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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
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:i!i !!ii!!i:; "/ 'tt ol, 1962 SII'ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in Chrfsfmastow;i, u.S.A., Shelton, Washington Page 13 IAN enjoys preparing snacks and =t are constantly filling her home. unusual applesauce cake that will be ccasion. Redman's "Irish" sn't surprising she th a recipe from :rish Apple Cake n any applesauce :" eaten. When you ions you will see IEETING IS SUBJECTS A good would be "she people like active in since her own old enough to they were as Den Mothe and as a Girl she is active in Molay motllers much time m David's Sybil and have a lar Their teen-ag' Lonie Rac, 13, Brian, 7, k friends., sybi ics and mak: hot dogs for teen-agers. # Collecting we ed odd hobby, btlttifl and makes beau de # and Christmas o Ill# them. She alal  driftwood for to- 1# enin " is another . g • ,go:el joys lr 3 cups s " II 3/4 cup sug ar | b tsp. altt | egg yolR 1 cnp "butter -e graled rind of Oi No 3oa (about 1 ;/ , l, sp. einnar°J' their flowers. She "s fair is suecess- ,ved to the airport h would make it for the exhibitors proud to learn had been one of . the Washington of Garden Clubs' ld at Century 21 • • p described the out- of Luyry Ether- )binson of Grape- silver bowl as first set Magazine for scene. They won ssional landscape dl over the North- lub ag'airl planted crry tree at the [ on Arbor Day, nes Isaac Jeffery, Henry Hansmeicr /ttended the cere- ler. who had just trip to northern • regon, told o the gs of native rho- azaleas along the ged the club mere- he State Highway ng that our native )e planted along cay and between ia after the new leted. berts, t member lg Committee. to- . Charles Lcntz, Mrs. Henry Jest, e to attend, pre- 7or next year's of- toted to ask the a unanimous bal- fficers are: Mrs. President; Mrs. r. 1st vice-presi- A. Witsiers. 2nd h's. V. T. Cmmolly, tary; Mrs. Nina nding Secretary; rravis, Sr.. Treas- ers thanked Mrs. m incumbent offi- otion to the many ed this past year ub. to send Mrs. Hen- ;ate to the Wash- 'den Club conven- June, paying all arisen, represent- rile Shop, gave a , program with nd many samples o showed colored ,ic tiles on build- this community was a surprise two htmdred packets were passed for the many friends who attended the open house given by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris at their North Shore home last Sunday afternoon. Tiny scrolls in clever verse an- nounced the engagement of Miss Diana Harris and Mr. James Sargent, son of the Laurence Sat'- gents of Victor. Delighted guests i joined in congratulations .and best wishes to the young people and their parents. Two welcorned nev¢ alTivals arc I the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Keith, I and tile new daughter at: the home I GI:APEVIEVV Miss Jerri Lee of the Gerald Heaths. Iwas t'he perfect COml)limcnt to the beauteous and dainty pink lady Belfair PTAs were prepresented t created by the Grapevicw Mothers' at the National Convention in]Club float committee, as she pri- Portland by Mrs. John JohnSOlL [ Mrs. Vern(m B.eeson, and Mrs. t rely preceded along l:he Mason Charles Williams. County Forest Festival Paul Bun- .................................... yah l)aradc route h:tst Sahlrdajr I9 Pinoch!e Tables Ily ll'S. N q l Vane(, ont this year by Co-chairmen Mrs. lxex Crossen and Mrs. Jolin Clappe. EVER(IIIEIgN Garden Club's May meeting was held in the local fire hail, and combined the busin- ess meeting and the annual inter- club flower show. Mrs. H. E. Meyers of Bremerton acted as judge, and gave comments on the entries. Math Teacher To BROASTED CHICKEN morning. Paying homage to the "Salute to S nday Schools" thenle Princess Jerri Lee wag pl'eSllln- to be making hcr home for the next sewral years in England where her husband-to-be is sta- It(reed with the United States Air Force. LILIA\\;VA1/P Lilliwaup Corn- Spending front Saturday until inanity Club card trn'ty leri(tay Monday with the Walter Claytons evening was well attended anti St. were Mr. and Mrs. Louie Sitz- nlilny neA r faces were scelt, Nine bea'ger, Mrs. Clayton'g sister and tables ()iT pin(mhle were p|aye(I. husband of Seattle. Chilling thrill This wau the last in a series of of the visit oceurrcd Sunday st)me where between the time when tile High score went to Eva ttansen the World's Newest Way to Cook. YOU UKE CHICKEN golden brown, tender, deIicious cooked in pure vegetable oils, juices and goodness sealed in IT HERE OR TAKE IT WITH YOU! NO LONG WA.ITING from ,law through to the borne JIM JU6T 7 MINUTES AlAmO FEATURED Diner bI°0tl Caal blear Potlatch -- opposite Tacoma werhouee on Highway 101 one Hoodsport TR 7-9488 Diana is a graduate of South Kitsap High, and attended the U. of W. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Olympic College. Both re now employed in Seattle, and plan a fall wedding. A great deal of local activity this week centered around the High School, whea'e tile first grad- uation exercises were held in the new Gym on Tuesday. A Bacca- laureate service, in which all local denominations were represented, also took place in the gym Sunday evening. SO WHILE Belfairites offer all congratulations te the Class of '62, they also feel a glow of pride in the community interest and able school leadership that have re- sulted in tim pxesent fine educa- tional system at North Mason. Seeds for local school children were handed out last week by Evergreen aGrden Club, whose Junior Gardening Committee had polled the first six grades to find out what seeds the youngsters wanted to plant. Flowers and egetables grown by the first six grades will be shofn at the Junior Fair this fall. This project, which has won a number of awards from the State Federation for encouraging Junior Gardening, has been carried on by the club for a number of years, Sweepstakes in tile Hol*ticultural in an effort to interest the school- Fred, o£ Belfair; division went to Mrs. Claire Bogle. Mrs. C. Jack Jones won best-in- show; and high scorer ill the novice class was Mrs. Charles Williams; while Mrs. John Clappe took the same honor in the amateur class. Mrs. Glenn Criss was general chairman for the show, and was assisted by Mesrames Earl Ander- son,Robez Johnsen, Boyd Hunter, Elmer Sandstrom, Charles Wil- liams, Calvin Mann, Claude Me- Knight, C. Jack Jones, John Clappe, James Huffman, Ethel Randall, Tom Gibson, Phill Rarey and M. W. Newkirk. The group voted to not send a delegate to the state convention this year, and instead will add the money usually used for this pur- pose to their scholarship fund. Mr. and Mrs. eorge Oaklund spent the week end at Acean City, and ittended graduation exercises at Moclips High School where their niece, Phyllis Schriner, was one of the honor graduates. Phyllis, who has made many friends in this area, while spending summers on the canal, received a scholarship to Grays Harbor J. C. SYMPATtlY is extended to the Myers family on the loss of their mother, Mrs. Marguerite Myers, 68. Born in New Hampshire, she had lived in this area for the past 16 years. SmTivors include 5 sons, Donald, Gene, Attend Institute SANTA CLARA---High school mathematics teachers front 18 states including Bruce Kreger of Shelton will attend a sumn]er in- stitute in mathematics at the Uni- versity of Santa Clara. The Na- tional Science Foundation spon- sors the institute, which will open June 25 under the direction of Professor Gerald L. Alexandcrson and associate director Dr. Abra- ham I. Hillman, both of the SCU mathematics department. The program is designed to strengthen the teachers' mastery of subject matter and to increase their ability to motivate students to consider careers in mathemat- ics and science. Each of the 56 teachers will receive a stipend from the foundation to attend the: six. weeks session. . Two visiting professors, E)r. J.i E. Wetzel from the University of i Illinois and Dr. R. L. Van de We- tering from San Diego State Col- lege, also will teach in the insti- tute. When a man comes to me for advice, I find out the kind of ad- vice he wants, and I give it to him. : --Josh Billings, Timex mens' Electric Watch nationally advertised $39.95 $2995 G raduat00ion ' *Special Mens' Timex 21 Jewel Watch '199s 4, tsp. cloVeS,. ,. Mix flour', s,"' and ETERNA WATCHES butter and lern0' true into tWO r , ottOm 0, starting at $17.95 part into b _ C " * " " " " M}). applesatlC' -, wlth l.e' (these are quality jeweled lever watches) cl( yes, ,, 0f and spread o 'vlltll Bake 40 to 40 1@ _. ed 9 x 9 square Y Cl Top witl whiPP'# sauce. Yield ilaj/| ,000!t OLOSE-OUT PRIOES Golden Ag'dSl:, I Birthday I'G': . - Birt!st0ne The Golden  on all at 12 noon ,fun' 1 :|', StIAEFER and PARKER Ha. for a birtm#l I At, the last rCr¢l:; PENCILS R,np came from ( Tacoma, 2 fr° PEN nd t l'on Shelton f;i'.  ' ' ' ntembers a ndeiltel¢i. aranth choir tle,  PRICE 1/2 P ice 00omoo,00%00 V2 r each FridaY WSC_.$# ! values to $35.00 COMMI'It -, An executive;;' regularly $5.00 - $25.00 ot the wSCS a,l Mrs. H. T. C°F/I meeting will o Wednesda The • SPECIAL I Special graduation prices on all... LONGINE-WITTNAUER, BULOVA, WYLER Society will ink at 7:30 the PUD =RI INIE- Travel Clo00ks 4 ONLY Sitar-o-Way Luggage ably on her way to Sun(lay school. Our float captm'ed a l.hird place in the "Outlying Scho(*ls" divi- sion and that's not bad, (h'apevicw being the only grade school among the winners! Princess JerI'i Lee, accompanied by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jer- ry Hill of Mason Lake, was a guest of honor at the Queen's ban- quet held last Thursday night in Shelton. Friday, much to the dis- may of all concerned ,with her appearing in our float, the 24 h(lllr stonlach flu struck down all but 10 of otlr grade school children, "royalty" as well as com- moner! It was a great relief to all to later learn lhat Princess Jerri Lee would be able to attend Saturday's parade." OTIIER GllAPEVIlCWITE ta- king part in the festivities were Mr. Myron Polk, who marched with the Nuel Curtis V.F.D. Liz Seiners rode ill the DeMolay car as ¢"DeMolay Sweetheart", for- going marching witlt the Shelton High band as a ong queen. Yell leader Sue Gatlin and Clarinetist Bob Pelan marched with the North Mason band. Kim Nieklaus and cousin Linda Evans marched earlier in the Kiddies' Parade as Indians, but tile "horse" with which they had planned to ap- peal" had apparently stampeded! Among our youngsters serving in civic and religious groups (Rainbow, Young Life, and the church-sponsored efforts) were Liz Seiners, Pare and Chief Clay- ton and Doug Lutz. Doug also most graciously consented to drive the jeep upon which our float was mounted, an inconspicuous but very important job! Many thanks are extended to all those direct- ly and indirectly helping with our entry and to Clem Hell, who gen- erously loaned his jeep. Several dances held Saturday evening provided further enter- tainment for several Grapeview couples. Julie Stock's Combo play- ed for the Treasure Island Coun- try Club Cotton Ball held at the Vaughn Civic Center. Local folks there were Russ and Ruth Wells, Joe and Shirley Engen and Rollie Martin, Joe and Rollie play- ing with the combo. Treasm'e is- landers coming out from their Tacoma homes to attend the dance were the Jack Kellys, the Gummr Ares, the Dave Fredricks, the A1 Lindemans, tim Ed Millers, the Kisers and the Zehes. Ed and Louise Okonek, Leslie, Richard and Carol Zabr,ski fer- lied over to Anderson Island to the hmne of Bob and Carol Rey- nolds whereupon they all enjoyed the dance hold at the island club- house, all spending Saturday night with the Reynolds'. Howard and Murial Somers and Walt and Salli Clayton enjoyed a relaxing and informal, evening at the Bayshore Golf Chlb drop-in dance as the guests of Bean and Sue Daniels of Shelton, A MISCELLANEOUS shower given for daughter, Mrs. Jeanne Hoskins, took Mrs. John Stevens and daughter Lynne to Seattle Saturday. Daughter Kay, Mrs. Morgan Brassfield, also attended the most pleasant get-together which was given by Jeanne's sis- ter-in-law, Miss Colleen Hoskins, at her Seattle home. Karen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Treasure Island residents has quite an exciting fu- ture awaiting her. Shc will grad- uate from the University of Pu- get Sound Friday evening and then will be kept busy with plans for her wedding. Karen expects two nlen returned fron a tour about Treasnre Island and the time when Salli Clayton and chil- dren retm'ned home from attend- ing Sunday scttool. Salli and the chihiven found their hme blocked by a 130 foot giant of a fir tree which had fan len in the few short minutes which had passed since the lane had last been used! Breathing a sigh of relief, the men bucked up and cleared away the fallen tree and contemplated it a.s a good addit.ion to the wood pile[ St)ending this week here ill Grapeview with Julie and Doris Stock are datlghter Jackie and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nut- ter. The had occasion for the Nut- ters' Irip from their Bountiful, Utah home was the passing of Glen's father, Mr. Darwin Mutter of Yehn. Saturday Services were : held for Mr. Muller at the Mills land Mills Chapel in Olympia Tues- i day afternoon. YOUNG MAN sporting a beau- tiful shiner Monday morniag was Clifford Hicks. Scents a very ram- bunctous tether ball pole unex- pectedly loomed in his path last Thursday at school and Clifford came out second best in the ensu- ing bout! Apparently the old saying "If you want to get something done, asR a busy person" holds true! Having been bumting the midnight oil all week as float committee chairman, Murial Seiners tlshed home following the Paul Bunyan parade Saturday l.o join Howard in preparing for the ammal visit of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Fowler of Everett. The Fowlers, who arrived on schedule aboard their beauti- ful 40 foot Chris Craft cruiser, the Miss Kay II, had aboard guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lee and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Josepllson, all of Everett. Preparing for a visit from the Antique Car Clnb and the Model "A" Clnb of Renton and Seattle to the St. Charles Winery kept Bill Seiners from attending the parade. Twenty persons arrived in five beautifully preserved ve- hicles and thoroughly enjoyed touring the \\;Vinery and visiting the boat collection. A short side trip was made to glimpse tim workings of one of Mr. Walter Clayton Sr's steam monsters be- fore the group departed. Later on that afternoon, folh)w- ing the departure of the Miss Kay II, 1.4 nmmbcrs of thc Yakinm Valley outboard club arrived at the St.. Charles Winelvy and were escorted on its mosl interesting local Lore'. These folks trailered l.heir craft across the mountains to take a tour of the southern Puget Sound waters, making this tour a "must" for this trip. Web and Ruth-Etherton drove to Vashon Island Saturday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs, Otto Ther- kelsen. Many residents of Grape- view will recall that Mr. Therkel- sen was the first person to oper- ate the Auto-Freight Service from Tacoma many years ago. Of in- terest to their many friends will be the reminder that Lhe Therkel- sens will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary July 10. THE HOWARD Cooks joined the Bill Masons of Bremerton at the Hearthstone Saturday evening for a double celebration, the Ma- sons having been wed 15 years May 31 and How.ard and Clco's Silver Anniversary having occur- red May 29. An a special treat, Arnc,Lund, proprietor of the es- tablishnmnt, provided a beautiful five parties and Matt Kaare; low to tVranees Moake and Rohmd \\;Villson; 300 pinochle to KaLhryn Mchltyre and Nell Vance. Nancy card was the lucky winner of the door prize. Maybclle Willson won high score in the series with a score of 2(I,480 and Bob Moffett high for men with a score of 23,950. Hostesses for the evening were Bernice Le- imback and Emma Lee. The next card party will beheld June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sceva ntotored to 'Paconla last Smtday io the imme of Zoe's sisLcr, Mr. and Mrs. E. T, Knox where Moll- day nlornitlg l.hey accompaltied Mr. Lnd Ml's, Knox to Seattle where lhey all spent ihe .liay at tile fair, They all had a good. time but returned home very th'ed. Tuesday evening, Mrs. Jean Mc- Kasson entertained at her honm, with Mrs. Jim Dean as co-he'tess at a going-away handkerchief party for Mrs. Don Warman, who will be leaving for Oregon as Soon as school is out. Those attending V,:ere nlesdantcs Ken Gravcs, "Bob Nesbitt, John Laramie, Iudy Schwab, Verne Hmter, Bill Rob- bins, Oliver Gray, John Pill, Bert Tweed, Clayton Ferrier, and Bill Bryant. Mrs. l_)ean received many lovely hankies. I)ELICIOIS refreshments were served late in the evening by tlte hostesses Jean McKason and Mrs. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sc.hauf- let motored to Taconm last Sat- urday where they visiLed Lhcir (laughter and fanlily, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hnbbard. On mld'ty Llley visited another daugt:ter and fa- mily, Mr. and Mrs. George Berg at Chico before retm'ning home. Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Pierce of El- don and daughters Janice and Vicki were world's fair visitors three days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry SmitlI of Beacon Point Resort had as house guests Tuesday their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith. Wallace is stationed at Yakima. wil;h the Army for a month, and then will leave for Fort; Ord, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. George Meake mo- tored to Kelso Monday to at:- l.end the fmmral ,)f lPrlnccs, sis- ier-in-law, Mrs. Sanford Lord. Mr. and Mrs. George Moake, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Astley were din- ner guests of iMr. and Mrs, John Watkins at ,laclcson Cove Resort Wednesday evening. They all nlo- lorcd to Hadh:ol to attend the meeting of ().E.S, Chal)ler that evening. MR. AND MRS. Don Gorcs and children of Taconla \\;vere weckend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKasson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen of White Center tlave rented one of the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Aaro and are lllanning l)uihling a home on thc'Canal, Hood Canal Garden Chlb will nicer June 7 at the home of Mrs. Crosby in Shelt;on. Potluck hmeh will bc served at 12:30. cake, topped by sparklers! Later, the Cooks, Masons and Lunds went; ml to the Kiisap County Golf and Country Club for dancing. May we add onr congratulations to those already received! Weekend gnests of the Arthur Zehe were Rev. and Mrs. Fredrick Zehe. The special reason for the visit; was the celebration of Art's 89th birthday. Art's parents ar- rived Friday evening, staying on until Sunday, when they all en- joyed the delicious birthday din- ner. I I II I SAFECO-LIFECO-GENERAL show you... • a e at the lowest Po/.. l from /--week-ender ................ was $20.00 NOW $13.50 .... t co,ee insurance cover ^, commercia and h* • own the fint, m _. .... "home, auto, laoa," ^ xDensive dupnCa- , . Insurance on y." _,_. M,t That means - .;- - -e lmow .cost .... eevery pohcy n = v'.:,overag e gaps • • - Decaus " nsur=y ..... ,,. no aangeruu  tOn el COYU[; " " " ' --Irl :: $1Q,. 1--Wardrobe .................. was$27.50 News14.50 O"" 1--fortnighter ................ was $41.00 NOW $20.50 .... ram that's best for you.. ...... , in thin ,, rotechon prog p RAL, tnsu .... . tE the planned P CO, LIFECO and GENE our insurance c°ver e *"':- -lad to show you no: .... ll be his pleasur= -ce. lie's 1--shoe-hat Case ............ was $27.50 NOW $1,3.50 .. ent for SAFE ......... U can ,ncreaae Y _-,.. discusa th cov00 I00-'L ^ I ! I7 ! T'" kwith jo=ot,. 129 Railroad Avenue I':"*'""'*''='L"=''":':'"" ":"-'" a'i'"ll'-- [OTOR SHOP  rlr U Ul HA Hembroff Agency / 116 No. Second St. HA 6-3357 !; 'U