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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SPRINKLER IRRIGATION 4 more of the -that Count most ! "'ARM-fACT$" Plonninli F Write or Call Today Western Farmers Association 407 S, First or Sound Farm Equipment .... Oly. FL 2-4230  Littlerock Name Address rown NORTH HASON SCHOOL NEWS NORTH HASON'S SEHIORS, CLASS OF 1962 Commencement Held Tuesday; Baccalaureate " 6 • Sund,y, 1st Assembly In New Gym Held lly "Gu;" J'olley NORTH MASON ..... 'Pile class of 1962 v/as gl'ltd[laI¢.d fI'00| Nurth Mason high sclmol Tuesday night, .May 29, with 28 seniors receiving ihei]' dildomas. Emily Gire was Valedictorian, Jim Davis, Saluta- lot]all. . lh:,tt!e.ltl'tlll'(!aie was held Sllnday i tile gymna,qium with Rev. Girt ;iS spealct!r, the school choir sing- inK. (;iris wore white gowns, boys blue "robes. (SEe pictures adjoin- ing' for names of liiE lllellb(l's of the Class of 19(i2). C()ngrattllations arP. also dtle the senior class fo]' a job well done on the senior play. Nortll Mason can be justly proud of its 1962 tT:tdu;l[ ing class. Students wishing to be on next year's rally squad under a new plan must have their applications ill SO011, MOI'E freshnlen and soph- OIIIOI'PN 'lie needed. 'aculty judg- ing will be held this week. A1;lEntion all students in grades 8-11. All candidates for student council olTices must llave a peti- tion with 20 signatures, a studenl body card, and a 3,0 grade aver- age. Students signing petitions :! SAVIN_S deposited in your account by the tenth of the month, earn from the first of the month. Add to your ac- count now ! must al.qo have student body car(Is, A new experience was gained by some student council memhers when they visited another school's student colmcil meeting at Bain- bridge high last Tuesday. Main topic disEussed was their constitution. Members who went were Marilyn Mills, Connie I-lar- ris, Nancy Mattus, Gas Jolley, Lora Davis, Dennis Shelly, Sally MacDonald, Wayne Watson and GEne Foster. :Is * * Last Friday th( sophomores put on a "Free 'n Easy" sock hop ill the gynl. Price-nnthin'. Time ........ 8 to 11. l:¢efreshments---free. Re- sult fun ! :I: !: at: Last Wedne.sday the Washing- ton State Employment Security Department gave clerk typists and/or stenographer tests. Sever- al pernmnent jobs are opening 'up this June and qualified smilers have test scores on. record, in or-. der to be employed. • != :I: Annual staff has been chosen for next year. So far members are Comfle Harris, editor; Nancy Mat- tus, Melinda Merrill, Marilyn Mills, GUS Jolley and Gene Foster. Last Friday was North Mason's first assembly in the new gym. Awards were given out in sports and high honors. This year's foot- ball honora:y captain was Bill 'Walbaum and inspirational award winner Dennis Byerly. C.A.A. in- spirational award winner was Dar- lene Sargent. Well earned, kids! North Mason's second year for the Forest Festival sent some shaky students up to a well-done performance. Least affected of all, no doubt, was a new addition this year, four year-old Barbara, the tiny blond who marched in front of the North Mason banner. Barby loves to march. Asked if she was tired afterwards, "Nape", she was rea- dy for another round, The band is also to be con- gratulated for a fine pmoznance and Mr. Corliss for the instruction and patience he has given it. The 8th grade had its annual dance at the fire hall last week, although because of the full high school its graduation ceremonies are no more. BPW DINNER MEETING TO BE HELD ON CANAL Tile first meeting of the Bus- iness and ProfesMonal "Women's Club nnder the direction of the new officers will be held following a 6:45 p.m. dinner next Wednesday at: the Sea Fare on Hood Canal. YOUR SAVINGS See Emerson TV and At Current Annual Rates @ EARN DIVIDENDS AT Shellon Branoh Stereo Thurston County Federal =t Savings & Loan Assooiation Johnny,s Accounts Insured to $10,000,00 by the , F,S.L.I.C. MusioBox 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 10 to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays Home Office Branch Office 5th & Capitol Way 0 313 Railroad Ave. Olympia, Wash. Shelton, Wash. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES • PrJvate, Confidential, Economical 205 Cota St. TOP ROW -- Tom Pidduck . . . Bob Dick . .. Marie Baker... Gordon Morris SECOND ROW --Dennis Byerly... George Ison . . • Niona Cotant . . . Pat Toombs THIRD ROW -- Bill Walbaum .... Jim Davis... Judy Satran ... Joyce Stinson FOURTH ROW -- Jeri Matz... Madelon Rarey... Jean Kunzl ... Vioki Card FIFTH ROW -- Larry Kralicek... Bill Guy • •. Butch Bead... Mike Higgins BOTTOM ROW -- Emily Gire... AI Hart . . . Lois Drake . . . Darlene Sargent NOT PICTURED -- Mike Bell ... Pare Bead ... Mike Livingston ... Nadine Mart IN ALL YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS PINTS QUARTS GALLONS HALF-GALLONS AS A GET ACQUAIN IEI) SPECIAL i i i i i i i i n NOW mmm Another Convenient *. ),y Downtown-Outlet For Darigold and Sheton Maid PACKAGED ICE CREAM ln a self-semite machine at -GALLON CARTON McCONKEY'S / DRUG CENTER O EVERGREEN SQUARE O SHELTON MAID ICE CREAM ALL FLAVORS , i i i Ill In IIIlll II I I i I" II I I I I mi 1962 HOOD CANAL SCHOOL Glenn Johns Elected President Of t Body; Gradimtion Scheduled For Voting last Friday for officers of the student body council re- turned Glenn Johns from Lower Skol¢omisl as president, Betty Co- an from Union as vice president, Diana Tiulm frolll Uilion as seEre- tary, and Jan Roberson from Pot- latch as h'easurer. ThEy will succeed this year's officers, who were Edward Lath- am, president; Diana Timm, VICE- presidenl ; Sandy Lyman, secre- tary; and B'lrl]ara Jarvis, treasur- er. GRAI)IIATION IVICDNESDAY lfl ! Matlock quite a few Fostiwtl. got a first )resented a also got band on took first 3rd on their daugh- Harold Beer- June 6' will be graduation night" for the 9th grade of Hood Canal Junior High. The guest speaker will be Judge Charles Wright from Union. Mr. Wright is a justice of the Supreme Court. The invocation will be given by Rex,. Wesley Gain, who iv minister of the Hoodsport church. Sand), Lyman, with a grade point average of 3.77 for three years, is validietdrian. The honor of Salutatorian goes to Virginia Crumb, with a. grade point aver- age of 3.64. The presentation of diplomas will be by Robert M. SmitiL chair- man of the school board. The choir, directed by Mr. Dick Endicott, will sing two numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Endicott on the piano. The American Legion and lhe American Legion Auxil- iary are giving awards to the outstanding ninth grade boy and girl in citizenship. :!= :I: .'t: GIRLg' LEAGUE MEETING Today was the last Girls League meeting of the year. They had the election and installation of new officers for the coming year. They are as follows: President, Sandra Simons; vice Fresident, Sandra Bollenger; sec- retary, Sylvia Sund and treasurer, Jan Roberson. Thls year's officers were: Pres- ident, Sandy Lyman; vice presi- dent, Mary Ellen Johnson; sec- retary, Linda LaBissoniere and treasm'er, Virginia Crumb. ThE girls wish to thank Mrs. McDowell for her assistance ifi the Girls League for this year. LOWER SKOKOMISH PICNIC The Lower Skokomish students had their annual school picnic, May 23, at Twanoh State Park. They played "capture the flag", baseball, and had a treasure hnnt. Many had fun ill a squirt-gun war. A few students went swimming'. Many parents also joined in the picnic, and, although we had a cloudy day, everyone enjoyed themselves. :!: :I: :1: SPORTS In football tills year, we have won three games and lost one to North Mason. %re came in first in football. Advice is like snow, the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into, the mind. --Samuel Taylor Coleridge In tlasketh:dl Mr, (nth and eighth in first \\;vit loss. Robert Miller : points for the nadE l,lle For batsehall INS kv()n Olle galne arid ¢ * MENU---JUNE 4" I Monday .... i milk. Tuesd,w-- Picnic 1)rise" Wednesday---Or biscuits, fruiL ;10rize in lhe Pet $ ;.: James Lozier of PICNIC-- i. 011 Mrs. M. E. June 5 the jufii0 ,,,, pje I!"' g,0SCoe Crowell are having their biff,ll p, State Park. '£he l0rtraan and Carl students to tile Pa!'i.ttlrdaytg':  will go swimnfingtli,,atld Ml. dinner sion. After\\;yardS "k!01i. .', L. D. contests and prize', the students will{::111, CHAMBERIJN beans, hot dogs, S n spent Friday th ,.['.)  and Mrs. Lud furnished by picfii... treasury. Tle 10 a.m. to 2 p.lULiiL Grunko of making all the nee with Mrs. ments, and Cary Port- Rossmaier NEW g,ests of Larson of Fredenburg and Mrs. at the Elvin were Mr. of Shel- and Mrs. of Abel'- and Sunday Valley and Mrs. Win. Mrs. Ral!h and Mr. and son were of Mr. and Ander- Orchard L. Isbel of net guests Helin. F. Cool{ of and Mrs. Max ning with  of Its of a son May IS the former al'( Brehmeyer t the week and Mrs and Morris mother, Mrs. Shelton were ts of Mr. and St. Simpson of Boothe Dave of Singleton of Mr. ze lV[atlock Week on exercises at Everyone .Morgan, Eaorell's Amaz:ng New ALUMIN €OMBINAT Mr. and Week cut and to the ntana and Week- on to ONLY FULL I" THICK • SAVE SPACE-All inserts stay on • SAVE WORK--Sliding Pnnels tilt • Fill} RATTLES--Panel: shipping VENTILATE TOP OR BOTTOM • SOLID, HEAVY ALUMINUM for years of trouble-free service (Ber- Men- for MORGAN, EAORETT H I LLCR EST phoP 0 l, 5 SH Winner: for the 19 ed to She dents by : arship Ii Timber C today by \\;Vashingt, Shelton. The a good at learning study ch Tile awar 12 in She field h'ip phmts fm ents. Tile aw Joan V Earb Servi Eveninl Baptist c hour ear] order to an oppoiq calanreat g]'aduati]n high sehc The B groups \\; instead r hour. Th, will begi of 7 p.m. Dr, Jol guest: s F church s( dentist, pointee t thc Miss shi. Eve Sunday e ker press be doing and ther the gym ing youn iw. 1ve ev few thy cer, sure, TV Se: ,R ,P ,C LE M. Eleetri I E 81 tel ) Used 1F A F B KE ls',& II IIII