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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ThursdaY_., EARS /i [: 1962 I IOTTINGS ¢ County with !! to cut half on the a to keep dry clean- i'°}sP,arkling, t'ip your ,^ ' t4cBride and "Min .re giving us coin o )- ,vle, L  " i I acre in Shelton. lYhave to know to 1 a this new service ? ' clothes that are ih and soiled, but ;,. e solvent to re- I/dew, dl k 'ho 'y paint or 0f. se are problems U,uaal. Cave home, get out cleaner and ,Setliet kets to get o aMlint Take led lld safety pins Pwl'ith hQs oa jackets and : and not sewed to ;ck re to pin thenl th.,zarg e buttons azld ,"L they don't get e tumbler action of , t be prepared to k , a cleaning sol- , meln off if a bit :' 0a the back makes  PtZZled abe ,ett, ,_ ut load- t a]" oalance the load • ,u b liD,.- Ulky garments. | ja/,_Y, blankets and ts With lint ga- ea, eh as dark soft • ers inside ou 'M- t and i ,carves and belts S}ELTOI--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A./' Dayton Man Makes Oregon Trip For Son's Graduation Exercises By Mabel Kidd day were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. DAYTON ..... Mr. Bill Kidd at- Puderbaugh of Agate. Morris Pu- ended his son Bill Jr's., gradua- ion exercises ilz Dalhts, Ore., on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dillon and Gerald of Arcadia ac- companied him on the trip. Barbara Goldy arrived on Fri- day evening from Long Beach, Calif., to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy. Ladies' Club met on Wednesday, May 23 with Mrs. A. E. Lemke as hostess. The birthday of Mrs. Edward Bunnell was observed. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 5 in the Agate home of Mrs. Edward Bunnell. Members are to meet at Dayton Hall on that day at 10:45. Any- one wishing transportation may contact either Mrs. Clifford Combs or Mrs. James Dougherty. Mrs. Mary Chappell spent last week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Darl Goldy. Mrs. Esther Kidd of Shelton was birthday dinner guest on Mon- day evening in the home of son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kidd. Mrs. Robert Goldy drove the Garrett of Enumclaws demonstra- tor in the Forest Festival parade on Saturday. Garrett won second prize in class. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Scab Combs were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards and boys, Larry, Leslie and Maurice Pearson of Seattle and Mr, Edwards' mother, Mrs. Margaret Edwards of Valie- jo, Calif. MR. AD MRS. James Hickson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hiekson of Lake Nahwatzel on a trip to Tacoma on Sunday where they visited with their grandmo- ther, Mrs. Sarah Kirk, Who is ill. Gathering in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy on Sun° ll°, ed eight pounds otl. Will fhtd this HEAD ,:,.t uide help- kes,. a°w many gar- be up the load. You leaS'Ure---n to check the i,. g house to be ',s COrrect. You're ture fresh air brought in to de- 'uee8 ' CRISP, odrize the garments while they FLAVORr-UL EACH Av. Vt. spin slowly. ' tS ]ht Oults Be sure that you are ready to ,}ii:ae:'":::: .................. 14 take these garments out and put them immediately on your own ka'"t ..................... .................. .. 5° hangers to get them home aswrin. h | 1 "FRPSH A£ ."U;ts .................... 350 them.kle-freeIf youaS haveWhen moreY°U thanbr°ughtone load, it's "best to space your load- ::::::::::::::::::::: ing so that you would have time I 1 F BUNCH .: ........................... 50 at the finish of the cycle to hang '!.. ...........................: ......................... 127 dy. 7 each load before the other is rea- l0 °¢ .......................... 3 Good luek on your new venture, t ....................... 7 and we know tibet you will be a coin-operated dry cleaning addict : t .......................... o ° an certainly yo can count on 1 L F ':i: ............... :i:2::2::22 12 yo,,r clothes lasting longer be- cause you will have removed the .......................... 20  . :tl  .......... !::::::: ........ greatest wear factor, namely the ............................ 40 gritty dirt that cuts fibers. 12 '""'"" ........ ' ............ 40 ';.  "'90 unli, . DWVm mvaaa|v ..... ......... ..... ......... Average t Cleaning 'is go- , W 0'  SO] " " , I se •vent s the v :'  .by the r . PORTLAND (Secial -- ,lled , P ofes-I .... i . ) Doug- -,,ta a- verchlorethy |as. tlr regmn sawmill production, IIIN llve at i:irst ,h'ile|April was"161:201,000 b.f. or 101.6 [. 3a¢1 SPrays{irouh[percent of the 1957-61 averae. | e},t,rates th:/O,:ders ave,'aged 70,711,000 b." |]P co aes 'hen re.|sh'p ments 163,702,000 b.f.; Week: i Black Haw /A ][h{: , L'.nUally to th |JY averages for March were re | Sliced U F'%t er Where thefduet,o', X63,610,000 b.f., 103.2 Pper- I (Thick Sliced) lb. ' " " orced fronl/cent of the 1957-61 average; or- Pa k $1.19  .. tiers 156,494 000 b.f.; shipments Vel in the ]68-482, 000 b.f. ;anin,  our months of the 1962 cu- ROLL, Ras  A inYecl€,o" d;aioV:z Pzdtinn 2,666,766,000 Black Hawk  der and ,' '" ' " S of 1961, 2,567,0- item The 09,000 b.f.; four months of 1960, Pure Pork ....... LB.  Lo 12"miD- 2,949,426,000 b.f. , go Into a , Orders for four months of 1962 ....... re'oak down as follows raft a iILWAUKEE  bm o . ' , : nd a h,g'zz-'- u'uck 2036,569,000 b f;. • domestic ....................... LB Ii ....... 0€ th cargo 4o3,183,000 b f', ex. port 107,- 350,000 b.f.; local 130,304,000 b.f. 33 The industry's unfilled order file __r MILWAUKEE .extraction stood at 533,742,000 b.f. at the eT .......... 4-OZ. PKG. and end of April, lumber inventory at Period of 1,108,109,000 b.f. this there Fignu'es covering" the first qar- tempera- ter of 1962 have been revise.d. to buy! Nothing to write! : Just drop by, write your name on en of the new Homeltte chain saws. the most dependable chain saw ever ly be in the big"Power.Up Which 12 Homelite chain saws will b free. Don't miss out, n'kl be in by July 20, I962, Motor Shop HA 6-4602 LLEY'S 2 / ' LBS. ernlght guest of Shells Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buechel and children were weekend guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel. Darlene Lund had as a weekend guest Sheila Hickson. Elizabeth Hickson spent the weekend with Darlene Bcll of Gerald Needham of Dayton Look- out. Mrs. Etta Sherid and girls of Shelton were Sunday evening can in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf. Mrs. A. M. Evans of Skokomish Valley called on Mrs. Harold Kidd on Sunday. Dennis Combs spent Saturday SheIton, Washington ., .,=. ntan were Mr. anti Mrs. Walker of Picketing Pass. Mr, and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield r, nd family attended the Queen's Banquet and coronatmn held on Thursday evening at the Masonic Temple. Darlene Bloomfield was prescnled with a dozen red roses by Mr. Clive Troy and crowncd derbaugh of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brownfield and sons of Kan]ilchc. This was a joint cele- Shelton. Mrs. Gertrude Scott stayed the weekend with daughter and faro- night and Sunday as guest in Shelton of Ricky Dillenburg. and Mrs. Ezest Todd of Man- chester. The Bloomfield Logging' Com- pany won first place in class and Mr. Pete Bloomfield was present- ed with the trophy at the after- noon logging show. Saturday visitors in the Alvin Hulbert home were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Valley and danghter of Se- by Rudy Werbergcr. Mrs. Les Bi- shop of Kamilche, grandmother" of attle. the queen, Mrs. Bert Wood of On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Mcr- P,ge..,,! Local Airman To Get Montana Assignment SHEPPARD AFB, Tex. -- Air- man Third Class Robert A. *Stam- borsky of Shelton, is being reas- signed to Glasgow AFB, Mont., tollowing his graduation from the United States Air Force techni- cal training course for aircraft Limit Rights Reserved, bration for Mrs. Goldy's birth- ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Ptwves day and the wedding amfiversary of Kent. of the Brownfields. Mrs. Walter Chappel and chil- Doris Hickson spent the week- dren attended the parade on Sat- end as guest of Sharon Moffat urday and then enjoyed a picnic of Shelton. hmch in the home of her mister, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ] Mrs. Warren Carr Mrs. John Anderson were Mr, and i GERA.LDI:N 2eeatmm w a s Mrs. Bob Floyd of Agate. I home from Kent for the weekend Aleca Ruddell was a recent or- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Hickson was weekend guest of Vicki Stoner of Shelton. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson called on the Don Herrick and Wayne Clary families of Kamilche. Erlene Wilson and Tina Bezley of Shelton spent Sunday overnight with Doris Hick'cm. Friday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1via Chap- California, aunt, and brother and lin Rickards and family attended engine mechanics here. church in Bremerton and then rig- wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bloom- ited with Arlene Petersen and I Airman Stamborski studied the field of Shelled also viewed the Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Byrd of Sko-'l operation and maintenance of re- ceremony, komish Valley and witl Mrs. MiD- I ciprocating aircraft engines and Joe Einarsson rode the First nie Judkins who was in the Shel-I related systems. Christian Churcl float in the pa- ton General Hospital. I The airman, son of Mr. and Mrs. rade and portrayed Jesus. This Sunday callers in the L. A. Todd Andy P. Stamborsky, Route No, float won third prize in class, home were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon 4, Shelten, is a graduate of Irene SUNDAY ])INNER guests of Todd of Shelton and Mr. Bill S. Reed high school. He entered Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were Mr. Strope. the service in November 1961, CONTIN'UED TiiREE MORE BIG DAYS WHILE BOSS GEORGE IS AWAY ON VACATION i Large True Zero Degree Freezer • • Rolls on Wheels for easy cleamng • Self-Defrost Refrigerator ' • Porcelain Vegetable Crisper Buffer Bin, Deep Door Shelves Glide-Out Shelves ' SALE DAYS PRICE ONLY THURSDAY ...... FRIDAY .......... SATURDAY ...... MAY 31 JUNE 1 JUNE 2 Hurry, Quantities Limited ALL MODELS DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR THIS SALE ONLY! Eeils & Valley Appliance Center SECOND AND COTA, SHELTON  Where Yot Get Tkz Bst Deal, By George  Phone HA 6-4663