May 29, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 29, 1969 |
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Groundbreaking Is Set
0 Rotary Student
For Evergreen College Of The Month
I Gov. Daniel J. Evans, mere= building the 337,000 square foot
bers of Washington's congression- library - is expected to begin
al delegation, state legislators late this year. The library will
and other public officials are ex- be a three-story structure with
pected to participate in a brief full basement and enclosed space
ground breaking ceremony June on the roof for food service. In-
9, signaling the start of construc- Rialiy, the building will house
tion on the campus of The Ever- library, audiovisu;d, classr¢n)m,
: ...... green State College at Olympia• and faculty and adnfinistrativc
The ceremony, scheduled to he- office spacc. Non-library functions
gin at 10:30 a.m., will precede the will be moved to other buildings
initial site clearing and road as enrollment grows and funds
building work on the 990 acre become available. Estimated cost
campus, located on the shores of the structure is $11,836,000.
of Puget Sound's Eld Inlet, north- Also scheduled to be under con- : :
west of Olympia• strucflon during the 1969-71 bi-
When dirt is turned it will ennium will Ix, the following fac-
mark the start of construction on ilities:
the first public, four-year college -- First unit of the large-group
built in the State of Washington instruction building; esUmated
, during the 20th century, cost $588,000.
!:: Gov. Evans will be the fea .... Student ac.tivities: estimal-
tured speaker during the ground ed cost $2,615,000.
breaking ceremony. Others parti- . .... Plant facilities ( healing
cipating in the program will be plant, garage, shops); estimated
State Senator Gordon Sandison cost $2,536,000,
of Port Angeles, Chairman of the
Senate I-Iigher Education Commit- --I;lboratory building; esfim-
tee; State Senator Harry Lewis ated cost $5,231,000.
of Olympia; President Charles J. -- Physical education building;
. McCann of The Evergreen State estimated cost $2,176.000.
College, and college board of -- Initial student residence
trustees' chairman Al E. Satin- haU; estimated cost $3,975,000.
ders of Tacoma.
The library, student activities
Authorized by the 1967 State center, first unit for larl'e-roul) SHARON STANSELL, Shelton High School senior, hu
Legislature, The Evergreen State instruction anti heating paint,
College is scheduled to open its garage and shops are ('xpocled l)eell selected as Rotary Vocational Stlld TM o. nt of the Month
doors to approximately 1,200 stu- to be complete when the college by tl(l' teachers. Miss ' ,
Stans(:ll plans to tttend Central
dents in September, 1971 and is ol)ens in 1971. 'Fho hd)orahwy l, Vashillgton S tatc' College this fall s]le will prepare
expected to reach an enrollment buihling and residence h:tll are
QUEEN Janice Wittenberg is escort- queen (if the 25th Mason (,'()untv. Forest Festival last lewl of 12,000 by the mid- expected to be ready for rS I) y t() be t home e('.ononlics teacher. Sewilig, cooking and
at Mt. View School by. Chris ('.lose, who Wednes(lay nig|H. 1980's, mid-1972, swimming are her favorite hobbies• Miss
Stemsell is the
lllliVal ,, Nearly two years of research s , , • -
I lhls eat aft(q h(n (olonttl n as
• • 3 ' ", " :" '. " : .•O -" Total con'truclion cost during (lartlhtcl" of Mr alia Mrs E. A Stansell Sh- .,m n ...... •
and planning has preceded the the 1969-71 biennitn i is (slim'dee ,.f 1 ........ + It.., ..... ..... , ...... -.,_ • .............. ub :
• -- ' ' izt aaXJLL¢]a ¢L ltIJt;Ll Y IilliCll(,I)ll t/(ly :
l)nyslcal development, of the tr( at $37,408,000, In a(Idil:ion to the -
coverea, gently rolling campus buildings the pr,)iect (ost in-
site. The campus master plan, eludes approximatlely $7,,t24,000 • die • m |(
Ill I PIk____ dl • • IIll ..... II •m L• Ill I_J__ hriuehtioSnerVeias the overall con- for roads and ut:ilities ancl $1,02,1- MISSlnn i] _ [
Ill V : gu'deline, was drafted 000 for (ampus 1 lndst< 1, rg
a_ :bervtce is rlannea for Noon rrlaav b , : It I
/ iV y the joint vemure of Durnam .. . . w,
l, Anothlr $9a) 000 in tli/h i)s
,arv wd be h,,hl June. at 7:30 py sale hek, ]as* rida and ence VanDykewill bav, a brldal ............... ' department funds h:s teen etr-I" _lli,'|lIIkl I I
KS ...... • . And rson and Freed architects ,
• . . . , • Y . , ,uiti uixitoil-l:luulong, engineers . . lti 411illl Ill
• NUel Ct ...... Im .t the Belfau" M ison c ram- S turday siiower for Miss Sue Allen. The ).+h ^, .++,_ ' marked by the St.t,, t,,. sl.,c,'e il I i#/ II
,teral s ..,,•tis vest pie. Mrs l'lwrcnce Castleman M,.o "( ...... t ......... ;), ......... shower will be held at the Van ...... : .... c. for a route study and Ultml _ ....... |l il....U
l a l-'e)sr ' i , ,lj av,.. '""l' zLa,J ly t " ..... ' ITI • we r
,ie , Net, road Dtuldtn , earl construction • • , g we e working [no 10sl
Au .'. of the y.r lie ,iris of sevral . , • . re welcome to attend, g Y four-lane ll nit((l access )atkw i ,
, . ×lAertes w . . , • I. - I)ep, lrtment of Vvashmffton Con .... . , • ........ I Y felln .... ' ,
' a, -- " " irnrin will l) 'leard and M.'. .eniion t,, i, h,-,,i i,, l,,llin,,, .... Jun, 8 wil nli, k the bet, in- . . . 'pp • 1 ' c'lnflms The . " '. - ' '-- l!
0ri 11 (hi rs , activities will include the start a roa(I to the dttill out of catlclde
'Ya' "':,v,ceson, ^ :. .............. ' .......... >..e ..................... • , , ..-o orwater ant1 sewer service ex ...i.. ........ ; ...... ', ,.=" .,, ,l repoi't calne in item i:lar-,, --" I
t [1 ., l lvlongrljlll %viii lel)ori Oil ,.C ' " " " " " " O t e " 1 ler se'h (lUle ior ' - i,,lnway will o2lenu lfonl lilt
){in li i " Jun(, 18 - 21 Also going with nlng f h. sunn ........... s In( Isl , " • <
0e he • " • tensions to the cam us b • • ...... nd about ,:l 1 st Siamese
,.. etery lr.: two day bake, sllc held earlyier Mrs IIanify wil i) Mrs Rolmd Morning Worship Strvi(es 8 30 ....... P y the Ilighw<ty 101 fleeway wes! oI n ...... a 1 .... ¢h.,. . ).. .. I ............. I :
Wel,, , , it it. . ' • "" * ity O[ Ul la ' ..... .,,<,,,.,x,,. --e .au h
(Orrl lhls monlh ymp Olympia to th( south( rn eel e natty uara, UR gk-lrr
• e lo lie*,,t ' . . Buss lrd President of District No and 11 a.m Sunday School will - ' - - g ,..,. ,.., t....,.^_ _+., ..... u^ IIRl"r! lIT
.... " ...... I'he RCliort of District No. 1 4 Auxili'arie.s and Mrs.'L. Carl- begin at 9:45 a.m. t3onstruction of the first college of the campus, li'vSl",'iih'/l7 '' 2,'2'Z"%.,2:: II ......... II
.... - ....................... .. ,,v,., If It DU'G be stunned, I1[ •
r rl.- nl(ct n<, of Posts md Auxili lries son of Kingston the loyally June 9 the l}aptisb Youth Sel- r,,,., ............ _ Ill• II
'c't'li , . , , , ' . ; " . '. . . ,--,,,,t,. ourgier Itole your D•
n4 of Nuil he]( I) vQueenoftht Distrl(t lowshi will begin thtir summ(r • IS.
' 5372 :. ' > ' last Sunday ,it Relsil Smit • '' "' ' '" " ' " ' The Dunlaps were disconsolate. !1 rllie car |nsurl/ !
and }' v,{m, rans of will be read. Mrs. Myron Polk'S meeting scheduh, s. lilt| .... I ------.'---- C I__ I_ n_ I_e __ Ttiey had just moved to the II won't ca,or th, lo.. am II
fill( s , rF RANS ()IF WORI,D WAR I V Ic ilion Blbh S(tlOOl wI l be ncl o fro attl's If yo I•• us, your hom-
-: ,r u.\\;il- retlr, will be <m the Buddy Pop- 'C' ,' " i ," ' ,.'" ' IlW ilOalillla ldil'l I-OIICV "tlhorhod ' m Se' e II lfyo., .t- II "
• Th, Veterans of World W'lr I held June 16 - 20 from 9 a.m. to %w / (-lu(eli Anne district II ownerl or tenlmts poll li :
t.. Post ,and Auxiliary No. 2778 will noon. | I I" ! t * "Witnesses sus,ct(d ...... foul play; I[ _.; WAr It 'k...•,,.r•nytLn't II
r .,,l I" l * / hold their regular meeting June SllOWER FOR KAREN ,)eT ov forest 00ervtce ,tl<>\