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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page !.8. ................... SI-I&apos;ELTON--MASON C01YNTY JOURNAI5- Published in UChristmastown, U.g.A.," Shelton, Washington ThursdaY, I 1962 ii * I For e N , I I I I MOSS iN YOUI% IAWN? Now is the rinse to apply Mostte from Gray- stone of Shell,on, Free use of spread- er. Phone HA 6-6661. 4/19 ten iVIBERSHiP-in Shel/b--G01f ciub: $100 value for $75. Terms. HA 6-3649. B 4/5 ten supplies, Jotm Rice. Phone HA 6- 6108. Free deanonstratlons. R 1/7 ten t raUer.S, boats, campers. $198.50. Saeger Motor Shop, HA 6-4602. 12/7 tfn hmger with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 ten 0]L"BAck--T-0-P'--biLV-tfli--h:IF i'oad and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea ravel for driveways, Norman An- erson, phone tIA 6-3552. 5ohn's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn amazing, improved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 5/25 ten pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone HA 6-8626. 918 tfn FOR--SA"L' -- Large selection af re-- conditioned ranges, refrigerator, washers, dr,ers. Eella & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 6].5 n Your Craft, Hobby and Health cor- ners. Bar*Din, 520 Franklin. Open TlHlrdy aud Friday. B 6122 tin peel. Pemnanent finish and sealer, does not discolor with age. See Graystone, 5/25 tfn ! Sundays, Shelton Marine, Hillcrest: Hardware. HA 6-8163. 3/29 ten, Strawberries, asparagus rhododen- drons, roses, ewrgreens, peonies, ; oriental poppies, tulips and daffo- dils. Also artificial flower bouquets. The Garden Shop, phone HA 6-: 3710. 3/1 ten zcr. 20.5 (,f. Stores 7]8 lmmds food only $2d8.00. Scars Catalog Sales office. 5/3 ten ONE PAIR"'Ciifili? B(iSi'S:'WtiVii about one month, very good eonditlon. Stze 10/. $30, Phone HA 6-4157 after 6 p,nL S 4/12 ten GREI,NEST ]!,:XW1"i/i'-ti:i(i"bloiik-: Use Galbraith Golf Green. Gray,tone of Shelton, }IA 6-6661. .......... 4119 ten FREE BABY root IJelw for the khidies und,u" five at A & W Root Beer I)riv(r-ln, ;it..View: ............................. 5!10 t f, i i FOR SALE ...... Nine Squares Johns- Mansville asbestos eakes, white $75. 'Uad three-pice Ino(lern wifite baitn'oom ct with fili, irigs, $70. HA 6-4384. C 5/] 0-31 ,i For Sale I,N:)B SALE .... G.E. elec.trie range. $40, I)hon HA 6-2278. M 5/24-31 6/7 F($ii SA Li:=: r3{ iia---iaiif{:;qiiW 3i.1 tl.p. oiolor, jllaller, ji)iaer. Used tllree houi's, $195,. Beanl-tYt)e bal)y scale, $5. Ca!l days---ttA 6-6]63. Z 5/31 ten Sporting Goods EVINRUDE SALES and service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hlllcrcst Hardware. HA 6-8163. 3/29 tfn out-board service, Hood Canal Mar- For Rent GARAGE FOR RENT at Goldsborough apartments, south second, $6 month. S 5/11 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom house, partially furnished. Potlatch TR 7- 5359 Hoodsport, or FL 2-3746 Olym- M 3/29 tfn :lOYAL Portal)h! Typewriter, Like new condition, $25.00. 120 Bass La- dte's Accordion. Seven treble, 3 bass switches. Ie('l'ect condition, $100. 135 West University, L 5/31 DO (jA-RiET {i, iiiTi{f-iai{Ts'{Ta{imi pain? ]:h21ilove ihlni wilil (ssy-to-use B]ne Lu{I't!. Lunib(+q.nien's Mcrcantile Co. 5/31 FOR SALE  Boys' and ladles' eloth- lng, siz. 16 and ]8, Very reasonabh:. Pilonl HA 6-8008. YI 5/31 ]'-6R- TiLE ------ WTiKih- -lii -d iii]Ti{ room set, table, buffet, stx ehah's, Will scli remonal)le, Call ItA 6- 6704 after 6 o'clock. C 5/24 6/7 shop of hundreds Oil "hand-niades" 520 Fl'anklin. Open Thursdays, lind Fridays, B 5/24 ifn booID, ll(!W stlrplus hysterway ill)Per. Nell McDonald, HA 6-3740. • Mc 5/24 6/7 I:lgC door and llardwarc. Like now. PholllJ ItA 6-2428 after 4:30. lna, Union. TW 8-225° 3/15 tfn pia. i-5-ii;i:-eUTmSRi):-TiiiitTy--t{hii ATTRACTIVE three room furnished and 16 ft. boat. idea! fishing setup, hnuse for rent, suitable for couple. $200. HA 6-4428. J 5/10 ten Phone HA 6-4759, B 5/24 ten for 15 or 16 ft. house trailer. Call HA 6-6695. E 513 ten FORSALE -iit(i iii/del-19-ft, trail- er with shower, toilet, heater, re- frigerator. $1800. H. M. Wivell, Rt. 3 ]]ox 643, phone HA 6-3801. 5/31 i  --,f'--i N Bb-XR D -'B OXT --,it i- - FS'rd V-8 enghle, 35 nlph, $300. 1946 Cimv- roict panel, $50, Call TR 7-5282. U 5/24 6/7 BOXTS- MOTORS TRXtLERS, ecilJip: ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn B-'OAI'-S- -- 3 and 10 ft. pram"--, $ $60; 12 ft. fisherman, $80: rnnabeuts 12 and 14 ft., immediate delivery. • Any size on order. M. J. Hooker, 1015 E. Dearborn. HA 6-8511. Bar- Din, HA 8,6837. B 12/14 tfn N t For Rent furnislled house with attached gar- age. Phone HA 6-2250. P 5/24 ten lff-Eit-i41G -lo-O-MST-wiiTh--kiiTlien"-f; vlleges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone HA 6-3487. R 4/19 ten FOR RENT  House downtown, two bedrooms, has stoves, Adults pre- ferred, references. Phone HA 6-3218. B 5/17-31 ' Miscellaaeous ' JEROME BURKE GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, barnyard fertilizer, well-aged alder sawdust, pit run gravel, compost fertilizer. Phone HA 6-3678. 4/5 tfn IN MEMORIUM This month comes with deep regret. It brings back a day we shall never forget. George went away without goodbye, but memories of him will Y 5124-31 6/7 , T-6P'-SQiL?--'i;hv61?-li}i--di'*:t;--F_--:E'. never dle. So sadly missed by his sis- Ogden, HA 6-6156. 2/12 ten FOR RENT -- Tlu'ee bedroom hunle, ters. available June 14. Phone HA 6-4505 Elicit Foster (5"5GROVqT--woo-d"f0r--sale---Xny between 6 and 7 p.m. 5/31 ten Geraldine Haugen 5/31 length. Phone Oliver Petty, HA 6- F()ii--i4EiT----i'-iT57n-'7---u-ni!iT:ii: 2352. 4/20 .n lsi,ed, near school, ..totes. In- , Classified Service ir5b-tYR--SXL-E----iTier'iSi quire IiA 6-6870, W 5/24 617 $15 per cord. Phone HA 6-2332. ),,-dR--RENT-L-G%fi--I-hKi-t-I .... H 11/23 tfn h)n jugs to take home. Delicious EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation. root beer and orange from h & W .... Drive-In._ou Mt. View. 5/10 tfn CARLON APTS." -Z-Fi;nisHJcl a--k'rt" ment for rent. Ground floor. Call between 5 and 7 p,m. HA 6-2117, C 4/19 tin • ished apartment, Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furntshad. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or HA 6-2493, or HA 6-2446. B 5/18 tfn FURNI sHIDD---'APART/EN T " avallltble at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 ten GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer apd water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 ten F O 4 R E N-Tq'Light housekeeping rooms. 100 West Pine. Phone HA 6-,t679. R 4/14 tfn you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments now available by day, week or month. Phone HA 6-2121 or H'A 6- 8177. 7/16 tfn bedi'ooqi apartnlents, lots of closets, clean and nest. Very pleasant place to Ik,e. Edgewood Apartments, Air- port, HA 6-3772. S 3/19 tfn USED UPRIGHT PIANO, Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cots Street, Phone HA 6-4302. 2/1 tfn "CHRISTMASTOWN, U,S.A." rubber stanips for sale at the Journal. $1.25 each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tfn iirTi X--i 5--SKi-m--YL61ci--iiq-hiii transparent plastic coating, never )Teds eaxnll}'e, polishing or crub; g, I ' • all surfaces, nsld or out. See Graystone. 5125 tfn PIONEEI  SAWS sales-and-'servlce. We arc open Sundays, Shelton Marine Htllcrest Hardware, HA 6- 8163. 3/29 tfn RABBIT -YERS foi.-hale.- Also rab- bit fertilizer. Phone, oz:ders between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone" HA 6-3626. Me 8/20 ten EM I(] RSON -TV " ,J.ii'i- St e rei): Sec them at. Jolmny's Music Box, 205 Cota St. ,l/12 ten NEW FISH,ncw ti:ilc;s.-and" goldfish bowls, HA 6-4378, 638 Arcadia, V 4/12 ten LOWREY ORGAN SALESJohn's Music Box, 205 Cola St., phone ItA 6- d302. 211 ten FOUl t Y;17INEI: iable :top gas runge pilot light, ood condition, excel- i(mt oven wilh th(rm)slal. $15. In- quire 729 Franklill. Phone HA 6-3105. S 5/]0-3] F()R"RENT -- Reed Apt. 2-b-edro--6", I0WREY-bRGAN-SM:,E af"Jiitiiiiy FOtC-SA Ll,]-=W($eD-=S:--i-6=[i--ih unfurnished, garage, yard.. Call La- . Muic.Box..205 C0ta St. ` ..... 4/]:2 ten over, Slab $12,50 a cord; Pola wood Bisseniere Agency, HA 6-4666 or HA ]i'OI SALE .... ()n(, eew I(luitro,s, Size $],1 cord. P]ione HA 6-4867, 6-4336. D 3/29 tfn Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone HA 6-8231. 4/28 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool insula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA 6-6417. 6/20 tfo MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my r- idonce near the Lower Skokomlsh School. Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- pointment Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesdayt A. F. Oppelt, 4116 tfn REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone HA 6-8082 day or night. 118 tfn FOR ETP--E-IT"-M-A-SNRY, fireplnces, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, HA 6-2278. 3/1 tfn ARTIFICIAL BRIEDING service pro- ven, and highly classified sires. Dairy, beef "and charolais, $7.00. Pi- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, HA 6-2084. C 12/15 tfn are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Htllcrest Hardware. HA 6-8163, 2/29 tfn XV ,-Gu 19--Wi LL--s PR-'X Y-.c-Bt 87i gi; and interior. Free estimates. Work {aranteed. Bennett Painting Co. rune HA 6-3248. 5/10 tfn stallations, oil conversions. Shelton 39..incti. P).ive $30, A, Au,lin, 503 Hi..t.(; .s.. _ s.i L..._¢[ U.m w!t t ! y- ............. _A 5.27-_!1} SOFA ANI) CIiAIR ..... $')5. Contour chat|'. $25. Singh-ilors( traii('r, $185. Phon(, IIA 6-,1184, S ,/,.I-dl Used Furniture Damenport and ehair $15,00 to $95.00 Occasional chairs .......... $I0.00 up Club chairs .................... $]0.00 up Bcautyrest mattress and box ¢pring .......................... $49.00 toy Beauyrest mattress and |)x spring (like now) Save $50 .......................... $149.00 Used Appliances qAvin Tub Dexter Washer .._ $55.00 Maytag wringer washer .... $35.00 Apt. Mze electric rmc .... $45.00 1 - electric range .... : ........... $25.00 ] - Kelvinator refrigerator $65.00 t - Frigidail'a ........................ $85,00 - steam electric irons each ................................ $]2.00 - TV sets .................... eaell $25.00 OLSEN FURNITURE COMPANY ;t28 Cots Street HA 6-4702 SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewers Mart Const. Co. Phone HA 6-3053 Rt, 3, Box 623 If no answer, Ph. HA. 6-6183 i i DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Ione HA 6-6364 Moving Anywhere In Mason County S 10/12 tfn W li: S T iN (; ( ) i.i S E "iT l J;i7 i7--i:iiigii-fi:i, /ale. 3--incli. Very good rendition. l{oa,nolia I)le, 1 nqtlJl'e 668 1)ettl'i)orn Ave,, Shelion, J 5/17-31 ....... Used Cars * H  I _ F()R SAI,E ....... 1949 Ch,e. 1,i':-hm pick- lip, <i;:{50, W li (an,)lC,' $,J00. IIA 6- (;0,q, S 5/17-,'11 I )5(; PLYMot TH II(Hvd n;i], 42d0 'i;: All lhe goodies! Good conditien. Call HA 6-8674. C ,]/26 ten ; ]i'()li- SAIE ' L:: iiO'-Dodgi'-'Station Wa/4Oli, like new, I-IA 6-45,iI. ........................... , ....... F.!a t)> 1( 57 (t tEVI(J1ACF ,.5 - T( )N I)ickul). '1,']1( "'f Sl)i!(!d, V-8, lOW nlileagc, /llu- ll'lt)ililil li ( pY, l)holl( ' JIA 6-2187 itftof r):30. S 5/31 6/7 hll Metal Single-hors TRAILER With Top -- Ready to use OAMP TRAILER Sleeps 2, food storage, sink, water tank, ice chest, awnings KIMBEL MOTORS 1st and Mill Street Phone HA 6-3.]33 Boat Building Repair= Fiberglassing Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. HA 6-4652 FOR R E N T -{:;;;- sii 1 o-.- itii:gT] - })i-l-6- -bi- ro(lIll house, ()I0s(; to school, fenced yard. Phone ttA 6-2259. S 4/26 tin LAWTON -- -APAR-TMENTSI- -B-acle i)- units ideal for single men or we- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All unttlities furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2/21 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 ten FC)I{ RENT •-Acro,S f,'olil-lg{,Ci;gl"]i(ii{ ctii)ol. SI)ilf ( ii. psrlly furnished lll)il, l'inleIlt, View window, every room overleoklng garden, car port, hulndry included. $60 nmuth. Adults. Inquire 818 Pine St. Apt. 4. HA 6- 3357, 4]26 tfn' FOR RENT .... Unfurnished three- tledroeli1 llous(!, except for stoves. On West Railro.,td. Call HA 6-6331, D, 5/10 ten FOil l:/EN T== 0 i78 iii77fi•:{7fiii i;Hi4T&i ]lOtlse. very c]eltn, garbage, water furnished. Phone HA 6:4644. S 5/10 ten hoIISC, water and garbage furnished. Phone HA 6-8150. N 5/25 tfn SMALL COTTAGI'S for rent, Reason- able. Phone ItA 6-3532. W 4126 tfn B.&H. Gravel & Paving Co. Grading, Asphalt Paving, Driveways Our 8peolalty 14 years in business HA 6-4888 8/24 tfn t i i CASH PAID FOR s Good, Clean, Used Furndure and Appliances, CALL KELLY'S FURNITURE 6-2,. Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial HA 6-6121. 5/1 tfn Pets, Livestoek N FOR SALE -- Two ln)rses, part Mor- gall, One celt and one two-year-old, Both friendly but need training. Phone HA 6-8394. C 5/31 ''-ST- RECEIVED a-n(i 7 hind of 13 w(dl-broken ho)'se,u. One pair of 3- year old sorrels l/ Arbabian fillys. Extra nie,. One spotted Welch mare ",',,ill foal williin 10 days. Several oth*r good gentlc childrens' horses. Boyd Zepp, Rt, ], Box 254, Ehna. Six miles south ol Matloek Storm 5/31 N ita;y & Feeds Alfalfa Dairy Hay Tops, Bottoms, Feeder Hay. (Order Now For 1962 ,Harvest) Load Lots Only. Call collect. Marysville, Wash., OLive 9-2003 USPAD IURNITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN MERCANTILE Home Furnishings -- 2nd Floor Eells & Valley Applianoo Conler Your Wash0r.Dry0r Headquar!ers I. T T Always lho bosl deal, byGoorp! at Eells & Valley M A Y I G 2nd & Cota St, HA 6-4663 3/2 ten FOR DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS CALL YOUR FRIGiDAiRE DEALER Lumbormon's Mercantih Co, 8rd and Railroad HA 6-8211 HELP WANTED [hlblic Utility District No, 1 has an opening for a. good iypisl; who will accept part time employnent now and be available for a fine permanent position in the very near future. We will train you in all phases elf our specialized office routine but you must have the desire and initiative to asmune full responsibility of tho position, "Working conditions will be excellent. We have a 40 hour w(,el, a pension phm ill addition to social security, the Mason C, ounty Medical proraln ;end paid vacations. R(,m(lol)ee in the Union PotlaLch or HoodsporL area is (lesi)'eable l)u[ not necessnry. IMPOIrTANT. Do not apply uills you arc intercted ill ;I l)CrnlHllCllt cal'cer i)osition, l¢or an intcrvicw call TILe jan 7-5200 und ask for Mr. l)at'rctL. 5/31 i Wanted Real Estate WAIqTED --- Cream separator, man- YOl5 DON'T NEED CASII to get into ual or eleeti'ic, in good eondition, this clean, attractive four bedroonl Phon HA 6-4007. C 5/24-31 Ang]esidc ilolnc in very good eon- V-X-N-'KE-iS---igi--i)TeTiiigle dition. Full basement, fer expansion person for caretaking and yard or recreation room, includes garage work. Free apt., some compensation. < space, WILL ACCEPT ear and/or Write Box E, c/o Journal. outboard motors in trade for down- 5/10 ten lmyment or $300 will gel you in. You take over payments. Inquire at WANTED--Quified reliable taxi dri- 612 Turn(:r HA 6-858,1. D 5/81 ten ver. Stattl background by letter to ............................................................ Box__E:.e/9 Journal: ........... 5(10tf.n ONE ACRE on Bayshore lrigiiway, WANTED  Acreage. Low down pay- well, • Scl)tie tank and I)ulkhead. ment* low monthly payments. 11- Young fruit trees. $3500. $1000 dn. quire :Manager Blue Ox Theatre Bardin's, phenc HA 1-6837 evenings. weekends only. T 3/29 ten .................................... __B ,5/24tell BABY-SITTING WANTED -- Loving $500 DOWN--S50 per month. Two bed- oare for your children in my home. room home on two lots. Good loca- Phone HA 6-6391. A 1/11 tfn tion. Call HA 6-6510. B 5/17 tfn TREES "--PP]D, trimmed, removed. FOR--S-A-iE-or-iE'SE---'b-ul'ban--2= Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. HA bedroom home, partly furnished, ga- ., 6$8 ........... 2/13 tfn rage, __phoi}._e HA _6-4147. S 5/1_o tfn WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radla- LARGE THREE bedroom home, fam- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds, ily room with built-in broiler, wall- Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill to-wall carpeting, range, dishwasher, Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 ten washer, dryer. Assume mortgage. ICHAIN SAW SHARPENING, s---p--d, Phone HA 6-8078. S 5/10 ten accm'ate precision grinding. Now at FOR SALE--L--Fo::ro()m-ii()-us-e Saeger Motor Shop, HiIlcrost, Phone on Angleside. two-car garage, dou- HA 6-4602. 1/15 tfn ble corner lot. Call HA 6-3134. I-IANDY MAN -- Odd jobs! If you H 5/31 ten think it eam't be fixed call Henry (ji2-B-ED---ROO-Ilf modern home on An- Landis. HA 6-8098. 2/12 tin gleside for lease or sale. Phone HA WOMAN-WTS WOR.K of any kind 6-4475 days, or HA 6r6692 evenings, by day or hour. Call HA 6-4378. S 4/26 .... tfn V 3/8 tfn HOUSES -- Three-room, $3200. FIve- SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- room, $4200. 10% down, $50 per o. ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- -NearDaYt0--!--6- "6837-" B 5/25 fin ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone HA 6- THREE HIGHWAY LOTS on Moun- 2433. 3/8 tfn tain View for sale. or will trade for WANTED -- 1-9- recappable t__(3K boat or dump truck. John Kneeland, Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn t I t, Art's Bulldozing! Excavating r- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. phone HA 6-4889. 2/8 tfn fOR SALE -- Duplex 84x28 with 10 lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone HA 6-8150. N 7/23 tfn MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill- crest home, furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close to school and stores. Must move. Will sell at real bargain. Phone HA 6,8549 afternoons or evenings. M 12/14 tfn BOOTH , CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOI/NDATIONS HA 6-6441 3/27 tfn Old fashioned quality Paperhanging and Painting EARL HERRING "A Whale of a Paperhanger" WI.I 3-1732 Olympia 1/18 tfn 5/17 "tfn LARGE TWO bedroom home. Dining room, basement, fenced back yard. Plaster finish throughout. Excellent condition, Phone HA 6-4673, S 11/9 tin FOR SALE -- House on 3 acres near Skokomish school. Contact A. F. OP- pelt on Wednesday or weekends. TR 7-5438. 10/5 tfn FOR- S./IE-- "--Till;€;c" - b e d i:6 6 ni-lio-d scl bath and lla]f, fh'eplaee, cleeirle heat. call HA 6-2o,240 weekdays after 5 p.m. B 4/12 ten 175 FT. SALT waterfront for Nice two-bedroom . cottage, near Sbclton. Phone HA 6-6217. E 5/3 ten MT__'IEW,--f}iii:i-y-iie.w-'-{hi;ce ]J(d= room house, fireplace, $1,000 down. Assume FHA mortgage. Phone I:IA 6-6371. H 5/3 tin FOR SALE -- Eight choice level wood- ed lots. Eh,ctricily and water avail- able. Located behind Robin Itood Ion (m Canal. Call HA 6-3548 after 5 K 5/31 ten HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 2is tin WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 Cec's Rock Shop Agate Neoklaces .................... $1.00 igate Charm Bracelets ........ $2.50 Matching Earrings and Neck|aces ........................ $2.98 Opcn 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone HA 6-3892 i I Well Drilling HA 6-40045 or HA 6-2455 FOR SALE Two older dwellings on East Pine for a handyman • $5,000 3-Bedroom home at Union being remodeled (not waterfront). $6,000 S $ • BILL PEARSON 125 N. 5th HA -061 The JOURNAL SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS io0-gal., 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gaL Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 8-18tfn HERB,ROTTER and ASSOCIATES Herb Rottee, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker Office -- HA 6.6642 Evenings -- HA 6.3530 36 ACRES -- 4 ROOM HOUSE 2 bedrooms, bath and base- ment. Full price $10,000. Terms. 40 ACRES -- 11 ACRES CLEAR bm'n 40'x 60. 2 car garage, 2 bedroom heine with room for 2 bedrooms upstairs, $12,500. Temns. GOOD 6 ROOM HOUSE 4 bedrooms, baUl, 2 car garage. This house is just 7 years old. One acre of cxcellcnh sell. Close to high scllool. Full price $10,000. APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE 3room house with bath. Priced at $2200. 4 BEDROOM HOME, 2 blocks frolu storms. 2 full baths, auto- matte oil heat, 2 ear garage, beautifully landscaper yard. This is a home to be proud of. $27,500. Terms. 3 BEDROOM HOME .... fireplace, electric heat. This home is just 8 years old and it is located ou the Bay with 60 ft. of waterfront. Full price $12,000. Easy terms. 15 ACRES -- 5 ROOMS, 2 bedrooms. Gravity water system. $1,250 caslx 10 ACRES -- 5 ACRES CLEARED 1959 lilod('l (lol(len State 10 x 5(} 2 bedroom trailer, Full price $6200. Ternls, 138 FEET OF CHOICE LAKE FRONTAGE 2 bedroom house, clceLric heal A good buy at $10,000. Tcrnls. SEE US FOR WATERFRONT AND FARMS! Herb Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 124 North 1st Strect Union TW 8.2429 i liOiiii iviARSH REALTY in. Allyn Easy Terms... Trade ....Cash ... Razor Call Anytime Among our seventy-six properties for sale: Beautiful Lake Lot ................................. ........... 3 Bdr. Home --- 119 ft. Water Front .................... 2 Bdr. -- Furnished -- 5 Acres .............................. 3 Bdr. --- 10 Acres- Creek ...................................... 3 Bdr. -- 10 Acres -- Lake ........................................ 500 ft Water Front ................. $112 Foot ................ 3 Bdr. -- View -- Cheap ......................... =...:.:.-:.. 3 Bdr. -- 13 Acres ................................................ 2 Bdr. -- 8 Acres -- 100 ft. Water Front ........ 3 Bdr. -- View -- 334 ft. Water Front ............ 2 Bdr. -- New -- Shake Shop included ............ 70 Acres --- $11,800 -- Close In 2 Bdr. -- Deluxe  Water Front ............................ 3 Bdr. -- 475  W. F. --- 8 Acres -- Will Split ........ Many more . . . Water Front . . . Acreage , .' View Property. , . Creek Property... CR 5-2301 PREl00ERRED LOTS OF ROOM If you need lots of room for your see this spacious Mt. View home. This home living room with beautiful fireplace, three large an extra large garage with second bath and Budget priced at $12,000. Look today, you will be PLAN AHEAD See this spotless, one-bedroom Angleside This will be the perfect spot for that future property is a good buy at $4,600. See it soon. i WANT A REAL HOME? How about this one..It has four bedrooms, ious living-dining rooms, dandy kitchen with lots arate utility room, new roof and shake siding. few of the fine features in this fine home. The $12,800. CLOSE IN You should see this dandy three acres just minutes froln town. You will qui sibilities in this home and we are sure you location. '"< JUST $3,750.00 • . . For this beautiful Waterfront Lot with 80 frontage on the Agate side of Hammersley that you will agree that this would be a your leisure time. Just $500.00 down, with DREAMS DO COME TRUE Wall( through the zoned living areas of level home and see just how easily and perfec date your family needs. The dreamed-of baths, three bedrooms, double garage, all r discre large wooded lot. Complete with walks, drivers en the down-to-earth price of just $16,950.00. WATERFRONT VlNCE HIMLIE 317 RR AVENUE MAll HA 6-6501 HA 6-8535 Any Time EXCEPTIONAL SKOKOMISH %/ALLEY Small two bedroom home ideal for young out or for retired couple. Only $3,200. ANGLESIDE TWO BEDROOM Lovely residential district. Two bedroom, Recently remodeled. Pried to sell for $4,950. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS BARGAIN Two bedroom home--needs very little trees, four extra lots. A real buy for $3,900. GRACIOUS RESIDENTIAL SETTING This fine three bedroom home with lovely glass doors to covered fenced patio. Lovely ful table-top stove. Ready to move in for QUICK HENRY, GET THE CAR] You have to see this home as it has so hi3 Two bedrooms, built-in oven, table-top stove, bage disposal. Neat as a pin and ready to ing yard. To sell for $8,700 and worth more. IDEAL DOWNTOWN HOME Two bedrooms, large living room, roonly 1 sed in utility porch, electric heat, separate and flowers in a well-kept yard. Only $8,750. TWO BEDROOM HONEY This attractive two bedroom home is go close to school and stores, all plastered, ity room, living room and dining room, yard. Ready to move ill for $9,500. LOCATED DOWNTOWN This four or five bedroom home is on a cornet' lot, lovcly yard, large picture ing room, sunny kitchen, utility room. All tle a happy family. Priced for $10,000. LOVELY HOME ON ISLAND LAKE Three bedrooms, lovely living room rooln with fireplace and beautiful view. 125 feet waterfront, 250 fcct deep so there's this honte. Comc in and lnake an offer. DOWNTOWN CORNER LOT 60x100. Beautiful spot, to build your home. All schools and shopping center. Located at 7th $2,500. TWO BEDROOM HOME Mt. View Beauty--Tw0 bcdroonls, room, large utility porch, garage with fruit outdoor fireplace. Also an extra lot goes with COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST This two bedroom home is all plastered basenlent, city water, separate garage, tance out on onc acrc of land. Also has a Can be bought for $15,500, ANGLE AGENCY Real Estate HERB -- HA6-82Z2 -- , ::! 6 1'OOll] Drilled 189 ft. spring. ril I sac.- Dayton Road 5/31 6/14 close to Alder- and good moor- Real Estate Co. evenings call TR 7-5277 )ortunity an. Valuable territory Why Would qual- emngs. )r, Wash. 00eal Estate CHARMING 6 frban climate. contempor- mong compar- Twin-size living-dining Economy hot StUdded shade, by appointment. '' • Convenient ARCADIA room home. 3' bulkhead, w/clams, panorama. ows, massive nany extras. Shel- more than the most desireable hn Devereux for HAMMERS. T W/TL. 41,/2 urban home. I'ooms. King, fireplace. Family- excellent kit- only $23,500. RBAN-L n the city. 91Y e-fenced lawn. areas. Fine FA basement Shakes. On. included. financing. HOME, D YARDS. child safe. e and carport II-planned floors. A $11,000. clng. OMS, TOP Fireplace, attached. appliances. Jcted1958. 500 and H,000 dn. 16' oar. low-place own, con. '"%OOM lops. Two e living tinted Xtra room, $6,750, ' John IOOM SET- oak Wood cab- more Mov( :N ER LOT, EST. F.A. room. $700 dn. miles 62' a solid north. down on Contact NO' IN TttE : STATE MASON In the ]EATRI: ()won ] an(I qlllil (,sh(te. affainst sl S(' ['%'( tile ifh'd, on iorn(,y, It dress l)eh with tile gol her w within si" firsl pul)l SllllIO will DATIq ( 1962. OW; Ade 121 Shel BOBERT Altornoy 125U2 N, Sh(.Ihln. ' NOTI( API STATE C Oli" SIlt SOURC! TAKE N( That J£ lllll, Wash v3)plical iol ))ubiic lVtll btllary It Ill(itUlt el j,ct to e. io Octob, pose of i niate ()f I wilhin N Township ill M tiSOll Any obj I),'.' :l 1we and filed O[ Watllr d IC,'s fFolll Witness this 2211d M. ( Star: Rest