May 31, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 31, 1962 |
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Union Social Club
Meeting Is Monday
Elinor Chapter No. 177, Union,
Social Club will have its regular
monthly meeting next Monday at
Jackson Cove Resort in Brinnon.
Mrs. Cords Watkins will be
hostess. Members are asked to
bring a box lunch.
Newly elected officers of the
Social Club are: President, Zona
Scnn, Shelton; vice president, Belle
Larson, Potlatch; Sec- lreas., May-
belle Willson, Holiday Beach.
Lunch time will be at /2:00
Journal Want Ads Pay
Hammond Organ
6 Lessons &
30 Day Home $4e00
Use All for
Mrs. Lout Larson
HA 6-3376 -- Rt. 3 Box 325
or call
Sherman Clay Music Co.,
Rainier Auxiliary To
Sell Wedding Candles
The Rainier Orthopedic Aux-
iliary held its May 16 meeting at
the home of Mrs. Marcel Allnoch
with Mrs. Jerome Stein as co-
Candle sales were discussed.
Anyone interested in wed4ing can-
dles may contact Mrs. Stein at HA
6-8078. Those wishing to go to the
Pound Parv at the Childrens I
Orthopedic 'Hospital in Seattle
please contact Mrs. Robert Noll. I
This year tim group dinner will[
be held at Lake Cusllman June 13. I
Those wishing to attend should
call Mrs. John Denison at TR
7-5343 by June 11.
Nttvy Mothers Club
Has Instidlation Party
About 35 women enjoyea a party
and installation of the Navy
Mothers Club No. 247 of Mason
county. Come of the women were
from out of town.
Mrs. Arlouene Smith of Club
Margie Speck Dance Studio
Spring Dance Concert
SI-I'ELTON--MASON cOuNTY JOURNAL -- Publisheit in "Ohristmasfown, U.g.A.,:' Shelton, Washington
Methodist WSCS
Japanese Silver
Tea Next Week
The Methodist women of the
WSCS will sponsor a Japanese
Silver Tea and program t 1 p.m.
next Wednesday in th'e church
sanctuary. They will present Mrs.
Hal McClary who recently re-
turned from a trip to the Orient
and far away places.
The String Trio has prepared
Oriental music to be heard on
the program. The group consists
of Mrs. Oliver Ashford at the
cello; Mrs. Harvey Hillman,
organ; Mrs. Dean Palmer, violin.
Tea will be served in the Fire-
place Rooxn following the pro-
gram. Some articles of interest
will be on display. General chair-
man is Mrs. Bernice Stewart. Mrs.
:Frank Tracts is in charge of dis-
!play articles.
Tile public is extended a cordial
invitation to attend.
No. 684, Port Angeles, won a VISITS ALEXANDERS
beautiful purse made by the new Capt. and Mrs. James Allan
commander, Mrs. Norm Richard- Johnson and their three sons vls-
son of the Shelton club. ited in Shelton Sunday with Mr.
The next meeting of the Navy and Mrs. H. L. Alexander.
Mothers will be held at 8 p.m. Capt. Johnson is a former Shel-
next Thursday at. the Memorial ton resident and a graduate of
hall. Irene S. Reed. He is stationed in
Germany where he flies helicop-
ters for the Army. When he re-
turns after his 45 day leave he will
take his family with him as he will
remain there for 2A years.
Last week's Journal reported
Mrs. Calvin Poe as new secretary
of the Mason County Orthopedic
Association. Mrs. William Meri-
field holds this post. Mrs. Poe
should have been reported as
The offices are for the 1962-64
Shelton Junior
High Auditorium
Don't Miss the Fun and
Entertainment of Television
4th & Cota HA 6-6602
* High School Spotlight * I Honors/Welo°me Chapter 0ES/At MayoSidelinerSMhe200!00n00,, 40, or-
der of Eastern Star met Satm'day
Tickets at the Door
LYNN JEFFERY will be a Commencement speaker for the 1962
graduating class. She is a member of Honor Society and Top Ten.
Lynn's plans for the future include attending college this fall at
She also likes to sew, cook and
Her subjects this year included
Chemistry, Civics, German, Trig-
onometry and student teaching in
Algebra. She also works in the
office during her study hall.
Lynn plans to be a Social Sci-
ence teacher. She will attend the
University of Colorado this fall.
After college she would like very
much to spend a couple of years
in the Peace Corps before settling
She was born in Pottsville, Pc..
but considers Shelton her home,as
she has lived here since the age
of 1 years. She is the daughter
of Mr. and MrS. Jack Jeffery and
lives with them and two younger
sisters and a younger brother on
Angleside. Lynn is a brown-eyed
"blonde and is 5'5" tall.
message co
the University of Colorado.
Lynn Jeffery is looking forward
to graduation next week with a
little more apprehension than
most ISR graduates, this is un-
derstandable, as she is to be one
of the Commencement speakers.
Lynn is a member of Honor So-
ciety and Top Ten. Her activities
are not, however, confined to stu-
dying. She is a member of the
Wah-Hula synchronized swimming
group, belongs to rifle club and
pep club. She has been active in
JOG and has done volunteer work
at the hospital. In her sophomore
year she worked on properties in
the sophomore play. She was al-
so vice president of the sophomore
Snow skiing in the winter and
swimming in the summer are
Lynn's favorite outside activities.
Effective June3, yu will
be able to dial your own Long Distance calls to most
places in the nation. That's right-you will have nationwide Direct
Distance Dialing.
We are mailing you a booldet of instructions on this new service. It
tells you everything you need to know about Direct Distance Dialing.
We urge you to read this booklet carefully, then insert it in your phone
book for future reference. If you do not receive your copy, please call
your telephone business office.
Nearly all Pacific Northwest Bell telephone users either now have, or
soon will have, DDD, and eventually Direct Distance Dialing will be in
use throughout the entire U.S.A. This is part of our program of con-
8tanfly improving and expanding your telephone service.
evening, May 26 in the Masonic
Temple with Worthy Matron Dot-
tie Briekert presiding in tie East.
Chosen to represent the Sideliners.
who were honored during the
meeting, was Mrs. Ada Tracts.
She was invited to st! in the East
with the Worthy Matron and Pa-
tron and given a beautiful cor-
sage of pink apple blossoms. Sev-
eral lovely songs, composed by
Mrs. Alice Palmer and dedicated
to the sideliners, were smg by
the choir.
The appointment of Mrs. "Viola
Ferris as Deputy Instructor for
the Grand Chapter of Washington,
Order of Eastern Star for 1962-63
was announced by the Worthy
Matron. Another honor for Wel-
come Ch,pter was the announce-
ment that Mrs. Estella Robertson,
Junior Past Matron, will read tile
Ne('rology Report preeeeding the
Memorial Services luring Grand
Chapter Session to be held in Ta-
coma June 28, 29 and 30. Memor-
ial services are scheduled for Fri-
day evening, May 29.
Thirty-one members from Re-
liance Chapter in Bremerton des-
cended upon Welcome Chapter for
the evening and to present a tra-
veling star. The star will be taken
to another Chapter in the Kitsap-
Mason County district by Wel-
come Chapter. The chapter who
is able to take the most members
with them on tt visitation with the
star will receive a prize at the
close of the year.
The local chapter was honored
to have with them, tester Farrar,
Worthy Grand Patron of the
Grand Chapter of Washington and
Mrs. Jeanette lVfiller, Grand Adah,
of the Grand Chapter of Washing-
ton. Mr. Farrar is from Bremer-
ton and Mrs. Miller is from Win-
lock. i
At the close of the evening, col-i
ored slides were shown in the din-
ing room by Mel Robertson.
The next meeting will be held
on June 23.
Recipe Favorites of ' '
World's Nawest Y
love golden brown, t
cooked in pure v,
juices and:
{rarn #W through
SYBIL,REDMAN enjoys preparing snacks and
teen-agers that are constantly filling her
Cake is a very unusual applesauce cake that will be
ages on any occasion, , ;werhoue on I-II
With Sybil Redman's "Irish" A good deSt one" I-Ioodport TR
background, it isn't surprising she would be "she,, 1
furnished us with a recipe from people like her.
that country. Irish Apple Cake active in childrel
iz different from any applesauce since her own c,
cake you've ever eaten. When you old enough to ja
read the directions you will see they were youlll ,
why. as Den Mothe
and as a Girl
much time
• Sybil and her
The Shelton Garden Club's May bers to exhibit their flowers. She
atlar e hO
21 meeting was held at 1:30 p.m. said if this year's fair is success- ve r g
at the home of Mrs. Charles Run- ful it will be moved to the airport , een agerS,
acres with Mrs. Harry Deegan and next year which would make it tome Rae, 13, al
Brian, 7 keeP '
Mrs. Henry Hansmeier as co-host- more convenient for the exhibitors friends, sybil lee
esses. Twenty-five members and and workers.
guests were present. The guests The club was proud to learn ics and making.t
were the Mesdames George Im- Mrs. Henderson had been one of hot dogs for
hoff, Helen Wright, Francis Akers, the hostesses of the Washington teen-agers. .Sd
Marie Elliott and Gib Rucker and State Federation of Garden Clubs' Collecting weevil
the Misses Grace Engleson and flower show held at Century 21 odd hobby, bUt,i
Rose Fredson. May 12-13. She described the out- nd makes beautd-'
Mrs. Wm Henderson, President, standing exhibit of Larry Ether- and Christmas ."|
• "" '-o lill
conducted the business meeting, ton and Don Robinson of Grape- them. She awFiL
Mrs. V. T. Connolly, Secretary, view who won a,silver bowl as first driftwood for ar r-l'"'
read the minutes of the March and prize from Sunset Magazine for .enmg is another";
April meetings. The members vot- their woodland scene. They won oys
3/4 cup
V, tsp.a!t'
Queen and her two Irene S, Reed architects from all over the North- Ele00tr
princesses each year to the aroma1 west.
Conservation luncheon of the club The Garden Club 'ain Ifl'aned 'I
held in April. a Kwmmom cherry tree at the 3 egg yolkt Jt.
Mrs. Connolly read an invitai:ion Bordeaux school on Arbor Day, I cup "butter e[ na=tiona/I
to the club to attend the meeting April 11. Mesdames Isaac Jeffery, grated rind .el 0pl[""
of tile Cross Sound District the Walter Marble, Henry Hansmeier No. 303 ca a,'.
Dirt Dobbers hosted at the Mere- and Henderson attended the cere- (about :t3/4, /"|'
. tsp. cinne;0" 1
orial hall May 28. monY.Mrs. Nina Miller, wixo had just h tsp. cloVe;at, : I
Mrs. Henderson said Mr. Clive returned from a trip to northern Mix flour, s : .
Troy is asking for volunteers to California and Oregon, told of the butter and lernO,,
assist at the County Fair to be beautiful plantings of native rho- Lure into two 0.
held August 1.6-17 and urged mere- dodendrons and azaleas along the part into bottO
highways and urged the club mere- Mix applesaUCe ,-"i '
P S h l PTA bers to contact the State Highway cloves with T=;0f 5:
re- coo Commission asldng that ore' native and spread or toit¢"
H Fi l 1 ti rhododendrons be planted along Bake 40 to 45 ','itt?':
as na ee ng the canal highway and between ed 9x 9 sqllareP'[
here and Olympia after the new Top with wlaiPPe
The Shelton Pre-School PTA highway is completed. 'a['
held its final meeting May 21 at Mrs. Nena Roberts, t member sauce. Yield nin,. I "
the Evergreen school. Anyone in- of the Nbminating Committee, to-"|l] OU1
terested in enrolling a child for gether with Mrs. Charles Lentz, •
creative dramatics dmffng the chairman, and Mrs. I-Ienry Jest, Golden
month of 3une please contact Mrs. who were unable to attend, pre- BirthdaY
Robert Kramer, HA 6-2136. These sented the slate fox" next year's of- The Golden . on $
classes will be for pre-school fleers. It was voted to ask the at 12 noon SHAEFER
children. Secretary to cast a unanimous bal- Hall for a all
Mrs. Kramer as 1st vice presi- lot. The new officers are: M:r. At the
dent for District 17, installed the Win. Henderson, President; Mrs. came from
new officers. Henry Hansmeier, 1st viee-presi-Tacoma, 2fI rcn na u "',a "'
dent; Mrs. W. A. Witsiers, 2nd from
The school nurse, Mrs. Smith, vice president; Mrs. V. T. Connolly, members
told of her work in the schools Recording Secretary; Mrs. Nina aranth choir
and about the intensive testing Miller, Corresponding Secretary; Remember
program that is offered. She also andMrs. FrankTravis, Sr.,Treas-each FridaY 1/2 P[
informed the group of the various urer. The members thanked Mrs.
agencies that offer help to chin Henderson and the incumbent offi-
dren. ce for their devotion to the many wSC;
projects completed this past year
Herzog, Laugen Hold by the Garden Club. An execu regularly $5.(
High Pinochle Scores The club voted to send Mrs. Hen- oi the
derson as a delegate to the Wash- Mrs. H. T.
High scores at the Eagles Aux- ington State Garden Club conven- metin
iliary May 26 card party were held tion in Yakima in June, paying all VrenesdaY. ., .
by Louis Herzog and Vi Laugen. expenses. ". ,
Second high went to William Mrs.. Wright Carlson, represent .... _, l_.}.
Shuttler and Alice Herzog. Trav-' ing the Carlson Tile Shop, gave a S]tEIsTO i!:
cling pinochle was won by Edna most interesting program with The Shelt°t^, d t.!I '' ,
Kneeland " demonstrations and many sample Society will nu' '}l; .
The next pinochle party will be of work She also showed colored in at 7'30 P:,}, i:;
held June 9 The public is invited pictures of Mosaic tiles on build- the PUD bUl o,. 1
to attend. " '" "j. ' '"