May 29, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 29, 1975 |
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.. convenes in nco
Father of local man armoR, irate ,9 to Van ouv0r wa, T 0scho,a i
d i i i d o°ventio° of ho 0n for ic0n 0n y0ar awa,. ton ,o0
es n m west the Pioneers of Washington was as they are also celebrating their Fredson, who will
* By CARMEN. YATES call the first part of last week, held in Vancouver, Washington, Susquecentennial year. Martin'sThe ColleBicei
I i the state association
Wouldn t you know it, thewith the sad message that his
week when there s enough news father, Max Graf, had died. Since Preschool officers elected compilation of a bol
between the two columns to fill he had not been ill at all, the news Pioneer Women St01
one-third of the Journal (at least) was a real shock. The final meeting of Shelton (426-5007) vice-president, Tina are true incidents in
everything went awry. Along with Harvey s folks made their Preschool was held May 8 in the Waylett (426-3215); secretary, pioneer women ancSl
/ [] a holiday on Monday when this home in New Salem, North home of Carol Ulrich. Officers for Katie Phinney; and treasurer, by members throughout
, II TutYpewriter was never t°uched' Dak°ta" His dad was 89 at the the 1975"76 sch°°l year were PattyTarrant'esday turned out equaUy as time of his unexpected death, elected. Anyone wishing to enroll aThe book was complct~the convention.
hectic. First thing off thatHarvey flew back to the family Outgoing officers are .child for the 1976-77 schoolyear Mrs. H.G. Edlcr,
morning a phone call announced home to join his mother, a president, Sandy Jones; should call Tina Waylett, JanSmith and Mrs. C
~ ~ our ,cow and her two sons (last brother and sister. The Grafs had vice-president, Charlotte Jones; Dishon or Marilyn Valley. represented Mas0~
l i i II year s calf and this year s)had been married 48 years" A farnl se c retary' Rebecca Carter; F°rinf°rmati°nregardingsamsholdii
found a brokenplace in the fence full of animals made it impossible treasurer, Betty Lou Nelson. possible openings for the 1975-76 Chapter No. 14 at the
and decidedtogoforastroll, for Carol to go with Harvey. Newly-elected officers are school year call Mrs. William
t a piano tuner was Being rather new to the island
Nex _ , ' co-presidents Jan Dishon Henderson (426-6349) after June
scheduled to arrive later in the Carol didn t realize all she had to (426-3227) and Marilyn Valley1, 1975.
day, so I had to at least scoop out do was call for help and she, too, - weekend out
FIDDLING FOR FUNDS, this group of players was part of a 13-member a path so he could get to it. Then would have been able to go. But
group of musicians who gave a recent concert at the Hy-Lond Inn. The there were several phone calls to several nice folks let her ,know Mothers'- Day we
concert was given to raise money to send a l3-year-old Silverdale boy to the get details of a number of island during an emergency thats the Guild slates potluck picnic celebrated by theTt
national fiddlers competition in Nashville, Tennessee. The 13 musicians hail news items. And so the daybest part of living here on the Club on May 10 and
from all parts of the Puget Sound area and were invited to play here by the went.., and I do mean went. island. On Wednesday at I1 a.m. potluck picnic willbe heldl Harmony Lakeside Pa
Lady Lions of Shelton. , Jim and Ella McAuliffe members of St. David s Episcopal As parking facilities are participated.
.... All I can up is cover a Jew .......
.... received word the end o! last Guild will meet at the church for limited it is asked that all cars be Certain members
short items and try and catch ...........
..... mon[n mat may nan oecome tarnagSpor:at nwOtcherheOm:h:rMra filled to capacity. Those wishing surroundingtrips to M t.coulllAt
both columns up next weeK. grandparents for the fourth time .... y i n format ion or needing Mossyrock and Ma
Union First of all, I would like to Their son Danny and his wife
express sincere sympathy on Peggy presented their son Kevin transportation to the church may After the potlu
( d g . o call Mrs. George Brewer at conducted by
• • behalf of Carol and Harvey Graf's with a new sister, Valerie Ann, tlnn 426-2351 orMrs H W Deeganat
II11OI ervl tlon aw( r iven island friends. Harvey received a down in California Apri126. Mee .... _et • • president, the ,LuD
426-6117. showing of slides tak
The Olymnia Recovery group member Mrs. qh¢
" - No desserts should be brought
By KAREN M. JAMES Richland Award will be used by The July issue of Sunset features meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m .... Hynman of Elma on
Alice Snuffin was recipient of the Hood Canal Woman s Club to Hood Canal in an article on Puget Cu b Scout g ro U p in the library of United Churches, to the picnic. 2ip to the Orient.
the Richland Award in finance a scholarship to the Sound edibles. The c/abbing was llth and CapitotWay, Olympia. -- - ....
conservation at the state meeting Outdoor Educat, ion Seminar at excellent but the tides werent has recent program Recovery is an international_
of the Federated Women s Clubs Sispus. This year s scholarship has quite low enoughfor a good self-help organization for all who f • |
at Sea-rue this month. The award been granted to Darleen Gray. geoduck show. seek to achieve and maintain good / •
was the first given in the state this Helen Timm is attending a. . Cub Scout Pack 126 held aone-year pin, John Harris received mental health. For information L P
A sure sign of spnng and potluck dinner at the MBC Club his sportsman badge; Donald and
year for conservation reports secretarial seminar in Florida • • •
• • summer m this area ls marked by May 19. There were David Holcomb each received call 491-1164, evenings or
Ali e is a member and Helen and Bill celebr:ited their L ............
" t lc t=ftlng ox ualoy s approximately 46 members andtheir athlete and naturalistweekends. THE WORLD'S
conservation chairwoman of the 25th wedding anniversary this waterwheel Ed Dalby set the guests in attendance, badges. In a candlelight MOST
Hood Canal Woman's Club. She month, wheel turning the weekend ofAfter the invocation by the ceremony, John Harris was
will represent the PeninsulaOpening day of stream
District of the Federated fishing, low tides and a three-day
Women's Clubs at a conservation weekend brought streams of
meeting at Holden, Lake Chelan traffic to the canal area. Publicity
in June. in magazines such as Sunset will
The money received from the undoubtedly lure more crowds.
;chool pictures to
taken on Friday
By CARMEN YATES school. Conferences were not set
May 17. Each year many visitors
stop to take pictures and ask MORE POWER TO WEIGHT S~
questions about the landmark. THAN ANY OTHER SAWS IN THE WORLD
If the seeds in your garden
have started to sprout after
sulking just below the soil surface,
if you have noticed that the wind
isn't quite as bone-chilling and
your disposition has. suddenly
changed from evil to relatively
civil, consider the possible effects
of the lunar eclipse this last
Saturday. From our viewpoint,
the moon grazed the treetops but
we were able to watch most of
Dean's Studio will be at for all the students, only those the phenomenon. Even with
Pioneer School Friday to takethe .~ac~rs~felt were necessary knowledge of what was
class pictures. It is requested that fbf~sb~=s~ci~c reason: happenthg, we ha@a compelling
students pay in advance for the At last week's track meet urge to grab a pot or drum and
pictures. Griffin took first place, Hood
The school is issuing a request Canal second, Pioneer third and
that all library books be located Southside fourth.
and turned in. The library will not Next Monday evening Pioneer
be loaning books after this week. will have its annual spring
A fe w conferences for concert.
teachers and parents have been The school picnic is set for
arranged with notices sent home. June 11. There is also a board
If your child did not bring home a meeting the evening of June 11.
conference time and you would June 12 is the last day of
like one, please contact theschool.
beat the moon back to normalcy•
glng group
"Spiritborne," a college-age
singing group, will present a
concert at the Shelton United
Methodist Church, King and G
Streets, June 1 at 7:30 p.m.
This group of singers is
Augsburg Publishing House. On
the evening of the concert their
recordings will be available on
both disc and cassette tape.
Songbooks will also be available
at the concert.
originally from Pacific Lutheran
University in Tacoma. They have
taken a one-year leave of absence
from their studies to travel and
give concerts throughout the
United States. They are currently
on tour, having presented
concerts in religious music in
schools, prisons, hospitals,
military bases, churches and over
radio and television.
The Spiritborne concert will
include contemporary and
traditional music with a Christian
message. Several songs have been
composed by the group's leader, !
John Butch. The audience will be
invited to sing with Spiritborne
from time to time throughout the
concert. The singers accompany
themselves on a variety of
instruments which include guitar,
bass, flute, banjo and percussion.
Spiritborne singers have had
their music recorded and these ,
recordings are published by
with a
Chain Saw
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grows quicker when you use a
HOMELITE E-Z chain sew/.
Come in and try this great saw
1817 Oly. Hwy. No. v
For Complete
Auto Repair
Motor Shop
on Hillcred
We Service What We Sell
Darrell Estep, dinner awarded his Arrow of Light AARP
was served and then Bill LaMont, badge. He became the second
who was representing Fire District member of Pack 126 to earn the American Association of
5, presented the new pack flag highest award in cub scouting. Retired Persons will meet in the
and an American flag to the pack• The cubmaster awarded Senior Center on Monday for a
The flags were attached to the service segments to all scouts and 1 2:30 p.m potluck luncheon.
poles donated by Lumberman's of leaders who were involved in the Those attending should bring
Shelton. The Webelos Den posted shoreline clean-up reported at last table service.
the colors and led the pledge of month's meeting. Darrell Estep
allegiance, also announced that June 8 Cub
In Den 3, Doug Heiser Pack 126 would challenge Pack
received a gold arrow; John 155 in a ball game.
Kimmell received his wolf badge This month the cubs and their
and a gold arrow. Donald and fathers baked cakes for the pack
David Holcomb each received a meeting. The cakes were judged
silver arrow they had earned and ribbons were awarded for the
previously. Doug Heiser and John best cakes. First place went to
Kimmell were transferred from Mike LaMont, second to Doug
Den 3 to the Webelos Den. Halsey, third to Donald Hoicomb,
In the Webelos Den, Den fourth to David Holcomb and
Leader Bill Heiser received his fifth to Donn Estep.
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Page 20- Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, May 29, 1975