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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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City Record COURT on the docket in Justice Court be- Correa during Were : 8tare Patrol Rt. 3, Box ?,90, $31 for- Rt. 1, 13ox speeding, $1:; 204 Rail- failure to line, $1:} for- 3011 School speeding, Rt. 11, Box motor endorcement, Perry, 555 E. Speeding, $13 Whiteacre 2,t el, sl)ec(lin,z ' St. Rt. speeding, $12 ee L 5548 ll9th St., $13 forfeiL 3125 Lincoln in closed Gordon Grube, Hoquiam, fish- $25 forfeit. PERMITN alq)rove(I hy during ere to ik, rt R. $600; Stanley WOodshed, $500 ; Store, $23,000; SUmmer cabin, rton, recreation (rd Seiners, cabin, cabin, $6,- cabin, gen, recreation Thoml)- ase, $6,000; $38,000; E. L $1,000; Vir- and fill, reerea- Davis, ann Bell, cal)in, t2,800; W. house, add living Lindhohn, MeGhee, Sidney cabin, $4,- COURT 1127 Dick- motor Prudent man- ranis Joram, [on, speed- Sergeant, defective $2.50 costs ; rrle, of nmt- 2, Box 188 to ride Vehiele, $6 q S. Dawson, :eld right-of_ el Miljour, minor Pat- Dickinson, S h e 1 l o n, d"fective equipment, $7.50 fine, $2.50 costs. Penny Smflh, P. O. Box 395, Shelton, speeding, $17.50 fine,e2.50 costs; John Dishon, Rt. 3. B:)x 276, Sh¢lton, empeding traffic, $15 forfeit: Ted Vanders, Rt.. 2, Box 2, Shelton, speedin'I, $31 forfeit: John F;ro:)ks, 1122 Mason I.'dce Dr., minor cgnsuming liquor. $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Donald Johns'on, Rt. 2, Box 145, Shelton, neglien! (1 'i'.'il:g, $32.51 fine, $2.59 costs. Ikrni(e S!ewart, 616 N. I St., Shelton. no art,riM stop, $15 for- f(,it: ,lames I)ailey, St. lit. 1, Box 106, Shelton, minor in possession of liquor, $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Ronald W. Raymond, Rt. 2, Box 899, Shclton, no arterial stop, driving while intoxicated, no oper- a'or's license On person, $142.50 fine, $2.50 costs, five days in jail, suspended. William Budde, Rt. 3, Box 8?3, Olympia. negligent driving, $37.- 50 fine, $2.50 costs; William Budde, Rt. 3, b.')x 833, Olymi)ia , third dt'gree assa(qt, 30 days in jail, $2.50 costs; William J. White, Rt. 3, I')x (;:)7, Sh(,lton, re(.kless driving, driving in violation of license restrit:t!on, $158.50 fine, $2.50 eosls; Gerald Brown, 192-16 l'acific Highway S., Seattle, al- lowing unlicensed driver t¢ oper- ate motor vthicle, $12.50 fin(:,, $2..5(I costs. (TI'y I,I;II,I)iNG PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were to Ambaum Pac- ific Nmqhwest, d,molition, no wdue; Esther Fawble, fence, and medi('al-dent:d clinic, $137,500. I"IR l, DEPARTMENT May 20, 4:12 p.m. Harold De- mend residen(:e, 430 Dearborn, chimney fire. May 2:1, 12:30 I).m. brush fire in vacant lot off Pioneer Way. May 23, ?,:30 l).m. Pioneer Way hrush fire rekindle(l. SlIELTON I'OLICE A window was reported broke'h out and a light left on in an unoccupied house. The air hose at the Jim Ver- cher Shell Service was cut and removed. Charles Spivey reported a tele- vision set taken from a room at the Timbers Motel. Kim Sowers reported a coat taken while at a dance. Merrily Palmer • reported her car hit by another Vehicle. Billy Lee Bead reported a tape deck and tapes taken. Mrs. Vivian Carte reported a residence broken into. SHE RIF"N OFFICE Bill tteil reported garbage dumping in the rest area along the highway in the Kamilche Valley. Dale Watson reported items tak- en from his car. Frank Lopeman reported van- dalism to a car. Guy Sewell reported a car tak- en aml returned. Rill Williams reported a boat found. Mink were reported taken from the mink farm. Mrs. Leonard Hedgers report- ed someone killed her dog wtth a rock. A trailer house and she(t were rel),)rted broken into on the Berg- wald estate ,Joe An(lrews rt'l)orte(l a dog ]:);t. Mrs. Richard Yunker reported ,,xmwon( b"t)ke into }wr re.d- (ient!e. John Kimmell rep:,rte(i a sheep lost. I)an Wo(xt reported an elec- H';c ra,:or missing. l)r. Richmond reported a va- t'lltln"l (:h,aner taken. W. G. Gang reported a wind- shi(qd broken (:at. Twanoh (;range reported con- cr(q, bh)ck missing. Mrs. Jerry Allyn reported two (:alve. came to h(,r place. lich'n'd Drewry reported a ca- bin broken into and a roll-away bed, mattress anti three I)illows taken. SIJI'ERI()R COURT New Cases [);_In Fh)rek and Barbara Peden, marriage waiver. Kathryn Bollinger, widow of Ted He, linger, against Depart- men( of Lahor and Industries and. Mason County Road Department, a lq)eal. Arthur Baskin against Anacor- tes V(,nrer In(,., f:)reclosure of lein. Mary Ann Abboff Succumbs A÷ 94 • Mary Ann Abbott of Rt. 1, Box 167, died Friday in Fir Lane Terrace at the age of 94. She was born August 24, 1874, in Wise(rosin and lived in this area for the past 25 years. During the time she served as an ordain- e(l minister for the Assembly of God Church. She is survived by one son, Calvin Abbott, Ilonolulu; three daughters, Mrs. Angus Ellison, Shclton, Mrs. Richard Cad(ly, Fresno, Calif., Mrs. Gertrude Williams, (;uaditla.jara. Mexico; and 13 grandchihlren. Funeral services were heM Tuesday in the Batstone Funeral Itome at 11 a.m. with Pastor Marvin Moe officiating. Burial in the Siwlton Memorial Park. Donations may be given to the Kamih:he Community Church Building fund in lieu of flowers. Weather ttigh Low Precil). May 22 85 50 May 22 88 52 0 May 24 89 49 .03 May 25 69 46 0 May 26 70 43 .03 May 27 65 49 .12 May 28 62 45 .12 €_--------€€ Readings are for a 2,l-hour per ted ending at 8 a.m. as reported "" -'--marn00e Licenses by the ,TT l¢ayonier Inc. weather station. • Apl)lying for marriage licenses this past week in Mason County FIVE-DAY FORECAST were '. Temperature Thursday thru Alfred Fasala, 76, Sequim, and Monday expected to average thre Evelyn Hight, 73, Port Angeles. degrees below normal. Normal John Miller, 22, Shelton, and high is 70 with th low 43 de- Cathleen Leeson, 20, Tenino. grees. Rainfall is expected to Paul De Micro, 19, Straiten, average more than normal main- and Judy Greene, 18, Shelton. ly occurring Thursday, Friday J. W. Boone, legal, Shelton, and Monday. and Velma Andrews, legal, Olym- l)ia. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-'. New Arrivals Our Plymouth is the only car in its class with U nibody construction. Rather than just a body olted to a frame. • Mr. and Mrs. Dean Miklethun, 274 Island Lake Drive, Shelton, a girl, May 22. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hill,,, Star Route 2, Box 192, Shelton, a girl, May 26. IT'S A BOY A boy was born May 16, in Olyml)ia to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Plews, of Rt. 3, Shelton. LOWREY Organs & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box Open 'tll 8:30 p.m. 205 Cog ed" & Thun%2e.4 Fury III 2-Door Hardtop John Budd Dies In Mason General • John J. Budd died Monday in the Mason General Hos- pital at the age of 85. For- merly Mr. Budd was a letter car- rier for the Aberdeen Post Office until his retirement in 1947. At that time he moved to Wendell, Idaho, where he managed the liquor store, trailer court and tourist cabins. He was a resident of Shelton for the past two months. Mr. Budd was a member of the Episcopal Church and a for- mer member of the Woodman of the World. He was born on Dec. 1, 1883, in Wisconsin. He is survived by two sons, James M, (Bill) Budd, of Turn- water, Charles Budd, of Hoquiam, two daughters, Mrs. Lloyd (Jetta) Pharris, of Shelton, Mrs. Robert tOlive) Rooker, of Aberdeen; ten grandchildren and 16 great-grand- children. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. in the Wiley Funeral Home of Jerome, Idaho. Burial will follow in the Jerome Cemetery. Local arrangements are under the directions of Bat- stone Funeral Home. Brinnon Redden÷ advantage: the unbeatable deal we have for you. KIMBEL MOTORS, INC. 707 S. Firs00 SL, SheDon, Wash. 0 Dies In SheDon • Jack H. Nelson, of Rt. 2, Brinnon, died in the Mason Gen- eral Hospital last Sunday at 49 years 'of age. He was born July 26, 1919, in Seattle. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Francis Nelson, Brinnon; three brothers, Donald Brown, Edmonds, Robert F. Nelson, Brinnon, George H. Brown, Brin- non. Rev. Robert Daniels officiated at services in the Brinnon Com- munity Claurch on Wednesday at i p.m. Burial followed in the Brinnon Cemetery. Rotary Club • The Rotary Club will hear a demonstration debate by Sid Her- rick and Elliott Carlson at its meeting today. These two youth represented Shelton High School at the state meet recently. DL'S CORNER The Memorial Day weekend is finally here and according to some reports, many peol)le are considering going elsewhere for relaxation .... Before you go, though, be sure t,) take in all of the many bar- USlN SS ICE IIE L Menue f°r She|ton 1 Elemengary E Bohoole and / Bhelton Senior the shelves again. Better rush  Hlglh Sohil right on in, as they sold out last time . . . Want a sl)ecial gift for gradua- tion, and some specials too? Then stop in today at NEH?S PHAR- MACY where owner Nell Evan- tier has 'era all over the store. gains in store for you in Shelton You'll find a complete stock of this week, at stores such as .... iust about everything there for B AND R SALES where they are offering summertime savings on color TV. Don't miss out, as these models won't last long at these prices... Clint tIarrington, manager of PENNEY'S, is holding one of tit(, famous e.o.m, sales, and he has really slashed prices so be sure anti put PENNEY'S on your shol)ping list . . . Because of Forest Festival, Bob Wotton, owner of BOWs SIIOE TREE, is extending the special price on "the fashion pump of today", one more week. Better hurry though, as your size might be walking out the door right now . . . Ken Chapman, owner of EVER- GREEN DRUG (;ENTER, has some cosmetic specials this week, that we know you'll need right away. And with the price on them you better hurry right on in and get them . . . Ted Strozyk, manager of MIIALER'S SHOE I)EPT., has some stylish Italian sandals on your graduation or holiday needs. Guy Beckwith, owner of BECKWITH'S JEWELRY, says to give your graduate a gift with meaning . . . a wate.h. Whether it be a watch, ring or other fine gift, let Guy fill your needs . . . Need more than just a table for your dining room? Then stop in at EEI,LS AND VALLEY AP- PLIANCE CENTER where owner George Valley, has some terrific buys on dinette sets. Since these aren't ordinary chrome sets and the price isn't ordinary either, you ,just better see 'era for your- self, today . . . That's ........ 30- ...... for this week, but remember to drive carefully. The life you save may be your own ! --DL NYE BUILDING SUPPLY Complete Building Supplies Phone 426.8224 Natural Birch Paneling $3.25 sheet Aluminum Windows Cole Road WEEK OF JUNE 2-6 M ondaySpaghetti with meat, warm buttered bread, mixed vegetables, coconut cake, milk. Tuesday ...... Chili con Came, peanut butter aaxldwich, let- tuce with 1000 Island dressing, apple wedge, cinnamon roD, milk. Wednesday .... Brown beef in gravy, whipped potatoes, whole kernel corn, sandwich, peaches, milk. Thursday ........ Cheeseburger on buttered bun, green beans, fruit salad, cookie, milk. Friday .... Golden brown fish sticks, tartar sauc, parsley potatoes, carrot pennies, sand- wich, June birthday cake, milk. Supplement your ehlM'o diet with Pienamins from Prepp's Rexd Open lh00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Every Dayl DY CANYON • HAMBURGERS, HOT DOGS, ICE CREAM Try Our Delectable Fried Prawnsl INSIDE DINING! 8 miles North of Shelton on Hiway 101 Next to Salmon Hatohery END-OF-MONTH Men's w ,k shorts and women's Jamaicas at REDUCED PRICES THROUGH SATURDAY! \\; Our fine Towncraft Penn-Prest ® walk shorts Reg.$,Now 399. Now, save on shorts that keep a guy oool and neat with no effort! Our Penn-Prest walk shorts wash and tumble dry without a wrinkle, and fight off wrinkles as you wear them. Doron® polyester/cotton poplin and Fortrel polyester/cot- ton blends. All in a handsome slim Grad cut. Waist sizes 30-36. Pick a summer-full in all styles and fabrics! Reg. $3. Now Reg. $4. Now '7 for $5 2for Talk about assortment! Wait until you see what's here- now, when you need so many changes for all the sporty activities you're in on. We have ootton, nylons, Gotten denim, gabardlnes and blends ga- lore. Lots of colors and patterns. Pull-on or zlp.placket styles. Come see them all for youreelf. In misses and junior sizes. LIMITED QUANTITIES Dresses Reduced JRS., MISSES & HALF SIZES ORIG. $5 NOW -- 3 8 ORIG. $6 & $7 .................................. NOW 4.88 ORIG. $8.00 .................................. NOW 5.88 Girls Orlon Sweaters Long Sleeve Turtle Neck Orig.'3.80 Sizes 10/12 & 14/16 2.44 Womens Sweat Shirts Long Sleeve 44 ¢ Size Small Girls Dresses Sizes 7-14, 3.88 Reduced Sizes a.00x 2.88 Womens Vinyl Jackets Black & Brown • 1 Imllt Sizes 8 & 10 Orig. 10.88 Now IsOO Womens Corduroy Jackets Pile Lined II Im&t Size 8 only Orig. 10.88 Now l,Oil Rayon and Nylon Blankets Full 72x90 Green, Pink, Gold q*] Boys Sport Shirts Knits & Wovens Orig. 1.88 to 1.00 Now € $4" Bonded Crepe Orig. 1.88 Now € Sewlng Notlons Reduced Orig. 10c to 27c Now I 3 BIG BARGAIN TABLES Odds & Ends  Many one or two of kind--- Huge prioe reductions. Items from all over the store. STORE HOURS I SHOP DAILY TO IT 29, 1969 Shelton-Mason Co Journal 3