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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 12 RATES 15 words o Imm M $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 1L • FOUR (4) insertione for the pril cf THREE iS). • Clamifled deadline: $ p.m. TueaisY. For Sale Irl PIACITY MOWERS and till- ors. See now at Mike's McCul- h)ch Sales and Service. 2215 OlYmtmt ttwy. North. 3/28 tfn ICEPOSSESSED ..... 1 year old Lowrey piano $650. Cost new $805. Johnny's Music Box, 205 CoLa. 426-4302. J 12/12 tfn For Sale FOR SALE .... Black, chrome studded parade saddle. Will consider smaller saddle in trade. Phone 426-6152. F 5/15 tfn FOR SALE ..... Old Cletrac bull- dozer, runs good, $400 cash. 877-5806 or Star Rt. 1, Box 188A. O 5/29 COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Z i e g I e r ' s Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17 tfn SILVERTONE FLECTRONIC organ and bench. Fair condi- tion. Price $185.00. Phone Elms 482-2297. N 5/29 FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white wRh each roll left at ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25 tfn JACOBSON 21" Manor mower with basket. 14 golf clubs and cart. 3 mahogany plywood pan- els. 426-6375. M 5/29 TRAL)E IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Sporting Goods 18 FT. GOOD SOLID BOAT, $90. Phone 426-8723. B 5/22-6/12 GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252. 2/15 tfn 1969 CARVAL 11' Camper, used less than 1 month. Very rea- sonably priced. Phone 426- 4161. W 5/22-29 Pets, Livestock K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tfn TWO LOTS. 50x112 each, $2,- Cota. 4/14 tfn ............................................................... 550.00 for both. 941 Cascade ....................................................... ,_ ...... GOING ON VACATION? Leave *J 5/22-6/12 FOR SALE .... Metal shower stall ...................................................................................... and faucets in good condition. FOR SALE or Trade ...... Gas Call 426-3557. H 5/29 winch, 2 floating drums. Ph. 48;; R0-A-WAY bed with Coil ,126-2718. V 5/22 tfn .................................................................. springs and spring filled mat- AUCTION SALE every Friday tress, good condition. $35. 426- nile 7:30 p.m. Tr(pic Ballroom. 2148. P 5/15 tfn 14 mi. e:st of Shclton Hiway .................................................................. 101. 352-5549. N ;1/27 tfn WOOD FOR SALE ....... Any size or any type. Phone 426-1124. FROM WALL TO WALL, no soil J 5/15-6/5 your dog with us if 20 lbs. or over. MeI-Ruc Kennels, 426- 2387. N 5/29-6./5 FREE PUPPIES Lab and Collie cross. Wonderful with children. Affectionate. See them at Pur- dy Canyon Drive-In next to Salmon Hatchery on Hiway 101 North. B 5/29 at all, on ea, rpeis e.leaned with llue [ent electric sim.rnp()er $1. Coast to Coast. 5/29 WALL-T(.)-WAIA CARPETS or roolJl-size rugs. Ctlstom-lnade dl'ii)lH'Jes. We llleaStll'ep expert insl.alhHion. Your satisfaction is gHaraltced, i*'ree estimates You're always wcl(,*ome at OI- sen lfurniture, ,tth and Cot.a. 426-.1702. O 11/18 tfn 1ND()OI t- .) U [ DOC)R tARPET, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 (tifferent c.olors at Olsen Fur- niturc, 4th &Cota. 426-4702. O 8/1 tfn 1"O1: ,AIAq . (load, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- a, ,1412. 8/19 tfn 100b00i00A LL Sporting Goods manmds, theatre style, Islie Speaker, Sacrifice, owner may- FOR SALE ...... 16' ski bOat, 75 ins. ['hone [rokers: BR 2-5282 h.p. motor, new trailer, like Tacoma. 5/29-6/5 new. Phone 426-2229. FOR SALii; lmrge selection W 5/8 tfn of yecondtilaned ranges, re. FOR SALE ..... 15 ft. Skagit ski r$. ;.. m! M )l:;ll,b: )IOMI{J b'III¢.N.ITI_IICE ¢VC .,])ec i;[lize Ill quality ColllllaCt lurni(ore for your ))lohih! [IOIl'le. At Olsen Furnl. IIll*(t yoll'l'Q always welcome, 41.h and (ol.a...126-4702. 4/14 tfn HANi]ING IASKDITS, fuchsiasl geraniums and bedding plants. Spcece G)'eenh()use, Help Wanted Personal GIRL TO hIVE IN to help in the home. Call 426-3648, CONFIDENTIAL care for un- wed pregnant teen.age girls. ' H 2/13 tfn UGH Agency. Collect calls de- K Dkitchen hpers-n-eed- cepted. Florence Crittenton ed. Salary open, excellent hours Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, and working conditions. Will Seattle, Wa. 98178. 8/29 tfn train if necessary. Contact Ray CA'RD OF THANKS Rodgere after 4 p.m. at Alder- brook Inn, Union, 898-2500. We wish to express our heart- A 5/15-6/5 felt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the YOUNGCOUseeks two to beautiful floral offerings given three bedroom house with ap- us during the loss of our loved pliances. Unfurnished. Please one. call 426-3381, extension 341. Edward Gasser F 5/22-29 and family" CAREER OPPORTUNITY, will train man for sales position, Shelton area. Fringe benefits, 2 yr. finance plan. Metropol- itan Life Insurance Co. Call 352-0581,. eves 491-2127. K 5/22-6/12 MAN AND WIFE -- No chil- dren --- to run resort. Rest pable of assisting, experience preferred. Write Box 50, e/o Journal. 5/29-6/5 While Park, Hoodsport. Call for 7th grade 8540. .  ..... Q 5/29 student. Phone 426-8079. ()MC and MER CRUISER stern K 5/29 tfn drives. Evinrude and Homelite ...................................... motorl. Factory-trained me- RETIRED COUPLE -- Free rent chantes. Hood Canal Marina, ---- Hood Canal Beach house in Union. 898-2252. 4/3 tfn exchange for Caretaker Work. Call: Seattle SU 2-7946. 270 PUMP ACTION, 4 power H 5/29 tilting scope, $130.00. Like new. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST ca- Phone 426-2824 after 10 a.Tn. Mobile Homes 30 FT. ANGELES trailer. Ideal home for home away from home or construction workers. Phone 426-8764. C 5/22-6/1 Used Cars L 5/22-29 Bayshore ........................................................... road at Deer Creek.. Phone 426-6831. S 5/29 YOUNG GRAIN f(steers 63€ cut and wrapped. Expert cut- ting and wrapping. Shelton P'o(nis. 426.6523. S 3/27 tfn ' FINANCIAl. CRISIS Makes possil)h FANTASTIC SAVINGS ou 28 new and used Singer, Pfaff, Morse, New Home, etc, : wing' niachil!es 9 new and used vacuum cleaners. No deal- eras. Call ()lympia 357-7761 BKR for information. A 5/15-6/5 ,HI ,11, ,i HI COLOR T.V. See at Olsen Furniture 4th &Gota 426-4702 i Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free ReplSooment Warranty MIRRO-CRAFT SKI BOAT, 14 ft., 28 h.p. Evlnrude motor, trailer, plus skis and accessor- ies. $450. 426-1225. S 5/29 Used Cars 1968 CHEV EL CAMINO, 327 V-8, power steering, power brakes, turboglide transmis- sion. Driven only 15,000 one Owner miles. Phone after 6 p.m. 877-5262. H 5/22-29 ....................................................................... 1965 CUTLASS V-8 hardtop with 1964 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, clean, white bucket seats. Phone 426- 6510, B 5/22 tfn 1963 CI-IEVROLET Impala Hard- top, two door, V8, auto., powSr steeerlng, power brakes. 30,000 miles. One owner. Radio. 426- 2017. D 5/29 195: WILLYS Station Wagon. Fbur-wheel drive. Best cash or VW sedan trade. Phone 426. 8364. M 5/29 1958 H.T. BONNEVILLE Pon- tiac in .neat condition, new tires, runs god, $200. Consid- er p2rt trade for small freezer or ? 426-6953. D 5/29 good mechanical condition, slant six engine, stick shift. Can be yours for only $500.00 cash. 428-8407. J 5/22 tfn 1954 OLDS, good transportation. $200 or best offer. 877-5732, Monday thru Thursday. Cush- man No. 2, Potlatch, R 5/29 ]963 RAMBLER CLASSIC four- door wagon, 6-cyl., overdrive. $525 or best offer 428-3004 or 426-8611. C 5/29 '59 BUrCK, good e.-gine,--body interior and tires. $295. 426- 8074. V 5/29 USED CARS '69 SCOUT WAGON '68 FORD Country 8eden '64 RAMBLER Clauio .4-Dr. '63 T-BIRD, Yellow '63 DODGE 6-Pass. Wagon '63 DODGE 4-Door '63 VOLKSWAGEN Bus '62 CHEVY II Wagon '62 RAMBLER Wagon '62 CADILLAC Fleetwood (full power) '60 MERCURY Hardtop '60 FORD Station Wagon '68 GALAXIE 4-Dr. H.T, '67 PLYMOUTH H.T. '66 MERCURY H.T. '65 COMET Sedan '63 DODGE Sedan '63 DODGE Wagoh '63 GALAXIE XL '63 CHEV. iMPALA '63 SIMCA '62 DODGE Wagon TRUCKS 'SS RANCHERO '56 INT. 4 x 4 '56 DODGE Y2-Ton '51 INT. Pickup 426-8231 JIM PAULEY'S WATEB HEATER The Hotpollt Custom GlssIIIo0 water heater provlde me urn- mate in automatic, safe, dB- le,tt operation, hd best of S", it is baeked by le ye y4mK pe=t warraBty• Eells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cots Et. Phone 426-4665 BOB -- BUS- BILL 5th & Railroad Complete Home Furnlahlnt Center i • • m , , • = • P n-Ma County Journal - Thursday, May 29, 196 - .= . • =. Help Wanted WANTED -- Local man to work on golf course. Apply at Lake Limerick Course. V 5/15-6/5 MAN WANTED to do yard work once or twice a week. Phone 877-5248. B 5/29 Work Wanted SEWING AND IRONING, rea- sonable rates. Phone 426-6258. H 5/22-6/12 Lost & Found 10 FT. GREEN fiberglass boat lost at Oakland Bay. Call 426- 2351. B 5/29 Real Estate VERY NICE two bedroom house, new roof, freshly painted, beau- tiful natural birch kitchen, gas heat, separate garage, near school and supermarket. 1612 Division st. $9,900. 426-8527. K 5/29 LUXURIOUS ing in 3 bedroom rambler on one acre at edge of town. Spa- cious rooms throughout with lots of extras. $24,200. Buy owners' equity on 5%% con- tract. 426-2651. W 5/29-6/19 JUST COMPLETED ..... 3 B.R. ranch style with tiled bath, carpeting, birch cabinets, large utility, attached shop, patio and carport. Oil heat, insu- lated, rural setting, edge of town. $17,900. Call owner 426- 4379. , A 5/22-29 / -- For Sale -- PUGET SOUND WATERFRONT AND VIEW HOME Four bedrooms. Excellent family home. Large rooms. Bath and a hali. Garden aea. Priced to sell. For Rent FOR RENT --Two bedroom un- furnished house, space heater, $65.00 per month. Write Box 100, c/o the Journal. 5/29 TRAILER HOUSE for rent, Call 426-3169. B 5/29 tfn Real Estate BEAUTIFUL LAKESIDE lot, perfect location on Lake Isa- bella, adjoining creek. Lot is partially cleared. 426-4884. M 5/22-29 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE be- ing remodeled. Large shop, drilled well. On 3 acres, two miles from Shelton on good road. Call 426-6769 after 4 p.m. E 5/22 tfn ONE BEDROOM house for sale on Angleside, corner lot, good retirement home. Phone 426- 6122. Mc 5/29-6/19 PICKERING PASSAGE ..... 250' of beautiful beach plus 2 acres upland, $25,000. $ * $ Four unit apartment showing 50% return on $4,000 down pay- ment. • • • Ten units plus duplex shows 100% return on $10,000 down payment. • • • Three Acres --- very nice view property, 1 cleared. ,$6,600. 2 B.R. home, 3 large view lots, nice. $7,95..n * * 2 B.R. home, fireplace, Potlatch. $7,950. * * * WANTED --- 1 to 5 acres with or without,build, ings. • Wanted -- 40 to 50 acres suitable for Christmas trees. Savage Services, Inc. Star Route 2, Box 189 Call 426-8838. B 5/29-6/5 • Phone 426-8584 UNDER CONSTRUCTION :i., 3 BEDROOM HOMES All on 1 floor, fully carpeted, fireplace, attached garage, safe, clean electric heat, view. $17,000 $18,500. Very flexible terms and we'll take your trade• MANN REAL ESTATE 121 Railroad Ave. 426-6592- Anytime -WEEKEND SPECIALS- $3,250 • , • This is a good large lot located in an area of fine homes. Has 120' of street frontage and 85' depth. Has older 3 bedroom • home located on same, but does need quite a bit of work to put it back into good shape. Worth looking at though --- the lot alone is worth the price. about 3% acres in the Day- ton area? Has 250' of road frontage and excellent ground for garden or flowers. Does have a few outbuildings for chickens or rabbits, etc. $13,000 . . . These are 2 one-bedroom homes In the downtown area Both could be used as rental prop- $7,500 . . . attics or could be a good set- Older 3 bedroom home located up for you and an in-law that on Hillcrest. Has separate gar- needs living space but doesn't age and garden space. The owper will talk terms and is willing to carry his own con- tract. $8,500 . . . 'Another 3 bedroom home but this one is located in the down- town area near Loop Field. Owner is moving so possession can be immediate. Yards are fenced to keep klds in an out. Some fruit trees and has good garage with poured floor. $9,000 . . . Two 2 bedroom homes located on Mountain View. Both are good rental units now. With the shortage of rental space avail- able, this could be a real steady incomd producer. Why not look ....... owner will carry contract with about $1,000 down. $10,500 • . • This home is all ready for im- want to live with her kids. Everyone needs their own prt- racy and these homes are far enough apart to allow complete separate living. DOWNTOWN . .. How about a comfy 3 bedroom home with fireplace located near Evergreen School. Has 1  baths, brook in front yard and a small 1 bedroom rental unit on back of same property. Here's the real selling feature --this home is on the market as an FHA sale, which means that about $1,000 puts you in. Better let us show you this one on FHA terms it won't last long. RECREATION LOTS..• All over the county. You name the area and we'll show you many fine building sites with view, isolation, or waterfront. We have many to offer .-- so mediate possession as owner it's Just a matter of you pick- has moved to Seattle for a new. Job. Only lakc. about $550 tng the area. down :,nd y,)u ,ar{ h;tvc It 3 bedr'()m l),,,)),. *)1" yo.r own. , ACREAGE CLOSE TO TOWN Located i. ;, ;;,,,,,1 M,,uniain This iS a dandy 5.3 acre tract View n[,il,ll')orh,)d al,I h;t.4 :t located in the Island Lake area. carport wil.I, m))all w)rh:dl() I) Ni(!ely wooded for seclusion and area. No traffic i. It,: ,r,.a t. d,,,s .have plenty of frontage bother the kids. ,,), the i)aved road. One excel. h.nt I'eatu)'e is a drilled Well On $12,000.. , Ih(, i)r,)l)erty. A good property Need .())ne , acreage? lh)w ;,Jl ;t good price --- $7,000, A. ROY DUNN 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Evenlnga Call: DON BROWN - 426-6388  TOM TOWNSEND . 426-6597 A. ROY DUNN - 4264601 For Rent For Rent For NICE SPOT 2 miles from Shel- VACATION CABINS, $75 in- MASON LAKE ton, for mobile home for some- cluding utilities. Large trailer mer cabin house. $80 plus utilities. Phone 426-6902 or one who doesn't like the close- 426*-4329. S 5/22 tfn 2997. ness of park living. 426-6769.. Please call after 4 p.m. FOR RENT: Downtown two bed- FOR RENT E 5/22 tfn room apartment, carpeted, furnished fireplace, drapes and ppli- W/W ances. $110 00. 426-2707 or 426- Phone Real Estate 2691. E 5/1 tfn FOR ,,v, FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom un= close to furnished apartment. Also 1 4426. HOOD CANAL bedroom furnished apartment. 2 B.R. home corrpletely furnish- Holly Hill Apartment. 426- $7.95 cd, access to 200 ft. no bank wa- 6593. 5/22 tfn man-Clay, terfr0nt, dock and club house, Lacey. only $12,500 with terms. "FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two 3370. - bedroom home on Arcadia Road RiVERVIEW. available June 15th. $100 plus NICE ONE 3 B.R. home on 2 acres, w/w car- utilities. For appointment call . apartment pet, remodelled in 1968, $17,750. 426-1042. R 5/29-6/12 712 Pine Only $3,500 down,, balance on 6% REDECORATED one bedroom contract. house, 15 acre pasture, barn. FOR WATERFRONT Near Kamilche Point. Lease Walking • $75. Call Belfair, Wash., CR 5- pert and 100 ft. on Hood Canal, 65 ft. deep 2533. W 5/29 plus tidelands, level with high- way, good beach, sweeping view, water system in. $150 per front Real Estate .--°e=l foot, $3,750 down, balance on 6% contract. , 90 ft. no bank beach, 100 ft. deep plus tidelands. $125 per front foot, $2,500 down. MR, REALY HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE .OODSPORT 00hese Phone 877-5211 or 877-5277 Union 898-2155 tO BY OWNER 3 bedroom home on Angleside. Two fireplaces, large rec room, carpeting and drapes included. Attached garage, beautifully landscaped with fenced yard, patio. Could assume 5%% FHA mortgage. 426-4512 SUMMER IS HERE J 5/15 tfn Now is the time to buy waterfront and here is a dandy lakefront home. Ma4.,.) the active family including 4 "bedrooms, 2 room, rec room and even a private study. deep lot at Lake Isabella with 80' of at $26,500. EEKEND FARMERS.- Here is the opportunity you have been waiting hideaway might be just what you've always Estate you,. like the comfy home with all its as the guest house. There are lots of not call today for an appointment. You'[ EXCEPTIONAL WATERFRONT buy at $25,000 ..... With an exceptional home -- A PLACE TO RETIRE and what a value --- 4 bedrooms, den, 3 baths, kitchen built-ins, 2 Here is a neat 2 bedroom Mt. View home patios covered with outdoor car- pital that offers approximately 960 sq. peting --- all on a truly choice tric baseboard heat, pleasant yard with piece of waterfront with about $10,500. 400 feet of depth. Shown by ap- 4 BEDROOMS pointment. This sturdy, spacious home is located ALSO WATERFRONT  BUT on a large corner lot. It also has a It's right In town on a dandy air furnace, a good garage-workshop year-around stream. Has 2 bed- ed patio in back. A good value at $ rooms, completely renewed in- side and out, garage, carport LOOK NO'FURTHER and PRIVACY. $8,950 and own- If you're set on moving into a practically new er will take low down payment with a big rec room, 1% baths large fences_ upon approval of credit, attached garage thdt's finished 'and could be needed. A good buy at $17,950. $100 CASH Outlay .... That's all you need to A GRAND PLACE TO LIVEII get into this to-be-built 3 bed- Parkwood, one of greater Shelton' room 'home. (You can paint for offers a brand new home for your your closing costs). Beautiful Island Lake, you'll appreciate quiet, view location, will have fireplace, utilities, and bet of all, the short drive l& baths, patio, attached gar- today for an appointment to show you age and will be fully carpeted, room home with 2 baths, family room FHA -- $16,500. Call right now to see the plans and a model. COME AND GET ITII A 3 bedroom home on a big tract clear o 2 BEDROOMS, DOWNTOWN Newly wired, plumbed and roofed. NeW Close to school, stores and other spruce cabinets in the big, big kitchen conveniences. Small lot, practic- 500.00 is full price on easy contract termS. ally no yard work. $6,950. $750 in a garden if you hurry. down, $60 per month. -- Wanna see it? PLEASANTLY IMPRESSIVEII A very easy to live in 3 bedroom 2 bath 3 BEDROOMS, DOWNTOWN .residential area for $20,500. There is a Right next door to the one ad- area and a very quiet den for your study vertised above. $9,500 with $1,- scaping and no hills to climb. Shown by 000 down, $85 per month, ahead ff posiblel! 40 ACRES • YOU ASKED FOR ITll Here's a property that won't: And here it is!! A comfortable 4 last. About half of it is in garages and carports and workshops. Christmas trees and the rest has on five acres real cloee to Shelton. The some nice timber that should be Creek and the acreage is wonderful logged in 4-5 years. The price is is $18,000 and the owner says sell it this right and we know you'll agree when you see it. Call ,now. S% INTERESTIi Buy out the equity and take over this 40 ACRE8 with monthly payments of $79 including And what a piece of acreage it bedroom home all on one level in the is! Only 1V miles from city closed back yard, new forced air ga limits, some view, about & clear-, price only $11,000. ed and the rest has real young second growth. $30,000 or $750 REAL VALUE an acre. Need only $2,500 down. Large 3 bedroom Mt. View home. Call now. gle garage. Fireplace, modern kitchen. made for kids, swing set, sand box and 22V= ACRES to appreciate --, priced at $21,500. Real close in, yet secluded. Par- tially cleared " some young ssc- LOST LAKE ACREAGE -- ond growth  but all will make This is one of the nicest tracts M many beautiful building sites, long time. 12 acres in cleared field $15,750 or $700 per acre. $1,500 acres in large fir timber and the balance down will handle, alder. There is even a view of the side. County road frontage, Buy it today WATERFRONT = ,ot., HIMLIE REALTY 140 ft., 70 ft. has concrete bulk- | head, Call to ee it. 1717 Olympic Highway N. 106 FEET WATERFRONT On Hammereley  high bank, EVENING8 CALL: what a view! 700 feet deep, se- DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- eluded. $9,900. Low terms DAVE THACHER 426:8635  GARL J( MANN REAL BTATE DICK BOLLING, Closing ErokOr ..,I 121 R.R. Av. 4S48M anytime VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 4 @" I I,I :il :iI