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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 4 SI-IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "CTwistmastown, U.KA.," Shelton, 1962 i Hood Canal Club Variety of Dances ! To Meeting Next Thursday Be Presented , .,.i.. l,.,,d ..)l., 0000.,den c,,., c,p,00,0000e"r:n-0000oncer • will meel rlexL Ttlm&apos;sday at the It(lille of }I.Hll(te CFONI)y $1Ild MFS, 'I'h MglrR'ie Speck Sl)rirttl" Dance l+t 2,11,, I)()l,l/lall. "l'he azaleas and (:orlCerl I+o be heAl at g p,nl, ttlis rhr)dode3"JdJ'()Hs iJ Ih(qr lovely Sahn'day nig'hl in the Shelton Social Even ts Society Editor • Marl Waters • Phone HA 6-4412 mt)'<wn will be at theh" besl. A ,hmior High auditorium will ten- KENNEWICK CHURCH IS SCENE OF pothwk hlnelmc))) will b(, served llll•e ;i v:u.ieLy of danee.s, lallet, ., ..i,. ,,,,,, ,,,e ,.,,fen ".l', M.,,e,',, a,,d s,,n,e a,:,,>- WEDDING FOR r_AVV nbJU±'J3Pc"'v'r"t'"*" m th( afternoon, hal its will 1)(, oll tile bill• ' - L Melnb(rs are ask(d io bI'i)lK M'lkirlg their (1-b)lt will be l:lre- I•;.tvol*s foF tile Jllray 2.1 }{ose Ltlnell- schoolcrs Toni b'oJzo, Al.n,il Kllhr, (')n. Each rn(md)er is lo mare 5 I'(}lrtn t2ytl.a. Vah@ie Allnoch, |)llIllilIlll'(' )ilpO)' I/{tIH N() diffel'ellt Cllrtstie Ftat'Oll all(I Steven Lind- id*llS lll;ly })(' t:xCllange(l for nlft]¢-, sey. }i]]elYlcntitl'v lirsi tilnel's, ln- llg pl;4c( (,at(Is or l}tVi)l'S I'ol' the chl(lt ]gebeccH C.hapnlHll. Cecelia hlIl('.Ile II lll(t Terri Clark, Betsy Poe, Les- .......................... lie :tl)(l Laurie V'Jtldei"¥egen and VFW Auxiliary Plalls Carnie McMillin. Alexis Ktlln' will do lmr firs hatoll, presenLation. l)Jstl let Meeting t¢)ys appearing inehlde ArL and The n(,xl r(.gular business meet- I I(bll ' Nicklaus, Ricky Christian lIl (if lhe V'I;%V Auxi ia "y wilt he i ,]t)Inl Hytln, i,'rank f(uhr and Rick heh al  p.m. I,'r1(lay at. the Meof I,'ilchitt. o)*iaI troll, l-]f)stt.H!4(es will be Aug- Iollndinff out the progTaln will u.1, "I'w()h.V, ']bOlTl/ll'e. be advanced dancers Leila Cool{ :;:::: Marl, MeI,:ay awl Ida Mac Slnilh. Bellaine Ogden Penny t:larnbard. The prize will be brought by Tari Li tritchitt, Taralea Parr, 1)m'olhv Towle, Palll BoaPdnlall, Mary Buechel l,'i)lll ;ll'l'anlCll]elllN will be seI ;.t.lld Aria ]VIIIIT, Many of f()r 51h (hstriid meetill 1o be held stlidents have perforn-]ed for local ::i.:. • i:i ,%tlul'day niuh in I.aymond. This org'allizations in the past and some will lip election of new officers. hilV( I)een \\;vlnllers ill tile Jaycee. AI ({(de;at(s shotlld hi., Ilwre. Talent sllow. Leiht Cook has a[l- peared (m television. "i Nydia Club Accepting The program is open to the Memorial (A)lltrlblltlOn publie. Tickets may be purchased Nydia Club. l):.ttli0ll(,)'s of the at the door or frmn sttldents wdrk- Nih,. met May 23 at tile home of ink for sclmlarships. Mrs, (7]au(le Rh()d( on Island Lake. The next nleeting will he AMARANTIt RUMMAGE l,l(.l aI th(' home of Mrs. Mel SAI,E SLATEI) Bea)'den. Sel)t 2(i. Amaranth will hold a Runlmage Anyon( wishing I.o rual¢.e mere- Sale this F)'iday and Saturday at orial contributions to the Shrine the PUD building, itospittd for tile henefit of erip- For pickups call HA 6-8631 or ph,d (.:bildrell may do so through HA 6-6180. o1' letlve at the Sewing Nv(lm Clllb by tailing Mrs. ti'1o- Cenier. r(-.nee \\;Veeks al HA 6-3374. - ....................................... ........... GIRI, ,,COIYr I)AY CAMP Some troubles, like a in'otested I{EGISTilA'rlON IIEADLINE )lot,, of a solvent debtor, bear in- Girl Scout and Brownies are crest. Honore de Balzac reminded the deadline date for registering for Girl Scout Day GOING PLAOES? Canlp is June 1. Registration should 1)(. made directly with the Tall Timber Council in Olympia. WHERE TO CALL: The l)ay Camp will be held June  18-22 lhis veal'. ANGLE TRAVEL " ....................... RES. CENTER OES SOCIAL CLUB TUESDAY LUNCHEON 401 R.R. AVPL OES Social Chlb Weleome Chap- MISS JOYCE COLLJEEN KELSO became the bride of Harold Ed- HA 6-8272 HA 6-4134 tee Nc). 40 will have a luncheon ward'Carr May 5 at. the St. Joseph's Catholic church in Kennewick. next Tuesday at Lhe home of Mrs. She is the daughter'of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Kelso of Kennewick. Mr. TICKETS TO ANY PLACE C'. Danielson on Hammersley In- Carr is the son of Wlrs. Harold Carr of Ephrata and the late Har- IN THE WORLD AT let. old Care of Sheltot=. Cals will lcave the Masonic tern- / NO EXTRA COST pl, at 11:,'0 a.m. SL. Joseph's Catholic clnu'ch in Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Kelso of Ken- TO irO][ ...... * Kennewick was the.' setting Satur- newick, and Mr. Carr is the son (lay morning, May,5, for the wed- of Mrs. Harold Carr of Ephrata, I Independent Travel Airlines W e II g ding of Miss Joyce Colleen gel- and the late Harold Carr of Shel- Conducted Tours Steamships so of Seattle and, Harold Edward ton. Ceuises Railroad D r illi n Ca,.,., Pasco, who repeated their Vari-colered daisies were used wedding vows p'eceding a nup- rl] the altar, candles and tall bas- Rent-A-Car Bus Lines HA 6-445 tial Mass, with Father R. K. kets of daisies stood 'in the sanc- Hotels & Re.sorts or HA 6-2455 LeF'leur as the celebrant, tuary. Dennis Koelker and Don The bride is the daughter of Schuster were altar boys. .................................................................................................................................................................... Miss Doris Cejka, Seattle, pre- sented the wedding music and ac- LUHBERHEN'S HER CANTILE k Award Of Merit Sale Gelebrating I0 Years Of Outslanding Gustomer Salisfaoton t Thrifty 40" TIlE BEST FOR LESS 40  Electric Model RD.20.62 FRIG I DAI l::t'l:. Pull 'N Clean Oven Range s Frigidaire exclusive! Oven slides out like a drawer for easy, stand. up cleaning--glides back for care- free cookin • Speed-Heat surface unit gets red hot in a hurry. • Cook-Master automatic oven con- trol gets dinner while you're away! Like having a maid! Famed Fnigidalre Dependability! ONLY 002'09 Easy Terms WITH QUALIFYING TRADE SEE ALL OUR FRIGIDAIRE APPUANGES FOR THE BEST BUYS Famed, Frigidaire Dependability plus: * No d*frostblg eer ia Refriilerato¢ Section! • Big,'.to ,eo zone Fra' stores 72 potmds. • Store / bushel of produce in twi Porcelain Enamel Hydrators. * Roomy storage door. Stores butter. / gallo, milk bottles! Easy Terms Oustomer Pleasing Services Are A Tradilion With Us LUHBERHEN S HERCANTILE companied lIrs. Charles Lauber, Seat(:le, the" soloist. Mr. Kelso presented his daugh- ter in marriage. He]" wedding gown of taffeta and Alencon lace was fashioned with a full skirl of taffeta will] Alencon appliques and was cut with a chapel train. The snug bodice with its crushed cummerbund was worn with el- bow-length white gloves and a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. Her chapel-length veil was caught to a cluster of seed pearls and orange blossoms, and she carried a cascade of white roses. Miss Kay Kelso, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor and wore a powder-blue brocaded frock, a bell-type sheath with square neck- line• She wore a veiled pillbox of daisies and carried blue and white painted daisies. The bridesmaids, Miss Janice Kranc, Miss Judy O'Shea and Miss Gaff Mueller, all of Seattle, were identically attired. Vicld Ann Arrasrnith, a niece of the bride- groom, was flower girl. Dick Morton, Puyallup, was best man. The ushers were A1 Kimbel, Olympia; Jerry Richert, Shelton; and Rolf Glerum, Port- hmd. The bride's mother, in a tur- quoise-blue sheath worn with jac- ket, used ivory accessories and white roses'to complete her en- semble. The mother of the bride- groom, in a two-piece beige bro- caded silk, also Wore white roses nd bone accessories. The wedding reception was at the Desert Inn in Richland where painted daisies in a crystal bowl and blue candles in crystal hold- ers eentered the lace-covered ta- ble. Two sisters of the bridegroom, :Mrs. J. W. Arrasmith, Spokane, and Mrs. W. J. Tribley, Fairbury, Ill,, poured Mrs. Howard Lincoln, Toppenish, an aunt of the bride, and Mrs Phil Hot, Yakima, cut and served the cake. Mrs. Edna Ramulu and Miss Janet House, beth of Seattle, served the punch and Miss Mar- garet Hawkins, an aunt of the bride, had the guest book. Mrs. Donald Williams and Mrs. Edward Day, beth of Kennewick, were in charge of gifts. Cindy Day and Vicki Ann Arrasmith passed the groom's cakes. After the reception, out-of- town guests were entertained at a buffet dinner at the Kelso home. For going away, the bride wore a beige tweed coat with a beige sheath, and coffee-beige straw lint and a corsage of white roses. The bride, a graduate of Ken- newick schools, completed her nurses training at Sacred Heart School of Nursing, Spokane, and was employed untiI recently at Providence hospital, Seattle. The bridegroom was graduateit from Irene S. Reed high school and graduated in 1955 from the Uni- versity of Washington where he was associated with Kappa Sig- ma Fraternity. Mr. Carr is a member of the editorial staff of the Tri-City Herald, Kennewick. Following a two-week honey- moon trip to the Oregon Coast, the couple is now at hmc at 1101 V. Shoshone St., Apt. 10, Pasco, God only waits for man's worth. ineeis to enhance the means and meamwe of His aee. --ary Rachel Knott Guild Final Meeting Of 1961-62 Season Nineteen members of the Rachel Knott Orlhopedic Guild met for a 12:30 hmcheon ree.(mtly "lL the t-[ood Canal home of Mrs. Chtwt,: Rowe with Mrs. Dorothy JeSsul) as co-hostess. In the absence of Mrs. Kenneth Frank, President, Mrs. Les Shelv- ('tl') [l(X'l}= elec(ed Presidon(, con- dueled the meeting. Mrs. Glendon I,'ergllson, Seere(:lry, l'e;id tile minutes ()1' the April meeting and Mrs. Fr;II1R Travis, Jr,, gave ibe Treasnrel"S report. Committee rel)orts were giv(l] with ]Irs. G rover Brewster, Penny,, 1)rive Clmirnmn, urging lhe mem- bers to finish (olleeling their en- velopes, Mrs, Travis, Jr,, reporlea on thc Cog's lmcheon May 5. It was at- tended hy 20 o'irls, some of whom : are now Cogs and will become Jogs nexr year, and yom:ger girls who wish to become Cogs This year's advisors, Mrs. Travis, Mrs. Harold Nordeng and Mrs. Wayne i Carte, attended tbe ]tmclmon. They prepared a fruit lmnch bowl for ] the girls and Mrs. Nordeng pre- sented a beautiful azalea for the centerpiece. The girls gave each of the advisors a lovely c.orsage. Sue Ann Anderson and Billy Sue Johnson have been chosen presi- dent and vice president of Jogs for nexL year. Mrs. Sheh, er asked members to leave "Next to New" artic.les at MYs. Roy Kimbel's. Mrs. \\;Vm. Baker offered to take charge of the sale of the Orthopedic e'l- endars this fall. Mrs. Shelver thanked the hostess for the de- licious hmcheon. The new officers will assume theh" offices at tie September 21 meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. R')y Kimbel with Mrs. Harold Ahlskog as co-hostess. Popular, Classical Music Included In Local Piano Recital Mrs. May Winiecki presented 22 of her students in a piano re- cital in the Fireplace Room of the Methodist church at 7 May JOB'S DAUGHTERS INSTALLATION SCHEDULED SATURDAY NIGHT .9ar2tcde ;.tes 'l]gfeo(u ' fith6-o 6 the Masonic Temple. The public I .. "  . . . . ' . is invited to attend. rive years ox training. Musle 111- . . . cluded ranged fronl t)omfla tot Judy Nmholson will be installed classical. - -  ..... as Honored Queen; Paula Harmon, Partici,,atin were F.,i  ' ....... n ]Senior Princess; Janet EsLvold, Linda Auseth Bruoe ur;'2-'UT'l Juni°r Princess Gall Downing, in Stroud, Steve Evande Bar-f Guide; Leanne Armstron.g, Mar- baa Wolfe  shal Je Haskms Chaplain Lov ". ., Fay Fischer, Tamiel ; " " ,  ; - Mason, Bob Ttlrner, Leslie Van- ely Kelly, Treasurer; Sharoa John- QUEEN JUDY NICHOLSON of Bethel No. 37, International Order of Job's Daughters cordially invites the public to attend its in- stallation of officers this Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Tem- ple. Miss Nicholson, daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Nicholson, will be installed as Honored Queen. (Photo by Dean.) Bethel No. 37, International Or- Page in North, Sandy Smith; Page der of Job's Daughters will hold ill South, Linda Rains; Keeper of a public installation of officers the Lights, Kathy Archer; Assis- at 8 p.m. Saturday, June 2, at rant Record, er, Sheryl Stevens; derWegen. David Frank, Joan Au- seth, Geanecce Morgus, Don Se- iners, Tom Belling, Marc Phillips, Kay Belling, Janet Estvold, Gerri Gems and Jerry Wagner. Vocal solos were sung by Cyn- thia Rice. Linda Blacker gave two recitations. Assisting with the arrange- ments were Mrs. Bernadine Nel- son, Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Stroud and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Belling. Mrs. Ruth Willard helped with the progran-L Sunshine Chairman, Terry Turner and Prompter, Gayle Steensen. Members of the choir are Nita Potter, Cindy Waite, Gerry WiN son and Colmie Stevens. .,, Hoods, rt TR. 7-523 Ill O.r H ,d Canal l i) _JM'mI I/ Ceyser- 'mouth Cars Internatl ,al Trucks l/ Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal Representative KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler-Plymouth Cars International Trucks son, Recorder; Pat Chase, Music- ia n. First messenger, Marcia Dorcy; second nlessengel', Valerie Bina., third messenger, Janice Powell; fourth messenger, Cheryl Bead; fifth messenger, Karen Sternquist; se!!ior custodian, LyLa A'ndrews; junior cnsLodian, Sandy Jones; Li- brarian, Ginny Welton; Inner guard, Linda Stevens; and Outer guard, Mickey Cleveland. Courtesy officers to be installed are Flag :Bearer, Janice Pierce; J. Taylor CLUBS New County James 'Paylor ].ayOll ler Research Division, the official dutie.'. of the Mason Red Cross. Melvin McGuire, unteer wo) ker in for the 1)asl The present boar ((> Mr. Taylor VanderW( i ,)acl¢ Mia lhnger, 'lx,r Safety; ML Cascade C, lnc \\;r. D. Bryan, [ n]an; an(t Mrs. Heine Service Announcement Water Safety  fihns on TV, lu made through office. It will of Lhe Red CROSS Breath Can Save i st rat ing tation, and Swim" as well as a fihn spot and door safety. granls are )ER, ac- KTNT-TV Seattle. Gar- notified of an • ; :i u her in ap-  Years of serv- )gt0n State Fed-  Clubs recent- D Perma.nent e of the money honoring all vG served on the t or more years, '.,ames in tle llation at their e in St. Louis, ,2%°; =,,0 ooo. all members so iE aleated" at a spe- 1413 Ellinor, Mr. and Mrs. Ge,and Will receive 3 Box 253, a girl,tlll :l;i(iGnalCouncil Mr. and Mrs.--l':y name Rt. 1 Box 192, ElnL4' |10ok ofhaSAppre-been 29. _Mr Cro.w has Clinic !omplients Mr. and Mrs. PJelub,, ,n this area. 'Kneeland, a boy, -'talry Of the Port -- Club, 27 years e first president arden Club, has )ninsuia District SOHOOL ;.od Recording e State Federa- She prepared : that won the WEEK OF JU tate award for Venue planting School Lui I award=; for the Wenue, the Tri- Will Be St Athletic field "only 0 member of the Monde Club she also the Library Tue , as Well as the Wednef .of the Post Of- ThiS /t g afeway store !Was Widened. • Supplement Y 01j ;' .,. with Pie ns"J I E, ' repp's p p!,).mfi ss ion .,;  t],.(, ,/.ay.. 6 i - aaopted Dec- 133 RR. , IL CATTo 0leek 5/31 - it 696 OR- ee No. N) rel|d the tr charge, l for feet, 20 c feet, 15 eXCCss of per 100 $2.00, 12.3 of Per 100 ot 0rdi 1 . aance NO,' "-tinged to read TOTAL REGULAR $,169.95 BEAUTIFUL RUSSET WALNUT Woodhue Ufetlme Plastic Tops NEW Danish ,o, PAY ONLY Budgei Terms Bronze NEVER much vagus, so much quol. " ity, so much luxury for your home for So LITTLE ! All assembled from America's best maker... 'GAME B|g, giant )ize table when used wlth th• extra FREE table creates a SUPER-RANCH size. Add 6 de |ux• decoralor desillned FOAM CHAIRS with overs;z• contour backs complemented with gleaming BRASS trim and Sculptured Bronze legs and you have completeness never seen cd this price before. You actually get cl second set with extra uses by the score. Exteno • ion table wlth wide, beveled apron and mult|-Iayered, |am|nated life.time, marproof MICA.LIfE top in brilliant n•w woodhues. All the quality features are yours.., adjustable s*lf-leveling glides on the fable and the 6 big chairs. Beautifully correlated ;p n•w Danish =culptured bronm nal and brau h;shlihts, for all the family ADD.A.TAB.I € for STUDY BUFFET ERA WORK SURFACE CHILD'S -- SIDE TABLE EXTRA CHAIR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT_ 2nd FLOOR  I '.' LUHBERMEN'S HERCANTILE .,....o... ,, l use as for 604, 610 and tllance Works 5/31 It Rolarl Earma Summ Profits Circtls b( 1,t by t] will bc tl Slllnlner board of this weel The I'( about $1 thc $,1,10, )'ce| ())' Ja conh'ibut able chill Mallin and antiq don betw Saturday residence vited to s ent to an con lment sored by ty recrea Local Medio Local record in nedy's :M connectic was repc week by man of l Political ferred to that the letters tc in Congr lnen, Ilr bill. Many to retire, are worr able to t and medi mittee st eate thW Program hospital which wi persons be applie MAP 1 ADVA ]['HIS ] So ma indicated in the b being as fGllowing deadline, to extent to this I Firms tacted b represent cluded el the Jour wish. Maps c and Mas, pictures cluded i square pl quality both as future e( OMO DAY ] APPL] Shelter being cc Students year ha, to submi Applic to Veter Box 204, for wishi by the posed si financial the proje Shelter s'tudents provide : saving in and build able plan applicant tary vete ject is st of Foreig WHAT -A after cle Lustre. WATERF] is the 1 mertiine age wltl two-bed: two rail at only terms. ( front R( 100 FT. F: about 70 a dock merit. Mann. 1