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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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School: Fire Training Cer+ifica÷es To Be Presen÷ed Here l00&apos;i"g Concert Awards Pro,ram Are Held This Wee k i ('hhq All;m F. Nevitl of fh(, 'foun. ((,r(,mlmies will he held The F'ire Service Training Iq'o- rich, Nlah, Nip, 'vsln' who t.t]. I F, hI'lhnl |"ll'I' 1)(' l ;tZ'ltlI'llt sahI :it 7:3!) gram is operated by the Slate c, rdill;ift,N Ih,p \\;york c,f iIw 50 hl. I  I I s w('('k Fir, Se','i:, Tr;dn i, , ......... l)ivision of Voc;,tional i,]du(:ation, s frt,ch),'s wh<)(.o,,d,,,.t lh(, c lm,..,<,. • !mh 1 rsday the I-loft Canal Concert and Athletic Awards eere- (h',imh and Sylvia Sunr|. 'l }(q'(, has I !en ; Inislak(, i:I ((.rt If(. t s u .I ' ) '< ' ] t d ,) ) " .\\;evI t s ( ' I s '( n's w i OIyml)ia, and is under the ira- in life l)rev,nlio)l and In)t('cii<n) J " Presented 't Sl)rinL, Inorlv Severlfh I.q'ad(' l)askef|)a]l 'l'he rnush.;d part el the pro- ill(! [)rice of the annu;d. The l)ri(.u '?:; i:(,rs+m', \\;h() h:t\\;(, )'(,cenlly (h) a :4r'('al (h';tI to (I: veh)I) I)etter mediate (lireclion of I.yh' (;(x)d- lhrot t,q ()ul fh(, stab, IIUILDIN@" SUPPLy P'Onlplas RUllding Supplies I 426-82:24 I3 ch Paneling ,25 sheet Alu . " nl,nurn Windows COl| Rotd lel and track awards vcere b.'en hy Ri(qmrd Johnson, eighth grade hy William Ih'yard and ninth .grade by William BrickeM. Insl)ir;diorml awards for l)asket- hall w(mf to seventh /fader Fred Miller, eighlh /rar|er (;(, Miller and ninth grader Bolt WM- lace. Mike Hays won the in- spirational award for track. Sl)eeial awards were lwesented to the ASB offic(,rs by William lh'yant. Pel) pins by Miss Mary Jones and servi(.e pins I)y John Pill. Mrs. John Denison presented the l{ob(,rf ]]('rge M('morialScho- larship to Kim MJchels, Jody g)';ml was dir'(,ch,(l l)y James [ZIII('. "I'he Girls' Chorus san/ fi(, sons which was folh)wed by Ih(, mixed choir which sang six sonus. The +,vening conehlded \\;ilh fivt, :ur]tls |)y tim Selecfed (;irls' Ch()ir. l',(,sults of special achievement tests ;)re now ;tvailable. Parents whf) wish to inquire about the rusults can rio so only by appoint- mmm No information will be dis- cussed on the phone. "]'h(n'e are a few class l)ietures left. These are selling at $1.25 era41. Those wishin;z pictures ph,ns(, set, Mrs. Gar.,, or Mr. Bry- ;1 nl. is now $2. All th()s(, who paid in ad\\;'n))(.(, the $1.75 will not h;(v(, to I)ay Ill(.! incr(,;med I)ri(,e. All <)th4'l'S "vho %vtlnt lllelll ln/IF;l I);)y Ill(, I]()w price. Yesfer(lay the juni()r high i)r'e- selH ed t con)munily film on drm;s 1o the sixlh through ninih grades. I);(v](t ,ELIII Oil (ly. S. Navy) )nd SKI. Shaw of "Fun- Vq;lteI" V,'OI '(+ in Ch;ll'ffe. te(/:lU;(' of the ngllt]l'(, of the film, permis- sion S]II)S W(q'(, Sellt h()llle |O l)al'(,nls h) I)(. sin(,d \\;villi I),,) .- mission aiv('n or witheld to see the film. All I)arenfs were invit- ed to atfned. (.()ml)h,led lhe St:lle Fit'(' S(,rvic(, 'I'r;illin course. "l'h(' e(,)'liliud(,s will h(, aw;u'd- ,,rl .hlne 7 f<): II,'n)'y A. Bar/- in(,yt,l'. JOhll ]))u l'lll :(,,n, Ch;ll'h!s :\\;. Ilr'(>fh(.he, P,+)I)(,/'I Cfx)n, I)in- his ('. Do(Igt'. (?:n'l O. I)mvnin+..q l,:lll)'II('(' I')tllh/I1, \\;\';li'ren It. l':arl, ,l. It. 1-21i;isnn, George I.. ]hm((,)', Roy Huff, Michu('l I -( )rl'..r,; I il, [{()}')('t'l ,I. M(,;l(,hglln Ill. Mi(.h:,(,l Mirka, All;m I'. Ne- viii, b're(hli J. Ph:)rris, (;er;dd T. Pyle, P, usseII L. I{ickards. I',a> Svha iet,rin, V. A. E;l|h,l'lh- Aii(.,, (]()rdon It. ,Rll/ilh, Kenilelh Vand('r \\;Val, and Ch;trles ]}. fire fi,.qllin methods and ie(,h- )fi(lUeS for the l)roteciion of lives and l)rol)erty in our ec)rnmunity. l ;lln very l)l'olld ()f the nlelllbel's of this fire district who have w()r'ktM m:mv h :urs to comDh, te the ('Otll'SC in order fo Ire eligible for lhe state eerfifi(,ale. Their s(,r- vice will he invaluable. lie SURE newn" h:) touch an appliance and a water fatleet at fhe same lime. If the appliance is not properly grounded, the re- sult could he a fatal low voltage elec'h'ical shock. BUD Kimbel ® Presents Admiral 3-Way Combination COLOR TV * STEREO * AM=FM RADIO on MODEL 2ST381 THE GLENWOOD 23" DIAG. RECTANGULAR PICTURE (295 SQ. IN.) EXCLUSIVE 3-YEAR COLOR ,.-YEA- PICTURE TUBE WARRANTY QUALITY STEREOPHONIC THEATER Featuring Instant Play and AFC AdmlruS. Ouullty Color I"V COLO,RTVFOR1969! NOW $ 0 N LY COLOR ICTURK TUBK WARRANTY 9O Because-of Memorial Day Holiday Our Prices Will Be Good Through Thursday, June 5 011 DIAG. ColorTV-227 Sq. In. Proven Performance Quality Cabinetry T)NE 8ENNINGION I Me n u ) del 2C191 the hln(l )I re>aft ()in(,t q\\;'lin (11 he (, g .maku I ichal r imilit, \\;\)It m , ( I , -t t' R - , ' 1 1 '( ('lin, '(h WalruH grained tini,h ()n hardh()ard }'t'dr, . \\; Ill r('h'lln ii'., ch'gant ) >k h)t ma I, [fright" ) (/)mr,. reatt)rcs in( t( Admiral Su)('r- bll' ;())or l))(tur(, t )t' "St )(r St(De" VIIF' C all (+lll(l fur ' ) -ODlkr , lts. AcJnl))d I)1,,  lay .>,.. 1,),,?,d and ('I(ht,d (,rt( i,, '-:r,+' ,. , 1, ya" D. ONLY $ 95 Tile MILWOOD M0diI 3Ll131 Modern furniture styling at its finest, describes this 23" (diag. meas.) console. Its richly grained Walnut finish on hardboard will edd that contemporary feelingto any room. Matched with the Mil- wood's authentic styling is an un- beatable feature package, headed by Admiral's Instant Play and Automatic Fine Tuning Control Ouc). WITH ADMIRAL AUTOMATK FIN[ TUNING (ONTROL |AF(| YOUR CHOICE $49888 Thi WILMINGTON Medel 3L113S This console dramatically cap- tures the dignity and handcrafted detail that is representative of Early American styling. Hardboard cabinet finished in richly grained Meple adds warmth and luxury to nny room. The Wilmington comes equipped with such famous Admiral features as Automatic F ',+ Tuning Control (AFC) and Instant Play. THE HUTCHINSON/Model 3L375M-.--An out,. standing reproduction of the popular larly Ameri(an cabinet design. Warm Maple grained (inish on (hoi(.e hardwood veneers. Features include Admiral Inslant Play. Automatic Firm luning Control. Optional Sonar Remote Control .... Morhq 3LS375M. Exclusive Color fidelity Con- trol. "Super S(:ope" VI"IF/LJIIF timers. Col)[mr bonded and el(.hed circuits, 32%" II, 40V" W, ]81/4 '' D, B & R Reg, $579.95 v ADMIRAL PR[CI$10N CRAFT[D COLOR CHASSIS WITH D0% MOR[ POW[R ,dk THE ACADIA/3L378M--..Warm Mediterranean, a tasteful blending of the most elegant o( Old World furniture iniluences. Its fine double- sided cabinet is crafled with a Pecan grained finish on choice hardwood veneers, features in- clude Admiral Inslant Play, Automatic Free Tun- ing Control. Ex(lusive Color Fidelity Control. Adm)ral Super-Bright cohr l)iclure tube. "Super Scope" VPIF/UHF tuners. 28-%" H, 40%" W, 18%" D. B & R Reg. $589.90 Your Choice Only A THE NORDING/Model 3L371M. Styled for mot,l-. ern living, the Nording is a Sul)erh examph, ()f the popular Danish Modem d(mign. C)afted with a Walnul grairmd finish on sele(te(.l hard. wood veneers and solids, feattmm inchlde Admiral Instant Play. AFC. Olnional Sonar Re. mole Control-- J, Aodel 3LS371M. [xclusive (olor |:idelily Control. "Super 5ope" VIIf/UI|F lune+s. Copper bonded and elched (hassis (ir(t,ils 30,'" H, 4{)" W, 18%" D. B & R Reg. $562.90 S5599s Free Service & Delivery ..... Stereo's & Appliances also Reduced .... Look & Savel "Pay More? What For?" Plenty of Free Parking I I "J" & Olympic Hwy. N. 426=3264 Shelton Thursday, May 29, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - P+ge 5