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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
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ANAL SCHOOL ohms Elected President Of raduation Scheduled For L'iday for officers body council re- )has fFonl Lower esident, Betty Co- as vice president, n l_Tilion as secI'e- )be)'son fronl Pot- 31 • . :ceed ihis year's :re Edward Lath- liana Timm, vice- y l,yman, seere- 'a Jarvis, lreasur- IVEDNESDAY graduation night" te of Hood Canal ae guest speaker arles Wright from 'ht is a justice of u't. L will be given by n, who is minister : elnlrch, b with a grade )f 3.77 for three Ldrian. The honor goes to Virginia Tade point aver- :ion of diplomas L M. Smith, chair- ,ol board. rated by Mr. Dick NEW ng two numbers, Mrs. Endicott on American Legion an Legion Auxil- awards to the h grade boy and ip. E MEETING last Girls League ear. They had the tallation of new :oming year. They dra Simons; vice a Bollenger; sec- lad and treasurer, icers were: Pres- ,man; vice presi- n Johnson; sec- LaBissoniere and Ja Crumb. h to thank Mrs. " assistance ifi the ' this year. ,MISll PICNIC :okomish students al school picnic, inoh State Park. pture the flag", t a treasm'e hnnt. a squirt-grin war. went swimming. lso joined in the rough we had a veryone enjoyed 1962 is year, we have s and lost one to ire came in first IH (nth and eighth in first wit ;uhit '(Irtllg)iiiiiiii leas. Rohert Mille:'l ock points for the made the For basel)-tll tlfl 1ool won olle ga]le aild )resenled a , ¢. also got 1MENIT__4I]NI 4-6 band on tooR firsL milk. Sad 3rd on their Tuesdq v--.. Picmc 1)rise. da ugh- Wednesday_.Cl Harold Beer- • l°rize in ihe Pet biscuits, frllit, *  J PICNIC-- !,I ames Lozier ot • June '5 tile jtnii0t;:a Mrs. M. E. =:% G!; °'oo o,.,,,,,,, i0 a.m:'to 2 p. ':  ' nl'tking all tbe llece ay with Mrs. .... d Ca y Pm t lnents. ' ". ' - Rossmaicr guests of Larson of Fredenburg and Mrs. t th'e ' Elvin were Mr. of Shel- and :Mrs. of Aber- ¢elley and Sunday Valley and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. RallJh Mr. and 5 SHELTOSAIIS AWARDED REED SCHOLARSHIPS I)ANIELSON .... : :>:\>,: :iii:!iii)i; ! :': :.. ::., , ;:i:i.::i !}::{ ...... ::.'::;i}#'::: .:::? : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i: .i:4;iili !i!i ::!;}i:ii::;i.ii "'' :: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ,..,......:, : ..... ;.:::...... ., ':' : .... ::':::::::: :: : ..... ':::  :::'.":;" i ::::::!::i.: :::¢ff::!.::!"i;U :!:' " • .... ...'.. #!!::#? .. .., ..... . .. .+. ,,..;..,, ,,¢,..>...,.. ,..: ::: :: ,', :.: ;:L...9:. .,.,-:., • : L./[i%i::::ii!!i:i::( " !::!ii:.!:.:ii:i:; : • ..:,!, . ...:" i :':i:i!,!. : :: :E!::::". :.:¢:: :::":: ::., :, .: &.:..:.:::... • ,: .:.. KEI,LERMAN Winners of eight scholarships for tile 1962-63 school year award- ed to Shelton Working Circle stu- dents by tile Mark E. Reed Schol- arship Foundation of Simpson Timber Company were announced today by H. O. Puhn, manager, \\;Vashington timberland division, Shelton. Tile awards, for $600 each, are good at any institution of higher learning and for an.v course o£ study chosen by the recipients. The awards will be presented June 12 in Shelton following an all-day field Lrip to Simpson woods and plants for students and their par- ents. The award students are: nd son were J,'n,n Virginia Bayle 18, daugh- of Mr. and .................................. Ander- Orchard L. Isbel of guests ttelin. F. Cook of and Mrs. Max ning with of .ts of. a son May is tile former tl'e ert Brehmeyer at the week and Mrs regren and Morris Alertness Needed To Meet Challenge Spiritual alertness is needed to mcet the challenge of today. This is a theme of the Lesson-Sermon entitlcd "Ancient arid Modern Ne- erontmmy, Alias Mesmmusm and Hypnotism. Denounced" whicb will be heard at Christian Science ser- vices Sunday. Tlle Responsive Reading will in- elude Paul's advice to tim Ephe- sians ;(;): "Be strong in the Lord. and in lhc power of his might. Put on tile whole armour of God. tllat ye may bc able to stand ag'insl the wiles of the devil." One of tlle citations to ue road from "Science and Health with Key to tile Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy states: "Be watchful, Don't Be A "Blindfolded Boxer" On The Highway PEDESTRIAN; FACE TllAFFlC The pedestrian who walks in the roadway witb his hack to traffic is about as safe as a blind-folded boxer in tile ring, warns the Au- tomobile Club of Washington. In announcing distribntion of a safety poster on tiffs subject, J. C. Gregory, General Manager. urged pedestrians to walk on the left side of the road facing traffic, wllenevcr the absence of sidewalks makes it necessary to use the roadway. "Hundreds of urban pedestrian accidents are caused each year by the violation of this simple safe- ty rule." Gregory said. rIt is ob- viously impossible to remain alert to oncoming cars when the pedes- FWALK ON FACING TRAFFIC WINNER, FOURTEENTH AAA TRAFFIC SAFETY POSTER CONTEST involved pedestrians wall¢ing with their back to traffic. sober, and vigilant. The way is straight and narrow, which leads to the mlderstanding that God is the only Life. It is a warfare with the flesh, in which we mast conquer sin. sickness, and death, either herc or hereafter, certain° Early Baptist Services Slated Evening services at the First Baptist cht'n'ch will begin one-half hour earlier on Jmle 3, 1962, ill order to give all the congregation an opportunity to attend tile Bac- cahmreate services for this year's graduating Seniors at the Shelton high school gym at 8 p.m. The Baptist Youth Fellowship groups will meet at 5:30 p.m. instead of the regular 6 ()'clock hour. The evening chnrch service will begin at 6:30 p.m., instead of 7 p.m. Dr. John Lundgren will be the guest speaker for the evening trian walks with his back to traf- fic. "By walking on the left side of the road, it is possible to see approaching cars and thus possible to avoid danger," the AAA Club ly before we can reach the goal spokesman said. "Parents should of Spirit, or life in God" (p.324). stress tile importance of this fact _ upon their children." q.n Iliewo cidents revealed that 12 percent Matlock Adventurers of all rural pedestrian fatalities The meeting was called to order and accidents occured while tile victims were walking in the road- May 16 by Bill Stodden, president, way. A majority of these tragedies at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen - Hickson Plans for the project doll were LINDEL BAYLEY ter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bayley of Shelton; a 1962 graduate of Irene S. Reed High School, Shel- ton, she will study languages at the University of Oregon. Stanley Eugene AUgust, 17, son of Mrs. Kathleen August, Elms; a 1962 graduate of Elms High School, he will study engineering at the University of Wasifington. Naney Ellen BrigKs, 18, daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Ben T. Briggs, Shelton; a 1962 graduate of Irene S. Reed High School, she will stu- dy chemistry and dietetics at the University of Washington. HALBERT bard. chairman, and Merle Nebel, secretary, both of Seattle; Chet Glandon. McCleary and Bruce Mc- Lean and Harold Ahlskog, Shel- ton. discussed. Kenneth Stodden gave a demonstration on care and hand- ling of Bahy chicks. April 18 the club met at Hick- sons to make favm's for the patients in Shelton General and Clinic hospital for Easter. ................ Don Gribble, reporter Phillip Eh'ln Carl', 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Carl', Shel- ton; a 1956 graduate of l'ene S. Reed High School, he will be a senior in mathenmtics statistics at the University of Washington• Kenneth Lloyd Danielson, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Dan- ielson, McCleary; a 1962 graduate I mother, Mrs. 8helton were of Mr. ant church service, l)r. Lundgren is a dentist, and is a missionary ap- pointee to Central America under of Elms High School, he will stu- dy business administration at Grays Harbor Junior College, Ab- erdeen. Sheridan A. HMhert, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolls Halbert, Shel- ton; a 1961 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, he will be a sophomore in ptlysics at the Uni- versity of Washington. This is his second Reed Scholarship award. Sharon Adeil Kellerman, 18, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Kellerman, Shelton, will take a pro-major course at the Univer- sity of Washington. Randolph Cooper Lindel, 17, son of Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Lindel, Mon- tesano; a 1962 graduate of Monte- sane high school, he ill study snow, the softer ISEFORE Sr. the L Missionary Aviation Fellow- law and business adminiatration el' it dwells upon, SmmN Simpson of shi. Everyone is invited to come at Harvard or Stanford. • • • ON ANY tsuks nto, the SCREN oy Boothe Sunday evening to hear this spea- This is the 16th consecutive year ker present thc work that he will Reed Scholarships have been I Taylor olerige  nd Dave of be doing on the missionary field a*ai'ded to st(tm'£s ill the Shel- -- -- ,. Singleton and then attend the services at ton Working Circle. In addition N ests of Mr. the gym in honor of the graduat- to these 10 other students eight, the Matlock ing young people, in 6ther Sin]pson operating areas VIII00 ...................... bave been awarded scholarships ais Week on --ire every man thine ear, b.tlfor the forthcoming academic exercises at few thy voice; take each man's[ year.. [ [[ • L •  tduation ex- cer, sure, but reserve thyjudgment. Members of the board which  the gym at ..... William Shakespeare l made the selection are Gus Hub- ,! d Mrs'. Ann imgi V ,--, u"Every°ne BUSINESS DIRECTORY 7:][) :j ared "V Serviee Floor Coverings acrell s :h,,,,I .VUl .o Morgan, E r v I . i • Phonograpl ] . a,ntin" lazing New - lllons CB 2-way radio I • Formica Mt. View HA 6-3172 [ Mt. View HA 6-2292 • i i - ' • w- ,, -  ' "tier, ,- "- ge 331 • • tinge [[ .• New - Goodrich I ..... .._ I  • I • iUX,aa I • ecapplng I • New cores I • Ueea I BOON'S PLUMBING °i I OK RUBBER WELDERS I HEATING, SHEET METAL ' ttlestlvalROCk ] Mr. View HA 6-4832 ]623 8. lt HA 6-3488 ernigh Mar e elel:a 1 mngeskomStorm - El " Florist 00at: Scroll )f t Heating I • Plalll • Westinghouse Alpliaxme ] for all occasion Door... m • Fairbanl-Morse Puml • Flowers SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. EVERGREEN F.LORIST8 419 Railroad HA 6-6283 4th&Birch 8to8 HA6-8479 on to s Auto Glass I • Helena Rubinstei cos- | • Expert I metics [ I nstallation • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic cosmetica JIM PAULEY, INC. NELL'S PHARMACY 5th & Railroad HA 6-821 Govey Bldg. HA 6-3327 ONLY Used Furniture . Cabinet Work DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Admission $1.25 TIIOPICS BALLROOM ,(.hnelder's Prairie Shel| ou-Olympia ilighway TEX MITCHELL" And tlis Band I Well Drilling WATER WELLS - TEST HOLES Bedell Dr,lhng Co. LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone HA 6-4713 0000BETTER MEATS! PRIC1ES EFFECTIVE MAY 31  JUNE 1 & 2. RIGHT TO LIMIT UND ST SIRLOIN TIP Ib - U.S. CHOICE " D'IUD D hAOT U. S, Choice G* k nu,,,r nv.o. "o.o -, ¢*o ' 1 , " , U.S. Choic € SIRLOIN STEAK Verifine .................... lb. 93 , eauc e,ca00 e s: °"°'°° '1o9 ,',1:  t'' a.,- .-urn,= o.,.-n -o',,oo .......................... '. "n'cHn"¢E STEAK " 19 SHUR-FRESH ] Hamburger Buns 8-PACK 3/9 3a€ 5 ¢ . i i ill i BARGAINS. _.1. 9 D,,,.o i RED SNAPPER FILLET .... ........... : ..................... 3s. I PUIIt u1;ali=) , Tstewell 2' "Tills ! POLISH OR BOLO6NA RINGS ....................... 49 ! , __ I " OUR OWN MAKE b : 5o95, c i PORK SAUSAGE [, 39 I RADISHES OR GREEII ONIONS oo00o.3/10' I Jiffv Cake Mix INEW POTATOES :=;=:,,:%=': ........................ 00..IO/IS' I FRESH FROM LOCAL FARMS E € 9ozPackage I ROHAIHE ........... ' ......................................................................... 10 I __i .... EACH I0 Ic ORANGES :.:.II:..::.:.:.:.l. :l.::..l--:-:I + ...... ......... , ..................... POUND 10' ] V LoV EW:Ig:N:C: BALOI=RI lsCE 3/Sl WESTERNER BUDGET SAVER 1 POUND CARTON )€ O CARNATION THE WORLD'S LEADING BRAND 14-QUART PACK 99 s I" THICK rE SPACE-All inserts stay on door all rE WORK--Sliding Panels tdt out for I pping V|NTILATE TOP OR BOTTOM SOLID, HEAVY NUM for of se/vke )MAN, EAGRETT q EST Ph otis |, W'orld's (Bet- Men- for I • Appliances 1 • Furniture • Beds & Mattresses KELLY'S FURNITURE 1st & Mill HA 6-2411 Fireplace Equip.-"--" • Screens, Glass Doors • Accessories • Ceramic Tile & Mosaic CARLSON'S TILB SHOP Mt. Vlew HA 6-2057 Was the held on Dry Cleaning • Westinghouse Coin Operated • $2.00 for 8 lb. load • Also Auto. Laundry ECON.O-WASH 134 No. First St. • Kltohen King Kabinets • Custom Cabinets • Counter Tops • Free Bstimates MT. VIEW CABINET 8HOP 1916 Oly. Hwy. No. HA 6.2042 Bike Shop • Sales and Repair • Locksmith . Keya Made • Hobbies SLEYsTER,S BIKE SHOP Roy ClinLon 223 Cota St. Draperies '• custom made • free estimates • work guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO, 305.RR Ave, HA 6-8283 HILLS ' OFFEE Dr,, or Reg. 2 ,. $117 BROS. G 1,. t,ns 5,, t,ns SUNSHINE GOOKIES CREME 11-=. 39' SANDWICHES ........ pkg, ETTY BISQUIGK "" .URPOSE M× 39* CROCKER ................................ 40-OZ. PKG, 303 5/Sl SHURFINE FRUIT O00KTAIL ............ T,s SHURFINE PINEAPPLE JU|GLE ............ 46-OZT,S 4/$1 SHURFINE RENC. SL,CED GREEN BEANS .... T, NS303 5/$1 SHURFINE GREAM GORN .................... Tf °& 5/$1 FRESH RANCHEGGS 3 SERVE-U SAVES-U DOLLARS Prices Effective- May 31 -..June 1 & 2 Right to Limit RALPH'S o, Hillcrest Where Satisfaction iS a "BUY" Word