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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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varsity basketball coaching post wtcated last week by Jerry Ver- )ii Page 2 ELTON--MA0N COUNTY. JOURNAI] -- Publlslieit in "Chrisfma,town, U.g.A., Shelton, Washington Thursday,-u&apos;-: ............... " ...... , _ .I i II I I [11 I I III I I I IIII I II I IIIII III I I I I I ' * i ,j -- ,r,  --- , l..___, ....... ..., ..... t e...Tn- eE.up. ,. . .. . . !,,,,, ,he .lelion o o,lr snpp.r* w,. ,n',.ed .., the uo.:* b'b. of the l*.ke .d ,. o.d inier of Ol,,.m 'IDg"K:)"I [ 4 ,), ,$ € e n000sp0r[ woman on.:=a.zun, LaKe nanwatzel i • ,,- ,, ! i m ,.. _ __ .. 6ETS RATE HIKE ....... ,;,.., ,: ,):, ,,,;,, ,i;. l ,;,: fin- .,I.: ' , " .... ,o,.,,o,. wl;e'o ,,'g;: vsied','.;: ._,:';l;,,," ,;f "- - .... r • . / • ' i w -[ l$,= '.. []J[ VAA.mA] -- [|111[ .... 11111"2- .... alists. I do belh)ve, had she had Mr. and Mrs. I.Ochard Narranee Sara Kirk who h'as been quite Mr. and Mh's. B .................... SAN FRANCISCO Calif ..... - ..... ' ...... - l ilnrv rot on Near,it . ....... . -..=.  ... W0111HH m155$ , e,.l.ce :,, ,niw: t,,,, ..e. ,,,, ,,, ,,,,, D,.ld o, A,,e,'.e.,, a,'e ill fo,' Hoq,nam vl.,d2,..a .... ..,- .... ,o.. ,. ................................................................. r , (l lrll'Nt.: ........ t,onerl 1.. LJOIlaI(ISOI], bY the al oienee she would )f hud l e  IesI owners of a ml 1) net MRS. All('.llIIC Kelley and f, nd Mrs H fik Ge arur(lay If( D.. ......  ..... iBmlerman fireman U'SN son O[ILd  II 11 bet trap lo l-h)llanl I visit all l,mne nn our lake They re('entlv (,aughler Betty 'rod Gloriu Av- Birth(1.,V greettJJl [[J[I[;PiII.'II d tvam|,m| |a4 . , . I M}..and Mls. Bl,mt0n Don,thl,,onl m|IIIIAAI LIhIAIIIII4 her children. I:'u[, the })all ills| l)llrChased the Iwnlo el the late e]'y enjoyed the boresi bestwal Mms .]nhe Patl.on[ 15nl-K||l I q 14 ilIaliil elall HOODSPORI Mzs Maly Ma]n r oi Sial Ronte 2 Shlton Wash mdn hcl m( ) x  i ( • o , p t III lib PP ....... • .:. ;.-. , • : ' !, .',+., ".',f UUil rlU[ldl|l .... ,, ttal v+y.. Ill-wt+. Rev. Newt n Kendall ou lhe west l.arade it, She]ton last Salurday and Mrs. John pt!;,a UnUL.UIIL.L I . was (, .years young rest 'vnms-/was aavanced, to tne aove, rate  tried. (. M o" the lake Welcome to the mornin o'. The "ffternoon was spent ldv enjoyed' lerLlo,,, ,.,,, .............., C0mm$: For Vacant ,!a,.. ,,, he:s ,bo, t ,he sp,',.est on May ,. w,,i,e se,',ng anna,', ,,y MI,'.,' ,,a,,.,,,, "":'. '"',"'" e,,,.,),f,,, ,,,,, e.,n- ",,,,,,". y,,,, .,'ot,,," t"'"P'"' ,,,sii,, ,,',,t, M,'. ,,,d ,'s. Sam ,,.le .,,,, ,'e cr ,:'i:t f:.:c e* e " a*  , hltle lady we ve aeen, at !hat.age. the refrigerated stores ship USS LAKE NAHVd.ATZEL ..... Well l inl e a(w:ver. s she rceived a Mr. ;n( Mrs. Rall)h Sl)rinffer egg ents d.o her gr8 i£, vn Legion baseball and rim, u.muer noon lOS[ Mrs. L,mra A.h:sol], nel .aug)ter,, Si,nm, el)elating out of San F,,m-"folks our neiglibor, Mrs. b ranl< InCtU *e el it ws h s 1)1' )(her md fanuly drove up lhe Cmalto Aft:e,' attend ng the Forest Fes- and'Mrs. R )e Fr ether for tileir first past_.__ hnnli¢,,qtlem. t'," *)=u:, t4iohelimber asliea some men(]s ill U) snare cisco, Calif. i Coopel neally nlade the final of "\\;Vnnpy', and then roster Adi. lhe I=hn)(t' Canal floatinp bridge tivnl parade Saturday ill Siwlton and. Mrs. Art JaC !eday aftevnnon ..rod SItEL • - Cat¢(. m lille $til.elnoon. Tnose Advancement Hq the result of Qtltcn bol A Day lasL weeh: whell alld they "ire a very mee hmlimv :by Well ,, txo o present were b lola Lockwood, psssing a fleet-wide competitive she, or rather her lnlmbcr was trio, oil(, to Ill:lk( ar)y tlo{.her's 13erniee Leinbael¢, Kathryn Meln- examination administered last called among 21 fronl an au(lienee hearl swell with pride an(I joy, last SmmnV and arove across and with lhe Tacoma lgag'les drill tort and Lee Id[ dov,'n to I(itsap Slat(, Purl,:, whero j tetra t le following i)e)ph were the lak(, Other H! ; picnic lunch was enjoyed by iweekend guests of Mr. and Mrs./of the past coupl ;;; L '" ,.d M,... b O,m-lo Mrs. Ola,'i0 a II. 111 o Mr. and Mrs. Larry \\;Villiams of i ' KI;  nnd sons r)axid andq Mr. Lee DawSoIl. i' Seal.tie were Sun(hly dinner guesls Mile, Mr. and Mrs. John Patter} tllV others Z dtdl of Mr. and Mrs..lames Ileel.::(rr. and daugl)l,u' L!:da, Mr. \\;Villv / lheo ,u "I.{appY B[ Mr. and Mrs. Allan l:tiekson nnd i Mantel and (lautlater, Mis Bet| too. ' : over 20 can-district squad, lhe me an ind teams which i, McClem Loop Fi Other with Ol 3 rnillion are beginningto drift> onto tyre. and Nora Arnold. Mrs. Main February. the desk of City Seho[ 1 Supt. received cards and remembrances R. W. ()llmml in increasing from all eight of her children sol .................................. numbers. Jim ON ,l " ' . Publ c hlvlted To it x;:as a delightful day i " In the short space of tile week ' e', granoson of the --,,  . .. theSince headVernfilli°nhoop resignedpositiontO ataCeeptst. William Gilbert's al son of Mrs. /ilyn l)emonsl;rarlon Martins College, a half dozen in- Sam Hansen of Shelton is divid- ALLYN ..... A demonstration of hag his two weeks on leave be-, mouth-to-nmuth artificial remlsci- qtlirtes have come to Oltman about tween tile two llomes. Jim is sta- tation using a dummy will be the Highclimber opening, tinned aboard the Renville, based given in the Allyn fire hall June So far n'LOSl pronunent of the inquirers llas heen Jim Doherty, i at San Diego. The ship was ill 4 at 8:00 p.m. " the man-in-the-middle in the Seattle for three days so it was The technique is said to be so " - ; ..... (- , of last 'very convenient for Jinl to reach Sequim oa.sKetnau pl ;till'( .... r ho e " Y" " " " simple a 5-year-old child could • 7 "- )" ;' - z ad in" it- m w'tnou using precious time wmter. )(nerty ns n .e qu' 'y travelin  D-nn .... o *" .... * *h- learn it and be able to save a life. of the job but no formal applica- . . s. . ., =,: ,,, ..u,   The public is invited to witness .  ,:, ,,, , e .,, ia boys, recenny z'e-enlistea for six tin, t,., ,=,:=, ,,uv...,,-, ..... , .... ' " ' the demonstration. No hasty decision will be made Gn the nmtter, the city school chief said, indicating he intended to allow plenty of tree to. elapse be- fore getting sel'ious about a choice in order to allow as many as possible who nlight be available mad interested to aoply and thus give the wdest posmhle choice in selecting !Vermillhm's successor. "Jerry has done an outstanding job in buihJing up basketball here," Supt. Oltnlan said, "and we want to be sure we get the best man possible to see that his program is continued and Shelton basketball keeps improving." SMALL--NE-T-Fo- OLIMBER NETMEN Coach Bruce Kreger's High- climber tennia tean l capped its 1962 season with a trip to the state net tournament at Van- couver over the weekend. tim :; fern'-man squad composed of Denny Hinton, Kent Johnson, Norm Petereit and Gary Cowan, all seniors, didn't fare too well, however. Shelton's two repre.senta- tire temn entrants were both elim- inated in the first round of compe- l litton after an unlucky draw. [ Tte pairing put Hinton, at sin- I gles, against the tourney's sixth seeded player, Clayton Radke of Kent-Meridian. Radke disposed of Hinton 6-3, 6-0. In doubles Petereit vmd Cowan were matched up with Lake YVashington, who was seeded second. The Kangaroo crew cleaned up tl-0, 6-2. After a mix-up in scheduling Johnson Was left out of tie draw md didn't compete. HARRIS HITS 600 IN HEW LEAGUE FAMILY NITE LEAGUE W L Ziefflers ............................. 9 3 Pr'eppernaus .................... 8 l 3 / MeInellya .......................... 6 6 Harris's ............................ 5§ 61/ Donaldsons ...................... 5 7 Bezleys ............................. 2 10 High games--.,Pilyllis Ziegler '2.27, Keith Savage 212, Hiffb series .. Phyllis Ziegler 546, Dave Harris 600. A neaIJy consistent ]98-210-192 brought Dave Harris a 600 series right on tim nose m the new Fam- ily Nile bowling league last week. But it didn't prevent his team from losing a 1-3 decision to the Zieglers, whose Phyllis Ziegler bmged a 227 opener. In o, her rnatehes, the Prepper- naus emery Hellman 487) blanked |he McIneIly's (Rawlin Mclnelly 537) while the Donaldson's (Bud Donaldson 556) took a 3-1 verdict from the Bezleys (John Bezley 441). ........................ PREP BASEBALL SCORES Fife 5. Shelton 2 West Brem 11-7, Mr. TahomR 5-B { Hoquiam Invitational I Centralia 4. N. Thurston 2 Hoquiam 2. Elma 1 Montesano 2. Aberdeen 0 Olympia 4 Rochester a Centralia 3, Hoquiam 2 Oiympi 5, Montesano 2 Olympia 3. Centralia 2 title game ) years. RELATIVES of Frank Gray m'e expecting him hmne about June 15. Frank has been in Kof ea and will have completed his service period at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rennet are happy parents of a baby girl. Nan- cy Gerelyn arrived on May 16 and nicely evened up the family-- two boys and two girls. Cheryl, Michael and Robby think she's the nicest baby at Cushman! On Sunday, May 27, Nancy was bap- tised at St. Edward's in Shelton. Godparents were Don Carlin and Mrs. Julie Ross of Tacoma. After the services relatives gathered at the Renuer home for dinner. Piano pupils of Mrs. Helen Cook, Mrs. Amy Graves and Mrs. Rachel Endicott will be heard in ecital on Friday, June 1, at 7:30 p.m. The recltal will be held at the Hood Canal Community church. Parents and friends of the students are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be sewed at the close of the evening. Gary Nunnelee was the guest speaker at the youth meeting at the church on Sunday evening.,, Later some of the young people gathered at the Ken Graves home for food and a gab session. CANAL RESIDENTS we re proud to hear the float entered by District 404 placed second in its division at the Forest Festival on Saturday. Those watching were particularly impressed with the enthusiasm of the children as they sang to the accompaniment of Sandy Borevesky and Donnie Bearden on the accordion and gui- tar. Hood Canal Community church also entered a float ,this year, stressing the iqportanee of sowing the Word of Cod. A thank you s in order for all those who worked on these floats. A group called "The Order of. the Sore Hands and Stiff Muscles" could have been easily formed about Saturday afternoon ! Mrs. Lem Roe spent several days in Wenatcime visiting her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Parrott last week. BIBLE SCtlOOI, "Living for Je.sus" is the theme for Daily Vacation Bible School at the First Christian Church. There will be Bible stories, handcraft, singing and games. D.U.B.S. will be each morning from 9 to 11:30 June 11. to the 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates and Becky drove to Winlock on Sun- day afternoon to visit the War- ren Hale family. Local friends of Dick Scott will be interested to kno he has re- cently purchased the radio and television shop at Fort Lewis, for- merly owned by Nerhings of Olympia. Dick has been employed by Nerhings re,' the past three years, The family will continue to live in Olympia, Mrs. Lundin of Shelton was a Sunday dinner .guest of the Ri- chard Endtcotts, Later in the day the Jay Stroud family dropped in for a visit. Y P- AND MORE  AND £VfRY OAY,/- TNEI HOME , LETUSTAL IT OV£1 We Need Used Cars OOME IN AND Trade Now AND GET Top Money FOR YOUR PRESENT OAR ON A NEW PLYMOUTH-VALIANT OR flOES OF THE WEB Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 rain. later and plus 8,0 fl;, Friday, Juno 1 High .............. 3:58 a.m. 12.0 ft. Low . .............. ]0:59 a.m. -2.4 ft. High ............ 5:59 1.1.7 ft. Low ............. 1I :16 p.m. 6.0 ft. Sa/urda,y, JunP 2 Higl .............. 4:35 a.m, 11.7 ft, Low ................ 11:40 a.m. -2.9 ft. High ............. 6:49 p.m. 12.2 ft. Sunday, Jlmo 8 Low .............. 0:08 a.m. 6.4 ft. High ............... ):12 a.m. 11.4 ft. Low . ............. 12:21 p.m. -3.1ft. ltigh .............. 7:37 p.m. 12.4 ft. Menday, June 4 Low .............. 0:60 a.m. 6.7 ft. High ............. 5:50 a.m. ]0.9 ft. Low .............. 1:03 p.m. -29 ft, Higl .............. 8;24fl.m, 12.4 ft. Tuesda,y, June 5 Low . ........... 1:50 a.m. 6.9 ft. High ............... 6:30 a.m. 10.4 ft. Low ............. 1:43 p.m. -2. It:. High ........... 9:10 p.m. 12.2 It. Wednesday, June 6 Low ............... 2:44 a.m. 6,9 ft. High .............. 7:12 a.m. 9.7 ft. Low .............. 2:27 p.m -1.6 ft. High .............. 9:56 p.m.. 12.1 ft. Thurh|y, June 7 Low _ ..... 3:44 a.rn. 6.8 ft. High ............ S :01 a.m. 9.0 ft. I,ow . .............. :|:1.1 p.m. *0.7 ft. High .............. 10:42 pin. 11.9 ft. RAMBLER OUR PRICES START AT ......... Ii ...... I '2090.90 $2J. 7S.SO Rambler American ValiHI V-IO0 2 Door Sedan 2 Door Sedan $2322,20 Rambler Olassio , Door Sedan J ..... $249 90 [ '2442.e0 [ s. Plymoulh Savoy 6 i Piymoui5 Savoy 6 2 Door Sedan I 4 Door Sedan Many More Models and Body Styles to Choose from -- Prices Del. Shelton with Heater -- Standard Transmission. License and Tax Extra KIHBEL HOTORS INC. CHRYSLER -- PLYMOUTH -- VALIANT RAMBLER -- INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 fik. First St. H& 8.3433 of 4,000 to be interviewed. Guess an(I particuhtrly so when for the yof know ii was a very exci|ing Ills/ lime since*, I);byimod and few monlen'ts for lint only Bett:y, chihlhood yell saw yollr chihil'en bill. yol rs trlliy, as Jack Bailey ;1 gTaWlnlp youlg> nu'n and we- and ills assistant interviewed the.m men. l'oday tho l'in:d affMavit of Neil Evander SUPER VALUE tp right into players are recently com- A double- Valley of on Loop It off. no 4th District only Shelton Legion prolific dis- "It's our FIRST AllNIVERSARY at Neirs Pharmacy. .... 0anal we've enjoyed serving our 01d friends and making ones during this year. 0ur g0al is giving you the Sales come possible service a,d the lowest possible prices." ,, s00.9a / BRUSH CURLERS 4 jumbo 5 large ONLY 6 medium $159 3 small 36 pins & hair style book QUICK: Home Permanent  'C " $2.00 value Heat Pads Stationery Helena Rubinstein 5 Color-Tone Shamp ADDS COLOR HIGHUGHTS AS IT CLEANS lh'ght now you can buy the Slant 12-oz. size plastio bottle d famom Color-Tone ,hampoo for only 1.501 Color.Tone is a rich shampoo with color higldights that aoctmts the color of your own hair as you wash it "singing" dean. Choose from Blonde-Tone, Brown- Glow, Bnmette-Tone, Red-Head, Silver- Tone Stock-ep new when you can purdaMe unlimited quantitiea. But the /me b limited... 8o burtyl Plus tax. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL PURCHASE Hundreds of books -- hard cover bound volumes, fiction and non-fiction -- complete and unabridged. YOUR CHOICE -- EACH automatic electric -- 3 hetts -- fully guaranteed Aristocrat deckle edge -- 80 sheets, 40 envelopes -- reg. $1.25 REGULARLY EXCELLEN nty's newest quality di with a panoram the rugged Olympic,, P m" with your favorite co bINING ROOM OPEN 7 DA QUALITY CHAR-BR(  SE DOD DINNERS. s from $2.50- CUSHHAN Washington r--We cater to grou iiiiiii!iiiiii:iili[ii:i:!:i:!:)[:?i:i:i:i:?@i:[:?i:; iiiiiiii iiii:ili:iiiiiiiiiiiiiili!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Electric Shaver . ,i ;ii  J Remington Lektronic -- reg. $34.95 -- sale 'r:; i Porta5ie Tape Recorder Kodak Movie Fiim American made transistor Ass| Tra Includes v cottons, st bray, deni Eastman 8MM -- INCLUDES PROCESSING $4.80 value /i ¸ Assort( tons, P Satire Tissues NELL'S PHARMACY HA6.3 Govey Building, 4th Assorte tons. and Pi brand f