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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2O SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "ChristmaMown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin UNION GARAGE CANOPY TUMBLED BY SPEEDING CAR Buechel and family had a sudden i;esola, relatives of her hushand and inlde awarkeling :from sleep early Saturday morning, when at 1:30 a.m. an eastbound ear went cut of control rounding the curve of Navy Yard highway we:it of luechel's garage, when the tire: rolled and the car, with four young occupants, crashed into tile ,support of the canopy over the gas pump, wrecking the support and causing the canopy to fall. The crash and sO|rod of falling glass immediately brought the lC.leche3 family to the scene. The car was said to be speeding, and It appeared the driver either fail. e4 to note the road sign at that curve, or paid no attention to it, for the car went. on after hitting the caoopy support and crashed into the hedge of the Ross broth* era home, where it was stopped by a small tree. Fortunately no one was injured, and after the blown tire was e- p!aced, and the State :Highway Pa- trol and deputy from the Mason County Sheriff's office arrived on the scene, the young fmn'some werc permitted to continue on their way to their lmmcs in Bre- merton. On Sunday tile driver of the car called at Buec.hels to talk over the matter of damages and cost of repairs to the canopy and warped frame. "FAITtl AND THE FOREST" i was the theme of the Union La- dies' Civic. Club float, whicl won second award in the Forest Festi- val parade of Saturdsy. Mrs. Nor- man Ricimrdson, chairman, was assisted by Georgia Fanning, Ed- na Joilnson and Sam Graham. Edith Waiters painted the signs of the float, which was decorated in forest greens, and rhododend- I'0n8. The picturesque scene of the float was a boys vested .choir, lnging hnns, with Mrs. Nancy Vrahrlos at. the small reed organ. and Chert Richardson as the an- gel. Boys in lhe vested choir were: l.onnic Bailey, George and dohn Morse, Chuck Viger, Larry Dee- mer, Colin Morris, Robert Gra- ham, Billy Timm, and Mike Fa.n- ning. The commiltee in charge wishes to expres,; its appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tin'net for the donation of the organ and also trailer used for the occasion. Private Jolm I,. Morris, who is sttiioned at Fort Ord, Calif., and who had been at the home of his }arents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Morris, the past two weeks on furlough, left for hi. base last "W'ednesda y. Ronnic Allen, ;:on of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Allen, who lies beell visiiAng his parents fop the past week, loft Satllrtlay for tllt I'c- turn drive to Sail Fraucisco, where he. now resides. SOME 'rHII{TY friends of tile Allens dropped in Saturday eve- ning after the l,'orest Festival for their armual (xdebration, and to t,l'tjoy a bliiTct slipper in the base- Inellt f)f the llew Alleu honlc, this being, an annual event after Ma- son (Jounl y's gala celebration. The Aliens are planning on their ellen htHlS(} for relatives and fl'iends in tilts ple:lsant Dew holne iD th¢ ne;tr ftlttlre. 5IrL ]Jelen Tinlnl, recovering fF('Inl a. };cvtl'e e()ld, is also ell- Legion Election Scheduled Tuesday Election of officers and dele- gates to the department conven- t:ion will feature next Tuesday's meeting of Fred B. Wivell Am- erican Legion post i.n Memorial. Hall. Additional nommal.i0ns may be lTlad fl'0ln the floor before the voting to augment a slate which Imw includes Jay Unlphenour for colllnlander. DelberL W. YVeston for first viec eormllander', M:elvin F. "Buzz," Phillips and Tom Og- den for second viee conlmander, hid Dobson for adjlttLnt, Viii Coil- nelly for finn.nee officer, Ernic Campbell for chaplain, Horace ,.,;t a ] 3 for historian, and G0ne Ma:rlin for Tile commander-elect and ad- jutant-elect beconle automatic del- P, gates to the convention, along witll olle other delegate and three H]tcl'natcs l:o he ('hoHen fronl llt')- rllinees (;enid' Martin, John Ltlhlll, !hllie Calnpl)cll, Ed FauberI. and (;le.ll (/aFduer l)lus any additional liOltlinee5 made Tllesday night. The Bill Timm family motored to Bl'enlertoll to join ill the fam- Ily reunion, as Charles Tinun and William Timm Sr., hrothcrs, had not seen one another for 30 yearN, so the occasi(m was a happy one, Edwin Metzler could not forget his birthday this year. He had wished to do so, for the entl'e clan descended upon him Saturday evening at the Alfred Cowan home and "happy birthdayed" him, and also brough], along his favorite cake--strawberry short cake.--for the festive occasion. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George Steelman, Mr. tnd Mrs. Edwin Metzler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stacy of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cowan and family. ; MI{rS. LAllR.Y Sterling and children of Port Orclmrd drove out Saturday morning from their Port Orchard ilome to spend the day with her mother, Mrs. Paul Jones. Taking the bus to Bremerton last: Tuesday morning were Mrs. lion Becknlan and this correspond° ent. Helen remaining on for another look at Century 21 and visit: with relatives while we re- tin'ned on Friday's bus after calling on our brother who is in a am'sing home, and sell Fritz and family of Edmonds. All we saw of the Fair -as the distant Space Needle, Miss Hilda Andersen and Larry Byers of Seattle motored to the Canal Tuesday afternoon last @eek for an ovenlight stay, dinner and vtsit with Nell and Lad" (her brother). On Wednesday the All- dersem and their hdllSC guests drove to Seqllim, where they called on Mr. and Mrs. Clio| Atwood and H. O, Blekum, the two men being old-time classmates and also former neighhors in Seattle 60 years ago when Hilda, Lud and Larry, Clint and H. O. attended the old Queen Anne grade school. Tile five old time friends llad a great time recalling school days and spent an enjoyable afternoon and evening recalling past cvenl.s and playma.tes of yesterdays and also the picnic supper served by Mrs. A tweed. TIlE ATV()OI)N have a large ranch ales| of wlliell is llnde.r cultivation, the crop being spear- mint used in mamlfaeturc flavor- ink ¢1" gmn, mint !,sauce a.lld nlJnt jell.|'ding ! o l, M A iidel'scn huge flocks of large \\;,'hio gec,e are liol)l, on hand ill lllNllllOl'f-; of hlln- drcds in a floe.l:., St'sill I,'d al. night and then tllrlled out ill the lllint fields in the nlorning, where they clean ollt the weeds and do nn excellent job of it, and do not bother !lOF eaL tIl' nlint. Last weekend the Northwest Ptsenger travel agents of airlines slid l'aill'osds, 80 ill ntlnll)el', xvcyt! guests at Alderhrook Inn enjoying Ihe ,;c(l]ery and aecolslO(]Lticqls of A}derbrook. Their 1)lea,cant slay t:tl]lltilla|e(1 in ;t C()S[.[lllle party ill the. h)bhy Satllrday night with the H.awaiian theme carried out in decorations, palm trees and atl ill]* provtsed grass hut at the front earl'alice. The 111en and lhe}r wives enjoye(I all evening of ;:tll(ting. lh0 r(fFeN]]nlell| s Sel'ved a I1(t l g¢)od time was hld by all. On Monday the State I-lc:llh Depaltment of some 40 nlenlbCl-S held their convention at. the Inn. The matlcr under discussion being l]l, pOhltion I)roblcnl. Attending were members from Washington Slat e, Vanconver Wash., Portland, Ore. and Moll- tails. Four Shellon Sludenls To Graduate From UPS Among the 225 students slated tO receive degrees fronl the Uni- versity of Puget. Sound in Tacoma at the 74th annual comnlen('.e- ilion| Slmday, dune 3 are fOllr S]IeI|.OU students. To ree.eive a Bachelor of EdIl- cation is Kathryn S. Evander, 'a'hile Janet L. Hinton will receive her Bachelor of Arts. To receive Bachelor of Scicnco degrees are Borghild Anderson and Ghmda. d. Get,. Dr. R. Franl0itl Ttlonlpson, [Ill- iversity president will present the degrees at the 2:30 p.m. program il tile lllel/rloria] fiehlhotlse. Bac- (*a lall rat e sorvie, es are set fOF 10:30 a.m. the same day in tile Methodist chm'ch. TRY A DODGE LANCER delivered new with radio, heater & auto Two to choose from $2400 l)lus tax & license See Bud for a Big Trade.In 1955 PONTIAG HARDTOP . $795.00 Low Milage 1:955 CHEVROLET 3/i-ton P,U, $845.00 Heavy Tires -- 4 Speed 1954 PONTIAG 2.dr.... $295.00 6 Cyltnder -- Standard Transmission 1952 OHEVRoLET 4.dr... $150.00 54, Motor PAULEY MOTORS lst & RR. Phone HA 6-8183 00SHO HO Shur-fresh Bakery Ilems FRUIT WHIRLS CHERR-E,ON 11-OUNCE BUTTERHORNS "WESTERNER" BUDGET STRETCHEI POUND PACKAGES DARIGOLD 14-OUNCE Fresh, Lean Cut to Your Desired Thickness Ib Defense Sounds Of 3 to 5 minutes attack 3 minutes imminent. 7, 1962 23 , Approv Pay t reported to upon return- ng in Portland, vote just taken of the .ion of the of Am- aver of striking along with his is Director of Relations it was decided meet- iday to not Net y be- committee Scheduled with panies involved. scheduled with Company involved in the Pl .ywood ;131 the Boom- Livingston the Port- .Denny Dyer, Dept. Department aN too high all n of a mainte- and oil storage area. said bids would Construction, :? the low bae 'r esti- were between C be built at the site on Shelton. x 40 foot pre- and a metal did not say readvertised. PORK LOIN ROAST 2½-3½1b. aver. Ib 43' TASTEWELL CANNED FOODS Cut Green Beans Cream Style Corn Whole Kernel Corn Sweet Peas (16-oz.) 7/001 FRUIT COCKTAIL ............ S/'I SHORTENIIIG 3 "' ............................................................ • 69* PEAR HALVES LUMBERJACK CHICKEN PARTS • 5/'1 ............................................ 16-OZ. TINS NALLEY'S SYRUP 29 ¢ 5¢ OFF .................................... 22-OUNCE SHUR-FRESH OR SWANSON IBI¢ 3 FROZEN .................................................... VEAL CUTLETS HALEY'S For Sandwiches Or Sllaks 10 i 99' No. 1 WHITE ROSE, CALIFORNIA  SIZE A NEW POTATOES ,, 3'h c No. 1 FANCY WASHINGTON ASPARAGUS 2i35 c DER  Jay vated from to com. Am. Oth. are Delbert commander; command. elected as Y, re-elect- Gene Mar- =rgeant-at- historian; ehapain. the third FIRST OF THE SEASON -- FANCY CALIFORNIA -- JUMBOS -= state con. ;]ham with CANTALOUPES Ib 15 HILLS BROS. ! S & W, 28 OZ. TIN -- NEW ENGLAND STYLE BAKED00 BEAN, S INSTANT OOFFEE H,LLS BRO.-- 0 OF A ........... -OONC 89 ¢ FIG BARS F,RS,O ............................................. .,..G. 45 ¢ PAPER TOWELS ZEE ................................ G,ANT 29" WAXED PAPER ZEE .................... 200 FOOT ROLL 35 ¢ 2 POUND TIN $1.17 ONE POUND TIN 4/=1  Prices Effective May 30" , Limit Rights Home of Red Garpet and Were held resident of dis- a wooded , of Shelton ' aud the ob- since death filleted Years old, of the ltlly years. ',impson of his dry. at Aft. Moriah Chapter Eastern Post No. He military I. , Esma I. Vernon, in Mr. Lds0nH ill S Ann|e and and and ! An ill tion wh rustling probatie Mason Friday. Judge tenced 22, Elm Aberdee probatio larceny. They shot a , Beerbow in the "shining butcherc ins wha Also j Judge C 90-day s 22, Sllel charge accesser: Seater Mason ( Smith, chez, Pn ins in al mission given c erved b ing sen t, All fP eharges. wp Fun, Mason District i trom the er Suppl of its sh investiga :costs of roc]octl'J( h'lason wit h 18 toms in 1 to \\;VPP,  Project , construct County J ,$J 0,500,0( by the 1: t.em. Thc $5 advanced IOllr pero ielson, lo, He sat( kilowatts project. Elmlui |ll Wo! Harry : lma rd of Was abHel al the bo day duc thumb Su saw in hi He wa oral Host finger w se, v el'e cu afternoon