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31, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in ¢'Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Waahin on Page 19
"i Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications ' ....
.i} Nt). 3357 NO 3']58 NO. 331 ) L ' ....... .,
"; CR T NOTI( E TO ('ltEI)l'l'Ol{ NOTI('F "'1'(; ("1{I, I)ITORS NOTI( E O1" II I,',ARING FINAl, ' ' ' :':: A • I
I I , }4 I.... STATE ()1i" %VASI-IINGTON FOR STATE (.)I," WASHINGTON 1'OR DINTillIII"rlON :' .llm . hi! SIll LIUIdIW
I eh, Drilled 189 ft. In t/, Mall • • ef ihc Estate of In the Malter of flu, :,'st,He ( f BU- ST.kTF OF WARHIN('TON F()R ":' :' : A ......... h • ........... . ..... .
I u' ,d,8'oot: ,EATR× li: SM'SO De,;.a::e,L ,.D MATTtil':WS. ,),.,;ase". IXS(, C01:T .... : .......... : ::i . :':'.'"': :"" .................... '.°':':''-
• -N. vvu-at;- Oweu l Sills n is th. a )) nled NOTICE IS IlleREBY GIVIeN that I itl (" Mtt ' o' th, Estd )' MARY : ..... . :.,: ' no[(i %VIII nlve sonic apprecuLtlon
: , ' I ui (t I f d A( I n st 'tl ' (f s'lid " . • ' ' ' ' A CORMIER Deceased ;::'":: : ' ' . .- • " - " , "
i • I) _.. • • . I ... .. , .'." th,' luldl,l'slgnod has bc(n aPl)olntcd ".. . . ' . "- '.- ' ..... L: el the lnoblcnls t,t, td l)y the Ld)-
- | ,'li,]l|J ('state. All persons Ilavlag clallus and lms (iualified ;Is tim Administrat- oonn B, C.z'mmr, Fx (m)' t sam ., .h..,.,cy tL .... ..... t,hU..o .....
I ,[ -"vUll3lill(! ag'ainst said deceased are required to rlx of iAle Estate, of'Bul'nT(i Matthews Estate, has fih'd with said Court his i ',':"F'r'::' l'al', .,u .... e ...... [:.1 ...... e,,,.8, ,..,
lIon ,,,^_ ..,_., sorw, the same in duplicate, duly ver- d&'. aqed" {l al, a t,c 'son. ha{; l{g final rep.rt and I)elilion for distribu- . .i' will understand that the "getting
: =ylon Hoao ified, on said Administrator or his at- claims against said de(eased are herd/ lion, asking the Court to selth, said . .:.:a l)ack Io nornll:tl" stag( • takes long-
i 5/31 6/14 t rnev R b 't L, Snvder at the ad- by reoo red t( s,l'v, tile gill duly repm'l distribute the property t*, the ,,. th,n ovnotod
dress l)eh)w staled, and tile tile salne verlfied, on the undermgned Adnnms- " ........
: ii: R
]l?ERRED PROPEll'IT!:': Estate
rban climate.
Economy hot
StUdded shade,
by appointment.
'. • Convenient
room home.
3' bulkhead,
ows, massive
,, more than the
most desireable
)hn Devereux for
W/TL. 4/2
urban home.
1.00 . . . " 0 rooms. King-
Waterfront Lot with 80 ?l!;
beautiful .towl etl ;:i!c:;: ,
, , ' • , " , . !
: oJ' :' gIJ I REPLACES,
ing areas of this t,Wit',URBAN-LIKE
ectlY C mn the mt 9W
, sily and perf ;(@:YI- " Y"
[reamed-of t'eCereai,i:2e',,#. "u are lawn.
( rarag, all r ds .3 '" -- as. Fine
i walks, drivers ps;f 5co,l, " FA. basement
0 00 wn Shakes On
! =st $16,95 . • ,i:,u lira e " "
IIW= P s included.
" --l[[iE', and financing.
,,000ii, II
pel'SOllS llmreto entitled slid Io dis-
with the Clerk of said Court, to- tratrix or her attorney of record tit (:barge said Exeeutur. Said rcl)ort and
|: gc|hcr with proof of such service, the address blow stated and file the petiti(m will be heard on the 29th day
within six mtmths al'ler tlle date o salne with the Clerk of the said conrt, ef June, 1962. at 10 a.m. in the (?(,urt-
first ptlblicali(ll .f this notice, or tile togelhel' with Ill'eel of such service rOOUl of said Court. in the Coluliy
salllo will be Ilarred. witilin six lnonths after tile date of Cllurtiloxlse at S]lelton. Washingtl,ll.
DATE of firsl puidh'ation: May 10, first publicathm of lifts noth'e or the DATED THIS 25th day el May, 1962.
1962. same will be I)arred. HARRY DEYETTE,,
bieRS11 close to Alder- OVEN L, SIMPSON, Date of I'ivst pul,li(,ali,,n: May 2,1, byClerk: Tot'lda°f thevc,,nlilli,)n,SUl)crior Con,'t
and good ino(/r- Adminislrator 1962. Dcl)uty Clerk.
Shell,)n, Washington A(hnlnish'alrix Attorney at Law
in. Allyn ROBERT L, SNYI)EI¢ GLI,]NN E. C()RREA 125/z North 5th
A|lol'noy at Law AtlA)l'ney for ],Istale Nholton, Wastlington
125U, N, 5lh Hell Bnihling 5/31 6/7-14-21 4t
erms . . . Trade .... Cash . . . Razor Real Estate Slwl].n. Washin4-don. Sholt.n, Washington
Call Anytime '; CO. 5/10-17-24-31 4t 5/24-31 6/7-14 4t State of ll'alll;l|g|on
])l, llsrlnlent e[ Natllral II(.NOUl'cel
r seventy-six properties for sale: , Or evenings call NOTI(!E OF IVA'rER R.IG]IT NOT[CI," OF %vA'rl,:l{ RIGllT Bvr| I,, Cale. Clunmii, luioller o[
'!5,'; 5, TR 7-5277 AI'I'I,I('ATION NO. 17271 AI'ILI('ATI()N NO. 17286 I'ublic I,ands
mc --- 119 ................................. ft. Water Front ........... . SOURCES. OlymphL SOURCES, Olympia. ON STATE LAND
Furnished 5 Acres :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"/MII)P:" nity TAI{E NOTICE: " TAKE NOTICE: Notice is llereby given that on Tues-
10 Acres- Creek ortu That JOSEPH H. WHITIIG of El- That SWEN R. IIANSEN. ET AL day. tim 26th day of Jnne. 1962. con]-
...... ma, Wasiington on May 7, 1962, filed of Seattle, Wa.hington, on :May 15, mcncing at ton o'('lock in the foren(mn
eri0 AcreSFront--Lake ....................... [['.[[[il,an.. Valuable c.ppiicati,m for perndl to divert the 1962. filed application for permit lo of said day, at the Shelton, District
I)Ublic valers of Ch)qtlalhnn Creek tri- divert lhe public waters of an nnnalllcd Headquarters, h)cated at Shelten,
................. $112 Foot "']Von territory I)utary of Chehalis River, in the Sln'iug trii)utary of Hood Canal, in Ci)tlnty of Mason, State of Washington,
-- i)5" the District Administratcr of said
View Cheap ......................... : ........... ;.. a 8helton.
13 Acres S"' ] Why ltnlOullt of 0.01 of a second-feet, sub- tim amount of 0.03 of a second-foot,
................................................ - - je(,t t(, existing rights, from April 15 existing rights,
Acres- 100 ft. Water Front ........ Would qual- to O(.tober 1 ea(,h year for the pur- ly eueh year for the purpose of do- described state hind will be sold at
View 334 ft. Front ........ .,6_
Water i).s. of irrigation; lhat the appi'oxi- mestic supply that the approxinlatc public auclion to tbe highest bidder,
New -- Shake Sh°PoI'?!'u'd'e'd" !iiiii; iq!?o6eVellloigffi. ';a:hl'lln" • mate .f point of diversion is located point ef dive,'si.n is located within to-wit:
wilhin NE SWU of Scction 30, Govt. Lot 1 of Section 20, Township
-- Close "" " in Mason County. County. Dayton Thinning No. 3 local.od ap-
$11,800 T(,wnship 19 N., Range 5 W,, W.NI,, 23 N., Range 3 W. W.M., in Masoa Application No. 27709
3eluxe Water Fr /iigpii ". Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00)reeording foe The sale is ...... posed of all trees
L75 W. F.---8 Acres -" " ,'" Any ot)jecLions must be accompanied proxmmtely 5 miles west of Shelton.
.... by a 1we dollar ($2.00) recording fee "rod filed with lh. • State Supervisor marked with paint within marked sale
and filed willl the State Supervisor of Water Resources within thirty area 1)oundary and property lines and
:e . . Water Front Acreage , •' 't " of Wat,u. Resources within thirty (30) (30) days from June 7, 1962. all right of way timi)cr 10 feet on each
.... I' 0. h (t1'5"S from Juno 7, 1962. Wituess 1113' hand and of|total seal side of the center linc on 1)arLs of the
Toperty . , . Creek Property . . , I-I0 Witness my hand and official seal this 22nd day of May, 1962. fol]ovaing: NEi NE, S/§ NEA. N]D
lhis 22nd day of M.ty, 1,962. M.O. WALKER SE!:I, Se(.tion 16, Township 20 Nortl,
M, G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water Rsnge 4 West, W.M., containing 60 ,
Stata Supel'visol: of Water Resources. acres, nlore or less, eomln'ising ap- Legal Publications
Resources. 5/31 6/7 2t 5/31 6/7 2t proximately 279,000 bd, ft. of Douglas
fir; and 22.000 bd ft of henfloek, or a
total of 301.000 bd. ft. NOTICE ()I!" SllERIFF'S NALE
' -i Mhlimnm acceptable bid: $4,317,00.
ARCADIA POINT WATERFRONT I Timber will be sold on a cash or NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt
tn.talhnent plan basis. Timber must on Monday the 4tll day of June, 1962,
at the hour of 10:00 u.m, of suid day
"ARKADA PARK" I)e removed prior to December 31. at Rae's Scrviee. St. Rt. 1. Shelton,
Washington I will sell the folh)wing
View lots, all utilities, private dock. By Owner. on or before 5unc 26. 1962. ?? 10:00 described Vehicle. to-wit:
a.n'l,, each bidder inus[ nllke . lnini-
Phone HA 6-4252 days -- HA 6-6530 evenings nmm deposit of $431.70 plus a $5.00 ]9-t9 Cllevrolet Sedan. GAA992618,
License No. XAF 146. Wn.
QOM Write P. O. Box 37, Shelton bill of sale fee. or a total of $436.70 W.A. POTTER, Sheriff
in the fornl of cash, money order or Mason County, Washington
teed lots of room for your A 4/5 tfn certified cheek, Said deposit shall con- By Thora Wolf
cious Mt. View home. This home stitute an opening bid at the appraised Deputy 5/31 It
price. Upon award of this sale. the
with beautiful fireplace, three large respective deposils shall be returned
ge garage with second bath and to the unsuccessful bidders. The pur- :NO. ,q343
d at $12,000. Look today, you will be NEW LISTING 3 BR Mt. View dwelling. Large fenced yard, chaser must pay the balance between NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE
the bid deposit and the full bid price ()F REAL ESl?A'rl,;
single garage, carport. Near school and shopping area. $10,800,00. on the day of sale. or nmy, tf the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE
AD Terms available, purchaser so elects at the time of sale. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR
spotless, one-bedroom Angles(de pay an additional anmunt to bring MASON COUNTY
the total amount of the deposit, ex- In thc Matter of the Estate of RU-
the perfect spot for that future SPACIOUS 2 BR OLDER HOME An immense home designed elusive of fees. te equal 255 of tbe full DOLPH A. OLSON. Deceased.
bid price based on tile crume estimate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
t good buy at $4,600. See it soon. for entertaining. Large living room, well located dining room -- provided that sucll deposit shall not he the said Administratrix. will on or
perfect for holiday gatherings. Sunny ldtchen, natural wood
less than $2,000.00. This balance may after Junc 12, 1962, offer for saic the
E AL HOME7 cabinets, Master BR with walk-in double closet. Double gar- he ,paid by personal check. Upon following d6scribed real property sit-
award of sale. I)urcbaser must also fur- uatcd in Mason County, Washington:
out this one..It has four bedrooms, age has large storage area and a separate recreation rooITl nish a eash 1)end of $500.00 ill tile form Lots 31, 32 and the Nertiwesterly
ining roolns, dandy kitchen with which could be converted to a rental unit. Completely painted of casb, money m'der or certified one half of Lot 33, in Block 1 of Col
room, new roof and shake siding, inside and out. More than you'd expect for $9,500.00. cheek to guarantee compliance with rectien Plat of Island Lake Shurc-
Lnc features ill this fine home. The all terms of tllc bill of sale All checks, lands, aecording to tile recorded plat
money orders, etc. are to he nlade Lhereof in the office of the Auditor
LOOKING FOR A "GOOD BUY"? Stroll through this immacu- payable to the Conunissioner of Public for Mason County, Wasllington, Vof
late 2 BR home. Compact modern kitchen (refrigerator and Lands. umc 3 of Plats. page 15.
Aceesslbiltt.v: Via state access road. AND
stove included). Bright dining area. Cozy living room. Second Complete con(reel and specifications Lots 44, 45 and the Northwesterly
)uld see this dandy three BR has two wide double-width closets. Large utility wired for may 1)e examined at Shelton District one half of lot 46. in ]?dock 2 of Cor-
ainutes frolll town. You will qui W/D. Attached carport, excellent storage. Near to school. Headquarters, County Auditor's office, reetion Plat of Island Lakc Shorelands,
,his home and we are sure you Completely repainted inside and out -- like new. If you are an and office of Commissionc.r of Public according to thc recorded plat thcre.of
Lands, Olympia, in the office of the AudlLor for Ma-
older couple who, need a guest room or den, o1" a couple with To be sold at Shelton District Head- son County, Washington, ¥olmno 3
young girls who need large closet space for dresses, etc., this is quarters, on Tuesday, June 26, 1962. of Plats, page 15.
the home for you. Ready to move into for $10,500.00. at 10 o'clock a.m All bids must be in writing and
delivered to the Administratrix. her
Application No, 27823 attorney, Rohert L. Snyder. or the
the Agate side of VACANT LOTS Ideal settings for new homes. One view lot. Pelisheck Thinning located approxl- Ch'rk ef said Court. before 12 o'('locl¢
mately 6 miles nortllwest of :Matlock. noon June 11 1962.
ll agree that this would be a One downtown area. Below $2,300.00. Tile sale is composed of all trees Said I)]'operty will I)e offt.rcd for
time. Just $500.00 down, with • ..' marked with paint within nmrked sale for sash. or cash and/or, credit,
' PRESENT HOME TOO LARGE? Owner would like to sell 2- sate area boundary and property lines and the" sale shall be subjcet,,to the
O COME TRUE BR home on Hillcrest, includes 5 lots $9,800.00. Would trade for on SELl SW. Section 21 and part confirmation and approval of said
lrough the zoned living areas of thi ,, NW NWll Section 28. all in Town- Court.
tad see just how easily and perfectlY. small home located downtown, ship 21 NortlL Rangc 6 West. W.M.. The Administratrix reserves the
containing 65 acres, more or bss, corn- rigilt to rcje(:I auy and all bids.
prising approximately 182,000 bd. ft. DATED THIS llth day of May,
amily needs. The dreamed-of nore. recrea i 7 UNiT APARTMENT HOUSE Each unit completely furnish- of Douglas fir; 16,000 bd. ft. of hem- 1962.
,u.,oumvbedI°°ms" d):bwletgalgks .,.l ..o--- -.=;-'sti ed. Excellent monthly income. Near business ditrict. Shown look and 3.00o 1,d. ft. of cedar,
or a
d 1 , i by appointment only. $22,500,00. total of 201.000 hd. ft. Ronte 11, Box 440
-to-earth price of just $16,950.00. Mininlum acceptable bid: $2.743,50, Olymllia, Washington
Timber will be sold on a cash or ROBERT L, SNYDER
00_TERFRONT R0000bTi 500 FEET OF WATERFRONT Allyn area, steal at $12.00 per fnstallment plan basis, Thnber must 125U2 North Fifih
be removed prior to December 31, 1963. Shelton. Washington
foot. On or before June 26, 1962. at 10:00 Attorney for Administratrix.
a.m.. each bidder must make a nlmi- 5/17-24-31 3t
NEAR BORDEAUX 2 BR home with a beautiful fireplace, Inure deposit of $27,t.35 plus a $5.00
t)ill of sale fee, or a total of $279.35 in
IIMLIE convenient eating area in kitchen, small utility and outdoor fire- the form of cash. money order or cer-
6501 place. Compare this with others you've seen for $8,500.00. State of Washington
tilled check, Said depostt sball consti- 1)el)artment of Natural ltcsourees
lute an opentng bid at the appraised
5 UNiT APARTMENT Plus owners' 2 BR home, apartments pri'e Upon award of this sah, the Bert L. PublicC°ic' CommissionerLands of
resl)ective deposits shall be returned NOTICE OF ALE
rarely vacant, Good monthly incorne. Nice quiet residential io the unsuccessful bidders. The put'- OF VALUABL1,; MATERIAL
area. By Appointment only $38,000.00. chaser must pay the balance between ON STATE LAND
the bid dcposit and the full bid price Notice is hereby given that on Mon-
LaBISSONIERE AGENCY on the day of sale, or nmy, if the day, the 25th day uf June. 1962. com-
purcllaser so elects at the time of sale. mcncing at tea o'clock in the forenoon
H idALLEY appliances, paYthe totalan additionalanmunt ofam°unt'the deposltt° bringex, of said day, at thc Port Orclmrd. Dis-
O bedroonl home ideal for young REAL ESTATE --- INSURANCE clusi,,o of fees, to equal 25% of the trict tIeadquarters, located at Port
Kitsap, State of
Washington, by the District Adnlinis-
tired couple. Only $3,200. 119 8o. 4th HA 6-4666 id price based on tbe cruise es- Orclmrd. County of
.% provided that such deposit trator of said District, t'he timbcr on
not be less than $2,000.00. This
file following described sLate ]and
, 16' Evenings Call balance may be paid by personal will be sold at public auction to the
E TWO BEDROOM car- check. Upon award of Bale, purchaser highcst bidder, to-wit:
'esidential district. Two bedroom, ow-plaoe Sylvia Carey, HA 6-3132 A1 LaBissoniere, HA 6-8649 nmst also furnish a cash bond of
aodeled. Pried to soil for $4,950. Vivian Ninemire, HA 6-8806 Harry (Bob) Wiles, HA 6-8926 $200.00 in the form of cash, money Application No, 27059
': order or certified check to guarlmtee I-Iurd Road No. 2 located approxim-
compliance with all terms of the bill ately 7 miles soutbwest of Belfair.
RLOOK THIS BARGAIN own, con. of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. The sale is conll)osed of trees marked
are to be made payable to the corn- with paint only on rmrt N NE
lroom home--needs very little ured. missioner nf Public Lands. SW!4 NE5, part EV, NW, Sctlon'§:
tl'a lots. A real buy for $3,900. 15 ROOM SOME EXCELLENT BUYS Acoesslbilit,: Purchaser nmy ase the Township 22 No,'tla: Range 2 West,
lOpS, TWO road according to reciprocal road use W.M., containing 92 acres, more or
, agreement with Simpson Timber Co. less, comprising approximately 400,000
RESIDENTIAL SETTING ee living Complet contract and specifications bd. ft. of Douglas fir.
tinted A NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM MOUNTAIN VIEW HOME rosy be examined at Sllelton District Minimum acceptablebnid $8,600.00.
e three bedroom holne with lovely tra room, Timber wl]I bc sold cash or in-
.... Headquarters. County Auditor's office.
;o covered fenced patio. Lovely On a dahdy corner lot near new school, and its yours for on- and office of Commissioner of Public stallment plan basis. Timber must be
stove. Ready to move in for ly $12,950 with $650 down. Features include stone fireplace, built- Lands, Olympia,
To be sold at Shelton District Head- removed prior to December 31, 1963.
On or before June 25, 1962, at 10:00
IRY, GET THE CAR! " Anin oVenattractiveand range.and comfortableC°l°red fixtureS,home.2-car storage, nice yard, etc. quarterS,at 10 o'clock°n TuesdaY,a.m. June 26. 1962. a.m., each bidder must make a mini-
inure deposit of $860.00 plus a $5.00
'e to see this 'home as it has so oill of sale fee. or a total of $865.00 in
as, built-in oven, table-top stove, OOM SET- CASH WILL GET YOU 80ME REAL BARGAINS! Any sale which has been offered, the fornl of cash, money order or cer-
•"" and for which no bids are received tified check. Said deposit shall consti-
I. Neat as a pill and ready to oak Here's a chance to make some excellent buysthese one bed- shall not be reoffered until it has been
tute an opening bid at the appraised
readvertised. If all sales cannot be price. Upon award of thts sale. the
sell for $8,700 and worth more. Wood cab- room properties are being offered at greatly reduced prices for offered witbin the specified tbne on respective deposits shall be returned
, more cash. Better check them you'll make a lifetime buy! Many fine the advertised date, the sale shall to the unsuccessful bidders. The pur-
VNTOWN HOME Move features---Angleside $1950; Another Angleside $2500; Hillcrest continue on the following day between chaser must pay the balance betweea
tle hours of ten o'clock a,m. and fern" the bid deposit and the full bd price
,rooms, large living room, roomy li ides finan- $2800, Who'll get them? o'clock p.m. on the day of sale, or nlay, if the
" porch, electric heat, separate Said tinlber on said land will be purchaser so elects at tile time of sale,
r. NER LOT, WHAT CAN YOU USE AS TRADING STOCK? . . . sold for noL less than the appraised pay all additional amount to bring
in a well-kept yard. Only $8,7o0. , EST. F.A. We have both a two and a three bedroom home that you can value, as appraised by the Commis- the total mnount of the deposit, ex-
.' sloner of Public Lands in the manner lusive of fees, to equal 25% of the
0OM HONEY room. use your smaller home, car, boat, trailer, etc as part payment on provided by law. a notice of which ull bid price based on the cruise esti-
:ractive two bedroom home is lo $700 dn. same. Come ill and we'll work iL out! Is now on file ill the office of the mate. This balance may be paid by
Anditor of said county and District personal check. Purchaser must also
)ol and stores, all plastered, Administrator of said district furnish, within 30 days of date of
'ing room and dining room, A SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME$13,750 . . . Terms of sale are: cash or install- sale, a surety bond of $1.000.00 to
Here's an ideal family home that's bound to please everyone! ment plan basis.
guarantee compliance with all terms
to move in for $9,500. food Full basement, cozy central heating, loads of storage, downstairs BERT L. COLE of the bill of sale. All checks, money
: An bath and kchen recently remodelled. To-car garage, nice yard Commlssioner of Public Lands orders, etc. are to be nmde payable
DOWNTOWN 5/31 6/7-14-21- 41 to the Commissioner of Public Lands.
dn., and excellent location. Better check this one, as it won't last long
Accessibility: Via state access road.
lr or five bcdroonl home miles at this price! Complete contract and specifications
loL, lovcly yard, large picture NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS may be examined at Port Orchard Dls-
Notice is hereby given that the trict Headquarters, County Audltor's
nny kiLchcn, utility roonl, All the )NT. 62' WE NOW HAVE A LOVELY 3 BEDROOM LOST LAKE HOME Washington State Highway -Conlmis- office, and office of Commmsioner of
dly. Priced for $10,000. :.: furnished What an ideal .retreat from tbe busy work-a-day worldl sion, Department of Highways, P.O. Public Lands. Olympia.
Box 327, Olynlpia, Washington, is To be sold at Port Orchard District
in. Stretch your legs in front of the fireplace, gaze out across the calling for bids for the rental of pax'- Headquarters, on Monday, Jure 25,
:)ME ON iSLAND LAKE ' lake at the Olympics, and let the youngsters have their fun ing equipment to bc used ill resur- 1962, t 10 o'clock
,edrooms, lovely living room swimming, boating, fishing etc. $14,500. facing portions of Primary State Hlgh-
ireplace and beautiful view. ways No. 9. 14 and 21, and Secondary Any sale which has been offered.
State Highways No. 14-A, 21-A and and for wbieh no bids are received
;erfr0nt, 250 feet deep so there's HERE'S A 4.BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME ON 24 ACRES ... 21-B in Kitsap, Mason and Jeffcrson shall not bc rcoffered tmtil it ha
',onlc ill and n'lakc all offer. Here's the place for raising that large familyso economical Counties, with asphaltic concrete, been readvertised. If all sales cannot
to have your own cows, chickens, horses, vegetables, fruit, berries, Rental equipment shall consist of bc offered within the specified time
one (1) self pl'opelled paving machine, on the advertised date, the sale slmll
N CORNER LOT 60 x 100. and even salmon from the river nning by. Only a few minutes one (1) 8 to 10 ton smooth wheeled
fl spot, to build your honlc. All
from town, $13,000.
conttnue on the following day between
roller, one (1) transport for paving the Ilours ef ten o'ch)ck a,m, and four
llopping ccntcr. Located aL 7th re a solid machinc and roller, and duulp trucks o'clock p.m.
of 5 cubic yards capacity, All equip- Said timber on said land will be
es north. IF YOU'D LIKE A VERY LOVELY HOOD CANAL HOME ... ment to be fully operated, including sold for not less than the appraised
down on Here is an ideal year-around waterfront home for those who gas. oil, repairs and maintenance. Pay- value, as appraised by the Commis-
OOM HOME Contaot can enjoy the finer things of life. So many nice features--marve- ment to be on the basis of actual Ol)- sioner of Public Lands in the manner
erattng time only.
;w Beauty--Two bcdroonls, lous view, three baths, sleeps 8, ideal guesL quarters, lovely yard, Sealed bids will be received at the provided by law, a notice of which
m now on file in the offiee of the
utility porch, garage with fruit and ideal beach. It's completely furnished, so you can move right office of the District Engineer at Turn- Auditor of Mason county, and District
place Also ml extra lot goes with YTIM in. Just what you've waited for! water, Washington untll 10:00 a,m., Administrator of said district.
Thursday, June 14. 1962. and will then Terms of sale are: cash or install-
LIVING AT ITS BEST RENT WITH THE OPTION OF PURCHASING and there be Publicly opened and ment plan basts,
•". read. BERT L. COLE
} bcdroont heine is all plasLcrcd We have two older downtown homes on one lot where you Prequalification of bidde's will be Cenlnllssloner of Public Lands
1"one acre of land. Also has a • ........ ,,f this in h 1€ ,a II Plans and Specifications may be 5/31 6/7-14-21 4t
one ,-,,- - -- w--
i month so oy tonging ,
'ht for $15,500. i" ' ' ' .... " I I|l obtainedtrict Engineer.Wlth°utp, o,chargeBox from327, Olympithe Dis-
m'AP / . .-,'."F l"."r.,r. II Informatlona,copies 0t the pla ia
t A 141 I¥ III I IM NI [I spe¢ on file at the 0fJce
NO ,, .=,,,. ,,- .oo00,
,r']k# li t h,. , m r ct gineer. Tumws,ter,
]hmuremd!,: .:W ---T-- |t.Wa..,.*to. th, omce o,. t,s cou.t
........ !1 ]tgi a. Itsp. Mason and Je=-
l i Phone HA 6.63.63 6 Railroad Ave. l i 0000co00i00o,o. g.,co-,ooto t
I ..... I I wasnmgton.
, .. II ..... 5/31 6/7 2t
AMONG MANY TASKS included in Jerry At.
wood's daily work as Carpenter Foreman is the
inspection of concrete forms both before (left)
and after (above) the concrete has been poured.
The concrete in the above form was poured by
Governor Rosellini at the recent ground break-
ing ceremony at the 400 acre Prison site.
' Corrections Center Brings
New Memben fO Community
Much has been said in Shelton
concerning workers on the new
Washington Correction Center who
come in from other communities
and take payrolls back to their
home towns. It seems most Shel-
ionians classify prison workers
into two categories those who
live in Shelton and spend their
money in Shelton and those who
live in other communities and
spend their money outside of Shcl-
There is. however, a "'lappy me-
dium". There is the person who
has moved into Shelton primarily
to work on the Prison This middle
group, although originally from
somewhere else, spend the great-
est portion of their wages locally.
Typical of this middle group is
Jerry Atwood, carpenter foreman
at the 400 acre site. Atwood came
to Shelton from Tacoma as a car-
penter in March and was recently
chosen to act in his present capac-
Upon his arrival in Shelton. At-
wood rented a house for himself,
his three pre-se.hool age e, hildren
Earle, Arron and Jot Ann ad his
wife Ella May.
Renting a house isn't all there is
"to'estabislling residence in a town
like Shelton. There are groceries
and clothes to buy as well as en-
tertainment, appliances, etc. all of
which help to retain Atwood's
wages in this locality.
In addition to the material gain
Fewer Jobs Held
By Local Women
NEW YORK ...... Married women
in some parts of the cCtmtry may
be quitting their homes in droves
to take jobs in industry, but such
is not the case in Shelton.
Locally, the percentage of wor-
king wives is below average, ac-
cording to reports from the De-
partment of Labor and data from
the Department of Commerce,
based on the recent census fig-
What has caused so many mar-
ried women to enter the labor I
force? Bluntly, according to a ]
Labor Department spokesman, I
they have done so for the same I
reason that men do--to supprto I
themselves and their dependents]
and "not for mink coats, convert- I
ibles or color TV." ]
GENERALLY, it is noted, the
lower £he llusband's income the
more likely his wife is to get a
There are others, of course, who
take jobs because they have too
much free time on their hands and
are bored. They welcome the ac-
tivity and the added money.
The proportion of Shelton's fe-
male population as a whole, sin-
gle and married, that has entered
the labor force is relatively small
Locally, only 32,1 percent of
them wh0 are above the age of
14 hold outside jobs. This com-
pares with 34,5 percent in tim
United States and 35.8 percent in
the Pacific States.
a total of 655 in the labor force
out of a fema2e population over
age 14 of 2,039.
What kind f work are the wo-
men doing? The reports indicate
that they are to be found in al-
most every occupation. They are
in business as owners and manag-
ers of establishments, they are
in the professions, they hold tech-
nical jobs, they are clerks and
they are service workers. In fact,
there are few fields of work left
in which men have a monopoly,
In Shelton, in contrast to the
situation in many communities,
onlq 29.4 percent of local jobs
are filled by women.
Elsewlfere in the United SLates,
women hold 32.7 percent of the
jobs available, and, in the Pacific
States, also 32,7 percent.
The official fignres show that
no less than 22 million women are
at week today, twice as many as
there were h 1940. The Labor De-
partment blJeves that the num-
ber will go at least 13 million
higher by 1970.
Uso a000i W-u! Ads
of the community there is the im-
material profit of adding another
able-bodied citizen who, since he is
now a Shettonian, is interested md
active in local civic, church and
political affairs.
Whether this 32-year-old carpen-
ter will remain in the community
after the completion of the prison
project in 1964 is undecided but he
says, "I like Slaelton, it's a quiet
little town. the kind of town I
would like to raise my children in."
The Library is getting close to
being organized again, and to cel-
ehrate, a large ntlnlbel' of new
adult hooks are being placed on
Lhe shelves today. Any of you who
have not yet seen the "'new look"
in the Library shouht pay it a
visit, and perhaps at lhe same
Lime choose one of L}le new t)ooks
to read.
The WesL Coast provides subject
nlaller for a nllnlber of Lhese: Ca-
non Jessett's new biography,
"Spok&n Garry": "Surveyor of the
Sea,", the life and voyages of Cap-
tain George Vancouver; "Art o£
the Northwest Coast Indians";
"Primitive Art" with a large sec-
tion on NorLhwest Indian arL;
"Artists of the qhlndra and the
Sea", about Lhe Alaska Eskimos;
"Tile Wolf and the Rtven"; "To-
tent Poles of Southeastern Alas-
ka"; and "Sail Francisco, an in-
fornlal guide".
The increasing number of local
wriLers will be ]utcresLed in "The
Writer and His Market", and,
"The writer's handbook'.
New best-sellers include "The
Gllns of August", about Lhe open-
ing phases of World %Var II; "The
bnll from the Sea". sequel to Mary
Renault's mperb novel about The-
seus and the Mmtaur, "The King
mnst die"; an unforgettable book,
"Ishi in Two Worlds". the story
of "The lasL wild Indian in North
America"; and Streeter's wit ly
novel about the problems of re-
tirement, "Chairman of the
Use J0ur-nai Ads
Washington and J Sts.
Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m.
Molaing Worsllip .... 11:00 a,m.
A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m.
Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m.
Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m.
Eugene Breid, Pastor
5th and Cola Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor
Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Director
SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1962--
9:30 a.m. Sunday School.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship.
"In Remembrance of Me"
5:30 p.m Youth Groups.
6:30 p.m.--Guest Speaker:
Missionary to Central America
You Are Welcome At The Friendly
130 Eat Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor
REV. FREDDY LINDBLAD, Pianist and Soloist
Thursday and Friday 7:30 P.M.
Sunday 11:00 and 6:00 P.M.
Sunday School .......... "Come With One" . ......... 9:4.5 A.M.
o • ,
!:; : iiiill
7th rand Franklin Street
8:15 Early Morning Worship Service
9:30 Sunday Schoel and Adult Bible Clam
11:00 Morning Worship Service
Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church N't'l Lutheran Ccouncll
Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington
The Rev. Clarence A, Lody, Priest
7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion
11:00 A.I. --- Dlvine Worship
The Church is always open for meditation and prayer
Middle Skokomish Valley
Wallace Bell Pastor
Lord's Supper ........ 8:30 a.m, Youth Fellowship ...... 6:00 p.m.
Sunday School ...... 9:45 a,m. Evening Worship ...... 7:15 p.m.
Worship Service .... 11:00 a,m. Wed. - Bible School .... 7:45 p,m.
Nursery Care at All Services
ii , , l
i i ii i i
Arcadia and Lake Boulevard
Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:.30 p.m.
Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m.
Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service
North 4th and Pine Streets
Church School, 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m.
, i] •
$02 Alder 8t,, 8heltOn. Wash.
Sunday Shoo] 9:30 .m. urch 11 &Jn,
Wednesday evening teUmony meetings 8 p.m.
Reading room located in church. Reading room houra 3 to
4 p.m. Men. & FrL Wed. evening 8:45 to 7:& .