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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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s Club Plans Meeting June 5 Ilr&TE8 day of 'brouse' shopping while drove imo Shelton to give her the menfolk attended the auction Between now at the Stan Johnson farm. Beulah Hitch- be hoping for Helen Johnson this past Fri- day June 5, day came to the Island and Club brought with he: a birthday cake. Club takes its The honored recipient of birthday the summer, celebration was Helen tousle is new this Simons and the scene of the cof- voted to fee and cake get-together was meeting for at Helen's mom's home, Aina one usually Anderson. Joining the others was the meeting Grandma Marie. Club date us- The Bob Graham family of the • holidays so Harbor enjoyed dinner with the Is poor. Also John Niemi's of Pt. Wilson, par- it would ants of Pare Graham. Probably a meeting the most popular guest of the annual get- family was the newest addition Club to the Graham family, the little Ordinarily gal was less than five weeks this event old when she came to visit everyone pro- Grandpa and Grandma. details and This past weekend saw a cou- to make ad- pie of mighty, happy pinochle for players at the Sid Baunsgard home. The Joe LaLandes while women- up for the weekend from Aber- the plans for deen dropped in for a visit with the the Sid Baunsgards. Before long So a card game was in progre-s, a SOme good game the menfolk won't soon COme to the let the womenfolk forget. Bid week and and Joe had not only 1500 trump others. Time but 303 pinochle combination al- fast evapora- so. Congratulations fellas. Opening has Of interest to many of the long- to June 22. time residents here were the Jim attended Lohrers guests recently, Herb Show and Genevieve Spharr of Tacoma. Seeing They came on Friday and stay- time were ed over one night and would who just have enjoyed going around the the Island. Island visiting, but had to get ta?ked about back to Tacoma early. But the tree snipper foursome enjoyed a wonderful a cat for chat catching the Spharrs up on fall a good all the Island news. is just Last Thursday Maude Kanouse chain saw stopped at Agate at her sister, Sybill Gilette's home to pick up Island was their dad, Charlie Seward and both bring him to the Island. First diSplay-wise, they stopped at Tbora Seward's another year for lunch. Then Maude and Tbora Year the re- and Charlle drove down to visit to have John and Beulah Hitchcock. It in the Court- was the first time in over seven of the year. years Charlie had been to Bal- ad Celia Gla- low, where he once lived for t"emerton many years. Last time he came called to Ballow for a visit John and Who made Beulah were still living in ,the for a good big h.:use that now belongs to Frances Madge. A spry old cod- ger at 87 he deftly explored all mum, Celia the landscape of the Hitchcock son Joe home including the ravine and Dick and creek behind the house taking Dick's note of all the plantings on both her sides of the bank and alcng the Island, too. creek where it starts as the Way the Mur- water empties from the water- ut over the wheel behind the dammed up to have pond. as an Beulah Hitchcock's sister, Hazel Also out Burst of Roseburg, Ore. came And another to Shelton last week to do some enjoyed work at the cemetery. Beulah from the the big city. last week is it was mailman, having a k in the con- nOrrespondent the regular vacation mail- at has been keeping mail- )ff to you, of those out for dinner Sat: enjoyed a It :'--$1895 Low .... $s95 ...... $S95 --$495 Legal Publications NO. 4012 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County In the Matter of the Estate of HAROLD E. BRECKHEIMFA, Deceased. The undersigned is the appoint- ed and qualified personal repre- sentative of said estate. Persons having claims against the de- ceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attor- ney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, to- gether with proof of su'ch service within four months after May 29, 1969, or the same will be for- ever tmed. EVA F. BRECKH No. 3446 Angelus Glendale, California ROBERT L BNYD,R Attorney for FKate 125K N. h Shelton, Waahtngton 98584 6/29-6/5-12 St NOTICE OF HEARING NOTIC IS HERNBY GIVEN that the City Plannt Commte- slon of the City of Shelton, Wa- ington will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 8, 1960 on an application for a zone oha.uge front R-1 to C-1 on Lots 8, 7 & 8 Block 29, Mt. View Adktttton to the City of Shelton. Is in accordance with zon- ing ordinance No. 882 of the City of Sheltom PURL JEMISON, Chairman P1eaming Oommllom 5/22-29 2t NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET HEARING Pm'mmnt to law notice la here- by given that the Ihool directors of t School Dis- trtct 311 will holda public hear- tngin .d echool district on the 29the_ day of M&y, 1969 at 8 p.m. for purple of PUminary Budg- et..A, lntere taxpayers are mVIM. Ckk Joaun Tu$ 9 2t -- ,  , • ,  - Mt. Morlah Lodge No. 11 F. &A. M. Saturday, May $1 Stated Communioatlon Lodge Opene 8 p.m. Vlotor T. Ellison, W.M. Arnold L. Chancy, 8ooretary a hand and the two had lunch together at the Timbers. Hazel then spent the night with her brother, Roy Whaley in Shelton before returning home. Hazel's daughter, Valarie Wright also came down from Seattle to see her mum. Drop-in boat visit::rs from Gig Harbor last Sunday at the Steig Gabrielsen home included Run and Vida Hemlie. Start and Ann Yates headed for Snoqualmie last Friday morn- ing. They took their daughter and her family as far. as Auburn where they stopped at their son, Warren's home. The Freshours then took a bus on to Seattle and home. Saturday morning Stan and Ann were headed for their destination which was a planned family get-together to :., : : .... help Stan's sister, Lena Coffman get sidewalks, etc. for her new mobile home put in. After the work was all done everyone en- joyed a picnic ogether. FLASH - The Bert Campbells struck oil recently on their pro- party! It was even aready re- fined. The oil was 'discovered' when Bert and Palmer were put- ting in new stepping blocks to the house. A gTeat deal of hurry ing and scurrying was then re- quired to get the gusher 'capped' before the whole 300 gallon sup- ply got away! With the coming of the brush cutter last week Islanders and tourists alike are gradually sett- ing something besides the center of the roads. What a difference cutting that brush along the edges of the roads is making. Our byways now seem ten feet wider. Alth ugh it doesn't really actually widen the driving area of the road it sure should help to make that narrow hazardous hill on the Pt. Wilson road a wee bit safer. At least after the brush cutter trims the edges the re- sidents will at least be able to see who and what they are aim- ing at. Skokomish: A SPECIAL AWARD for his many years of service to the Mason County Forest Fes- tival was presented to Dave James, vice- 1)resident, public, affairs for Simpson Tim- Matlock: ber Company during the Queen's 1)anquet last week. ttere, James received the plaque he was presented from Festival President Rocky Itembroff. Baccalaureate Service Are Planned will visit relatives. Mrs. Marie McKay spent Sun- day afternoon with Mrs, Augusta Portman and Carl Portman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley spent Saturday evening at the Elvin Hearing home. Grog and Regnal Davis of Ta- coma were Friday night guests of their sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker. Mrs. Larry Walker and Janet of Tacoma spent Saturday at the Earl Walker home. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Walker of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker and David were Sunday visitors at the Earl Walker home. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier entertained their family Sunday for dinner in honor of Lud's birth- day. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and fam- ily; Mrs. Lucy Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Ross- mater and girls all of Olympia; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chamberlin and family of Shelton. and Mrs. Alvin Scaoll of Pacific were weekend guests of their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and Susan visited Miss Cora Scherer of Roy and the Bill Chrisman family of Tacoma. Sunday the Tuppers drove to Lake Cushman and Stair Case to Ill Ill II CASH For Your PROPERTY ! Write: P. O. Box 764, Sheiton WashingtoM 98584 By DORA HEARING • MATLOCK--Mary M. Knight Baccalaureate Service will be Sunday night at 7 p.m. Com- mencement will be June 6th at 8 p.m. with John Ragan of Shel- ton, speaker, Judy Springer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and Sandra Perkins, Perkins will be Senior Class speakers. Dick Cockburn left Wednesday for Sunnyside to pick up his father. They left Pasco by train for Texas Thursday where they Local Couple Visit With Daughter In Seattle i Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deyette, and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn attended the pancake breakfast at the Fairgrounds Sunday, spon- sored by the Salty Sashay Square Dance Club. ...... Mr. and Mrs. Erie Sjoholm spent the weekend in Everett and are receiving congratulations on a new grandchild, born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sjoholm of Ev erett. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn visited with the Charles Wilkin- sons in Shelton Sunday. Weekend visitors at the Ches ter Valley home were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley, Jr. of Prince Goerge, B. C., Mr. and Mrs. Steve Valley and daughter Tam- my of Seattle, and Mrs. Mintie Ahern of Whidby Island. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn and grandchildren recently made a trip across the Canal for a picnic and clam digging, and encountered quite an experience on their way back, due to rough weather. By MARY VALLEY • SKOKOMISH -- Mr. and Mrs. ttarold Hunter spent Saturday in Seattle with their daughter and family, Rev. and Mrs. Tal- madge Wilson. Sunday Mrs. Wil- son's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Taylor of Oyster Bay joined the Wilsons for a pic- nic at Lake Sammamish. Later in the. evening a dedicatory service was held at the Bellevue Airport for the Wilson's airplane. The Wil- sons are leaving Seattle Wednes- day for he East Coast where they will go by ship to their missionary station in Africa. On their way east they will make several stops for visiting friends and for speaking engagements. Wilson is flying their plane to the East Coast where it wiU be shipped to Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Arian Johnson and family of Seattle were week- end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. Join- ing them for dinner Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Janz of Tacoma. I I I [ ALWAYS FIRST. = Drawing by Beauehamp Mann Real estate 121 Railroad 426-6592 Shelton see the rhtxlodendrons. The Mary M. Knight seniors with Miss Kay Wooten and Mr. Hare as Chal)erones left Sunday for a three day trip to Victoria and other places in Canada. John McGarvie of Rock C:'eek Canada is visiting the Carl and Charles Jacob's families. Ira and Beth Brehmeyer spent the weekend with their grand- parents the L C. Fords. Mr. aml Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer and baby of Cosmopolis, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brehmeyer Jr. and family were Sunday dinner guests of their folks, the Herber Brehmeyer St. family. i i Hear÷ Fund Repor÷ Given • Mason Cmnty residents have contributed $1,041.00 in memorial donations to Wmhington State Heart Association in the past fis- cal year, Dr. A. Dean Johnson of Seattle, Heart Association pre- sident, reported this week. Throughout the state memorial donations to the Heart Associa- tion total $97,003, showing a $10,- 000 increase over hLst year's fig- ure of $86,022. Funds are used to support 23 research projects being carried on in this state and to finance classes in heart patient earc for varsity of Washin/ton Sch,:fl ,,f Medicine and co-sponsors with tJi  State Health l)eparhuent a fr., Cardiac Work Ewdualion Clmi. for patients seeking to I'i'ItH'II t, work after a h('art-involvinz illness an(l a progrmn SUlq)ls- ing free pcnicillin for rhemuai, fever palJents. Memorial donations to th(' l lea '! Associatiorl lll;ly I)(' dir(,ct,d 1,) Mrs. Maybell Danicts, 71,'; l,'rank- lin, Shelton; Mrs. Allan Sand,, Route 2, BOX 455, P, elfair: Mr: Fred McDowell, S[ar Ill. 1, t,x 197, Shelton. The Heart Association also en- dows a faculty post at the uni- Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 3956 In the Superior Court of Wash- ington for Mason Comty. In the Matter of the F-state of ALFRED A. BECK, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative of this estate. Persona having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attor- ney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, to- gether with proof of such service within four months after the 22nd of May, 1969, or the same will be forever barred. RONALD b . SANFORD, Personal Representative. JOHN C, RAGAN Attorney for Estate Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Washington 98584 5/22-29-6/5 3t SAFECO INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Family Auto Insurance, call: Rocky Hembroff Agency 506 W, Franklin - 426-3357 he'll treat you like a person.., not a number! i i iii H WE WILL BE OPEN AND BUYING HUCK- SALAL THROUGH THE TIP SEASON Washington Evergreen Co. "H" & Monroe St., Shelton 426.4313 I I II1'111 IT'S BEEN A REAL PLEASURE . . . for the folks at Thurston County Federal Savings and Loan to work with the young people of our orea for many, many years, Here our president, Carlton I. Seors, presents a trans- portation grant to Pot Show, Leslie Chitty and Bill Confield, 4-H members, who will ottend the Washington State 4-H Conference next month at Wosh- ington State University. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • OLYMPIA • LACEY • SHELTON Home Office Branch Branch .+ FIM & Capitol Way 4111 Market Square 311 Railroad Avenue Lacey Only: Hours--Monday Through Thursday 10 to S Friday 10 to S:1Q I II II I IIIII I I I Thtrsday, May 29, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9