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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PATTI BREWER "The trees." MRS. LEROY BOAD "Prettiest part of Washington." By DIANE HUCKS For whatever reason people live in Mason County, it's the scenery that they like most. This week the Journal asked 16 persons in an on-the-street poll what they like best about Mason County. The response most often given was related to the scenery - the trees, the green, the water, or the view. Other appreciated attributes of the area were the people and the size of the communities: not too large; not too small. Anita Mulligan, housewife, Rt. 5, Box 314 - The scenery, the country. 1 live out in the country and this is what I like the most. Mrs. Leroy Boad, housewife, Gull leas are DENN IS Wl LSON "A real vacation land." Seven persons pleaded guilty to criminal charges when they appeared in Mason County Superior Court before Judge Gerry Alexander Tuesday morning. All seven were represented by Shelton attorney Gerald Whitcomb. Perry Hovey, 25, Hoodsport, pleaded guilty to a charge of delivery of a controlled substance. He was charged with delivering 25 dl amphetamine tablets to a drug agent last December 19. Deputy Prosecutor Gary Burleson amended the charges against Hovey by removing sale portion in the charge which had been for sale or delivery of a Rt. 1, Box 80 - I've always lived in Mason County, so 1 think it's the prettiest part of Washington State. To me Mason County is like a small little town. It's not too big, not too small. Mrs. Pellerin, housewife, 317 S. 2nd : Just about everything - the scenery, the people, and everything like that. Doralyn Okonek, secretary, iven sale or delivery of a controlled substance was dropped by the prosecutor's office. A pre-sentence report was also ordered for Watters. Glenda Stepper, 18, Shelton, pleaded guilty to a charge of selling dl amphetamines December 21. A second charge of sale or delivery of a controlled substance was dismissed by the prosecutor's office. A pre-sentence report was also ordered in her case by Judge Alexander. Richard L. Duggins, 18, Shelton, pleaded guilty to a charge of grand larceny. He was accused of taking four tires and wheels from the Jim Pauley car Crazy Eric's Drive-In at Belfair March 16. A pre-sentence report was also ordered in his case. Pleading guilty to an amended information charging them with petit larceny were Kenneth Seividge Jr., 24, and Steven Boggs, 22, both of Shelton. They had been charged with grand larceny and accused of taking cedar from property belonging to Otto Tingvall February 28. Burleson told the court the charge was being amended from grand larceny to petit larceny. The prosecutor and defense attorney asked that sentencing in the case be delayed to later. ANITA MULLIGAN "The scenery." I 230V2 S• 9th - The trees. Mrs. Bertha Shehyn, Van Nuys, California - Great for tourists because the signs are very clear approaching this particular area. Mrs. Maxine Wilson, secretary, 611 Cedar - I just love the green trees and the hills, the weather, the rain. Mason County -- I just love it here. Ginger Reamer, homemaker, Rt. 10, Box 210 - We had four chances to move last year and we turned them down. We didn't move because we like the town and it's close enough to the big cities. We like the people in Shelton. O. W. Smith, retired payroll coordinator, Railroad - I like the wonderful view and scenery we have. I like going up the canal. 1 know you can't beat it. I haven't lived here too long. It's a quiet town. Dennis Kelley, unemployed, Shorecrest -- It's quiet and it's rural. Unless you live close to town, the air is clean. Hugh Isbell, dry feeder, 611 Birch - One thing - the weather. It's cooler in the summer than where 1 came from. Mrs. McLeod, housewife, Rt. 3, Box 243 - One reason we GINGER REAMER "We like the people." moved here is the green. Shelton is a pretty good-sized city - not too big. Mrs. Robert Johnson, housewife, Rt. 1, Box 717, Grapeview - My house, my home! Patti Brewer, high school student, 1520 S. 2nd - I like the trees• 1 like the size of it, too. Gladys Martin, retired school teacher, P.O. BOx 334 -- I've lived here pretty near 40 years. 1 just like the neonle here and the life CLYDE K. NYNE "Forest Festival a cool scene." of the community. Jim Johansen, postal clerk, 919 Pioneer - The people. They're good people. Dennis Wilson, insurance agent, Olympia - The water and recreation. This is a real vacation land. Clyde K. Nyne, unemployed artist, 999 Hidrent Ave. - 1 like all the bistros, man. This place is real hip. And that Forest Festival is a real cool scene. Summer School Shelton High Sc June 17 -- July 29, 7 a.m. -- 1 For students grades 9-12 who need to repeat required courses COST: $15 per credit, payable at high school payment before June 1 3. SCHEDULE OF COURSES AVAILABLE 7-9 A.M. Washington State History- 1 credit U•S. History (either semester) -- 1 credit Cont. World Problems- 1 credit Economics-- 1 credit Civics- 1 credit 9-1 1 A.M. 9th Comp. or Lit. -- 1 credit lOth Comp. or Lit.-- 1 credit 11th Comp. or Lit.- 1 credit Senior English -- 1 credit 11 A.M.-1 P.M. General Math -- 1 credit controlled substance, lot January 20. A pre-sentence report was A pre-sentence report was also TAURUS CONSTRUCTION _. ordered by Judge Alexander. ordered for Duggins. ..~ L~~ New Buildings-- Remodel- Repairs ,,,~~" Stanley L. Watters, 22, William E. Duffey, 18, Shelton, pleaded guilty to a Bremerton, pleaded guilty tea ~ \" ~ 898"3~1t6 IN ~ ~" chalrg© of =elling marijuana charge of second degree burlgary. ~ RICK, & DEE SPERL G ~'~A'I "~ February 16. A second charge of He wasaccusedofbreakinginto *95***************************** Kind of .. Bank! .... ,.::::,:.-: First & Downtown Railroad Shelton open Monday thru Friday 9:30 to 5:30 426-5158 Now a For home drying of *fruits *herbs *meats *vegetables Now taking orders for deluxe dehydrator (shown). Includes controlled heat and circulating air. When our new bank building started to 'take shape' people couldn't believe that it was going to be a bank. However, because we are locally owned, we decided to identify with the locality and the people of the Hood Canal area. • . thus our rustic, yet natural appearance as a 'turn-of-the-century' logging camp. But come inside!.., and you'll warmth and gracious feeling of being wanted, highly competent banking staff who REAL want to serve your every financial need. are a full service bank, we pr. community-oriented banking services. Isn't kind of bank you want to do business with? ... We're all the bank you'll ever need... Come in today! • FREE CHECKING • . . for our Senior Citizens. • EVERY type of LOAN • NO SERVICE On your personal checking account when you maintain a minimum monthly $200.00 balance. • FULL Checking and • TIME Member: FOIC. Your account insured to $40,000 HOODSPOR~;p~ Phone u- "~0 DRIVE-IN BAN.I(I #[ ,0.s ,on. ¢' Friday unu 10 - Sheit( County Journal [hursday, May 29, 1975