May 29, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 29, 1969 |
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Phyllis Pierce
a commercial
art course
taken 25 years ago
was a hindrance
when she started
oil painting
two years ago.
u,,,i ¸"
Commercial Course Hinders Painting
A eolnniercial art course tak-
*'rl by Phyllis Pierce 25 years
:tF, o m;.Jo H difficu]l for her when
slt, dvcidod to try oil painting.
,hi" }1;t(I t,lsod the precise lines
I('t('SSlFb' for clarity in conlmcr-
c, il ,r! work in all the sketches
she had done since she took
the cent's,. She had to work at
h,:rrHtlF, h rt'llx her Irush
,a rok¢:s so her paintings would
Ill,1 look stiff.
l,Jke so Ill;lily wolnell iYI Mason
('tmly who's families have
t:r.wn up and left home, l>hyllJs
di',.()v(q'ed painting atx)LZt two
>.ar; .go when a friend s/acted
F.iviriF, lessons.
As stx)n as silt? mastered the
diffi.ully of relaxing her strokes,
hc fotmtl herself al)sorbed for
tI/)III'S ill (yoYilposing new pictures,
l'hylli; (l()('s nol like Io copy.
IIer two sons and two daugh-
ters have l)een the reeilfients of
a number of them, Before long,
her six grandchildren will pro-
Imhly be wanting pictures of their
own painted I)y their grandmoth-
Anoiher absorbing hobby Phyl-
lis enjoys is playing the organ,
She also enjoys reading and
spends as much time as possible
camping with her husband, Roy.
Phyllis is active in the Hood
Canal Community Church and
works part-time in the Hoodsport
Post Office.
Pictures painted by Phyllis will
be on display at Moil Chevrolet
during the next week.
[[ she Hses atlother picture for
; I)asio i(tea she changes so,ile-
lhing in it:, so hers will he differ-
The h:'chnique she prefers uses
I):HIH heavy on the canvass with
bmish strokes resembling the pa-
hqte knife, This method seems
I. make the picture stand out
Phyllis (.specially enjoys paint-
ing water scenes. She also has
throe st.ill life, scenery and ani-
mals and is at present working
on a t)rtrait of her grandmother
when she was 100 years old.
She has shown her paintings
a! the Catholic Art Show and the
l:lanche Radtke Orthopedic Guild
Arl Show. Phyllis could have
sold some of her pictures b she
i; always giving them away in-
Barren Initiated
• 1)an Barren was initiated in-
. CTrimson (Srelc of Omicron
l)olta Kappa last Thursday
evenin at Washington State. Uni-
versity, Crimson Circle is a nat-
tonal service honorary,
:; J )i
i i
ENGAGEMENT of Leslee' LaBlssoniere and Denny
Bailey has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
bes J. LaBissontere, Union. He s the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernie Bailey, Shelton. The future bride and groom grad-
uated from Shelton Htgh School and are now attending
Western Washington State College from which he wtll
graduate in June. He plans to teach In Olympia next year.
No wedding date has been set.
celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary
with a reception in their honor from 2 p,m.
to 5 p.m. Sunday at the Olympia Yacht
Club. The Mawsons were married in Se-
attle on June 3, 1909, and moved to Olym-
pia in 1921 whore they reeided until 1945.
At that time they moved to Hood Canal
UIID tN[_ d
Rotary Club luncheon, noon
Ming Tree Ca.fe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m.. court
house annex.
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Rest-
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base-
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
PUD No. 3 commission meet-
ing, I p.m., PUD conference
County Commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m.,
PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town, Phone
426-4847 for pickups.
Ski Club, 7:30 p.m., Mr. View
Welcome Chapter No. 40 Soc-
ial Club, noon, Vi Ferrls home,
2120 Adams St..
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers restaurant.
City commission meettng, 2
p.m., city hall.
American Legion, 8 p.m., Mem-
orial hall.
Lions Club dinner Board meet-
ing, 7 p.m., Capital Restaurant.
Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m.,
Masonic Temple.
Jaycee dinaer meeting, 6:30
p.m., airport clubhouse.
Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., at the
Mason County Kidney Founda-
tion, 7:30 p.m., at Fred Peste
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base-
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
court house annex.
Multi-service center advisory
board, 7:30 p,m., 0t the center.
World War I Veterans of Ma-
drone Barracks No. 62 and Auxi-
liary, potluck luncheon, noon,
Memorial hall.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Yacht Club business meeting,
8 ll.m., clubhouse.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD conference room.
Benefit Drawin9
Held Saturday
The Kidney Foundation held
" 1 drawing Saturday at
lfi6ir bSth in the Carniyal area.
Walter Kline, of Olympia, won
the color pack polaroid camera.
The group's Friday night dona-
tion dance at the Island Lake Fire
Hall and their snack booth at
the Forest Festival both met with
success. The Foundation wishes
to thank all those who assisted
in the projects.
Their next regular meeting will
be Tuesday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Peste in Shelton.
Spurs Taps Two
Shelton Girls
Two Shelton High School grad-
uates, Lindley Whaley and Vir-
ginia Head, were recently tapped
for membership next year in the
Eastern Washington State Col-
lege chapter of Spurs. Spurs is
a national service honorary for
sophomore women.
Miss Whaley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Whaley, is major-
tng in history. Miss Head hu
not yet selected a major. Her
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fran-
cis ,Potter.
Available in
Gold or Chrome
Tho fountain leslie LIGNTED!
:| We Also Havet
| Champagn$ Glasse Punoh
where Mr. Mawson was employed em a ]emd- | Cups, China, Silverware and
scape gardner at Blshopbrook until his re- i everything for your Wedding
tlrement in 1966 when they returned to | Reooption at
Olympia. Their son, Harry Mawson, will [ RENTS
arrive from Creswell, Oregon, to greet 16 E. 4th Ave. Olympia
them. Family and friends are Invited to at- I
tend. The family requests no gifts, please. | . ,
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 29, 1
\\; :
• Football, baseball and wrest-
ling are the sports favored by
Marvin Willson, presider of the
Shelton High School "S" Club
this year.
Marvin played in the halfback
position for the Highclimbers two
years; alternated between short-
stop, pitcher and left field three
years on the baseball team; and
turned out for wrestling three
;Besldea heading, :,the .!";"
Club.this year, Mafm was.,a
member of the senatein his soph-
omore year. Outside of school he
enjoys water skiing, working on
cars and Summer Igion Base-
His subjects this year include
advanced P. E., civics, socio-
logy, publications, art and cyping.
He intends to attend Olympic
College two years then transfer
to the University cf Washington
to complete his education. His
planned major is physical edu-
High School Spotlight.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. A.M.
Willson, Mary was born June 29,
1950 in Evergreen, Ale. and mov-
ed to Shelton in the seventh
grade, tie is 5 feet 7 inches tall,
has blue eyes and reddish blond
hair. tie weighs 145 pounds.
An ohter sister, Cynthia, is
married. At home he has three
brothers and two sisters, Mike,
an 8th grader; Len, 7th grade;
Beverly, 6th grade; Sandra, 5th
grade; and Scott, three years old.
Social Club Plans
Pofluck Luncheon
• Welcome Chapter No. 40 OES
Social Club will meet June 3rd
for a noon potluck luncheon in
the Vi Ferris home, 2120 Adams
St. In case of rain, the meeting
will be moved to the Masonic
Dear Miss Brookfield:
Some months ago my husband,
59 years old, retired after years
of working at his small business.
lie is in excellent health and
eventually phms to go into some
sort of part-time business. At the
moment, he claims he is enjoy-
ing his retirement. The trouble
is -I am not. Understand, I love
him, but having him around the
house underfoot all day is up-
setting my old routine. I am
accustomed to such things as a
coffee break and calls to friends
in between all the household
chores. My husband likes to fake
walks. I was never one for this
form of exercise, so we argue
about this all the time. I prefer
to let him walk while I stay
home. Can you offer any solu-
M.S.. Portland.
Remember the old saying, "It's
great to tmve a man around the
house'? Many women find their
husbands' retirement a trying
time, especially for the reasons
you cite. Time, plus joint efforts
to recognize each other's indivi-
dual needs, can work wonders.
ward off many
toms with
therapy - to
the ovaries no
Your depressmn
to other c
can decide, i
Dear Miss
made my skin
oils in my
A.IL i
Dear A.H. :
Many factors
gree of dryness
include' your
cation, "the rcl,
of soaps
of moisture
a cause. There
the market
or retain
You may
SOllle V¢OlllPB
or drops to
common interests you once shar-
ed. Thankfully, you now have the '
Even if his retirement was vol-
untary, he is going through a I II;A[t lV'l'l ,
period of transition and adjust- [ I r-" _p mel
ment, too. You can be most lelp- t l
ful at this time. Once he finds I AOt
abs°rbing interests " either w°rk' I oN. 5!
a hobbv, or even w)lunteer work
- you will find the problem has
lessened considerably. And it
wouldn't hurt, once "in a while, I ...tell jv, Mkt i art
to take kindly to his' walking
suggestion - it's an excellent form
of exercise. Many women walk
to keep their figures trim. To
get the most out of your walks,
hold you head up, your abdomen
flat and your back striaght. Long,
easy strides with the toes point.
ed straight ahead are best. I'
sure to wear comfortable shoes.
Try it. You may enjoy it more
if you walk with a destination
or objective in mind.
Dear Miss Brookfle|d:
I am a childless widow of 45
who was planning to marry
again. Now I may be doomed
to widowhood because the ro-
mance has definitely cooled,
thanks to my new and sour dis-
positioB. I wasn't like this before,
but lately I find myself being
depressed and irritable. My fi-
ance eems to be avoiding me.
I can laffm ,. withi .this
changing personality of mine
Can you help?
B.R., Los Angeles, Cal.
Dear B.R. :
For many women, the middle
years usher in a change of per-
sonality, with the onset of meno-
pause (charge of life). They be-
come depressed, anxious and ir-
ritable. The age at which meno-
pause occurs varies with differ-
ent women; but with menopause,
the ovaries stop producing the
hormone estrogen. This leads to
Rq[ular $0.00
Tune in now on these great values and
you'll be tuned in for Summer in a big way...
Every pair alive, enlightening, enhancing.
DEPT. - 3rd & Railroad