The delegate to represent this
chapter has not yet been select-i M
ed, Chairman Myron Lund report-
ed. The purpose of the course
is due to the rapidly increasing
Red Cross duties and is to ac-
quaint and train chapter workers
in more efficient working meth-
ods to speed up the progress of
this expanded activity.
The chapter also laid plans to
sponsor a swimming and lifel
saving class at Belfair similar toi
the one annually conducted at
Shelton. An enrollment of over;
200 youngsters has been promised]
from the Belfair community.
Lake Isabella Club l
Holds Regular Meet 1
The Lake Isabella Club met at
Maple Beach on Wednesday with!
Mrs. Goldie Robertson as hostess.
The dining hall was decorated‘
with large bouquets of rhododen-l
(irons. Edna Johnson, president,i
called the meeting to order, with!
Mrs. Coreta Nutt acting as sec-;
retary during the absence of the!
regular secretary because of ill-
ness. Lula Perkins, penny drill
winner, gave a report on the
white cross work; Mrs. Whittlel
gave a report on the Matlockv
fair; Mrs. Robertson gave a read-i
ing on Frances Perkins and Mrs.
for- the Ramblers. were
eight members present for the
solve by our . . .
and talk with us.
ing your home,
Housing Administration.
p__._—._ W—.-__~.a . _._.___.._
is in your wallet!
Get the most for your
moneyl—Buy from the
“Buyer’s Guide"! Ford
is First in RDDMINESS—
Iow-pn'ce cars!
The big, brilliant 90 hp. Ford is ROOMIEST
of all low-price cars—by more than 2 whole
cubic feet! ...The new Ford RIDE is a softer,
quieter, and more restful ride than any previ—
ous low—price car has ever had! . . .The Ford
gives you more than 30 EXCLUSIVE FEA-
TURES—VALUE unmatched at the price! .. . In
the chart at the right we print a few of these
many genuinely important reasons why the
1941 Ford “Leads the Leaders” in ROOM—
RIDE—VALUE—and ECONOMY too! Study the
chart—drive the car—and you’ll choose the
1941 Ford!
Member Federal Rue": System . . . Mmbcr Federal Depou'l Insurance
Think of All he
to Take
Home Modernization Loans
For repairing, remodeling and enlarg-
under the Federal
Tlm place far a [HART lilm this
FORD is First
among low-
price cars
FORD is First
in RIDE improve-
ment among
low-price cars
FORD is First
among low-
price cars
ll lonll
ps We Want
“MOUNTAINS-BEACHES—the wonders of our own and neighboring states-or
of the longer jaunts we’ve planned—even for business and pleasure trips
about town—we
ought to have the comfort and safety of a better car.”
But how to buy ones-that’s the question with many people-a problem that
we can help ‘
Pick out the car you’d like to have-tell the dealer you’d like to know
about financing
through SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK-he can arrange terms for you, or come
Commercial Loans
For financing current business trans-
actions. Special attention given to
war defense contract financing.
*‘Lllton to "INSIDE ‘
STORIES." dramatized
experience: or tool poo-
plo. taken from the rec-
ords of this bank—
NING. 9:45 to 10:00-—
Statlon KOMO.
W, as: men.
CHIC SWISS 2H1!“ l’i"l.£$$ 2"lESS
7. SPRINOIASE-WS in.—8% in. longer than Cu 3.
3V: in. longer tllll‘l Cor C.
8. SHOCK ABSORBERS-20% lorgcrlront. Seller all around.
9. “SLOW-MOTION" SPRINGS—solar, slow“ in vibration .
STABILIZEl—ncw improved design. Reduces sway.
SEATS—token more luxuriously cmliioncd than ever.
FRAME—100% Itillcv, to reduce waving. _
l3. FAMOUS V-l ENGINE—only the Ford at low price ollcn
B-cylindu performance. ‘
PRECISION-8U VALVES-only the Ford lic: tlum.
eliminate: it.
12 IN. HYDRAULIC BRAKES-only the Ford In: Balm
this big.
‘Tlic 1941 Ford ohm more than 30 important lectures un- '
matched by other popular-priced cm. ‘
Ist & Pine
Phone 16