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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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$€o.t Camp Sees Many ; Over The Weekend It was a busy Robbinswolcl. came down and took one over the Plane ride and for the first time They all e immense- e of cadets and by the late had a little lace, they'd and wrath- In arriving. the lights of the girls in the bulk- arrival. This any troops water. Eldon Watehing for and was on two if by 'to signal returned the girls and a 218 girls. l)hm- Vancou- reunion with sisters school Whom she Years, made on their It was an all. ccessful work Sunday. and They clean- Park, and addi- and at Stan and report- from Lil- had well. All and are her rettwn meeting Club Will be the It is to be on whether in their re- pro- they are is invited re- Mrs. Fred- Washing- ;eorge, and brought their even- Ayock SPent the a bit of they had and Mrs. Lord join- was Mar- to audio. if I latest tiny for ,? :! garet's birthday, and she was pleasantly surprised by the un- expected arrival (ff her son Ron- nie who drove up with a friend from Olympia just to kiss his mother Happy Birthday. LONG TIME RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy, formerly of Lilliwaup, are now living at the Retail Home near Port Orchard. Kennedy is a Span" ish American war veteran, and is one of nine veterans of that war living at the home. They lived in Lilliwaup for 35 years and lheir many friends here may be interested in knowing where they arc and visiting them at the veteran's home. HOUSE GUEST Mrs. Sig Anderson has had her son-in-law, Frank Smith of Beaver staying with her for the past two weeks. Smith has a back injury and Mrs. Anderson has been caring for him and driving him to Centralia for treatments twice weekly. She took him back spent the weekend there visiting with her daughter. FOUR MEMBERS of the cast of the Shel- ton Jtigh School Music Del)artment's pro- duction of Oklahoma visited Gov. Dan E 'ads last week to present him with a hat, .............. +,++:- :+,+i:+:;++ + scroll and tickets to the production. Shown here, left to right, are Linda Schinlschat, Cindy Rice, Larry Lawrence and llarvey Farrimond. Union: Many Local People View Forest Festival Activities WED, - 7 to 9 p.m., Family going president Mrs. Patrick Car- ney. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cowan and Sherly went Monday evening to Sea-Tac to meet Gary Cowed. He has received his discharge and is coming home to stay. As can be expected there Is a lot of happiness aml excitement in the Cowed household. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Morris and two children came up from Cali/- ornia this weekend. Mrs. Morris is hoping to find a place to rent so that she can stay here while Colin reports back for duty and a six month cruise. i SAHA'I FAITH "Man should know his own self, and know those things which Lead to loftiness or to baseness, to shame or honor, to affluence or to poverty" Baha'u'llah Interested ? Call 426-6473 or 426-6630 County Sheriff's office where she was head of the Juvenile Divi- sion. After many active years in the civic life of Seattle, Mrs. Ross keeps busy with involve- ment in the civic affairs of Lacey as well as with her new hobby of painting. No rocking chair for her. JACK CATTOS IIOST The Jack Cattos were dinner hosk Saturday evening at their beach home. Guests were the I,wis Evans, the Pat McGradys and Mrs. Francesca Simmons. Mrs. Simmons left Sunday to drive to Sonora, Calif., where she plans to sell her trailer, pre- paratory to moving to Hood Can- el. She came for a visit, spent tbe winter here, and now has de- cided to make it permanent. JUNE RETURNS GRANDSON " June Lee, of Ayock Beach, will be spending a few clays in Seattle with her son and daughter-in-law. tier daughter-in-law has been re- leased from the hospital and is now recovering at home folh)w- ing recent surgery. June has been caring for her grandson during his mother's Illness, and now will be on hand to help out lill the young mother is feel- ing better. She plans to return home Thursday. VACATION PLANNED Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hayes of the Lilliwaup Motel recely return- ed from a vacation trip to Calif- ornia where they visited her mother. The Senior Hayes have been minding the store during their son's absence. Now the two mothers, his moth- er and her mother, are planning an Hawaiian vacation trip ogeth- er in June. By NANCY VRAHNO8 • UNION -- The Forest Festival is the big news this week. Many families in the community were in Shelton bright and early to watch the parade. Many stayed in town to see the logging show. Although rain threatened several times it held off until the days festivities were over. The rain is what may be called the pause that refreshes. The countryside was getting very dry and now things look clean and refreshing. We may resent the rain a little but without it we would have a brown countryside instead of green. The David Ray Orthopedic Auxi- liary had its annual dinner at Lake Cushman Wednesday night. After dinner Mrs. Gene Graham was surprized with a cake and a gift from the ladies as it was her birthday. President Mrs. Nat- han Stairs then appointed her chairmen for the coming sea- son. They are Penny Drive, Mrs. James Bittle; Ways and Means, Mrs. Gene Graham; Flower Night FRI.. 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Sat,. 11 a.m.. 1 p.m Learners 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., Matinee 8 p.m.. 11 p.m., Evening SON.. 1 :SO p.m. - 4 p.m., Matinee SKATELAND Olympia • 352.9943 i iii ii ii ii i ..... il ?;;;7 Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.).. 7:00 p.m. VISIT TO PANORAMA CITY .. Fund, Mrs. Art Krause: Scrap Mt. View Book, Pub- Faith and Lewis Evans anti Hoodsport: Mrs. Harry Coles; ] Madge and Allie Robinson were licit),, Mrs. Kenneth Pearce. A ] Alliance Church dinner guests at the Panorama C' S00outs Plan Hike Into Mountai +o+ ,o ou, I City home of Faith's mother, Mrs. ,mmPamb,qm,mD,ipgmm Sunday School ..: ....... 9:45 a.m. Florence Ross. Mrs. Ross is a ns Morning Worship .... ll:00a.m. retired captain from the King I NYE BUILDING A Y. F ..................... 6:00 p.m. old, from Seattle. Mr. Albert is t{ale of Hoodsport. i - Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. a self employed writer and film Mr. and Mrs. William tIohnson SUPPLY Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m, i director. Mrs. Albert is the daugh- ter (ff Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and their family from Olympia, Complete Building 8upplles EARL EVERS, Pastor ++ Phone 426-8224 Firs Church of Christ, Scientist Natural Birch Paneling Now On Display By DONA O'NEIL • tlOODSPORT - Eight ten- year ,+1(1 Weeblo Scouts will be getting up with the sun next Sunday morning. They and their leader, E(I Johnston, have plan- ned :t fishing and hiking trip up the south fork of the Skokomish. Mrs. Rick Sharpes and Maxine Johnston will go in ahead of the group and set up the base camp two miles in. From there the boys will hike on and do a little fishing and exploring. Sunday evening they will re- turn sun burned, bug bitten and weary, but it will be a day that the boys and their leaders will reminisce about in years to come. Can't think of a better therapy for young folks in this compli- cated society. MR. AND MRS. MATT KA2E have moved into their lovely house next door to their former home of twelve years. Mrs. Kaare was kind enough to call the O'Neils and offer their former home for rent to the Thurmans before they had even arrived up from California last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thurman arrived bag and baggage, truck and trailer, Monday evening and be- gan moving into the Kaare home first thing that week. Jim is driving truck for Hovey and Jarvis Logging Co. and San- dy is waiting for August and the new addition to their family. VISITORS TO HOODSPORT this weekend included Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Albert and their daughter Alexa, now 18 months Julia Backs Social SecurHy Bill • Rep. Julia Butler Hansen has joined in sponsoring legisla- tion to increase Social Security benefits by 15 per cent. The bill also would boost the • minimum primary benefit from $55 to $80 a r month. In addition, Rep. Hansen pro- l)osed quarterly reviews of cost of living with methods of ad- justing payments to protect the elderly from inflation. Rep. Hanson. noted that of the 15.2 million adult Americans re- ported living in poverty that 5.7 million are age 65 or older. She said the $80 base would lift an estimated 1.4 :million above the poverty level. The Congresswoman said stu- dies show that since 1965 that Social Security benefits have in- creased some 20 per cent while the cost of living rose 15.9 per cent, The Administration has pro- posed a 7 per + cent increase in benefits. Some members of Can- gress are quoted as favoring no hike. Some 75 Congressmen have joined with Rep. Hansen in co- sponsoring the bill which has Rep. Charles A. Vanik ,D-Ohio, as principal author. KEEP COOL Electrically! Nobody wants to wake up in the morning feeling like a well-done steak. And you can avoid that "cooked" feeling by installing electric air conditioning now. Hot weather is on the way. Call your local air condi- tioning expert, right away.., to get cool, healthful comfort added to your home before" the hot weather hits. / MASON COUNTY P.U.D. No. 3 'qJ- J4r/ lwin 'TaYlor. Preeident f t  Harold W. Piu'ker, Vice President , jf  - IF' Jack Cole, Secretary Jerry Samples Manaler with Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and their family joined Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winters in the back yard of the home of Neff Sim- mons Jr. and his family for an afternoon barbecue and a few toasted marshmallows. No one fell in the creek or th efish lxmd. It was simply a pleasant family Northslde Baptist Church 123 W. C St. at Oly. Hwy. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. l Worship 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Training Union 6 p.m. Midweek Service, 7:30 p.llm. Travis H. Lawrence, Pastor i 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. I $3.25 sheet Sunday School 11:00 a,m.--. Curch 11:00 a.m. -----'--" Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8:00 p.m. Aluminum Windows , Reading room located in church. Reading' room hours t Cole Road [ 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Men. & Frt. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45 get together : =-:=---=- I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia anti Lake Boulevard Mason CounCy ] ,o CHAMBERLAIN, Minister Bible School ...... .... 9:45 a.m. Fanlily Service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday --- Bible Study and Prayer 7:30 p.m. ' Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service • I t St. Dav,d s Ep,scopal Church Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lady, Priest Auto (;lass [rugs The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. • Helena, RttbtoKein 7:30 A.M.--. Holy Communion • ]rt Lnstailatlon • CoemeUce 9:30 A.M, -- Church School & • PresorlpUoul Adult Bible Class JIM PAULEY, INC. • Hypo-A]lere (lmetl ]'1:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 NELL'S PHARMACY . 6th & Franklin Ph. 426-87 i I I Meth0dis Ch h .__ United f urc Auto Parts Electrical " G and King Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Nltnlster * Automotive Machine Shop • IIlrbanks.MorSe Ptmlps 9:00 and 11:00 a.m, Worship Services • Parts for all cars sad trucks • Electric Heating • 24-Hr. Service on Parts • Westinghouse Appliances 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages --,6 p.m. Youth Fellowflllp LeE Fields Auto Parts, Inc. SHELTON ELECTRIC GO. 22 S. 1st 8t. 426-3351 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 ....... MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Auto P, axliators Floor Coverings =o E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. Z8CHOCHE, Pastor i-++o i T-- • Auto Glass Installation • Tile SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1969 • Body & Fender Repairing • (.rpet Divine Services 8:15 and 10:30 and Painting • ]Borllalea Sunday School and Bible Class 9:15 WHITEY'S AUTO BODY REX FLOOR COVERING (behind Klmbel Motors) Mt. View Ph. 46-2g2 Theme: "THREE UNSPEAKABLES" 707t/s 8. 1st 428-3(104 ii i , ,, i , Jl Fi BaR’i € Ch h Auto Repairing Masonry rsf s urc • Major Overhauls • Fliae (CONSERVATIVE) • Brakes & IEniUon • All BriCk a • Welding & 1"te-ups • BI0k Wo Fifth & Cots Sis. Rev. Jerry Larson, TH.M, Tel, 426-8461 Special WinterizAng MASON'S MASONRY -Morning Worship ED'S SERVICE Sunday, June 1, 1969 I 219 SO. let 426-11 Phone 426-2278 9:30 a.m. Bible School Broadcast over , , 11:00 a.m. "THE GIFT OF LIMING KMAS WATER" -- John 4:1-10 ..... t ..... 7:00 p.m. No Service (High School Baccalaureate) 1280 - 11:00 a,m. Beauty Paint • Complete Hair Care / C and C Paints • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches Co'-Ca-Wall • Co'.Ca-Namel • Merle Norman Cosmetics [ A-Plex • Brella,Plex • ]B'ree Demontrations GRAYSTONE of SHELTON ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON Tth & Park 426-$344 6th & Laurel 426-4582 .... . ii i -----I Rental Service ...... Building Supplies I • Lumber I I Aost  .ywem I .• Sherwin-Wllllame Paint I I Bulldozers =.L,oalera- Pmpa (Kern-Tone & Kem-GIo) | I Folding mquet Tables ' • Cabinet Hardware | | & Chairs, Hospital Bed, ]’,e, GRANT LUMBER 00. [ | LEW RENTS 807 B. let 426-6612 i / 2216 u. 4th, Olympi a, 88777|1 I I Chain SEws-- Travel- [ New and Used • Rentals [ • Air - Rail - stealrmh/p • Bus - Hotels - Tours I Oregon Chains & Accessories [ • No Extra Charge for I Smail motor tune-up & repair [ Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily Our Service Anglo Travel ReS. Center | Mlke'e MoCulIooh Shop 426-8272 426-4184 1,2215 Olymplo Hwy. N., 426-4689 401 Railroad Ave. Custom (:00binets:- TV Service ..... Quality Built Custom Cabinets | • Radio - I'V Bank 'Ferma Available ] • Pllonograplw John and Jerry Bunko • C23 g-way Radio Better Built Cabinet by B & B CABINET SHOP I.EROV'S TV SERVICE ylor Tower 426-2042 Mt. View Ph. 48-817 ii I iii Building Supplies "-'! lasumace' .......... • Sherdn-Williams / [ -CHZSTt VY ' Paints.Carpets-W allpape r | | . Representative • Complete Building Supplies | | GRANGE INSURANCE ASSN • Plastering & Supplies | I Fire - Auto . Casualty Nye Co. Building 8upply I | ]E)]SOI1O 4G6-6158 Free Delivery / ] Star RL I, BOx 8, Sl1Itml 428-8224 " On Cole Road I , ,, iii -- i iiiii i -- signs '' 3-D Magnetic I  " Car and Truck Signs W. A. LEIMBACK Phone 877-733 _:[ - II II Lawn Boy • MOWERS and • EDGERS Available in 18". 19" - 21" widths • Quick to Start • Quick on the Go Low As I Demonstrator nlkEG m Available NO OBLIGATION Stop in Soon At SAEGER MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST • 426-4602 ii i i iiiiii1,111 i L i ,, i Fishermen's Club ,oo,oo+o+o.00+,cot i \\; From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 ,m. every Sunday i .,. SUNDAY,.JUNE 1, 19S9 Bible Study: REV; JOHN HARDT Program: To Be AnnoullOed + ii i , i + i . ii III ! [ .... . ...... L ,/'r'+ : ..... Fa;fh ",,+h church • .- eran 7th and Franklin g:80 and tl:00 a,m. -- Worship Services 9:30 a.m. -- Sundry School for all ages Christian Worship, Education, Fellowship, Service CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Iqlone 426-8611 The Friendly Church SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1521 Monroe Street Mason Younglund, PalRor sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambaassdors ......................................................... 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, family Night ............................... ................. 7:00 P,m- Thursday, May 29, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Jaurnal - Page 17