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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Coronation Feafured At County Lets PoP Hears Discussion Queen&apos;s Banquet Last Week Con÷rac÷ Proposed Street Projed00A I The co.nat|on of Queen Jan- 25 years of work in fire preven- FO Road • 00uo00tio00 a00u, s+a, o, lee Wittenberg highlighted the lion. r proposed street improvement pro- rated they beFleved Queen's Banquet which kicked off In his talk, Connaughton atres- gram, for which petitions are be- of the Uniform tll. • the activities for the Mason Coun- sel the need to explain the mul- • A contract to E. Maynard Con- ing circulated, were discussed at would be a good  ty Forest Festival last Wednes- lil)le use concept of forest man- struction C()., Olympia, for con- the Plan of Progress (POP) city to give those  " day evening in Mt. View School. agement with more and more struction of 1.45 mih, s of lhe meeting Monday night, ing .buildings e0r Honored along wiHt the queen pressure being put to keep areas Cloquallum Road, was el)proved Four residents of the Mr. View assurance that the , were her royal court , Princesses which should provide timber' to by the Mason County Commission area attended the meeting to ask done was up to The major obje¢ Rite Nutt and Kathy Dickinson, keep lumbering centers like Shel- at its meeting Monday. about the proposed street is- l)osal again was ttllCS Trlmble, Mary M. Knight, and and stop curing timber in them. h)w of lhi'co roctqvo(| on the pro- City Engineer Howard Godat financing the ct a " to see that the Sandy Fleury, N<,rth Mason. There is room for all uses in .iect in a bid opening Monday explained that the petitions which with the code. It honored were the prin- forest areas, but, this idea must morning, arc being circulated are for a 7 Also cesses from the rural schools in be explained, he said. Other bidders w ere Mourer 24-ftxt wide strip of two inch the county, Lynn HasBrouck, The Queen's Banquet was slx)n- asphalt. =d-" st)red by the Chamber of Corn- Construction Co., Tacoma, $46, ililt[l!tgIK M.Pl°neer;Kngiht;CarmenDebbieR°thr°Ck'Eastgard,Mary merce+ 621.30 and Bignold Co., Montes- The four property owners ques- OF Hood Canal; Nancy Evelcth, Chamber President Jud Hollo- ano, $66,727.85. tioncd the advisability of putting LOI= in an improvement of this type FO M0',.a Southside; Kerri oehr, ,Kamil- way was master of ceremonies The commission approved the until drainage and grading pro- wilh John Flower, [)resident of I)lals of Fmcral Lake and Bea- blems are taken care of. ..j t.llt' the and Cindy Donnell, (;rape- the Sh(qton High School Key Club  con Point which were presented Godat explained that some --ately 4'S-tle view, ;cling as MC for the coronati, m + by developer Jerry Reid. grading will be done on the Approxtm ....lL0altla Several special honors md ceremony. Prosecuting Attorney John C. streets before the asphalt would Executive Lywer#rll t, awards were prest.ntod during; Ragan told lhc commission in t)e put down and that efforts looking I'Iamm_''|lhUl. : the program, checking on the offer of the Hat- would be made to help drainage + - - view 3 B: l,{l Dave James, vice-prcsidenL W] dew it stine Island School District to do- p:?llearSstWp:etlt:3 ppOdia  z:V:lii::gT00l( public affairs for Simpson Tim- n hate about an acre of land with her Co., was presented with miMJ beach front to the county, he be several years before a means eled D' .ila " 1 for his many years of assishm,'(' Decorafi ::' ,a discovered the school board of financing ,he needed storm ........ w/built-tn'-; It to the Forest Festiwd. on  was not aware of the necessity drainage in the city could be .... s d i"i I1 orked out and hat tho nro o,e ove- ....... Frances Wright, retired super- of a court order to transfer the posed street program would be a disp., broo . ili , : visor of the Shelton District Of- property. ' , . t  v - -m el°' "l.-lt; flee of the llXI)arm('nt of Nat- Winners cause the lime left before means of providing fairly good Room lflrepl " #11 ", ural Resources, was honored for THIS LITTLE CURLY hitchhiker made die of the horse his mistress rode. The trio the annex:t/ion of the Ilarstine streets until a complete job could " *amily r°.:.:ib,- l'oom, x i  , It a wood carved plaque honoring him for his many y0ars of eff,,rt I Cathy Butler. whose emry the I aul |hHLvan I arade route the easy was part of the group which repr(.sented District to the Piom, er Dish'ict be done. 3" I i1 • July 1 wouhl not / sufficient to Godat said he would believe room ( J' .d-latlil lh In fire preventkm wrk and in pl,.et) firsl in junior h<:b|)ios di+ wLy in a h'ather sack attached to the sad- , the l,ittle Britches Rodeo of Kitsap County. accomplish the necessary legal [hat the work which would be well, front a" t/.' m the Forest Fostivll+ viM(m of the Forest Festiwd Win- steps, Ragan said, he believed done under the program in the Close to eleratjll!thtk  Wright was with the local I,- dew IXcoration Contest, went on the idea of the donation of the Mt. View area could be wbrked - r ne' I._.' Legion Honors Gold Sfar into a complete street improve- Ideal to .,.€ #lDtl partment of Natural Resources t,, take the sweepstakes trophy. "dg Op " g I e p,'ope,%v would have to be drof men, program when it was rms- Owners leaV"'lltl office 26 years |fforo his r(qire+ lh,r entry, lhe only one in ils Br! e enJn s pod. __ ,- meat earlier this y(,ar, lie, Cxl)r('s- division, was in the Sh(,lton sible to have one. sell at once. " t +o+ +,+...+,++,o ,o t,. F,,r,+, +,,,,,,,,,,+,+w,o+ow Fo: 22+ Mothers At rroerom Here l_a +,o l)rolm)sal for a building 42+ 1357 --'-,+r.kl+P Festival Association ;rod th<, Olht,r winn(,rs ill the contest code for the city of Shelton was --+" " _a,di qt + ' guage +.m,+,r ,,+ ,+,,m,,++r,,,, +,, ,., "'+": + , , ,,, ,., n again discussed. - II honor which he roceiw, d. lndustry-fl)restry: U. S. Forest c" . .. .. _ • ' [ IA dozen (;old Star mothers Mrs. Clarence Wivell, Mrs. Grace ' llg tatton ceremony for the Harstlne were guests- 1 ar Se÷   Also int,'odu(+<.dduringlht, l,ro- S,,rvi,:e. first, and l)epartment . + " - .++ of Fred 13. Wivell. Beckwith. and Mr+ and Mrs. A. Pro gram were the top lflace winners f N;thlral ]{.esources, second; lSlan(i 15rl(ige nas Deerl s(t lor , in the Forest Fcstiv.l Posh+r (m- June 22, Coun.y Commission American L,gion Post 31 anti its O. Schuffenhauer. r test. Schools: Shelton Hi,gh School Chairman Martin Ausethr. sam Auxiliary unit last week at the Next Post 31 meeting+ is sched- CliveTroy, Mas()n (?(.mty Son+ Biolngyt:lass, first; Sixlh Grade, thisweek, annual )rogram paying tribute uled for next Tuesdav evening I The Shelton School District I '-'--U;'-dO 5 h-Oy 29"#g ,¢Vl'llyilllv !ttl. ior citizen of the yt+ar, w;is :£ls¢+ l+or<h,lulx School, se<'ond, and , . , t - The Mason County Engmeers to the sacrifices of those who lost with nomination of officers as was informed this. week it has honored. Ih,;tdstlu't, third, Office, and. the, commmsloners. ",+ " . .,are sons in military service, m',u'n order of bu.'smess., been given a federal fund grant Speakers for the" pl'ovr;tn was Senior Art: Velma Graves stu making pmns /or the (tetlicauon Gold Chrysanthemum corsages for a pre-school language de- Charles Connaughltm, Itt,;io/ml dents, firsl; Mrs. Stella Schieren- of the bridge, anti potted flower plants were velot)ment program for four and Forester for the U. S. F,,,'ost ,,,.,,k. st.,.ond, and Ada Griggs, given each of the ,,others by Senior Citizen +,vo year olds tints summer. Connaughton I)ros,'nt,'d Ft.slival Sorlior Clubs: Shelton Rock $outhside: ,,,d program chairman Mildred Aft d M fi ,+ Muriel Dombroski, and Mrs. llnlm President lto::ky lh'mhroff ;t and Mineral Society, first; Hood Lakeburg. The Gold Star Mothers e s ee g June Ofle, speech flaerapists for +,++,+,,, ,,,, ,.,. ,..,,,.+, ,.,+,,+,. ,:;,o+,, we.,,..+ +,,,, .oc,, ..+ PTO M Will aml husbands, and Legionnaires the Shelton dis, rict, assisted by BROTH in honor (ff 11,( Forosl F,.sliv,l's .qh,,ll<+n Art (i,'oup. third, eefing and Auxiliary ladies were guests k Mrs. Hal McClary and Mr. Mrs. Ruth Wi/lard. Junior Clubs: Girls Scouts. of Post 31 for a Swiss steak din- and Mrs. Clive Troy attended The program is designed to r_= =_-_=, ,+, ,+,,, ++,,u,+ +,,,, Not Be Held ncr and an in,cresting entertain- the annual two day ta[eting of hell, the youngsters learn to .ma- a'al • Anliques' Dot Hildcrman, first'., ment program featuring+ the new thmth(' Stateye,tr .UounciJ]n Tatoma°n AgingMav 26nero listen and observe and to deve- lith the old ItRoiill Simpson Timber Company film - ' ': ' ' - lop better speech patterns and IIIP-VW IIq11, • A I osw 'o m By MR+. RAY KRATCIA I | . ". 1 :t'll, scc nd, ; d G.W. to incrase 'vocabulary and to I /1[ IILII 1 Palm(w, third. ,,,, "Growing Opportunities' present- 27. . L, urr- nnl, , , , ) At th( (los( of €he busm(ss I I (;ranges: SouthsJde, first and I SOUTHSIDE .... Th, re wi]l be (d along with ctmmontary, by , • • ,.. make him feel more at home Drake and Fan m--'+0 1 i Shelton Valley, second, no Southslle PTO June 2. ' ", o Sim ,son's Internation session Tuesday afternoon senior in all speaking situations. ' " --Com/ng 5oturdo/, MaY 1"   V Di©k erM¢oOd I senior 11om,i[s: D,[n Wilson, RuthS°uthstdecbamberslt°rnemakersMay 20. met at alThedivision.honored guests, " Included' vcere.('tz(ms, honored, representingand presented28 counlmSwith helpS°ngslt willactivitiesdramatizationincludeas storeS,welland,lsgameS,speechindi.  " • lit p@l pros ( FIELD UNDERWRITER  first, and L. Stt vtqls, second. Those attending were Shirley Mrs. I_/oda Rutledge, Mr. and Troy who" was Mason'County s vidual help with sp?cial problems. Life - Family - Mortgage  Put, Art: h'vln McArthur, first. Stites, Mona Heinis, Evelyn Krie- Mrs. William Batchelor, Mrs. Au- , "" ' . , ,. ,'., "'sta Twoh" Mrs Jessie Jones representative, says it is an hon- It will also include field trips to "THE SONICS" , fels, Veta Holtorf, Jane Hend- '..' ., .... "c-..:... t t':..' or and a privilege to represent the farm, zoo and city. .h o *..,.o  - ..... ., .... +. the Senmr Ctizens of Mas(m All four and five year olds in I ......... IIt-o 44) t: iflrt;/c!ive Troy, uecortd; and The club made plana*for an ?'°',' .... :¢I'e*"c .......  County and expressed his most Mason County are eligible,far the • w. ttq-+.* - .=2,. '"'', , , %t i X' + :+. .... ' + + '+ +'  ,..k buting for ometlme in Jun:. lt. " lta+ :Iai rt4,-Mr; ' . . ' I  Par|fie .vele I Aleolte tnformntion and re- + • ' '3'vt ' I, tv M, .M,. " rfi + sincere thanks to the orgamza- program. Bus service will be pro- V I.Ioey, Walhington ,m,tm..,.p.  ferr:d Center, third. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rcbman And>.., ................... tions who sponsored him vided. and son of Everett spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. - - - . Aoh+ .d w,o. Bowling Results g r-ve00._ teem ++++ the weekend wlth Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Archer were .%%%%%%-%%-%-+ Tony and Shane Spencer, whUe + + +nce00 --. + Ke" ep andMr, andMrs. ClovisRoger HiGame:L.C. Leman258 If you can spent the weekend at the ocean. Hi Series: L. C. Leman 827 i These are 4 game Series. Held at Mr. and Mrs. Hump- Standings: Schooners 9-1, Ren- hrey Nelson's mobile home Sun- eckers 9-1, Muskets T-3, Prarie day was a birthday party for Roosters 6-4, Timber Bowl 4-6, Olly Drls e]son. Blg Wheeh 3-7, The Trot'terauto just $200 Breck Shampoo .2;+:. $,.,, Gingermr'r';stherWetm°reandMrS'Olsoe made the cake. 2-8, No. 10-10. - ALMOST HALF of laJt year's Doris Nelson had quite a few   u d rl ,,, L • .  Moisture callers all afternoon to help cele- injuries were closed by drivers Revlon $,.0, brateher79thbirthday, who were d.,-iLng, in your First/00ine /// SUPER  you can V0-5 SHAMPOO 2+I__+ +,your graduate account, Illt 15oz. size --  '!qL. _G|V_ A KODI *AM'' forget about SAY| '10.9+ on this servvce charges IltVt0N PROFESSIONAL Kodak InstamaHc SPRAY 124oorO+u'+'+ for good! HAIR Contalnll everythlng for tllk- Ing day or night plcturem. 66 + C.mer, h,I marry automatlo Reg.. Hard-to-Hold eaturn whloh makel 131o- and Special. ture taking quloker, eamie and more fun. Outfit oon=l=t= A $1.50 Value of oamera, color film, flash- cube, batteriel, wrilt Itrap, ---------- inltruoUon book and deluxe oarrylng oue. SOLARCAI NE SPRAY, I ,ow.,owSALEdisoount'18"95prioe= on I o As a FirstLine customer you can balance drops below $200 the c hafg write all the checks you want--and is 10c per check, With a monthly e Kodacolor prints and processing at Zeiglers! J | .... there's no service charge if you minimum charge of $1.00. Free o maintain a minimum balance of $200 service charge checking--another in your checking account. If your good reason to go FirstLine. ng Watches..v::., ,,..$2].50 t= Irxposure Roll $2,1 II HallmarkSee Our GraduationSUpply of 8 Exposure Roll . . Only $2.20 ..qEATrLE'FIR..RTNAT/ONAL BAN00 20 Exposure Roll . . Only $4.49 .E.,E, ,0' Cards 00verg ream (Prio, is less if all prints aren't Kood) I ZIEGLER'S CAMERA SHOP , 4a4 124 N. 2nd 426-6163 IIII II PNge 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 29, 1969