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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!ARS 'TV ed that she was to ersons chosen from ime audience (that ts 5000 persons and md numb Audrey stage where assist- gTam screened their were clipped to a utes before the pro- ter all the 21 had I timing, directions ch, make the tinting National television iley came on stag, !rs0n several qllcs- :hat time the four ?hosen. urtain was pulled, sked to come out. s, too dazed from and realization that age, Audrey stated L glad the lights udience from her ight not have been the questions asked, n'vous. Audrey did e Queen, however; was chosen but a Hoover vacuurll, e master, electric n electric blender her way as conso- rt all the wishes of ught her stlch good :{sked this reporter one for their kind- fie a wonderful day, tt Iwlrs and had wonderful restau- ey in all her dazed In't remember the hat it was near the Last was a mem- T on the 11 p.m. ___ torten. The space md orange glowing tting the brilliant Seattle, grew dim lipped by and was ; however this day Audrey's memory end to a wonderful, ae experience. n reported that her uite impressed with p to Stan Johnson's ere they saw baby fed and the cows the raw milk was k tanks which is :he creamery. After fed their lunch the d l he bus, and were Julian to Kneeland and a play period. g' room had a nice te State .Capitol in 23rd. Twenty-five Page, and four Lockwood, :Mrs. Lambert and :Mrs. the State museum e Capitol building, ited the Governor's 9tunda where an Laying. All the chil- plimented for *thefr ior and good man=, to be eaten in the f the rain. Roddy )atrol boy and Toni the children during 'estival is over and I bustle is now a tl aM the wonderful the floats, march- is, and horses. The ,as a lovely Sight ae street. That rep- hours of work and the children were ald be. Our lovely ia Irwin, in her :own was sweet and seated on that con- ates did a nice job unit and. that isn'£ 'hank you each and helped with the year. IRST was iwarded 0unty Bell Riders  ]aounted horse unit; r the most .colorful ae Syncopated Sea- Fmpia, a 4-tt group Mrs. J. D. Dutton; at to Mason CoUnty as the most uni- roup. All the rders s did very well arid the judges must icult time dcd, ing fade the Posse had irse show out by the Valley Girl, ANOTHER TRADEWELL BUDGET S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R Lake I. By Mar SKOKOMIStt and Mrs. Eric a telegram Betty, that she pie were Yol{ohanm, stay there his service in Weekend Mrs. Mrs. Steve Tami of of Island Lake. Mr. and and family weekend with Mrs. Arthur The Hood hood will meet ning at 7:45 mish House !Browns this Mrs. Harold WE ARE float Community sented a grea work by the thought tlae camera place out it little dust SUNDAY for all Ed Carney to Roy for trail ride. was observe( by the judge and mostly was more of he and Ed s smoke and he last 15 with only thl and as Leo the his horse weight Swifts Premium Fully cooked and ready to eat. You save plenty here because you eat all you buy ... no trim . . . no waste. YOU SAVE $1.00 BELOW REGULAR PRICE lb. Tin $ IIIII I I II I € .,,ti"°,°,.   i M and MrS, r :: are spenamg  ,IkIU*,U home in the Va*,-_ spent the woe,,:/'[IA D A MT¢'€'/I u.S.O.A. "Choice" 1!!i cut Mr'. and ' llI I  Island Lake we'll s"= In°°n callers at ''ll i. , € lb IIUMP ROAST 79 U. S. "Chore€", Aged ad trimmed wasn't the be I- I ii %g.@ I It i• • L rPrmium quality Y". i AHU r_] ibSliced Bacon ,'i ""----=- C  59' G;'ay's Har b°r ,,t, Xcell,, r', eXCellent for slaw the -Jr tr°' ply ff?J ...... Ib ..17 OV N RO,0000T 89' -i, aa-a .[llll r_ LL_ _ _ € SEA FOODS U, S. "Choice", Boneless, Srloin tip cut in'h[;-recur, 'r Red Snapper lb. 33' before he re'..._ .. i .al " " 20029c KipperedNalibul'b49€ s a:jle 'sYlipp e 3quasn ,b King Crab Meal ,. 89* lIoz. $1oo tins FAMOUS ALL and Elms an s at the Bill RobertS, from €he Be winning Rill won Molly Won 4ths; and three good and time. The SALAD OIL € Northern or M.D., in 4 roll packs T01L T TI U[ iI00ISKIT MIX 16 $1oo rolls SNOBOY, Frozen concentrate ORANGE JUICE oo. 15 c tin TINS able to junior rider met'. All ,. competing Play Day, Rider] will grounds. T at Ben June 1st. day will t';v ,, ," approved '17 " rin Oranges Posse GrOUnbb.iag t i'Ic -ndaa port. g' , a3id cut ,o,, tone Peaches 4 Sl °° i th... [er- .en he @ 19,l " & €" Paint his OU : any old paint can, e n you buy a gallon of "C gular price (25¢ towards a 9 gallons, bring in TWO old NER DOLLAR for each is that for each old paint ca. gallon of "C & C" paint fro' r good through June 16, 1962. .UMBER ¢0, COFFEEMATE Thrill, Liquid (price incl. 10€ off label) DETERGENT .................................................... =, o,. Joy Liquid (price incl. 7€ off label) BETERBENT =o= Dash (price incl. 8¢ off label) DETERGENT Giant Dash Laundry size (Price incl. 40¢ off label) $449 DETERGENT ................................................ , lb. Complexion bar (',,ice incl. 7€ I, ff ktbei) &/q341 Jt'l'* ZEST SOAP ..g ha,, . 49' 29' 6 oz. 3 oz. ST' 60' 77' Duncan Hines, Bueberry 45 ¢ MUFFIN MIX ................................................ ,./ oz. .°ddi.Wip SS* , CREAM TOPPING . ................. , ..................... , o,. .,,nt's 2//29. TOMATO PASTE , cz ,,ns """"" 2S TOMATO PASTE ................................ , o,. tin ""°"°-°"°'°"°"°""°"'-' 59' BLAOK TEA BAGS ,, or. Soft Weve .r..0. mSUt 2 - 29' .................... pkg. n Qurt c nr SOAp ........ ...................................... 2/37' Hills Bros. DRINK(pric€ incl. .............................................. 20¢ off label) 3S¢ iFi'iig ..........................................................  33' INSTANT GOFFEE ................................. .oz.,at 89' 6 °° (00orn o. pkgs. ' lroze n Spears 5 10oz. $1oo pkgs. nut Meats lPl;:: 99' Weekend Ipeoials at Washington's most beautiful food stores. Prices effective May 31, June 1 & 2. Limit rights reserved. l]