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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 29, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 29, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tI PHONE For Sale For Sale For Sale Wanted Help Wanted @ 15 words or less -- $1.50 • ! 0 cents for each additional word over I S. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . Hdp Wanted Pets, Uvestock rvkm :ULARS -- SPORT, MOTHER'S DAY plants, hanging 12' CAMPING trailer, $400 or MASON COUNTY Salvage. We BOY OR girl for newspaper REAL ESTATE sales- If you TOY FOXterrierpuppiesforsale. ROTOVATING -- KUBOTO move in closer -- baskets, geraniums, fuchsias, best offer. Callafter3 p.m., buy scrap copper, brass, routes, 943-6354. M5/29-6/5 have had experience dealing with Teann Kennels. Phone 426-6152.tractor with 50" rotovator. LD-- Bushnell quality -- Speece Greenhouse, Deer Creek 426-5963. C5/29 aluminum, bottles, glass. Lost ..... "mr. P5/15tfn Loop Road. Phone 426-6831. people, we need a full-time F5/29tfn 426-6715. W5/8-29 ! SAWDUS~ S5/8-29 ~~p~ Lake Road, 426-8626. M5/15-6/5.CHEERFUL VOLUNTEERS for energetic, sincere person on our Girl Scout Day Camp staff at staff and you may be the one. WEANER PIGS, $20. Largesow, HORSESHOEING~ with drawer and shelves, $85. 2 GOOD PRICE for green and dry Mason Lake. Call426-2154. Stop in and see "Mitch" at Mason will farrow soon, $125.426-4758. Brummitt. Phone 866-1646. i or 943-9845. L5/15tfn SLATE POOL table, like new, oak rocking chairs $37 and $58. cascara bark. Wa'yne Evers, Rt.G5/29-6/5 ~ $375. Call 898-2766. M5/8-29 County Realty, 724 Railroad, W4/3tfn I,D ENGAGEMENT ring ~2-9" ............ 1 0, B o x 9 4, S h e I t o n. B4/10tfn (Dayton-Matlock Highway -- 4 E X P E R I E N C E D C OO--~. Shelton.Profit-sharing program~ -_______ pays you more. Call 426-4486. HOLD YOUR horses and have ttching wedding band, ~ SEWING MACHINE trade-ins. We miles from Shelton.) 3:00-8:00 877-5251. F5/8-29 McS/22tfn them shod. Julia Dill GARDEN ROTOTILLING, 16 h.p. tractor, 40"-wide cut new. Will finance pan size Coho salmon, oysters in have zigzag sewing machines, all daily. Telephone 426-4052. S--~CURI-~-~GUARDS -- 2~-~to NEED A reliable housekeeper, O5/15-6/5 426-4936. B4/17-6/5 ~ional appraisal for shell or opened. Wholesale and brands, from $29. All are P5/1-7/17 Horseshoeing, 426-8774. reasonable rates. Call Bob Brewer: ~e Purchaser. Consider retail. Call Squaxin Island Tribal guaranteed and credit is available. 65. Shelton area, full or part-time,preferably Friday mornings. Write eed hay chest-type Center, 426-2679 $5/8-29 Central Sales, 877-5798. WANTED: STAMPS and coins, Send name, age, address, phoneBox M, c/o Journal. M5/29-6/5 MANY LOVELY dogs, cats and metal roofi'ng material, ", C5129-6/19 ,)~'burn ng stove or make 100% NYLON 7 davenport and singles and collections. As a number to P.O. Box 747, Shelton. other household pets availableCOMPLETE YARD care, no job ' ~-- collector, I can pay more than4/17-5/29 [~ through the M.C.C.F.A. Call too small. Reasonable rat=. • 'b-4998 eves. -Dh/29-tfn chair, rose beige, good condition, 250 OSSA dirt bike, 1972, $250.most dealers. 426-8007. P4/10tfn / Sealed bids will be received at I Mowing, fertilizing, edging, etc. $150. Too large for trailer. 273 426-5600. G5/22-6/12 Call 426-2701. C5/22-6/12 ~AMILY garage sale Island Lake Drive. Call 426-91~29 426-]718. M5/29-675" home,LIVE'lN housekeeper,two children.m°therleSScall // ~ct No. 309, ~ness Office, Shelton8th_& II MALE COCKER spaniel puppy. ~--~------ Sunday, 11-4. Next evenings or early a.m. or inquire 1970 HONDA 50 --~t--h-b--~ CEDAR BOLTS -- Highest prices 877-5558 after 6 p.m. D5/22-29| Plan,. Washinqt0~, I 426-5249. C5/29 .... CRUSHED ROCK for your 0bin Hood, in Union. at !ouse. A5/15tfn electric and kick starter, built paid for quality cedar bolts. Also driveway or the permanent finest quality hand-split tapers, JOBS FOR seniors. Part-time jobs / ~ 3,--1~975~ I FOR SALE or trade, two hound sol ution, concrete paving. with opening like girl s bicycle so $32 a square. 1-871-3864. and paid vocational training for / for the demolition of basebali I pups, 14 months old, good G12/Ttfn ...... , ~. B5/29 16 TAHITI hi-pert ski boat younger children are able to ride. H5/22-6/12 Graystone, phone 426-3344. / ~ran~ds on Loop Field~ I breeding. Call evenings 426-2735. Ikeland'ZR -- three-bedroomVillage. Two abused.W/trailer' 45553,195.CI Olds/jet.426.5765,Never $150. 877-5497. B4/24tfn seniors. Call 426-6202. W5/22-29 / ~ available-at I B5/29-6/5 mily room, double 523-7609. N5/15-6/5 VITAMINS, GRA~~ WiIIWANTEDbuy complete-- YOURcarsJUnkor carS.will RELIEF FOR Paper route, TNT, / th~ess Office. The bids I GARDEN TILLING. For quality Ppliances, draperies, dairy products, all your healthhaul away others free if not weekends and vacation. Must have /will. b.e publicly opened ancl I A LOVELY young calico cat, work and reasonable rates, call '.rmspossible. $41,500. WOOD FOR sale, alder, maple or food needs. Old Healthy s Natural completel~stripped. 426-2725 orcar. 426-6382. P5/22-6/12 / r~mrnediately after I well-mannered, housebroken, 426-2320. L4/3-5/29 =5/29 " " fir, split and delivered, $30 per Foods, First and Railroad, 426-8991. L8/15tfn /~ their rec~'pt. I needs a good home. Call cord. Call 426-2701. C5/22tfn 426-5158. O4/17tfn FREE CLASS for unemployed. /AI~ pers0ns--a're I 426-6297. B5/22-29 PRESERVE THOSE precious old GARAGE Sale--1917 ~-- D. H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port Sponsored by State of /entitled to atterld th~id I photographs with fine art copies. ~,venue, Olympia, MayFREE -- ONE gallon of root beerC A ME R AS -- THAT ma ke of Shelton, John s Prairie. We buy Washington. Placement service / o~. By order of the Board I FOR SALE -- 2 family milk cows, Twenty-five years experience. a.m.-5 p.m. W cker to Victor C. Bailey, Rt. 5, Boxpicture taking easy -- yet Dive you poles, piling, stumpage and land. included with class attendance. /~S alton-SchOol I gentle. Call 426-8646 evenings. Dean's Studio. 3/7tfn :erosene lamps, wall 291, from Minor's A&W Drive-In beautiful photos -- Photo'Center 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. Carole Bee, 357-9309, 943-2365/ ~o. 309, May-1:31 I F5/22-6/12 AUT(D--F;AINT-ING~able S, spinning wneel, onMt. View. A5/29 / 5/2 :;;I 426-6163. Pb/ltfn ' P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn evenings. C5/29-6/5 1975. " bric-a-brac, churns, ~ 2 DOG CLIPPING and grooming. ' prices. Also trailers, etc. All work 1967 15 Thunderbird camping BARGAIN TABLE--Misc. items, CEDAR SHAKE bolts, logs, MOP-UP CREW foreman for For appointments, call Mrs. guaranteed. Phone 426-4322. ~ trailer, sleeps six, excellentsome 1/2 price. Photo Center, stumpage, land and timber. T & L summer, approximately 3V2 LaMent, 4264164. L9/17tfn 1202 Cota St. R 7/20tfn condition. 426-2293. K5/29-6/5 426-6163. P3/6tfn Cedar Products (formerly Larco months, 21 years of age or older, BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. 84x45, $40. Mill), 495-3909. P.O. Box 480, must have~ experience in AKC REGISTERED old English Ca11426-5397. B1/4tfn '19 SEWING MACHINE parts and NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm McCleary. T8/22tfn _=_=_=_%=_=_-~_=_~_=~_=~_=~_= • )u Ne son, 426-6867. sick installation. firefighting and handting crews. service available for all brands. Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on For more information, call Call for Central Sales, 877-5798. continuous aluminum gutters, toll-free 1-800-562-6010. D5/29 Work __ ___Wanh~ 3-M Alarm C5/29-6/]9 426-8201. S6/14tfn OLD UPRIGHT piano, 426-1718. M5/29-6/5 WOODED LOT on Angleside. 426-6510, 426-2691. B5/29tfn AND life too can be You use Blue Lustre. shampooer, $2. C5/29 Kencraft vacation ntained, electric and air conditioner, little. 426-6517. R, Eventemp. chair. Phone Saanen/Alpine Ined, dehorned. Also ducks. Call F • resh Shnmp holesale and retail 5/29-8/28 Top Soil 426-9655 5:30 Coil ( rUShed Rock Gravel -- Top Soil l %Uty Bark 4/17 tfn LTI UCKING 426-4889 Materials Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock Ready Mix POURS LCOME TRUCKS & Park Street 2/1 ltfn FURNITURE, TOOLS, dishes, appliances. Come browse at the Hillcrest Second Hand Store, 1325 Olympic Highway South. Will feature old glassware and depression glass beginning June 6th. Buy and sell. 426-2469. H5/29-6/5 197330' fifth-wheel trailer, many extras. 877-5412. C5/22-6/12 The Pot Shack 1 Mile East of Union on Hwy. 106 Concrete Picnic Tables Bird Baths Flower Pots Planters Macrame Hanging Pots 898-2545 PRE MIX Serving the Hood Canal area with ready-mix concrete. Located in Potlatch L I C E N S E D R E A L e s t a t e ~"'-~--------------~----=--------- ROOFING -- NEED a new_ salesperson wanted. Top composition roof? For free commissions. Call Jerry Smith LICENSED CHILD care. Want estimate call Norm Bunko at Realty, 426-3361. S5/22tfn your children to have special care Sears, 426-8201. S1/lOtfn and fun this summer? Call 426-2589. C5/15tfn FRAMES -- FRAMES -- frames. Photo Center, 426-6163. P2/20tfn CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550. E 1/3 ltfn PASSING FANCIES by Jan Danford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $1.95 at the Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn HOMEMADE 8' camper, good condition, $200. 426-8739. S5/15tfn FINE CLASSICAL guitar, solid ~..ParUCe top, case included, $200. II evenings 357-5994 Olympia. H4/24tfn TAPE RECORDERS -- Panasonic, Craig, Sony. From $29.95 up. Photo Center, 426-6163. P2/2Otfn CHAIN LINK fence -- for free estimate, call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/gtfn TRADE IN YOUr old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn Used Gin '68 VW. 426-6488. C5/29 8/15tfn 1971 DODGE Dart Swinger. Automatic 2-door, $1,595. Call 426-2771 after 6 p.m. R5/22-29 CAPRI, 1971, 2000 cc., $1,600. Call 426-1129. H5/22-29 1974 DATSUN B-210, excellent condition, 4-speed, RWD, R/H, low mileage. Ca~l after 5:30 p.m., 426-8100. H5/22-6/12 1968 CHEV Caprice, chromes and moons, real sharp, $975. Phone 426-5638 after 4 p.m. D4/24tfn SHELTON JANITORIAL Service carpet cleaning our specialty. 1964 FORD station wagon, good Phone 426-8936. S11/30tfn condition, $300 cash. 426-2208. B5/22-29 ......... ~_- AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the Tropcs Ba Iroom TOP SOIL (Schneider's Prairie}. Call Olympia 866-0866. D3/10tfn MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears 426-8201. S9/26tfn CEDAR FENCING. Call Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550 for free estimates. E5/16tfn JX BRAND country-fresl~ beef. Phone 426-3325 weekdays. 426-2806 evenings and weekends. J2/27tfn Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Pickups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Small lot clearing. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. 3/6-t.~fn~D bike for sale. Good condition, $35. 426-2792. _Z5/29-6~ JAY'S PHOTO ALBUMS -- large variety CUSTOM MEATS Used Cars Your Reward for Calling at Capitol Chevrolet is a fleet d iscount price. Hundreds of dollars discounted from all Chev. trucks and cars. Residence 426-2181 Business 3574633 1974 Dodge Coronet Custom 4 dr., 318 V-8 engine, auto. trans., air conditioning ............................. 1972 Plymouth Valiant 1971 Chev Vega $ Wagon .................................. 1972 Ford Pinto $ 2 door, auto. trans. -- red ................... 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger ............................. CLOSED TH IS SATU RDAY FRONT & RAILROAD SHELTON 5/22tfn (Complete Meat Processing) FARM SLAUGHTERING Custom cutting, wrapping and freezing. Hams and bacon cured. Locker beef available. ELMA 482-2203 5/8-25 For The Finest In: * PRE--MIX . * SAND * GRAVEL --;ATUR ;A Y PO-----------U RS ' { ARE WELCOME LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone DAYS -- EVENINGS 6/13tfn -- magnetic plastic pages, scrapbook -- refill pages carried. Photo (~enter, 426-6163. P5/ltfn 1972 21' E-Z Loader trailer, $500____~4264775. W5/15-6/5 . CURRIN CAULK boots, size 9V2, ~ke new. Call 877-5561. $45. 5/1 5-6/5 '68 300 Honda, good shape, rebuilt engine, $300. Call 426-2653. $5/15-6/5 24" RCA color TV, $375. 13" Chevy chrome reversed rims. 426-8062 after 5 p.m. V5/29 HD-IO-AC DOZER, $2,500. 426-6685. K5/29-6/19 SINGER TOUCH and Sew. Zigzags, buttonholes, design stitches, etc. Sold new, $445. Yours for ortly $145. Credit, terms and trades available. Central Sales, 877-5798. C5/29-6/19 - 64 PONTIAC Tempest 6-cylinder, stick shift, $250. Call after 6 p.m., 426-9204. Mc5/22-6/12 ~EM TOP- Fits '68-'71 El amino, $200. 426-2671, 426-5897. E5/29 1962 CHEV 3/4-ton with 10' camper, good engine, good tires. $1,000. Call 426-2849. T5129-6/19 426-8183 Now is the time to trade -- we need used carsl 1974 Courier & canopy ...................$3,195 ]974 Merc. Marquis 4-dr ..... SOLD .........$4,795 1974 Mustang ........................... $3,595 ]974 Maverick 4-dr ......... SOLD .........$3,395 ] 973 Datsun 240-Z ...................... $4,595 1973 /z-ton ............... SOLD .........$3,300 1973 LTD 2-dr. Brougham ... SOLD ......... $3,]95 1973 Torino 4-dr ......................... $2,795 ] 973 VW .............................. $2,495 ] 972 GMC ............... SOLD .........$2,795 1972 Pontiac Ventura .................... $2,495 ]971 Pinto Z-dr ...... . ..... SOLD .........$1,595 ]971 Camper ............. SOLD ........... $795 ] 969 Dodge Van ......................... $] ,795 ]968 Comet ............................ $1,095 1968 Bonneville ......................... $ 995 1968 Mercury ............. SOLD .........$ 995 1968 Plymouth cony ...................... $1,195 1965 T/Bird (restored) .................... $1,995 1964 Galaxie 500, 4-dr .................... $ 495 1961 Chrysler 2-dr ....................... $ 650 JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Kneeland Center Phone 426-8231 48 month financing available I VERY RELIABLE and experienced teenager wants babysitting and light housekeeping your home. $25 for 5-day week. 426-2641. $5/15-6/5 LICENSED CHILD care, will take child for nights. No infants. Call 426-2589. C5/22tfn WILL B/M3YSIT in your home or mine, days. 426-6187. Mc5/22-29 LAWNS, GARDEN clean-up. 21-year-old male. Canal area. 877-5860. B5/8-29 Hurry.= If you would like your child enrolled in a summer pre-school program, please call by June 1st 426-6333 day or evening, or 426-1154 evenings. Ages 3-5 ; a variety of experiences; two qualified teachers. 5/29 DAY CARE Songs, games, crafts. Starts June 2. Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Located on Cole Road Kay Roiler 426-2168 5/29-6/5 EMPLOYERS Services offered you by the Washington State Employment office. Placement, job bank, applicant testing, industrial services, labor market information and financial assistance for on-the-job training. And it's FREE. Job service brings together people needing jobs and employers needing workers throughout Mason County and the entire state. For more information call Dave "or Tom at 426-5511. 5/22-6/19 Sporting Goods 1973 HONDA CL175, $595. 16' Glasply boat, 65 h.p. Mercury, trailer, $1,495. Schwinn 26" 10-speed bike, $90. 426-6245 after 5:30 p.m. B5/29-6/19 Personal IF DRINKING is causing a problem in your family, call AI-Anon, 426-3072, 426-4535, or 426-2551. T5/ltfn SHELTON FAMILY Planning Clinic, 3rd Monday each month, class held 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Call 426-4407, Mason County Health Department, for appointment. S4/Jtfn sheepdogs, all shots. Male 7 months, female 6 months. Best offer. Call after 5:30 p.m., 426-8100. H5/22-6/12 PERFORMANCE CLINIC, Sunday, June 1, at 9 a.m. Professional instruction on saddle seat, stock seat, hunt seat. Sponsored by Evergreen Performance Association. Small charge for registration and lunch. Held at Elmer Dierick Ranch, Rt. 2, Box 89 (So. Union), Lima, Wash. Information call 495-3801 days or 495-3416 eves. E5/29 HORSE TRAILERS BY KING LAZY T TRAILER SALES 426-1054 426-5555 3/I 3tfn Farm Slaughtering' Custom cutting and wrapping. Old fashioned curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B. J. Probst 426- i 643 Ka m fiche Lost & Found LOST -- MALE CAT Strayed from home in area of Rex Mobile Court off Spring Road. Daughter's pet, black with four white feet, white bib and mark on mouth. No collar. If seen please call Mrs. Bralley, 426-8031. Wanted to Rent WANT TO rent pasture for 2 horses. Call 426-9122. M5/29 Real Estate Wanted WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell for quotes, bids or further information. Have buyers for 2 and 3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty, 8th & Railroad, 426-4486.8/12tfn WANT TO buy 2-bedroom home in $8,000 bracket. Will take an existing contract if $8,000 will handle. Mail particulars to Box 10, c/o Journal. H1/30tfn Ca s of thanks We'd like to thank Deer Creek aid unit, Allyn aid unit and the Allyn and Mason Lake fire departments for their assistance during our recent trailer fire at Mason Lake. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Christensen C5/29 CHAPN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 4264602. 1/15tfn kamas =tk Tank Installations Phone 426-3153 5/22-tfn tew's Tree Service Tree Topping Tree Removal Stump Removal Phone 426-2064 Shelton, Washington 9/] 9-tfn GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision ScoPe & Sight Mounfl~ • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 795 Phone 42t-2S0t" Septic Tank 500-gal., 750-gal, 1,O00-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfr M i¼ Ikws %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CASH FOR your mobile home, paid for or not. Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. 456-8890. O11/14tfn TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Trailer wiring. Sway control, jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, 4814 I~acey Blvd. 491-6150. H 11/28tfn 12x70 3-bedroom mobile home, ~ood condition. Matlock area. 26-6931. G 5/22-6/12 -LARGE STOCK of used mobile homes from $2,495, easy terms. Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. 456-8890. O11/14tfn %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Real Estata 237' WATERFRONT, Little Skookum, 5-year-old home could be 4-bedroom, 2-bath, family room. Has a handyman to do finishing of daylicjht basement rooms. Cash price $49,500. Owner will carry contract and make terms to suit buyer. Don Benson Realty, 426-3361, 426-8747 evenings. PRO Bldg., 7th & Railroad. B5/22 WATERFRONT LOT at Trails End Lake. $9,000 terms. Call collect Seattle 622-5232. R5/8.29 7th and Railroad Ave. I wish to thank my many Shelton friends for the cards and floral L O V E R ESTO R E D -- low offerings in my time of sorrow. 4=s-=3at & 42e-8747 everyday prices -- old treasured Cassia Jackson photographs -- restored to original condition. Photo Center, --~th-~nk y~u 150' waterfront near Arcadia 426-6163. P4/3tfn to our many friends and Point, 2-bedroom home being neighbors and especially to theredecorated. Old barn and GEORGE VALLEY" Furniture nurses of Mason General Hospital, workshop. View of Mt. Dr. Trucksess and Rev. Michael Rainier and Steamboat Island. and Appliance -- the best night spot in town -- Sealy mattresses. 3/14tfn LOSE WEIGHT safely and fast with X-ll Diet Plan, $3.00. Reduce excess fluids with X-Pel, $3.00.- Evergreen Drug. P5/15-8/21 Feeney. A very special thank you to our wonderful friends, Dick and Hazel Look, for all they've done for Bert and Orie~, Our deepest thanks for the sympathies given us during our bereavement. Mrs. W. H. Conway C5/29 Home is all furnished. Total price is $42,500. Don Donson Thursday, May 29, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21