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Superior com-t roundup:
Woman arrested
for sparl00:s flying
at home of her ex
Crowning moment
State shotput throne officially his to as- Gabe's final challenger's failed upset bid at
cend, Shelton's Gabe Shoemaker gets a the state meet Saturday in Pasco. For more
congratulatory hug from head coach and on the Climber senior's weekend to remem-
former champ Doug Sells seconds after ber, turn to page 23.
Lesser of two drunks guilty
in crash that paralyzed man
A 29-year-old woman who ad-
mitted she drove a vehicle under
the influence of alcohol causing a
crash in which her uncle was para-
lyzed acquired a "strike" when she
changed her plea on Monday, May
21, in Mason County Superior
Trica Lee Rice of 241 East Or-
chard Beach, Grapeview, entered
guilty pleas to charges of vehicu-
lar assault and driving under the
influence. The vehicular assault
charge is considered a so-called
strike under the state's persistent-
offender sentencing law which
mandates a sentence of life in pris-
on without the possibility of pa-
role for persons convicted of three
"strike" offenses. She is scheduled
for sentencing June 25.
Rice was driving a 1995 Dodge
Dakota south on East Thomas
Road on September 9, 2006 when
the vehicle left the roadway and
collided with a dirt embankment.
The pickup truck continued travel-
ing southbound and collided with
a tree, rolled over several times
and came to rest on its tires on
the northbound shoulder, accord-
ing to court documents. Her pas-
Lookout for maple theft
nets two meth suspects
Two men arre§ted at the site of
a suspected theft of maple from
Green Diamond Resource proper-
ty near Matlock appeared Friday,
May 25, in Mason County Supe-
rior Court fhcing potential drug
Lance Jon Saila, 57, of 26 West
Satko Glen, Elma, and Clarence
Allen Creamer, 36, of 121 Barce-
lona Lane, Elma, were identified
in an investigation of possession of"
methamphetamine with intent to
They were arrested May 24 on
Green Diamond Resource prop-
erty in the area of Decker Creek
by Deputy Ted Drogrnund of the
Mason County Sheriffs Office who
is assigned to patrol private forest
lands. He reported finding a fresh
theft from a downed maple tree on
May 15 on property between Beer-
bower and Matlock-Brady roads.
Certain maple slabs are used in
making musical instruments and
Drogmund noted he set up sur-
veillance and on May 24, a dark-
colored pickup truck parked next
to a downed maple tree. Two men
got out of the rig and were detained
by Drogmund and other officers.
Saila was arrested on a Depart-
ment of Corrections warrant and
Creamer had active Grays Harbor
County warrants.
He said the suspected meth was
found inside the vehicle with the
seven small bags all containing a
white substance stuffed in an Al-
toids container. According to the
report, there was also a larger
plastic bag containing suspected
meth, three smoking devices, one
plastic mini-scale with white res-
idue and $1,580 in a case on the
front seat. The substances in the
bags field-tested positive for meth,
Drogmund reported.
Judge Toni Sheldon appointed
Ronald Sergi as defense counsel
for Saila and The Evergreen Law
Group to represent Creamer. She
set bail at $5,000 for Saila hnd at
$10,000 for Creamer. The judge
ordered the men to have no con-
tact with each other and told the
men they cannot go on Green Dia-
mond property and cannot harvest
special forest products without a
Saila and Creamer are sched-
uled for arraignment on June 1.
• Truck *RV
• Marine .AIM
& Models
senger, 58-year-old Theodore M.
Sipe, who sustained a broken arm,
a dislocated shoulder and a spinal
injury, is paralyzed from the chest
'rhe defendant wrecked a car
and her uncle was seriously in-
jured. The testimony would in-
dicate they had been drinking
together and he had her drive be-
cause she was less drunk than he
was," Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold
Schuetz reported.
Schuetz said Rice's blood alco-
hol level was .18, more than dou-
ble the legal limit of .08, and noted
the mandatory sentence based on
the blood alcohol level is 365 days
with a mandatory two days in jail
and at least 30 days of confine-
ment for the DUI.
The sentencing range for the
vehicular assault is from three to
nine months, Judao Toni Sheldon
said the state ou"-ld recommend
a sentence of,six months with two
months to be served in Custody and
four months on electrordc home
we tPA psttaj
The Professionals
The choice of people who are particular about their cars!
20,33 Olympic Highway North 426-1467
Shelton, WA 98,584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner
Bail was set at $100,000 for a
Mason County woman arrested
after attempting to set her former
boyfriend's residence on fire, not
once but twice last week.
JoAnn E. Harvey, 44, of 41
East Peyton Place, Shelton, was
identified on Friday, May 25, in
Mason County Superior Court in
an investigation of arson in the
first degree. She is suspected of
domestic violence against Donald
W. Beeson at his residence at 60
East Centerline Road, Grapeview.
According to a probable-cause
statement by Detective Jason
Dracobly of the Mason County
Sheriffs Office, Beeson said Har-
vey came to his residence twice
on May 23. The first time she was
yelling and screaming at him and
throwing rocks at his house, he
said, and he came outside, gave
her a blanket and some clothing
and told her to get offhis property.
Beeson said the next thing he saw
was flames coming from the side
of his house, which he said he was
able to extinguish. He then called
911 to make a report and while
he was on the phone, he said, he
noticed more flames coming from
the vapor barrier under the house
near where he had seen Harvey.
Judge Toni Sheldon appointed
Charles Lane as defense attorney,
set bail at $100,000 and scheduled
arraignment for June 1. She or-
dered Harvey to have no contact
with Beeson or his residence.
On Tuesday, May 29:
• Holly Jessica Mills, 18, of
200 Spruce Street, Tahola, was
identified in an investigation of at-
tempting to elude a police vehicle,
driving under the influence, being
a minor in possession of consump-
tion of alcohol, criminal mistreat-
ment in the second degree and
driving while license suspended or
revoked in the third degree.
She was arrested at about 2:30
a.m. May 28 by Trooper Richard
C. Pigmon of the Washington
State Patrol, who reported seeing
a man running along Highway 101
near the intersection with Brock-
dale Road. The man, identified as
Aubrey Strom, reportedly said he
and Mills, his girlfriend, had been
drinking together and they got
into an argument.
The trooper said he approached
the 1988 Lincoln which Mills was
driving and she sped off and the
trooper pursued it with lights
and siren turned on. Mills report-
edly stopped the vehicle again on
Brockdale Road but took off as the
trooper approached.
Pigmon said the Lincoln hit
speeds of 97 miles per hour. and
when it came to the T-shaped in-
tersection of Brockdale and Mc-
Reavy roads, the car hit a ditch
At Edward Jones, you'll always have the ability to find
quality investments. But the service and respect you'll get
from our office go far beyond the numbers. So take a look
al the figures belov,; then call us to learn more.
1. U.S. (;overnnlent Guaranteed Bonds 4.41136 to 4.82%*
Guaranteed applies only to the payment of principal and interest.
2. Insured Federal Income qhx-Frec Bonds 4.50%to 4.62%*
Interest may be subject to state and local taxes and Alternative Minimum
Tax. Insured as to timely payment of principal and interest. Insurance
does not eliminate market risk.
3. Investment-Grade Corl)orate Bonds 5.29%to 6.14%*
* Yield effective05/24/07, subject to availability and price change. Yield and market value may fluc-
tuate if sold prior to maturity, and the amount you receive from the sale of these securities may be
more than, less than or equal to the amount originally invested. Any bonds called prior to maturity
result in reinvestment risk for the bond owner. Bond prices may fall in a rising interest rate envi-
ronment. Contact your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor for more information about maturity
dates and applicable call provisions. Bond investments are subject to interest rate risk such that
when interest rates rise, the price of bonds can decrease and the investor can lose principal value.
Call or stop by today.
Armin Baumgartel'
Dan Baumgartel
Financial Advisors
821 West Railroad Avenue,
Suite A, Shelton
426-0982 * 1-800-441-0982 Member SIPC
Armin Baumgartel Dan Baumprtel
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2007
and pulled back on the
ter coming over the
and losing a muffler. The
which was creating
back on Brockdale to
101 and stopped the'°
of the espresso stand on
way 101 just before purdy tz
Espresso, according to the i?
er's report. The trooper
vehicle took off again and
after it struck a residence at 151
North Highway 101 where 1
grandfather resides. _,t
During the pursuit a
boy, identified as Mills' neP.
was in the back seat of the v%-
and was not in a proper car
the trooper reported. _j
Judge Sheldon appoin'.
aid Sergi as defense
Sergi said Mills is set to .g_.l
from high school on Sat.Ur .
needs to turn in her seaior.P
and requested a release on ,1,
al recognizance or bail at ,
The judge set bail at $5,0w,
scheduled arraignment for J"
• Anthony Scott Feli
604 Ellinor Avenue
identified in an
possession of a
without a prescription.
has also been known by
of Tony Reed.
He was arrested May
State Route 108 by a state
responding to the
hide non-injury
who was a passenger in
hicle, was arrested on two
Municipal Court
trooper said he
found a small bag
white crystal substance
et and a pill which Felix
"Dan-Dan." " ted I
Judge Sheldon appmn t
Evergreen Law Group to rep.
Felix, set bail at $2,500 arid
uled arraignment for Jttae
• Jeremy Justin
27, of 436 Fairmotmt
Shelton, was identified in
vestigation of possession
than 40 grams of marijuaj p.
He was arrested arotmU de 1
on May 26 at the park-ana'rJl
at the intersection of SE C°:tl|
and State Route 3 by a.Ao
who reported the vehicle MO
driving did not have o.n'
light. Morrison pulled m
parking lot and the depU
(Please turn to page lJa
W & Urals
wear and
and stone, on t
tng lay Pressed
material offers beauty,
ity, and ease of nstallaljon . I I r'
flooring material can matCtl. I llilltlj
be p00-as00r00 I
flcient in design. At SHEL' d I I| I
COVERING. we have
renovenon .r me e7 I !|.
with you. suggesting s_l !|
ucts and design solutionS'O [ U.
edge and expertise at 1tt¢ I m,
Hwy So. can save you v ..'U,. I ili I
.nd prev== I ilM
the fun and satisfaclJ m ".83Z' " I | 1
HINT: Laminate flO._ I 11
over most I N
as the surface is stali °'" I Ik
smooth. It can also be I . 1 i
radiant floor heaffng el |
Superior com-t roundup:
Woman arrested
for sparl00:s flying
at home of her ex
Crowning moment
State shotput throne officially his to as- Gabe's final challenger's failed upset bid at
cend, Shelton's Gabe Shoemaker gets a the state meet Saturday in Pasco. For more
congratulatory hug from head coach and on the Climber senior's weekend to remem-
former champ Doug Sells seconds after ber, turn to page 23.
Lesser of two drunks guilty
in crash that paralyzed man
A 29-year-old woman who ad-
mitted she drove a vehicle under
the influence of alcohol causing a
crash in which her uncle was para-
lyzed acquired a "strike" when she
changed her plea on Monday, May
21, in Mason County Superior
Trica Lee Rice of 241 East Or-
chard Beach, Grapeview, entered
guilty pleas to charges of vehicu-
lar assault and driving under the
influence. The vehicular assault
charge is considered a so-called
strike under the state's persistent-
offender sentencing law which
mandates a sentence of life in pris-
on without the possibility of pa-
role for persons convicted of three
"strike" offenses. She is scheduled
for sentencing June 25.
Rice was driving a 1995 Dodge
Dakota south on East Thomas
Road on September 9, 2006 when
the vehicle left the roadway and
collided with a dirt embankment.
The pickup truck continued travel-
ing southbound and collided with
a tree, rolled over several times
and came to rest on its tires on
the northbound shoulder, accord-
ing to court documents. Her pas-
Lookout for maple theft
nets two meth suspects
Two men arre§ted at the site of
a suspected theft of maple from
Green Diamond Resource proper-
ty near Matlock appeared Friday,
May 25, in Mason County Supe-
rior Court fhcing potential drug
Lance Jon Saila, 57, of 26 West
Satko Glen, Elma, and Clarence
Allen Creamer, 36, of 121 Barce-
lona Lane, Elma, were identified
in an investigation of possession of"
methamphetamine with intent to
They were arrested May 24 on
Green Diamond Resource prop-
erty in the area of Decker Creek
by Deputy Ted Drogrnund of the
Mason County Sheriffs Office who
is assigned to patrol private forest
lands. He reported finding a fresh
theft from a downed maple tree on
May 15 on property between Beer-
bower and Matlock-Brady roads.
Certain maple slabs are used in
making musical instruments and
Drogmund noted he set up sur-
veillance and on May 24, a dark-
colored pickup truck parked next
to a downed maple tree. Two men
got out of the rig and were detained
by Drogmund and other officers.
Saila was arrested on a Depart-
ment of Corrections warrant and
Creamer had active Grays Harbor
County warrants.
He said the suspected meth was
found inside the vehicle with the
seven small bags all containing a
white substance stuffed in an Al-
toids container. According to the
report, there was also a larger
plastic bag containing suspected
meth, three smoking devices, one
plastic mini-scale with white res-
idue and $1,580 in a case on the
front seat. The substances in the
bags field-tested positive for meth,
Drogmund reported.
Judge Toni Sheldon appointed
Ronald Sergi as defense counsel
for Saila and The Evergreen Law
Group to represent Creamer. She
set bail at $5,000 for Saila hnd at
$10,000 for Creamer. The judge
ordered the men to have no con-
tact with each other and told the
men they cannot go on Green Dia-
mond property and cannot harvest
special forest products without a
Saila and Creamer are sched-
uled for arraignment on June 1.
• Truck *RV
• Marine .AIM
& Models
senger, 58-year-old Theodore M.
Sipe, who sustained a broken arm,
a dislocated shoulder and a spinal
injury, is paralyzed from the chest
'rhe defendant wrecked a car
and her uncle was seriously in-
jured. The testimony would in-
dicate they had been drinking
together and he had her drive be-
cause she was less drunk than he
was," Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold
Schuetz reported.
Schuetz said Rice's blood alco-
hol level was .18, more than dou-
ble the legal limit of .08, and noted
the mandatory sentence based on
the blood alcohol level is 365 days
with a mandatory two days in jail
and at least 30 days of confine-
ment for the DUI.
The sentencing range for the
vehicular assault is from three to
nine months, Judao Toni Sheldon
said the state ou"-ld recommend
a sentence of,six months with two
months to be served in Custody and
four months on electrordc home
we tPA psttaj
The Professionals
The choice of people who are particular about their cars!
20,33 Olympic Highway North 426-1467
Shelton, WA 98,584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner
Bail was set at $100,000 for a
Mason County woman arrested
after attempting to set her former
boyfriend's residence on fire, not
once but twice last week.
JoAnn E. Harvey, 44, of 41
East Peyton Place, Shelton, was
identified on Friday, May 25, in
Mason County Superior Court in
an investigation of arson in the
first degree. She is suspected of
domestic violence against Donald
W. Beeson at his residence at 60
East Centerline Road, Grapeview.
According to a probable-cause
statement by Detective Jason
Dracobly of the Mason County
Sheriffs Office, Beeson said Har-
vey came to his residence twice
on May 23. The first time she was
yelling and screaming at him and
throwing rocks at his house, he
said, and he came outside, gave
her a blanket and some clothing
and told her to get offhis property.
Beeson said the next thing he saw
was flames coming from the side
of his house, which he said he was
able to extinguish. He then called
911 to make a report and while
he was on the phone, he said, he
noticed more flames coming from
the vapor barrier under the house
near where he had seen Harvey.
Judge Toni Sheldon appointed
Charles Lane as defense attorney,
set bail at $100,000 and scheduled
arraignment for June 1. She or-
dered Harvey to have no contact
with Beeson or his residence.
On Tuesday, May 29:
• Holly Jessica Mills, 18, of
200 Spruce Street, Tahola, was
identified in an investigation of at-
tempting to elude a police vehicle,
driving under the influence, being
a minor in possession of consump-
tion of alcohol, criminal mistreat-
ment in the second degree and
driving while license suspended or
revoked in the third degree.
She was arrested at about 2:30
a.m. May 28 by Trooper Richard
C. Pigmon of the Washington
State Patrol, who reported seeing
a man running along Highway 101
near the intersection with Brock-
dale Road. The man, identified as
Aubrey Strom, reportedly said he
and Mills, his girlfriend, had been
drinking together and they got
into an argument.
The trooper said he approached
the 1988 Lincoln which Mills was
driving and she sped off and the
trooper pursued it with lights
and siren turned on. Mills report-
edly stopped the vehicle again on
Brockdale Road but took off as the
trooper approached.
Pigmon said the Lincoln hit
speeds of 97 miles per hour. and
when it came to the T-shaped in-
tersection of Brockdale and Mc-
Reavy roads, the car hit a ditch
At Edward Jones, you'll always have the ability to find
quality investments. But the service and respect you'll get
from our office go far beyond the numbers. So take a look
al the figures belov,; then call us to learn more.
1. U.S. (;overnnlent Guaranteed Bonds 4.41136 to 4.82%*
Guaranteed applies only to the payment of principal and interest.
2. Insured Federal Income qhx-Frec Bonds 4.50%to 4.62%*
Interest may be subject to state and local taxes and Alternative Minimum
Tax. Insured as to timely payment of principal and interest. Insurance
does not eliminate market risk.
3. Investment-Grade Corl)orate Bonds 5.29%to 6.14%*
* Yield effective05/24/07, subject to availability and price change. Yield and market value may fluc-
tuate if sold prior to maturity, and the amount you receive from the sale of these securities may be
more than, less than or equal to the amount originally invested. Any bonds called prior to maturity
result in reinvestment risk for the bond owner. Bond prices may fall in a rising interest rate envi-
ronment. Contact your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor for more information about maturity
dates and applicable call provisions. Bond investments are subject to interest rate risk such that
when interest rates rise, the price of bonds can decrease and the investor can lose principal value.
Call or stop by today.
Armin Baumgartel'
Dan Baumgartel
Financial Advisors
821 West Railroad Avenue,
Suite A, Shelton
426-0982 * 1-800-441-0982 Member SIPC
Armin Baumgartel Dan Baumprtel
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2007
and pulled back on the
ter coming over the
and losing a muffler. The
which was creating
back on Brockdale to
101 and stopped the'°
of the espresso stand on
way 101 just before purdy tz
Espresso, according to the i?
er's report. The trooper
vehicle took off again and
after it struck a residence at 151
North Highway 101 where 1
grandfather resides. _,t
During the pursuit a
boy, identified as Mills' neP.
was in the back seat of the v%-
and was not in a proper car
the trooper reported. _j
Judge Sheldon appoin'.
aid Sergi as defense
Sergi said Mills is set to .g_.l
from high school on Sat.Ur .
needs to turn in her seaior.P
and requested a release on ,1,
al recognizance or bail at ,
The judge set bail at $5,0w,
scheduled arraignment for J"
• Anthony Scott Feli
604 Ellinor Avenue
identified in an
possession of a
without a prescription.
has also been known by
of Tony Reed.
He was arrested May
State Route 108 by a state
responding to the
hide non-injury
who was a passenger in
hicle, was arrested on two
Municipal Court
trooper said he
found a small bag
white crystal substance
et and a pill which Felix
"Dan-Dan." " ted I
Judge Sheldon appmn t
Evergreen Law Group to rep.
Felix, set bail at $2,500 arid
uled arraignment for Jttae
• Jeremy Justin
27, of 436 Fairmotmt
Shelton, was identified in
vestigation of possession
than 40 grams of marijuaj p.
He was arrested arotmU de 1
on May 26 at the park-ana'rJl
at the intersection of SE C°:tl|
and State Route 3 by a.Ao
who reported the vehicle MO
driving did not have o.n'
light. Morrison pulled m
parking lot and the depU
(Please turn to page lJa
W & Urals
wear and
and stone, on t
tng lay Pressed
material offers beauty,
ity, and ease of nstallaljon . I I r'
flooring material can matCtl. I llilltlj
be p00-as00r00 I
flcient in design. At SHEL' d I I| I
COVERING. we have
renovenon .r me e7 I !|.
with you. suggesting s_l !|
ucts and design solutionS'O [ U.
edge and expertise at 1tt¢ I m,
Hwy So. can save you v ..'U,. I ili I
.nd prev== I ilM
the fun and satisfaclJ m ".83Z' " I | 1
HINT: Laminate flO._ I 11
over most I N
as the surface is stali °'" I Ik
smooth. It can also be I . 1 i
radiant floor heaffng el |