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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Announcer Mrs. Maude LeMaster II’ictter Known as Maude) I have enliovwrl :'.'II.~.:I;:ing-‘ tho I)ij Goods Department at Station L 'M. for lw-nly years and I hope my good friends realize I {Ipprer‘iute their line patronage. Our department is here to please. (llIl' greatest thrill is a satisfied customer. I feel we have as line a stock of vacation items as we cver had, even in the face of slow deliveries, at the same old prices. Here are n, few of the items: Ladies Bathing Suits .................. .. 1.98 & 2.98 Ladies Bathing Shoes .......................... .. 59¢ Ladies Bathing Caps ............................ .. 39¢ Beach Towels (373165) .......................... ._ 1.00 Beach Toweis (37x68) .......................... __ 1.25 Beach Bags ................................... _. 1.29 (Rubber Lined-Zipper Topl Cotton Pajamas ...................... .. 1.00 & 1.19 Cotton Panties .................. .................... .. 39¢ 1T0 wear under slacks) Children’s Sun Suits .............................. .. 59¢ Cotton, print. Crepe .71 to 5 years. Children’s Slacks, 1-5 yrs. .................. .. 59¢ Childrens, Bathing Suits .......... .. 59¢ to 1.00 v.“ WW“ I . «W. p v“ Announcer ‘_ w o. \ \a Pete Carlson 0/ ,. Hardware Department You may mll nu‘ I’etc. but flou't Call me down, as my motto is to please. We try to have a complete line of Hardware, need. For your vacation may I suggest these: Announcer Mark Pickens I am sorry I am unable to make this broadcast from Station L. M.. but fate saw to it that I- landed in the Shelton General Hospital so I am broadcasting from here. I just want to thank my many friends for their thoughtful and kind messages and the beautiful flowers. I assure you they are very much appreciated. I hope to be back in a short time broadcasting as usual for Station L. M. Sporting Goods. House Furnishings, Specialties to fit every‘ Station L. M. Broadcasting VACATION SPECALS - M . Announcer ,\.,_. \ Mr. Vern Miller - I 1 Men's Furnishings Dept. mad I have been buying merchandise for several months and have made a special effort to buy items that are styled to be practical for the type of vacation you are going to take. 1 cannot tell you all the items we have for you to select from but here are a few. My main thought is to tell you I appreciated the fine support you have given me. and in turn I want to give you our very best service: Announcer _/— sMaybelle Sparks . Ladies Ready-to-Wcar Although I am a newcomer with Station L. M. I have enjoyed the fine support given me. In managing this Department I have tried to select the right styled apparel at the prices you like to pay. My motto is to please and I would like to get your suggestions for any improvement we‘can make in my department. I have been ill for a couple of weeks, but I have a good substitute in Ruby Crane who will take care of your needs. Beach Capes ............................................ .. 1.98 Just the garment to use while bathing. Terry cloth. June Love Sheer Dresses ........................ _. 2.00 Another shipment of these lovely dresses arrived. They are in youthful summer colors. Just the dress for the hot day. Junior Dresses .......................................... .. 3.98 New arrival of these beautiful Seersucker and P. K. dresses in Polka Dots, Striped and other patterns. Children’s Slack Suits .......................... 1.98 Comes just like mother’s in colored denim and spun rayon. Sizes 1 to 10 years? Ladies 3-piece Play Suits ...................... .. 3.98 These come with Dress, Shorts and Skirt in beautiful colored spun rayon and seersucker. Sizes 12 to 20. Ladies Slack Suits .................................... .. 2.98 Our stock is complete in sizes 12 to 20 in beautiful colored denim, plain or striped. Ladies & Girls Skirts .................. _. 1.98 to 5.98 Nearly all fabrics and colors. . Ladies Shirt Waists .................................. .. 1.98 2 Here is an item you can use several of. selection in white and colors. Hawaiian Color Waist ................... ..- ..... .. 2.29 Just arrived the new long sleeved Hawaiian waist. We have a large Thermo Jugs . . . . . . . .. gal. 1.49 Quart 1.65, pint 100. Pack Sacks& Saddles 2.50 & up Johnson Outboard Motor . 98.50 2.5 H.P. DeLuxe Motor. Johnson Outboard, Motor . 130.00 ‘ ‘ o 5 filvakDeLuxe. “ Life Preservers .. . 1.35- gan be used as cushions. Fishing Tackle . . . At All Prices We have a complete line of tackle to take care of any type of fishing at the right prices. Tennis Rackets .. . . . . . . 2.00 up Our line is complctc—-balls 25¢, 50¢A—3 for 1.00. Golf Equipment Here again we can take care of your needs at mOSt any price. ‘ " Philco Portable Radios .. 29.50 up On your trip you will want to keep up with the news of the day. These Philco Radios can . I be used anywhere. When you haven’t elec-g tricity you have a battery. ‘ " SHELTON-MASON VfiCQUNTYfiJOUItNAL‘ I SPORT SHIRTS ................................. ,. 1.00 to 4.95 Wilson and Mark Twainulom: or short sleeves. rayon or cot- lonvothors 69¢. CONGO CLOTH SLACK SUITS ...................... H 7.95 In and outer shirt and pants to match. Tan. him: or KI'N‘IL. Sanforizod. SPORT COATS ............................... __ 10.95 to 14.95 Sizes 35 lo 42. BOYS SPORT COATS .................................... ._ 8.95 Ages 12 to 20. BOYS IN & OUTER SPORT SHIRTS 79c to 98c Herringbqu- or solid colors. Tom Sawyer quality. all colors M others 59c. “TEE” SHIRTS .................................................. 500 \Vliito knit crew ncckrsliort sleeves. SPORT SOX ................... ................ ,. 250, 35c & 500 ShortieszerI-y. cotton or rayon. LOAF‘ER JACKETS ............................ _. 3.95 to 8.50 Excellent to wear with sport shirt and slacks. TENNIS RACKETS ........... ,2 _________________ __ 2.50 to 8.95 Wilson LmninatI-d Iratm~s~strung with silk, gut or Nylon. WILSON TENNIS BALLS ...................... .. 3 for 1.25 ChnInpionshipvothcrs g 25c each. JANTZEN SWIM TRUNKS .................. ._ 2.95 & 3.95 Speeder. Stroamliuor. Ensign in tan. hlue, etc. WILSON “SKIPPER” TRUNKS ______ __ 2.45 & 2.95 Spun Rayon in blue, (‘lfl‘lL maroon. JOCKEY SATIN TRUNKS . .. 1.19 Maroon and blue. BOY'S JOCKEY TRUNKS ______________________________ A 1.00 Satin. Annouan , . OrVIIIe CPD0 '1! . " w\~ Shoe Departmwt \‘ ,. ' 325.3 I] 1 I Ra arly yonier I, TOtals In trying to manage the shoe department I rcaliZ,e Ii, at? one of the toughest jobs at Station L. M. My 30” ’ Will {598 make people happy with shoes that fit and I assllre I $100 I am here to try my best to do that job. I am listmi “his following shoes that I know you can use on your Vac I mm . trip. Note no raise in price as yet: a u MEN’S SHOES , EDGERTON ALL WHITE PLAIN TOE EDGERTON ALL WHITE WING TIP .... .. EDGERTON DOUBLE TONE EDGERTON GOLF SHOES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BROWN-SILT SPORT SHOES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~- . NUNN BUSH DOUBLE TONES .' ............................... ” ' LADIES SHOES LINEN WITH BEIGE TRIM BROWN AND WHITE BLUE AND WHITE ......................................... _. , . lent to BLACK AND WHITE COLLEGE HEEL ............... routes“. BLUE AND WHITE COLLEGE HEEL ........ .. w be BROWN AND WHITE COLLEGE HEEL if“! e: WHITE SADDLE TRIMMED II ; all They say the way to win a man is via his stomach. It has been my life job. “I won’t tell hOW min ‘1 sgfet years" to select food for the people of Shelton and Mason County. Our policy is to give scrviCe odd “I! Ra y make a satisfied customer. When you can’t come down use our phone and delivery service. I witenl Pat yon suggest you stock up now before the advance. For your picnic and vacation trip We have every 1’ you need. The following are some red—hot specials for Saturday and Monday. arshmallows 2 tor 25 Snow White. Beverages case 1.0 I“ Hire’s Root Beer, Double Cola, Orange Soda. 28-02. Bottles. Plus deposits, Cigarettes carton 1.5- Camels, Chesterfields, Old Gold, Luckies. l v: PREM LUNCH MEAT ................................. .. 2 cans 47¢ Al Pork—12-oz. Cans. TOMATO JUICE ........................................ .. cans 39¢ 4 -oz. Cans. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .............................. .. 2 cans 39¢ Natural—eti'I-oz. Cans. CIGARETTES ............................................ .. carton 1.29 Domiuos. Avalon. 20 Grand. CANDY BARS ................................................ __ 4 for 15¢ Po ular Brands. LUX ITOILET SOAP .................................. _. 3 bars 19¢ Keep Your Skin Soft and Smooth. MOELK DUDS ......... ...................................... .. lb. 23¢ ocolate Covered Caramels. DLiigL EIOKLES ....................................... .. quart 19¢ f r 1 y‘s osc ac. . . I‘ .. OLIVES, lb. can .............................................. _. 2 for 29¢ 3 °_ I Libby's—"Mediluu Size. o . . . . . . . . - —- f‘ ‘gggf'giggiij """"""""""""""""""""" " z'lbb' Mayonnaise, qt. 41¢ Pt {gen Sgg’hfignaiysigning. """""""" " lo'lb' “Otto” bag 59¢ CATSUP, PICKLES, wing? KRAFT CHEESE ........................... 2-lb. brick 59¢ RELISHES .. choice 2 f0 . ,q American. Brick, Vclvccta. Fisher’s BISCUIT MIX WHOM/I268?" A L. C. Burrell k Use It For Shortcake My job as manager Of the meat fife :5: partment is to give our customers “st. th finest meats available. We have J6, installed the finest equipped meat department with the latest is, frigerated counters so you will always have the freshest of me21 We would appreciate a chance to serve you. For vacation an picnics we will have a fine line of lunch meats: BEEFROAST............... 1b.25¢f’ PORK ROAST Ib.23¢ Pkg. 25¢ Produce Local Lettuce ...................... .. 5¢ n L002! Radishes ---------- -- 3 W BEEF SHORT RIBS lb. 13¢ iii: Wh'te Shaft" 89"“ 10“”8' 29¢ PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 28¢ P31 «fiZ?‘.i§ii‘§§.“._:::::::: ‘‘‘‘ “13113:: .13: PORK STEAK . . . . . . . 1b. 23¢ Grapefruit .............. .. ions. 39¢ ARMOUR’S SLICED BACON . . lb. 35¢ Local Peas ---------------------- --1b-10¢ SLICED BACON lb. 29¢, Telephonew—well filled. SHANKLESS PICNICS lb. 23% FORMAY 3-1bs.49¢ CARSTEN’S DOG FOOD .. 3 cans 23¢ SALT PORK 1b.23¢ STRAWBERRIES sweet, fully ripe locals. Don’t forget—it’s time to can!