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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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::;i ¸] ;i!.}5¸{ !?:: ,Clambers Go Down !SELLS HOISTS SCHOOL SHOT kier of olympm I  W-awW lind&apos;" | \\; II '" J _ But It Wasn t Good Enough At Pullman _ ,n"Yl L._'J= ..L =  im  5-2 Before Fife ' ' ' ' v;,e l ---"---- --------'U.ll l ,,.s.- .................................... In Seamount Finale 'PIIT RECORD AHOTHEil 11:, INIH n.. H,k CIY I ltere Saturday For Twin Bill Sholton finally got together on the .......... ............ " .... --'' ' ul'-¢ greetAl]  nRAPIRI I AqPRlqPA baseball diamond Monday after- " i enn, llinton " ¢ " noon at Fife ............. Geene O'Dea l%fq ....=..m. .....'. . .,. ,  , ,oo .. *S.-',7 - Charhe i l-llg'l] CJ I nQ De r snot-pLitcer Jolln ' , •  Pt 'n manLMMm.-m.. /MI|/U The Highclimbers wish they'd Sells sliced another half inch off; 220 YD. [)ASH .... 20.8 - Jim ernoon was spent lady enjoyed .her el100rafield called his t'. and Mrs. San] cake qnd ice crea$' never made that fifth attempt, for his own sclmol Saturday in the Kjolso, Edmonds. ents, also her gr rican Legion baseball l.rict from which as many as eight the Trojans sent them back home finals of the State Inter-schoolas- '4,10 YD. DASH - 48.4 - Jim and nine entries have come in the witil a 4-2 Seamount League loss. tic Track and Field Meet, but Thompson, North Central. ," the Forest Pes- and Mrs. Roe Frether for their first past. The victory enabled Fife to failed to place in the point ranks. 880 YD. RUN ..... 1:53.1 - Bart SItELTON will meet Puyallup in share the 1962 conference title urday in Shelton and. Mrs. Art JaClay afternoon and a two-out of three series for the 'us Eugles drill ton and Lee ]ddt Shelton's other state meet par- Barto, Mercer Island. with North Thurston; the defeat ticipant, javelin tosser Gary MILE RUN -- 4:21.3 - Je,'ry "in K people were tile lake. Other I,ai lily Well ovel 20 can- riistrict title around mid-July. In ch)sed the season and completed Combs pulled a shoulder muscle Leonard, Lewis and Clark. of Mr. and Mrs. of tire past coupl. e 1962 squad, lhe meantime Shelton will play their last official act as a member in Friday's preliminaries and was W' HIGH HURDLES -.. 14.1 - Bill teams wherever available, among Climbers. Next year Shelton joins unable to qualify for tire finals. Gaskins, Lewis and Clark. which is a twin bill dated with the the Olympic League. heartening injuries for the past. kins, Lewis and Clark. J Sells, who has been battling dis- - LOW HURDLES -- 19.4 - Gas- PPY \\;*':"t,:_ McCleary town team June 10 at EVERY RUN 1Vfonday was thin- two years, pitched the shot 52- HIGH JUMP .... 6-3 - Byron .gbte', Miss Belt too.  l t;; ier Valley of Loop Field. __._ ........ ..i!ll ay on Loop Other games are in the making ted, on both sides. 11V,., for a seventh place finish. Johnston, Aberdeen, and Bob Kep- The Climbers got off to a 2-0 There are only six point-taking pel, Central Valley, tied. --  _-- - -.- -_- - - " -:,'• • starts ]t off. I with Olympia, Raymond, Aberdeen, lead in the second when Hank Rose places. The stocky iron baller POLE VAULT -- 13-6 - Bill :' -eaY)e 11o 4th District: Hoquiam and Centralia as well as walked and Gary Peterson doub- missed sixth place by a scanL 4!.i Self, Lewis and Clark. ar as only Shelton the McNeil Island penitentiary, led to put both in scoring posi- inches and fifth by 5V._,. BROAD JUMP -- 22-7 3/4, 'egrng;f }]"-'"'-- L:go. The Skokomish Indians are liable tion with none away. Don And- SELLS, A SENIOR, isn't in- Lewis and Clark. i to appear fairly frequently on the rews skied to center and both run- ished with high school track yet, SHOT PUT .... 58-3 3/4 : A1 Legion kids calendar, too, as both nets scored when the Trojan fly- however. He, along with Paul Pemberton, Ridgeficld. "'.  Bloomfield and Skokomish mana- chaser dropped the ball. Brown and Jim LaMont, traveled DISCUS ..... 174-6Y. - Pember- "; •  ger Ed Miller believe in playing Fife squared it in the same to Sunlner yesterday for the Sum- toll, I.idgefield. ! anai rather Lhanpracticing. frame, withmlt getting a hit. ncr hwiLational nreet. Sells nlay JAVELIN --- lD0-3 - Dave Mad- il.:['° P'harm'Ayo " ':/:;patina ONE SEV]EiE BIA:)W has beensquad Schlumpf walked, was bunted Stateals° competMeet Fridayin theat Seattleseattle sen, Pulhnan. e dealt Bloomfield's already down mrd scored when catcher MILE RELAY .... 3:23.4 Belle- in the form of a re-injury to Roy Tom Wingard tossed the ball in- he will have at least a couple vue. Kimbel's knee which will sideline to leftfield as he tried to pilfer more chances to better his own 880 RELAY---1:29.1- Blanchet :, ;!;..,@ him for- the summer. Kimbel had third Bisig walked while Schhlmpf record. - ........................... S and maklgg ild,.Sale s acquired anotheryear'seligibility was on second, later scored on Lewis andClarkranawaywith SUNDAY MIXED 4-SOME through a change in the age dead- Don Andrews' bobble at second of l he team championship, earning W L , line and had been counted upon to Bartlett's grounder. 60 3/5 points to 30 for O'Dea. The 4 x 4's ........................ 5V,2 2 provide the major batting punch THE TROJANS won it in the North Central, Bellevue and The 4 Bees ...................... 4 4 g•iving yOU th6 |1'" "i--|0 end fieldleadershipforthisyear's third. Babbitt walked and pitched Ridgefield tied for third with 20 The Star'ters .................. 4 4 squad. Ed Eriken singled infield after points each. The Lovers ...................... 2V,, 5 Kimbel hit .310 as a freshman tire former stole. Babbitt scored Bill Self and Bill Gaskins, both High games Betty Briner 149, Welcome with University of Puget Sound on a mishandling of Schlumpf's Lewis and Clark. were double vic- L. L. Mclnelly 193. t  this spring in, the Evergreen Con- tap back to the mound which left Ir ¢)]. s along with Ridgefield's AI High series---Joe Bloomfield ference, but re-injured the same everybody safe. then. after Bisig Pembcrton. Self won the pole ] 392, L. L. McInelly 538. b[e prices k $3695 knee in one of the final games walked to fill the bases, Hestand vault (13-6)and hroad jump (22- mm  m m which he had hurt before tile singled to score Ericksen and An- 7 3/4) Gaskins 0m high hurdles • P Iy )ayD-6 season opened, drews' 0000co,,O GOLF CLUB The in3ury is also costing Kimbel grounder let Schlumpf check in berton look the shot (58-3 3/4) a, Wash. a chance to play in the All-Stnte During the inning Ken Droscher and the discus 174-6,fi). 8"2252 feeder game in Tacoma from wh., h relieved Bill Sloan. Each gave four MARTY NODILO of North CALEHDAR | players are chosen for the Seattle- walks and one hit, but between Thurston got sixth in the discus State all-star game June 18. them struck out only three corn- with a heave of 149-4V2. and 3-0, another at 2-8 along with pared to the dozen Climbers Erik- At the close of the regular sea- a 3-0 silver Thursaay l'  .i .... sen set down . son 1;.s't we.eK ....... bnmton tracl( coach PPdCE POUNDERS ICETURN t Allan Strine limited Friday with Besides Peterson's trouble the on- ;i|A,_ I • l ....  I Bob Sund awarded letters to 20 TO lOth HOLE TOP RUNG two kings at 9-8 and 5-0 and a Buck Price's ill o n-  silver at 3-8. Still another regular I • -- • !.|V AP| • pl AIIIAIIIP | ly other C imber hit was.ros- athletes. They included LeRoy ..... " p-p u ers 'e- addict of the canal, Alex Dom- IDlnStcln T t I:AUI:LLI:NI $URilRi" [ cherssinglcinthefourth.neiton Allstin Brian Briekert Parl . capLllre(i tire mague leau ill .Pdl:fl brauskv hit for a hair of silvers week b takin .... Thursuay u u-u anu ",-v. , m  eon on a 1 of 10 mak  ' . : shacdd 2},ly)fottrrUaers as they Brown' Combs, Mel Cuzic'k Rick Hole Men's team competition last . .... f.'. ........ ,, i,_ il put y,. n P "" . I DurMn Bruce Gardner Paul Han- y g nine or z pos- __[ ............................... r- - 'a C- , I Shelton wound up itR Seamount s o e' - - -" -- " " ount s n w .......  " , " s n, t .orge Jonnson Jlnr avtont aible points while the suddenly ! II II/ @  • am"  | ..... "  :ITR "• " WATER"Y e est. qua ty d n ng. faclht,es Dine II season with to w,ns three losse i Dan u,son, ore," u,,," '*'z.on urr, uof red-hot Jerry Thompson thumpe,;s ; Koitn avage t'0sts '  a with a panoramic wew of lovely Lake ....... --- I , " ,- . ,"I il 1 Ill l If Ill '' .... |1, k Peterson Boh Favvdln, Lentz cooled off {o a break-even 6-of-_ .. w z',,i,--da,,,m,i" 1 "v ,kl, rs, ," ¢ne rugged Olympic Mounts ns Re ax in ,I, |.J.3.,  ...... " " 12 to drop ba,, to soconO spot Sensahonal 1264 R }i uefl- ....*- . . ', _ . " | | | I l'CODlnSOl l-nil L'.icra[[oI'(l, Jonn --- wln your laVorltc COCKtail • • '|  • Ill ' | |[ Sells, Gary Simons and Joe Wa- ' , ......... aim :L. ', ROOM OPEN r AV-  ill R=||)||| li,ll=.l.llO, i| ters Managers were Jeff Drebick f,.Jr°b7tKmtlu;tt Ii;te'Sm:c:cVse: : Keith Sa.vage rocked the s(-hatch _. w._ III i ''"" ' .... , - .. .... • .... ., ..."division of tile BPAA national , II 61. ,' '  and i.o,,er earson. ZL't°?%7,rl:$",Z, °Zi j,,nior ;'hampionsh,pX.onc fh, als U Y,2A2,BROILED STEAKS and Fuchsias 'rb ,('inners in SaLurday's state _.%•, ..,.; .... '- : .... " ]at Kelso Saturday with a blistering ii,,,a  • ......... no. , ill I] meet finals: ' ' 'a 0 ' " " g, ill , w,.c,, ,.e °"°" 1000" bo=. .,  , Dlllllers from $2.50--Ch]ld" 's Plate $1 Geraniums l a,,dl ..................................... one tin. Thc deadlock with' .... :' ..  " " ' • 1 The Shelton.junior league bowler  ---- - - - -- -- 5]i h" .... Ill  ..... : I[Curtis will not he played off as it Avin r*ulbert.eontinued his tri- avera'cd slightly over 210 pins "- :lfli PiilURilJliU h¢aaT /tl l:)gt)lll I cannot affect the title, umphant march through the indi- per game wi[h tiese game count•s ----= =----- =>- =7 '.5][/'" UII.I [r.'||[| [ii ..... | The short score: vi(hml ranks with another victory . . 184 237, ].87, 223, 212, and 234. to  m hs ecmd to 15 out of 16 r ---:/-::- = :'a, n, •mhvv•mi ill l. L Jay I R H E '.,. " .'' '. ' Along with Gerry Lot  ilson's dth :ii!' Washington Phone TR 7-5388 [il Rte.2 Box 220 Sheltorh Wash.  Shelton 020 000 0---2 2 3 possmJe points luring the e!ght 1074 in the girls' handicap divis- , . ',s if • I ' | Fife 0 2 2 0 0 0 x---5 2 x weeks (!f league p!ay so tar. Rght ion. Shelton's enLries came home deswed Sptnce, Lake :., ';;c4tl'i;xie!" l'i(;{:{'in¢l :ii !ii':thsclii!:i')f!)!l£;iaiiii: ?':(iii  , o, --We cater to group luncheons and dinners i l ,.p,n ]  " ' r. j B tterics- Sloan, Droscher (3) ! n" --"---'-- _ etl-I,. I I HA 6-672o. I I and Wingard, Kadoun (4); Erik- - -"== ]; -llMli---- " i I | ' sen add Bisig 1 Will- l=e,at,[ "" /', -- :- ............... " """ ": ....... ___- we,-,k ....... Two other stron'g winners .. m the' 'boys handeap d,v,s,on" " " of .o.. are Arn Cheney Sr., who ]]as 1] the comFetition. Gerry averaged FOLDillG WEB CHAISE ,,, ,,vo P.i:,.,N for Lhe league leaders last week, figm'ed in. and Bud Pauley with a 12 8f 16 Tiffs Saturday 15 more Shelton i::::!:!:.:: mark after posting a pair for the junoirs will roll in the three di- ,_', MATCHING WEB CHAIRS Cole cl,,b ,.,sio,, ..'DO boys in .to sttcl, , Due to the holiday yesterday competition, eighl in the hoy" lhere was no league play this handles:) class, and five in Lhe sensation=l  look week,so:SO the league Ve(,k standings Seaseu' now Pet. assortments -  GHAIRS l',,e,,: ," ce ........ .J,2 ,io 5. J4'S":.5 J. Thompson ...... /1:2 5/00 :,50 only at Pen ney's ! "',,':L:Li{:_, ?,.. .,,rr,'sehn, idt C.le ........ .... ,/,2/' ?/9oV1°8 .8,.52s pll-r'n's, .i 2 for Lob Kicbt, rtz .... 8/1'i 54/'112 .482 ri::i Jim MeCornb .... 4/6 49/102 .480 new Jim Fletcher .... 2/6 33/74 .446 clOrs. -,l $ "i;i S 88 a,l., Kin, bol ..... i0.8 ,} Purl ,lcmison 2, Jack Gray 2, PoN ly ParreLl. 2, Arn Cheney Sr., 2, now A.rt Bennett. bu. v ': GHAISE ',,,,,,,,,son o ,,ei,,ie ,,d,',rra,, i, THOMPSON (;/12 .... , J e r r 3' i L. L,. Melnelly 1, Andy Tuson 2. ,S8 s o,,, 2, .a,o o COL1,2 6/14- Harry Cole 0, Son- i "  ny Lwee. O, Lh)yd ":, Oliver Ashford 1, Bud Pauley • 2, iPl':]lik Hcuslon 1, Jinl Morris.. sc: 0. / , ,.CHMIDT 6..12 Max S:hmi(l:. 0, Joe Holt 1, Jvck Jeffery 1, Lar- ,'y Larso,.t 0, Al I1ulbert 2, Boh " " ' Olson 2. ' ; ':!' ':.i.l !.:':'.:':JF"" ..... I<IEBUt.TZ 8/1.4.-.. Jim Donahoc  2, C}int \\;Villom. 0, Frank Travis .}r. 1. Ivan Mvrs 1. Bud Kin,t- a 31, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Page 3 iiiJRBHJUH[BsiimUsHiiUiiiidJi1UHH |luflm01 u|IIHII|I I|llHl U.. FOILEST SEi{VICE ItECIl EATION I{EPOI{T Nhel|on Ranger l)i,triet .... Un- seasonably cool, cloudy weather Ires lessened Lhe use of camping spots. Wynooche Falls canlpground on the Wynoochc t:Aver has plenty o| room aL present. Snow still persists iu high country. Elk and neor are making frequent, delight- ful appearances. Hooasport Ranger l)istrh't .... Rhododendrons are in full bloom and are a beautiful sight along the highway. Recreational use of the campgrounds was limited this past weekend due to damp, cool weather. Seal RocR campground could have handled 15 more fami- lies; Hanlma Hamma had room for seven additional families; Elk- horn calllpground COllld have ac,- commodated nine more families; and Camp Collins had space for two more families. i l :i: 28-]NC|! DOLLY I'ARi)EN TOPS CUSItMAN (,AT(HI,, I Heading the catch-list at Lake Cushman last weekend was a 28- inch, 73/4 pmmd Dolly Varden claimed by Bob Pearson of Mc- Clea|'y nesr the clam. He was fishing deep with 4-oz. of weight using Pop Geer with a (lark orange flatfish. Flatfish were the pmme lures but the]'(, was no consistency abollL wh.ere Success WaS found. Some limits were taken without any weight, others went deep and found them with equal success. The catch ran predominately to silvers in the 9-to-10-inch bracket bul sonle nice rainbows were ta- en O, Bill Gott 2. Ralph Stevens 2 • McCOMB 4 q.-..Jin] McComb 2. Ray Walker 2, Walt Snelgrove 0. P w  l LL P.HGR 2/6--Jim Fletcher d 1" Ahlminum Frame 2. Phil ,.'e,, 0, Ea aicha,'ds 0. l*:IMBEL 1/10---Jacl¢ Kimbe 1 0, Double Tubular Arms Bin V,'ahces 0, Fred Stuller' 0. Bean I.)aniels 1, Jhn Pauley 0. • ' Polypropylene Webbing O,.rM,,,.,. ,lye ,mE|u,: FOR T INTEI{-C1,UII GO SUNI)AI .... Team skippers Phil Bayley and ,.~,.=,.o ,},,e H,.,1, a,'o e.pectin" a m,,ch g.  rougher go of it this Sunday in ' Ill(:' socond inter-ch|b match of the Assorted Summer and 44' and Collp.lry chlb lo the Bayshorc Transitional Cottons i links, titan m Lhc opener a week i agO \\;vht;!l Chehalis left with a 30- Includes wash & wear prints, satinized I, 24 defeat. ( The Olympm squad has a passel cottons, sheers, gingham checks, cham- "'- ot Iow-l|andicap players to toss L.95 -- sale bray, denims, & sportswear fabrics. YARD .'dnst Hre S]|ell.onians and there CHARGE 1T! ,,ren't enough of the shine calibre to match then i|l the local ranks. 2-1L,iI,L leOU]I.SO ME NCIlI,;|)[JL1G|) T()I)A'k  One oi7 Lhe real "fun evenLs" tons,ASs°rtedpercales,BetterBroadcloths,quality cot- r, € ,,, the golfing 3eas,m takes place de transistor ]this evening at the Sielton-Bay. DO :;hore Rolf C()lll's( \\;vhen a mixed lwo-ball fo|trsonlc tares place. Satins, Novelties, Sheers, Play starts at 5::;0. The hilarity il t)z' )vi ted wllen the LWO men,- Tissues, Sportswear fabrics, i,,.:.s (,f :, pair alternate strokes on the ;4ame bali. YARD A po, n,ck ,li,,,er ,,.ill wiud ,,p PROCESSING CHARGE IT! ,h, eveni|rg. SS0 0 I.AI)II,:S ENTEI{TAIN' ..... " ........  "u.=*.":'- ,, IJL ...... ,., (}I,1 MP[A Mi!hlliEliS In the neighb0|'hood of ,t0 golf- ing Dais enjoyed a morning ,of Assorted Top Quality Cot. SPECIALLY PRICED! RiOH ,,,, ,,is, t,,a a,, afte,,,.on ,,l. 7 hlllC]l an(] Lalk al htst 'rhnrsdly's • tons. Very select combed C REVERSIBLE L00P-WEAVE into,'-club at whJci, the Shelton HAb "----'" ,,it,,, en ertainel theit-ooutemp- and Pima Fabrics, name ovat.ies f|om the Olympia Golf & Extravagant looking but thrifty-priced Colllltl'y CilIb. brand fabrics, Screen Prints. at Penney's! Early American spread is GerL Batstone won low gross beautifully designed, thickly frlnged, honors. Martha Cole and Ruth machine washes in lukewarm water. No- HeusLon tied for low net honors CHARGE IT! YARD iron] Bleached or antique white, pink, and Jea,, Yeage,' came closest 3over_ Building,... beige, to the pin on No. 3 among the • '' Shelton participants. ;I'I)YKE I{ETUI{NII) IIY ;PORTSMEN TO 3rd TERM Hood Canal Sportsmen Ass'n members, evidently feeling they lmve a good thing going, re-elected Presideni. Randall Updykc for his third term and secretary Eleanor I<ohl to her fifth term at their election meeting Thursday in the Union Community Hall. Their supporting officers are both new to their duties---Howard Lockwood as vice-president and John Kohl as treasurer. 2 FISH AI)I)ED 1O V.F.W. DEI{BY LADDEI{ The addition of two new en- tries on lhe V.F.W. salmon derby ladder lasL weekend found a fish- ing-fem, Doris Ellison, taking the lead with a 19-1b. 8-oz. catch. The other entry was made by Harry Carlon, with a take exact- ly 10 pounds lighter. Both catches were made off Bald Point in Hood Canal. DAHLMAN KNOCKS 'EM OVER IN CANAL Charlie Dabhnan had a big week in Hood Canal. I Tle veteran salt-chncker, in I three forays, picked up six sal-1 rnon, topped by a 7-lb. silver Fri- day, the (lay he limited with 5-() and 3-8 mates. Two days earlier he took a pair of silvers at 3-12 and 2-12 and the day after another sil- ver at 3-8. ,lordan Clapper, another veteran angler, averaged as well in two trips, taking a pair each time. He had two blackmouth Friday at 9-0 USED CARS '58 Rambler. American 2-dr. -- Jack says real economy car. '56 Dodge H,T. 2-dr. V-8, auto. trans. completely reconditioned new paint '55 Rambler Wagon 6 cyl., o.d. '55 Ford Orestline 2-dr. V-8, auto. trans. '55 Ford Fairiane 4-dr. V-8, auto. trans. '55 Nash Sedan ken. too. going aN high as 19 in- ches. The fish count at Lake Cush- 4-dr., auto. trans. man Resort was 578 fish for 110 m, glers,hows. °f which 49 were rain- '53 Dodge Sedan ........................................................ 4-dr., fluid drive, real sharp 2-dr., a real buy, • standard transmission 4-dr., 6-cyl., std. slift, 1 owner, real clean LIFETIME PROTECTION Lifetime Hospital and O Surgical protection is pro- vided under /Etna L{fe's new Paid Up at 65 policy. It helps covet" hospital ex- TRU00KS pcnses, surgical and ma- ternity costs and emer- girls ha-ndiea p. If Keith and/or Gerry LOll slav i • i in top place then on Jt{ne 17 the,' Angle Agen©y will b)wl aL Tower Lanes in Tacoma in the slate finals, where Herb Angle Angle Bldg. ! eight from each division will corn- b ,t__ _ , ....... t pete• Each division winner gets an , ' expense-paid trip to VCashinglon, i D.C.. to compete in the national   CASUALTY championships where a $2,000 i{HflSi  =n €o.e, i cholarship goes to the victor,  uan COWNtCl"kcIr , $1;000 !.o second place and $500 to mira place.  i" ............... - .... _-U-; | iiii ! The System That Brings You Ill Ill Better Lmng. ,. gency treatment. No pre- miums to pay after 65 ind coverage Continues reduced henets for lifo, ''54 FordP i Before age 65, premiums , ane may he increased or, a  Va ton, 6 cylinder class basis only. See us for details. i'42 Ford Picb.p : Va ton. 6 cylinder, a real Electrically IN 1962 ELECTRICITY will bring you better living in so many ways, every day of the year'! With de- pendable electricity you can brighten 5,our home . . . lighten your work.., enjoy comfort and convenience. Electricity can light, heat and cool your home . . . wash clothes and dishes.., cook meals, freeze foods, heat water, dry clothes.., and help in so many ways to bring better living. NOTHING YOU BUY doe tnorc to put modern conveniences and better li in, at your call than low-cost electricitya day-after-day bargain in better living. wood-getter O TIRES BY ARMSTROHG e BOAT 't, Double Coc SPEEDBOAT P.U.D. NO. 3 COUN TIT JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, secretary; ED TAYLOR, commissione'r; CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager @ LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY @ 13-Ft. Double Cocklfit with 25 h.p. outboard motor and trailer, ready to go. O GARDEN SUPPLIES FORD AMMONIUM SULPHITE Watch Your Grass G row JIM PAULEY gNC. FORD  MERCUKY Dealershiphth & RR Used Cars---hth & Cola Phone HA 6-8231 /