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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i 4 ¸¸ 1962 SITELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Publishei!l in &apos;<¢hristmatown, U.S.A., Shelton, Washingtlon ;LATION NIGHT J. Taylor New County James 'Paylor lkayonlcr Inco Research Division, the official duties of the Mason Red Cross. Melvin McGuire, ilntee]' worker in for the past three The present boal lo Mr. Taylor VanderWe Jack Malhnger, I.t.l' Safety; Mi Cascade W. D. Bryan, llllll; all(t Mrs. Home Service Announcement Water Safety fihns on TV, 11 nmde through office. It will of the H.ed CroSS Breath Can Save strating tation, and Swim" as well as film spot and slides door safety. These:' grams are listed! KTNT-TV Seattle. NEW ARRIVALS mational Order attend its in- Masonic Tem- ;holson, will be Shelton Mr. and Mrs. 1413 E. Ellinor, Mr. and 'Mrs. 3 Box 253, a Mr. and Mrs. Rt. 1 Box 192, 29. Clinic Ht Mr. and Mrs. Kneeland, a boy, .ndy Smith; Page Rains; Keeper of @lrliuirllL y Archor; Assts. u. IWa Sheryl Stevens; all, Terry Turner layle Steensen. WEEK OF e choir are Nita 'aite, Gerry Wil- School tevens. Will Be GIBSON )rt TR, 7-5237 This od Canal :entative • Supplement with Plenan MOTORS .... ,mouth Cars Prepp's hal Trucks 1.33 RR. TOTAL REGULAR $169.95 VAL U: ,oo $] PAY ELY ! for all the family ;doal for STUDY DESK N WORK SURFACE __ SIDE TA, BLE EXTRA CHAIRS I, sre*s ead GROWS Ond CLUBS )mR, ac- Got- notified of an her in ap- =ars of serv- State Fed- recent- Perma.nent )f the money onoring all on the ' more years, !rues in the on at their n St. Louis, State Con- members so d at a spe- Will receive Iona[ Council e has been of Appre- Ils area. of the Port Jb, 27 years rst president Club, has District ld Recording ate Federa- prepared won the award for enue planting awards for the ue, the Tri- field member of the Club she also e the Library as Well as the the Post Of- ;afeway store Widened. that a Public 2:00 p.m,, Conllnissiou PUFllose of e city's 6 )t)t('d Dcc- tC. CATTo Clerk r, -- ,)/31 - l 696 OR- ?ER AND rdinanee No. to read a'r Is tim m charge, for CLlbic feet, 20 eet. ic feet, 15 excess of Per 100 $2.00. 12.3 of per 100 0f 0rdi I .. nance NO, 4lallged to read RATES r outside al as 1' 604, 610 and ]hlanee Works Attorngy 5/81 it Rolary Circus( Funds Earmarked To Aid Summer Rec. Program Profits t'rom the Wenatchee Y Circus being sponsored here July 1,1 by the Shelton Rotary Clnb will be turned over to the Shelton sunllner recreation pl;ogram, the board of directors decided early this week. The recreation program needs about $1,300 tn implement fully the $,1,100 schedule outlined by di- reclm' Jack Mallinger. The Rolary eonh'ibution will take up a size- able ellunk of this deficit. Mallinger has :!rranged at rock and antique exhibit by Harley Nel- don between 10 and 4 o'clock this Salu)'day at Neldon's Island Lake residence. All inlerested are in- vited to see it. Neldon will be pres- ent to answer questions and make comments. The exhibit is spon- sored by the Shelton-Mason Coun- ty recreation progra.m. Local 38 Favors Medicare Program Local 38 I.W.A. has gone on record in favm of President Ken- nedy's Medical Care Program in connection with Social Security. It was reported to the Join'hal this week by Charles Savage, Chair- man of Local 38's Committee On Political Education (usually re- ferred to as the Cope Committee) that the union has written several letters to Washington's delegation in Congress and other Congress- men, urging them t support the bill. Many elderly people are afraid to retire, Savage said, because they are worried that they may not be able to take care of their hospital and medical bills. The Cope Com- mittee atudies, Savage said, indi- cate that the proposed Medicare Program will apply mostly to hospitaland nursing care expenses which will leave more of a retired persons own money available to be applied to doctor bills. MAP DEADLINE ADVANCED TO THIS FRIDAY So many business firms have indicated they wish to be included in the big new county-city map being assembled by the Journal, fdllowing last week's announced deadline, that it has been decided to extend that deadline a week to this Friday. Firms which haven't been con- tacted by LeRoy Hintz, Journal representative, and wish to be in- cluded on the map should notify the Journal by this Friday of that wish. Maps of both the city of Shelton and Mason County, plus highlight pictures of the area, will be in- eluded in a two-color, 35-inch square publication printed on high- qnality "stock. It will be utilized both as a supplement to some future edition of the Journal TOMORROW LAST DAY FOR HOUSE APPLICATIONS Shelton residents interested in being considered for the VFW- Students home project for next year have only until tomorrow to submit their applications. Applications should be addressed to Veterans Home Project, P.O. Box 204, Shelton, giving reasons for wishing to have a house built by the student carpenters, pro- posed site, family status, and financial responsibility to complete the project if selected. Shelton high school manual arts s'tudents directed by Arne Johnsen provide the labor (abORt a 40% saving in the cost of construction) and build according to any reason- able plan submitted by the chosen applicant, who need not be a mili- tary veteran even though the pro- ject is sponsored by the Veterans GYO NAMES BOY AND GIRL OF THE MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING at the last CYO meeting of the school year last Tuesday, was the presentation of the Girl and Boy of the Year' awards. Above Rev. Mark Wiechmann is pre- senting them to Sue Walker and Jim Doerty. The meeting was in the form of a dinner honoring parents and incoming 10th graders and their parents. A model meeting was presented with President Penny Kimbel presiding. Guest speakers for the evening were Rev. Mark Wiechmann, Rev. Gerald Moffat of Seattle, Priest Director for the Arch Diocesan of Catholic Youth, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cald- well of Tacoma ACYO Adult Presidents, and Patrick O'Neill of Se- attle. Charleen Smith, group advisor, presented a silver engraved tray to Penny Kimbel for doing an outstanding job as president. She in turn received a corsage and gift from the group. New officers for next year were announced as Bill Le Drew, president; Kelly Fredson, vice president; Marsha Smith, secretary; Henrietta Warnes, treasurer. The following are group chairmen: Fran Demmon, cultural; Marie Warnes, social; Dan Harvey, athletic; Jim Doerty, reliqious. Forestry Tour Slated In June "Boys and Forestry" in the theme of a public tour of the Mis- sion Creek Camp working circle, set for June 7. Operated by the Department of Institutions, Washington State, the modern camp is designed to rehabilitate boys by giving them of Foreign Wars. (Bud) Morris, who is on .sick leave following surgery. Also on sick too Late To Olassify leave is officer Richard Booth, who WHAT-A DAY.--Had time to play, after cleaning my carpets with Blue Lustre. Lumbernmn's Met'cantlle. 5/31 is the perfect spot for your aum- mertlme fun. 175' low-bank front = age with good beach, plus a dandy two-bedroom cabin. Located just two miles from Shelton and priced at only $5750 with easy contract terms. Call Vince Hlmlle at Water- front Realty today. HA 6-8535. ............................ 5/31 i00 II . FRONTAOE---6-n--S-el-17-L'ak-€ about 700 ft. deep. Road, power and a O0CK are in, $5000, low down pay- ment, $35 per month. Call Kurt Mann. Mann Real Estate, HA 6-6599. 5/31 U IN A RUT with your an Pla" It's A Date usefl work. It is located close to large areas of State Forests in the Tahuya region of northern Mason County. Under the direc- tion of Jack Lathrop, Camp Sup- erintendent in charge of Forest- ry, Department of Natural Re- sources, the Mission Creek boys work in the woods building access roads, thinning young timber stands and seeding and planting future forests. The tour begins at 1:30 p.m. at the Belfair State Park on the North Shore Road of Hood Canal, about three miles southwest of Belfair. It will be led by Walt Smith, Farm Forester, Depart- ment of Natm'al Resmn'ces, Pot't Orchard. On the tour, visitors will be able to see at first hand the work :ccomplished by Llte Missio!l Creek boys. At each stop along the tour route, Smith will ex- plain the results of forestry prac- tice put in force. Some of them are: seeding scarified land, sec- ond growth stands thinned from t872 stems to 356 stems per acre, a comparison of thinning and gir- dling in dense young stahds "rod an inspection of a demonsLrational Ponderosa pine plantation. One of the tour's highlights is an inspection of the Mission Creek camp. Jud Tnrner, Camp Super- intendent, Department of Institu: tions, is anxious that people know about the camp and the rehabili- tation of boys. He will hold a din- cussion of camp purposes and give an evahmtion ()f a program that builds boys in the forest. NELL ON TEMPORARY DUTY Retired Shelton police officer Theron "Toots" Nell was certified for temporary duty at a special meeting of tlle Shelton Civil Ser- vice Commission IVay 23. Nell is filling in for officer Arthur R. Today, Thursday, May 31 Shelton Rock and Mineral So- ciety, 7:30 p.m., PUD. attditortum. Two-ball four'some, Shelton golf course, tee-off time 5:30 to 6:00. • Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Shelton Hotel. Frhla¥, Jtme 1 VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Mem- orial Hall. WCTU potluck luncheon, 1 p.m., home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. Amaranth rumnmge sale, PUD building. Deadline for applying for VFW Student home project. Write VFW Housing Committee, PO Box 204, Shelton. Saturday, June 2 Boy Scout Troop 75 Bake Sale 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Safeway Store. Amaranth rummage Sale, PUD building. State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., police station. American Legion baseball. Shel- ton vs. Rainier Valley (Seattle), 2 p.m., Loop Field. Simday, June 3 Shelto churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Baccalaureate ervices for Class of 1962, Sheltnn gym, 8:00 p.m. Monday, June 4 Elinor Chapter No. 177 Union Social Club hmcheon meeting, Jackson Cove Resort. Tuesday, June 5 DES Social Club Welcome Chapter 40 hmcheon, home of Mrs. C. Danielson. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. Fred B. Wivell American Leg- ion post meeting, 8 p.m., Memor- ial hall. Election of officers. Wednesday, June 6 Hillcrest Homemakers Club, 12 noon, home of Mrs. John Jackson. BPW dinner meeting, 6:45 p.m., Sea Fare. Methodist WSCS Tea, 1 p.m., church sanctuary. State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., po- lice station. YEaS _ Obituaries - 50-Year Resident Called By Death Mike Toney, 719 South 7th, pas- sed away Saturday, May 26, 1962 at the Allyn Hoose..Mr. Toney had been at the Allyn H(mse for about i':: eight years. He was born May 15, 1878 in Poland. M)'. Toney had been a Mason county resident for 50 years. He was retired from Rayonier Incorp- orated where he had worked about 25 years, He was a charter mere- her of the Shelton Eagle's Lodge. Th(, funeral service was held st 9 a.m. Tuesday, May 29 at the St. Edward's Catholic church with Fa- ther Mark Weichmann officiating. Rosary was said at 7:30 p.m. Mon- day evening at the Batstone Fun- eral Home. Survivors include two sons; Stew . and Alex Toney, Shelton; one daughter, Mrs. Helen Bilski, Tacoma; four grandchildren. Final Rites Friday For Mary Nestell The funeral service for Mary Alice Nestell, 1311 Summit Drive, will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, June 1 at the Batstone Funeral Home. Interment will be in Shelton Me- morial Park. Rev. Manon Young- lund will officiate. Mrs. Nestell was born July 8, 1933 at Sedro Woolley, Wash. She passed away Tuesday, May 29, 1962 at the Shelton General Hos- pital. Shelton had been her home for the past 15 years. She was a member of the Assembly of God church. Survivors include her husband, Ervin, Shelton; two daughters, Rena and Linda, Shelton; one son, Benney, Shelton; her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson, Nhelton; three brothers, James L. Johnson, Alderwood Manor, David, Jr., and Gerald R. Johnson, Shelton; two sisters, Mrs. Shirley Benedict, Ev- erett and Mrs. Jeanette Carlson, Shelton. J. H. Rutledge Called By Death James Henry Rutledge, at. 3 Box 292, died Thursday "May 24, 1962 at the Clinic Hospital. Mr. Rutledge was born February 16, 1900 in Trinidad, Colorado. He had lived 38 years in Manon county and was a member of the Southside Grange. The funeral was held at 11 a.m. Monday, May 28 at the Batstone 'uneral Home with Rev. Mason Younglund officiating. Interment was in Shelton Memorial Park. Survivors include his wife, Loda, ghelton; 2 sons, Don, Sumner, and ene, Shelton; 2 daughters, Mrs. Dolores LaMarsh, Shelton, and Mrs. Mary Robertson, Houston, Texas; 8 grandchi!dren; 2 brothers, Ace and Bill Rutledge, Boise, Tdaho; 1 sister, Hazel Klink, Boise. FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you witlmut a doctor's prescription, out' drug called ODRI- REX. You must lose ugly fat in 7 days or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, nmssage or taking of so-called reducing candies, crackers or cookies, or (:hewing gum. ODRI- REX is a tiny tablet and easily swal- lowed. When you take ODRINEX you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but you simply don't have. the Ill'go for extra portions be- cause ODRINEX depresses your appe- tite and decreases your d(!sirc for food. ; Memorial Day Services Eight loca) organizations pre= sented wreaths at a ceremony at the Shelton Memorial Park Wed- nesday, in honor of the servicemen who gave their lives in defense of he United Staten during war. q'he guest speaker of the day wan Justice Robert T. Hunter of the state Supreme Court. Learn how to play Harmony • Fills Rhythm • Glides and so forth that will make your organ playing so much more interesting. CALL OUR STUDIO for a lesson appointment TEACHER WILL BE HERE THREE DAYS A WEEK Monday - Tuesday - Friday Make Appointment Now JOHNNY'S HUSIC BOX Phone HA 6-4302 205 Cota Street Servicemen's Shuttle ! One Arrives From Far East As Second Leaves A.s one returned another Shelton ,erviceman departed for the F'tr East this week. Sgt. Eddie Hellman, son of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Helhnan, arrived here early Monday morning after spending two years in Olcinawa Among the clubs participating" and Thiatand with a U.S. Army in the ceremonies were, The Navy I engineers battalion. He will be Mothers, The Gohl Star Mothers, !stationed at Fort Lewis to serve The 40 and 8 and auxiliary, The out the balance of his enlistment. V.F.W. and Auxiliary, the World i Tuesday night Pvt. Evan Adams, War 1 veterans and auxiliary and son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Adams. ihe American Legion and auxili., i departed for Japan. He is assigned ary. Music was provided by the to a ;:opographieal unit of the .It. High 71h Grade band. iArmy ' 38, Kennewick, drunk and disord- erly, $25 forfeited. I Try A Journal Want Ad POLICE COURT In Shelton Police court this week Harold D. McDonald 55, of Port Orchard forfeited $15 on a charge of improper passing; Ing- v:dd E. Rundquist, 57, drnnk in public, $10, forfeited; Melvin D. Cuzick, 18, at. 3 Box 650, minor in possession and consuming, $10 fine and $2.50 court costs; Allan ,V. McIrvin, 18, Rt. 3 Box 665, mi- mw in possession, $10 forfeited; Darwin C. VanBerkon, East Dickinson, negligent driving, $20 forfeited; Francis X. Beatty, 21, dnmk in public, $15 forfeited; El- die M. Burdick, 18, Olympia, mi- nor in possession and consuming, fine $25; Charles W. Miller, 21, St. Route 1 Box 166, drunk and dis- orderly, $25 forfeited; Jerry Bry- an, 40, Seattle, drunk and disord- erly, $25 t'orfeited: Robert Hyatt, DO U KNOW? We feature Brand Name Merchandise at Prices as Low OR LOWER Than Most City Stores? About All Our Free Service? Such As Free Gift Wrapping and Wrapping for Mailing -- All You Have !o Do Is Ask. Free Alteral,ons on Men's Olothmg. Even Free Panls Lenglh Alleralions on Inexpensive Gotton Pants. We Even Cuff Pants on Saturdays. And More Service Is How Beine: Added. We Are Open Unlil 6:00 P.M. on Thursday and , Friday Nighls. Men's Swim Suits ...... 2.98 up Levis (blue or tan) .......... 4.15 Levis Tan Shorts ............ 3.49 White Canvas Shoes (Lace or Slip On) ........ 4.98 Dress Oxfords " or Slip On ............ 10.95 up Short Sleeve Shirts .... 2.95 up Jackets. ....................... 7.95 up Socks ........................... 55 up Leather Belts . ........... 1.50 up Elastic Belts ................ 2.00 up Sport Coats ................ 29.95 up Suits .............................. 44.95 up Sweat Shirts ................ 2.29 up Carpenter Overalls ............ 5.50 Black Jeans ......................... 4.98 Sun Tan Pants .............. 4.98 up Sun Tan Shirts .................... 3.49 Waist Overalls ........  .....  ..... 3.98 Dacron Blend Wash Pants -- Heavy Gabardine, Dressy 'n' rugged! ........ 9.95 Railroad Work Socks .... 3/1.25 Wallets .......................... 3.50 up Pajamas ........................ 4.25 up Boxer Shorts ....................... 1.00 Undershirts ........................ 1.00 Your weight llUlSt Collie down, because as your own doctor will tell you, when .ou eat less, you weigh less. Get rid of excess fat and Uve longer. ODRI- Slacks 6.95 up T-Shirts. 1.00 up Thursday, June 7 i REX costs $3.00 and is sold on tbls ............................ ........................ GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for any ................ Navy Mothers' Club, 8 p.m. Me- Cotton Pants 4.95 up Jockey Shorts 1.00 up mortal hall. I reason just return the package to your .............. 40 & 8 Voiture 135 June prom, I druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. ODRINEX I I I I II I I I I I I ' 41 dinner 7 p.m. Shelton Hotel, meet- is sold with this guarantee by: i Falher s Day or Everyday i So Whelher You Want Glothes for Gradualio ing 8 p.m. Vets Club.__ MCCONKEY DRUG CENTER n, is expected to return to duty June Evergreen Square - Shelton . ,,,il O,,ders illod , Birihday Gifts , ' -- I I I I II I II I II MOTHERS .., at Parker's -- WhereBuy .ore. ,our 00liars H U DO U KHOW? That we have many outstandinl00 dems for Ladies? One 11 x 14 Vign Our Photographer will be at the Children Up To 16 Years! Shorts ............................ 2.98 up I piece Dresses ............ 11.95 up Ladies' Jeaps (Wranglers) 2 piece Dresses ............ 12.98 up € PER blue, tanturq ................. 3.98 Blouses 2.98 up Swim Suit. ................. 13.95 up Sweaters ......................... 5.95 up POUND ;SPECIAL ,o,,,,,, '2'"8'i ;sad Entitle, Holder to Rece,ve PEDAL PUSHERS g ph ,, ,, ,,,i ,, et Photo ra ' Remember! You Are Buying Name Brand Merohandiso (tile fllze) IB lira Bring your child to Austin Studios and "" Puffy uuaranteen, receive a lovely 11 x 14 Portrait for le a pound! Example: If your child weighs 16 pounds, you pay 16e, 20 pounds, 20e. • Any child Up to 16 7ears • Groups up to 5 children welcome.- • GenerOUs Selection of proofs • Limit one to a famllT-- • Satisfaction or your money refunded-- • 50c for wrapping & Insurance • . , Minors must be aecon|panled by It parent. AUST00H STU0000OS Over a Quarter of a Century of Fine Photography -- Licensed and Bonded MR. & MRS. SHOP 123 Railroad Ave. Phone HA 6-3542 Shelton Hotel Shelton, Wash. 2 Days Only Friday & Saturday- I JUNE 1st & 2nd I0 a.m. to 8 p.m. This offer is void if you have received an advertising offer from any studio or Merchant within the_past 90 days. , i(