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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.pgpulauon of 72,524 Ian'hltes, 15,576 Es- dlaHS. 5,599 Aleuts, ’3'“ 633 of unknown ggto the 1940 Cen- “nty Savings . Association (DUWC FM) A BU ‘ing on the new house, and they Ilowed a cup of kerosene 5.00 of Groceries °$ , ls .l Food Ii CLEARING (15 Saturday ASK US ABOUT IT!! lirland’s 20th. Century RENT or COTA 3— Pile Drivers — Gas Shovels ll ‘ cks Logging Trucks & Trailers Belfair Carnival Earns Tidy Sum For New Building By Mrs. Gladys Irving Belfair, May 28. The car- nival held at the schoolhouse Fri- day and Saturday nights, was a decided success and a nice sum of money was realized for the community building. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Tyler and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tyler from Bremerton, were visiting at the Morrison home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Emmert are building a new house on the Glen Harris place. It will soon: be finished. l The motorcycle show Sunday on ‘ the old Murray Hill, was well attended and everyone had a lot of fun. , Mrs. Glen Harris and Emmert called Saturday evening at the Robert Angel home. , Jack Collins and family froni' Enumclaw, are now located in the Sundstrums apartments at Belfair. ! Mr. and Mrs. Emmert, Sr. and four girls, visited the Harris home Sunday. They were help- l l all pic-nicked in the Harris front yard under the trees. , Mrs. Jim Eaton and Mrs. Ed- win Mickleson called on Mrs. Geo. Roeselle Tuesday. l Mrs. Morrison and Mary Moore have been helping Mrs. Charles Irving in getting strawberries rea— dy for market. I Little Dean Crosswhite swal—! l a s t week, and was a pretty sick baby for a while. He is much, better now, and out of danger. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cramer and two girls from Bremci-ton, visited the John Moore home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison were‘ with her nephews, Bob Bennett of visiting in Allyn at Mrs. Erick-,Shelton and Keith Bennett, pic-i [nicked at Walker Park Sunday. ' son’s home on Tuesday night. u.._—_.....——_ . cuts, ‘ of Shelton, Earl Johnson was home over} the weekend from Buckley, where, theyre working on road oiling»; TREATED AT HOSPITAL Lawrence Latham, Simpson ‘ Logging company employee, was admitted to Shelton hospital Sat- urday for medical attention. ' I l I l l FREE Store and EXCAVATING Information and Estimates Free ROY KIMBEL Agent RICHFIELD PRODUCTS Shelton Class of 1917 ved the evening on the ‘side of midnight. la business trip to Hillsboro, Ore- . gon. ' i AN’T SELL UNTL you YER! USE WANT-ADS Shelton Valley News Brevities Recorded Here: By Una Winsor . ' Shelton Valley, May 28. The regular monthly meeting of thel Home Sewing club will be held) at Echo Farm next week, Thurs- day. June 5. ' Mrs. Charley Baker and daug ter, Jean, visited Friday evening in Shelton at the home. of Mr., and Mrs. Dan Bennett. Mrs. Signe Kneeland spent VVed—' nesday at Echo Farm with Mrs.i Dewey Bennett and Ava and Unal Winsor. I Mr. and Mrs. George CookeI moved recently from Shelton where he runs his feed store, to a farm here, owned by his fa-‘ ther, Chas. Cooke. Mrs. Ina Fort returned to Ta- coma where is employed the first of the week, after spending several days here with her par- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rut— h—i ledge. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Phillips of‘ Shelton and Mrs. Charley Baker and Jean, Visited with the Winsor" and Dewey Bennett families. Mrs. Signc Kneeland accom-l panicd her son, John Kneeland, to Benton City, in Eastern \Vashington, Friday, where George Kneeland has taught school the past term. The schools. there closed that day and George returned home with them Sat-l urday. , Mr. and Mrs. ‘J. A. Shafer en-' joyed a drive on‘ the canal Sun- day to view the beautiful rhodo- dendrons. Keith Bennett was among those who enjoyed a birthday party in Shelton Thursday evening given, in honor of Betty Lee Hall, by» her classmates. Mrs. Charley Baker and Jean,, There was a good attendance, at the regular meeting of thal Grange Thursday night. Mrs! Dewey Bennett was presented} with her 25—year membership pin by Worthy Master Oliver Consta- ble. The lecturers program was} followed by a showing of scenic' moving pictures by Clinton Ok-, erstrom. A delicious supper end-l shacinl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovelace,! daughter Gloria, and Bob, Jr. of{ Tacoma, dropped in at Echoi " . Farm Sunday evening, for a vis- it with the Dewey Bennett and. Winsor families. They had taken Isaac Wallin, the father of Mrs. Lovelace, to Friskens’ Y, where, he is spending a week or so with 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson. Mr. Wallin and family lived at the Y some thirty odd years ago. Ann Healcy of Olympia, spent the weekend here with her grand— parents, vanersME. Rut—t ledge. Her mother, Mrs. Hazel Healey, came Sunday for an over— night visit aud took her back Monday. Mrs. Rutledge went home with them to spend a few days. Mrs. L. G. Shelton was out from town and visited Monday and Tuesday at the Winsor home. Dewey Bennett left Tuesday on Mrs. Bennett accompanied him. Mrs. Charley Baker was a vis- iter at the E. A. Rutledge home Sunday. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wandelli of Shelton visited Tuesday eve- ning with her sister, Mrs. H. A. Winsor and family, and Clarence Wivell was a caller there. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer vis- ited in Shelton Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Grcnberg. If You Want To Sell .4. You’ll. Have To Tell—Phone 100 for a FEEL PUBllCATlONS 1810. the surge withutlxe ulcrrk igf mi: land, lights, 4 miles out $350 our. togc icr wi l proo 0 Bill?! quh In uiu, Journal .'c"':‘.. th. .: -ll ‘r. 1' ever ban ' q ' l :etrjim oi ey she. 19 or I 5_22_27‘29v‘3t1 Dated at Shelton. Wash, this 22nd ‘day of May, 1941. FOR SALE 203 Cap. Park Bldg, ‘ * Olympia, Wash. 5422-29. 6--5-12--4t. 1.1-00m log cabin on Isabella.l ““ Lake. Terms. $950.00. NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER * * * a ' 0N STATE LAND 5-room modern home, with hard- rv chaser‘cwlliwhaw em'wt-imar from SHELTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL‘ 'vavmwmmv Elmer Day, 3‘7, Denver, Colo, and Thelma Osborn, 27, Milwau- kee, Oregon, at Shelton, May 24. Charles Lowery, 23, and Betty Zenkner, 21, both of Centralia, at Shelton, May 26. Charles H. Blum, 23, and Mar- iel Ruth Hurd, ‘23, both of Spo- kane, at Shelton, May 26. Richard Roland Barnes, Taco- ma, and Delores Judith Christian, Shelton, at Tacoma, Friday. Kenneth W. Foutch, 23, Gig Harbor, and Helen Mitchell, 20, furnished or unfurnished. $2800 terms. Phone 328-J or 499. R—5—13—tf. FOR SALE: six room house and 21,/2 acres on Arcadia Road. 5- room house, Chevrolet coupe and trailer, reconditioned, 1927‘ Buick sedan, outboard motor. M. L. Kolmorgan, Route 3. 5-29#6—29fi1M. HOME FOR SALE on Arcadia Road. Inquire Harry McConkeyL Port Orchard, at Shelton, May 24. Route 3’ 5_20_22_27_294<4t A Vacant hmse Won't Pay FORCSALE: 4 room Chous—e, 1/2 Taxes . . . Advertise It! acre ground. Gunnar Sjoholm,‘ Hoodsport, Wash. 5-20-22-27—29fl4t. 5 VVATERFVRONT BARGAIN Quaiu' ter mile frontage, 25 acres, V ‘No. 1427‘ ‘ 1 creek, low bank, on Big Skoo-g “ONCE T" CREDHOR" I kum, south side. Known as Can-l, TO FILE CLAIMS Superior Court of the. State Mason County nery Point. MAKE ME AN OF- FER. Ray C. Gruhlke, Capital Theatre Building, Olympia, Wn. 5—15--6-267»13t. -——-——— WILL TRADE a good 40-acrej In the of “'ashington for (In Probate) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES D. MIFF‘LIN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Letters of administration on the Es- tate of James D. Mii'flin, deceased, A were granted to the undersnzncd, on l’anCh fOl‘ 1015106 111 01 near; .H thed 1gb day (5' May, 1941, by (111' town. A. L. Bell, Bell Building} sai upcrior ourt. ' All persons having claims against Shelton, WaSh' 5—22—27—29n6-3w4t. said estate are required to serve them with the necessary vouchers upon me at the office of Julia Waldrip Ker. 203 Cap. Park Bldg, Olympia, V’Vasm ington, within six months after the date Of the first publication of this notice. to-wit, within six months of- ter the. 22nd day of May, 1941, and EFOR SALE: 4-room house newly l remodeled downtown, $750 cash, $800 terms $200 down. 4-room house partly finished, 10 acres ZOA MIFFLIN, Administratrix. JULIA WALDRIP KER. Attorney for said Estate, tal Income" Terms. $4,600.00. * Application No. 16991. Notice is hereby given that Appl‘i- furnace wood floor, fireplace, and basement, 21/2 acres of ex- and large chicken houses. This will make you a fine surburban home, close in. $3450, terms may‘ be arranged. Herbert G. Angle Angle Bldg. Phone 304 )rovis- ton, in accordance with the essxon ions of Chapter 66 of the Laws of 1933, for the purchase‘ of timber on the following described land in Mason County: Sapling fir on the NE}; 01‘.‘ sec- tion 2. township 20 north, range west, W. M ' Timber appraised at $207.00. The purchaser of the above de- scribed timber will be required to comply strictly with laws govern— ing slash disposal as found In Title 36. Chapter 1, Remington's Compiled Statutes and laws anien-_ (latex-y thereto. Purchasers of state timber are required to run out the lines and are responsxble for trespass if timber is cut on ggtionffNo. 16991 hag been .filed 11} 1e 0 ice of the ommissxonen o .. or und with fr rees; Public Lands at Olympia, Washing- cement e O ’ “1t t E l CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this op- ' portunity to thank our friends and all who gave the beautiful floral offerings and so kindly as- sisted during the illness and death H1 Clifford Sharp and family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sharp Mrs. A. W. Zizz and family l adjacent state-owned property. of our dear Mother, Minnie The sapling fir on the above de~ Sharp scribed land will be sold June ‘1‘. ' ' 1941 to the applicant at the apprais— ed value; PROVIDED that no offer in writing of at least 100/} more than the appraised value, accompanied by IS E a sufficient deposit. received by the Commissioner of Public Lands V . at least two days prior to the date t3 from 1003.1 demo” When avall‘lble‘ of sale_ subject to kind and quality prouded for in the standard specifications andi hand. must be secured from a local" agent of an acceptable bonding com— Terms of Sale: Cash. The pur— t l git;qu sale to “It and remuvel pahy. Bids of contractors residing“ Dated this 24th day of Mm. A_ D. Outside of State of Washington will 1941. ”’ ’ apt bemcanIderertl. Boarg lieserges : c rig o relec any an a )l s. Dated this 29th day of tray, 1941. l sioner of Public Lands. HARRY DPJYETTE‘: a By FRANK YATES . County Auditor and Ex- Assistant Commissioner. OHM” Clo/Pk 01 the , (SEAL) l Board of County Com— 5—29—-lt , nussroncrs, Mason l ' County. \Vashington. 5-29. 6—5w2t. . '0. 5. State of Washington Office of Su- NMICE OF REDEMPTI()A 0Fl BONDS 41 T0 46 INCLUSIVE 0F CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL pcrvisor of Hydraulics Olympia. TO WHOM IT MAY.CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that E. J. Business building in Shelton. Ren-l ZNDREWS PHOTO STUDIO Dalby of Union, State of Washington, under date of May 6, 1941. filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington. an application for a permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed stream tribu- tary of Salmon Creek, in the amount of 0.3 second foot, subject to existing rights, from April 15 to October 1 of each year for'the purpose of irriga— tion; and continuously for power. do- mestic supply, llSl’I culture and propa— DISTRICT NO. 309 OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Consolidated School District No. 309, of Mason County, VVash- ington, calls for payment on July 1st, 1941, and will on July 1st, 1941, at the Office of the County Treasurer of Mason County, Washington, pay the principal and l l gation; that .the approximate point of diversmn IS located within SW»; interest on Bonds 41 to 46 in- ‘g -f’t 356%10nw32'MT0W331i/ilge22 elusive of Consolidated School ., b: . . .. l ..on . _. County. bA map showing the, loca- District No. 309, of Mason Coun— tion and plan oi said diversion and ty, Washington, said Bonds being the place of the proposed use is on _ file in the office of the State Su—tdated Jilly lst’ 1941’ Wlth Inter‘ Journal Classified Ad. at DAYTON Saturday May 31 Music by Four Aces Gents 35¢ — Ladies 10¢ l pervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia, est payable JUIY lst and January Wrashingtton.at50gfi?t1’101‘ withi SECI‘IlOthCl'l lst, and said Bonds being de- in'orma 1011 IS_ require y aw. .- u , A V Any person, .firm or corporation scubed as SCh‘PI Fulldmg Bonds ‘whose right you be injuriously af—l 0f 1931y series A- l'ccttfid uby 883.1? aspplicution mayHI'ile NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN WI ie a e _‘upervisor of yd~‘ ' raulics. at Olympia. Washington, such that gifter JUIy lst’ .194.L sald objections or representations, in writ— Consolidated School District No. 309'w111 no longer pay interest on said Bonds. ing. as he may desue to make, with- » in thirty (30) days after date of last Dated this 20th day of May, 1941. publication, which date is June 5, CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL 1941. Witness my hand and official seal 309 OF this 14th da 01’ May, A. D. 1941. C AS. J. BARTHOLET. .5, State Supervisor of Hydraulics. DISTRICT NO. (SEAL) MASON CO'UNTY, WASH- 5-29. 6-5~—2t. INGTON ., . . LOUIS WEINEL, Chairman. HARRY CARLON, Clerk. OMER DION, Treasurer of i . l NOTICE To CONTRACTORS ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Mason County, Washington. 5—20-22—27—29. 6-3—5-10—12—17—9t. Board of County Commissioners of ,Mason County. Washington. in their office at the court house in Shelton, up to two o'clock p. m. on Monday. June 23, 1941. for the construction of Mason County _Road Project No. 15, 1941 Road. 011mg, which project consists of 'Units 1, 2 and 3 combin- ing bituminous I surface treatment llight and non-skid single seal oiled ‘road construction._ Bids will be re- ceived up to the time fixed and then. [opened and publicly read aloud. l Plans and specrflcations are nowl on file with the County Auditor where I they [nay be examined by prospects ive bidders and may be had upon receipt, of $5.00. which sum shall be forfeited unless pans and specifica4 tions are returned in good condition; within five days of awarding ‘bid. The engineer's. preliminary esti~ mated Iquantities, including those com- . bined in Units 1. 2 and 3, are as fol- lows: ‘Item 1, preparation of road« way 011. 29.55 miles; Item 2. prepar-, ation of roadway, unoiled. 6.8 miles; Item 3. bituminous cement road oil M.C.-2 in lace on roadway, 445 tons; Item 4, 'creened gravel surfacing. 34 inch .minus in place on, roadway, 4850 cubic ards; Item 5, bituminous cement, R. .—4‘ road oil in place on roadway. 120 tons; Item 6. schedule A, coarse screened gravel. 5/3 inch to 14 inch in place on roadway, 1200 cu- bic yards: Item 7,_ schedule A, fine screened gravel, 1,51. inch to 6, in place in roadway, 450 cubic yards; Item 8, water in place on roadway, 70 M gallons. Each bid must name unit price on, each item as specified andlbe ac; companied by certified check payable to Treasurer of Mason County for five per cent of total bid. Date of completion of work to be on or before August_1st, 1941. The Board requires that where pos- sible the contractors will employ resi- dents of Mason County who are American citizens and that the min- imum wage shall be $4.00 per legal lday. All material used on the work I shall be procured Within Mason Coun- . I EVERY . NEWLYWED, v EASY . PAYMENTS - Go . AHEAD! l JOURNAL holstering, Ellinor Ave. furniture WWW-” g MARRIAGE LICENSES } Real Estate Classrfled Serv1ce , FA‘OR‘SALE: 5—room moder; horlg; SHELTON FURNITURE U P- Joe Nussbaumer proprietor. Phone 590-W. 5-20—-6-20i 1M FLOWERS All kinds of Bedding Plants, Snapdragons, stock, pansies, petunias, geraniums, tomato plants, etc. FORREST GARDENS 222 S. 10th P ,BE "Press the yo,” 186‘} you and-Wh nemsrou-MADE 3“ button—WI?“ gel. Bloc e or full-CO " ( snapshot Phone 112-W Lg. HOWELL PRICE ONLY ‘3; s 95.0 l recovered and rebuilt, free estimates, 714! l ) l I l l l l N Then rent this fully equipped BULLDOZING, grading, excavat— ing, etc. Reasonable rates. See Clarence Wivell Lorraine Dairy, phone 17F1. 5-27. FILMS DEV 25¢ Free Enlargement each roll. ELOPED per roll FIR DRUG STORE 6-27H1M. coupon with LARGE SIZE Duplicating SALES BOOKS 5c Each. )r 55¢ per dozen zWe also take orders. for all kl of special— ’ " PRINTEUWSALES BOOKS Our‘ prices are an low or lower] \than outside salesmen can quote! you I THE JOURNAL nda LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Keys made washing ma- chines repaired —- specialist in fine mechanical repairs and upholstery. Handy Man Shop Mason County Maps LARGE Mason County Township. Also maps of 3 Olympic Peninsula, Puget Sound! Country and State 500 to $1.00.; maps $1.00. The Journal CARD OF THANKS To our many friends and rela- tives who, were so very kind and sympathetic in our recent bereave- ment at the passing of our dear i mother, we wish to express the deepest gratitude and thanks. Mrs. Natella ZiZZ Paul Sharpe Clifford Sharpe N Skokomish School. District ' ' wrll receive bids on 50 rinks oi. lb—inch i OTIG‘E No. 4:; l old growth Fir wood, Splitifor heater and delivered to the. school.- 3y Bids will be accepted until June 13, at 8 p. m., at which time tht will be opened at the schoolhouse. The, board reserves the right to re- jcct any or all 5-22-27-29—3t. bids. FRED FERRIS. Clerk School District- No. Potlatch Route. Shel- ton, Washington. 43 l I I I ! l l Page Five ANT ADS I 77"“! mgr Rent M “AAA” FURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent (2 and3rooms). Good 10-, cation. Very reasonable. Golds-i borough Apts, Second and Kneenl land Streets, Shelton. 5—7 FOR RENT: pleasant sleepingl room. Mrs. W. A., vBrodt, 121 East Cedar. Phone'58275. , B+A5-13—tf. FOR RENT: furnished apartment; available June lst. Cedar Apart-l i AM“. 1 . ments. Phone 382—J evenings. W—5—13—tf. FOR RENT: completely furnished 3—room apartment, e l e c t r i c range, refrigerator, automatic heat, hot water. Available June lst. Bachelor apartment equip- ped same as above. Lawton; Apartments. Phone 56—J. L——5-8-—tf. FURNISHED APARTMENT,' electric ice box, garage, down- town. Phone 598-J. Fv—5—22-mtfl l AVAILABLE June 5:3 room‘ apartment and private bath; Mallows Apartment, 718 North 6th. D. 5—27—tf. FOR RENT: 3-room furnishedl apartment. Inquire 218 North First. M. 5-277~tf. FOR RENT: 4 .bedroom house,v‘ oilomatic, fenced in, garden. Hillcrest. Call 278. S-vw5-29777-1t“ , For. RENT Do YOU WANT ADDITIONAL, i l l INCOME ? i store. Living quarters in build- ing. To reliable party only $25l per month. FOR RENT: 4-room modern house ...................................... .. $17 Herb Angle, Angle Bldg. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvu Wanted ‘AAWAAAMA‘ .A ‘A‘Aun‘ l LET PLOVIE make your lawn and rockeries; plant your flow- ers and shrubs evenings. 726I S. First St. P-5-1. 5—30—1M.l l l l % Fine childrens playmate. Inquire 323 Cookson or WANTED: home for “kids dog.”l Journal office“ RATES On Classified Advertisement! 10 cents a line (5 words) first insertion, 5c a line each subse- quent insertion. Mini mum charge 30c. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from phone subscribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made before the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing’ls necessary. Card of thanks 50c. Classified Display Rates on Request. mvvvvvvvvvvvvv 7" V V l . For Sale A.AAA“AAA“M FOR SALE: German Shepard pups. Inquire Shelton Auto Parts on Olympic Highway. Wre5—20-22-27-29—4t. FOR SALE: 4 year old Yorkshire ram. Never been at stud. Fred W. Buding, Allyn, W'ash. 5—20-22-27nst. FREE: second growth wdod for the cutting. J. D. White, Little Skookum Bay. 5—22-27~2t. FOR SALE: new 16-foot boat and trailer. Can be seen at Al Pet— ersons, Minerva Park. H»—5-22-27;—»2t. PIANO near Shelton. Small size, Will sacrifice to save shipping. Terms can be arranged. For details write Mrs. J. W. Clifton, 1001 Main street, Sumner, Wash. almost new. HIVES OF BEES for sale: Bert Eon SALE: Rau, Kamilchc. 5—27-2977 ~2t. $59.95 new range only $49.95. Also used wood range with coil. Western Sup- ply Co., 218 N. First. 5—27-29. 6-3-5—4t. PIANO FOR SALE: will sacrifice small studio piano near Shel- ton and will accept most any terms for quick sale. Your old piano taken in trade. Write Baldwin Piano Distributors, 115 East Tenth Street, Vancouver, Washington. 5-29--6-3-3——3t. WILL BUY cottonwood logs de- livered to Olympia Port Dock. James Bradner at dock or eve- nings, Stuart Hotel. 5-22—6-24—10t VVVVVVVVVVV "vvw 'vvvv 7" Lost and Found LOST: Pair rimless, unbreakable glasses. Reward for return to Journal Office. C. 5—27-29w2t. l l vav vvvvvvvvvv wvvv- Used Cars "wvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv'" SHELTON’S FINEST- , AND SAVE! E1940 Buick Coupe, like new, lots 1 of extras. Cost $1175.00 new. Now a bargain at .......... ..$795 @1940 Pontiac DeLuxe 6 4-door se- l dan. Lots of extras. New car guarantee. Cost original owner $1200.‘ Now ...................... _. $295 1940 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe ‘ Coupe, 16,000 miles of conserv- ative driving. Every conceivable 2 extra. Cost owner $1075.00. [Now .............. ......................... .. $745 :1939 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe 4- door sedan. An exceptional car throughout. A real value $685 1938 Buick special (Black) 4-door sedan, lots of extras, thoroughly reconditioned mechanically with l l l i l I l i a g l l l FOR SALE: iUhderwood portable typewriter, good condition. Used very little. See it at Journal. Price $22.50 cash. 5—29—~6-10—«4t. Used LINOLEUM RUGS Four 9 x 12 Rugs $3.95 Olsen Furniture Col USED FURNITURE Wood ranges, heaters, be 5, springs, breakfast sets, da .- enports and chairs, tables, washing machines, radios:- Reasonably priced . Olsen Furniture PROFESSIONAL CARDS .“MAMMM “AM ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank 3. !, l , 4 new tires. Only ............ ..$645 1938 Pontiac 8 Coupe, fully equip- PM“ 23 ' Shem“ ped, low mileage .............. .. $595 --- .1937 Chrysler Coupe, new painted, - ,__._.. , 4 new tires, overdrive, etc. $495 §1937 Pontiac 6 Coupe, radio and ,, ‘NSURANQE heater, one owner. Motor recon- [- ditioned, new painted. Only $495 1934 Chevrolet 2—door s e d a n. ; Above average .................. .. $195 l(Three model A’s and 1929 Olds- ‘ mobile sedan from $40 - $95 Better Values —— Lower Prices a stronger guarantee you’ll not find anywhere! All ’41 state tested . BOB ERVIN l l l FOR SALE: Late 1939 Fiat. Driven only 9,000 miles. Will sell cheap. E. A. Mork, Rt. 3, Arcadia Road, Shelton. M. 5-27. 6-5e—4t. l No Need 'to Wait! No Need for Cash! Sel’ect smart furniture for every room from our display . BUY QUALITY . .fl‘Furnish completely. Pay later from income. (9 SH ELON l i I HERBERT. G. ANGLE; ’, Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th- St. Phone 565 Painting Papering Interior Decorating GEO.'A. MLCREARY Phone 559-J Shelton, Wn. WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton. l A MT. MORIAH LODGE $1 No. 11 F.&.A.M. Next Regular Communication JUNE 7 M. H. NEEDHAM Worshipful Master J . L. CATTO, Secretary. ‘9 International Correspondence & School Shelton Representative WILRERT‘CA’I‘TO Phone 591-W