May 31, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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,,Special Ev.ents
Y, May 31
9 p.m., Family Night and carni-
ttv part of Mason County Forest
val, Gateway Center on Moun-
Ii p.m., Family Night and car-
)= as part of Mason County Forest
,aVal, Gateway Center on Moun-
I 6day, June 2
)a a.., Goldsborough Fun Run and
tq, beginning at the Seventh-day
dl. tist Church on Shelton Valley
10':30 a m, Mason County For-
:tival iddie Parade, through
?ic°a.wn .S. heltOn County Forest
|11 am, Mason . n P e
I val Paul Bunyan Gra d arad ,
.h downtown Shelton.
gfl,:t30 p.m., logging show as part
:,me Mason County Forest Festi-
L°o. p Field, 10th and Franklin
b l!p.m., fireworks display, Wallace
and Boulevard on Mountain
eommunity ealendar
Sundday, June 3
Morning until noon, carnival as
part of Mason County Forest Festival,
Gateway Center on Mountain View.
Noon to 4 p.m., car show as part
of Mason County Forest Festival,
between D and I streets on Olympic
Highway on Mountain View.
Thursday, May 31
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport Library, 40 North School-
house Hill Road.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and J
streets. Call 426-5519.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start Facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
l00questrienne plan parade
i Members of the Equestrienne of Mason County will gather for
regular meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, at Taylor Station
||"Staurant and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. At this meeting the
I00I'Iomemakers plan potluck
[L | E Members of the Hillcrest Homemakers Club will meet at 10:30
I | . on Wednesday, June 6, at the home of Shirley Schober, located
[ I E 321 SE Evergreen Drive. The club enjoyed the annual potluck
| | _ated by the Matlock Homemakers group, along with members
[ If °fthe Southside group. The recent garage sale was also successful
| |l t°ugh to allow the club to scholarship Shelton High
lr ] ! hool senior Cara Oldham. award a to
fl|00lass of 1940 slates lunch
1. Members of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1940 will
leet at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 7, at the Royal Shanghai
taurant, 2517 Olympic Highway North. Members, spouses and
elds are invited to meet together at this venue for a no-host
of 1949 slates lunch
)l: blerabers of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1949 will meet
_! p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, at the Royal Shanghai Restaurant,
ad at 2517 Olympic Highway North. Members, spouses and
ds are invited to meet together at this venue for a no-host
B: Cheon
0000ehool retirees set dinner
/lembers of the Mason County School Retirees will meet for
er at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 7, at he Royal Shanghai
urant, 2517 Olympic Highway North i Shelton. A state
yention update will be presented and plans for the coming year
be discussed.
plans annual activity
of the Mason County chapter of AARP will meet at noon
June 4, at the United Methodist Church of Shelton,
Street. A prepaid catered luncheon will be served at this
Dennis Mahar, director of the Mason, Thurston and Lewis
ties Area Agency on Aging, will be the featured speaker at
event. The meeting's host committee will be Marilyn Willson,
:e Dingfield and Marge Ritchie. Those attending should bring
o.wn table service. Donations to the church food bank will be
from left to right: Karen Hilburn, Mark & Johnna Ziegler
Karen Hilburn Breast Cancer Fund is holding
Wash fund-raiser at Beach HutVacations, 422
1st Street, Saturday, June 2nd. This event will
place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All donations
benefit the KHBCF, which helps local women
medical bills related to their breast cancer
Please stop by and show your support!
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 126 and Boy
Scout Troop 126, Pioneer School Gym.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks
Ledge, Craig Road.
7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
Friday, June 1
10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, Hoodsport. Call 360-
877-9814 for information.
12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694,
dessert and card party, Memorial
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop,
330 East Country Club Drive. Call
Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for infor-
7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxil-
iary, Memorial Hall.
Saturday, June 2
2 p.m., Mason County Chapter,
People First of Washington, Excep-
tional Foresters Manor.
7 p.m., Open microphone, Sage
Book Store, 116 West Railroad Av-
enue, Shelton.
Sunday, June 3
Mason County invites you to attend
the church of your choice.
Monday, June 4
9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly
(TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community
Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road
Noon, AARP, Shelton United Meth-
odist Church, 1900 King Street.
5 p.m., Christian Writers Club,
Shelton Presbyterian Church office,
116 North Second Street.
6 p.m., Shelton City Commission
meeting, civic center.
6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160,
Faith Lutheran Church.
6:30 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis-
trict 1, rescue meeting, Station 1,
Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport.
7 p.m., Little Skookum Community
Club meeting in Skookum Hall, 3480
Lynch Road, Shelton.
7 p.m., Mason County Jobs and
Training Council, 110 West K Street.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Breast Cancer Support
Group, Mason General Hospital, El-
liner Room.
7 p.m., Mason County Fair Advi-
sory Board meeting, fairgrounds in
Building 13. Public welcome. Call 360-
427-7789 for information.
Tuesday, June 5
9 a.m., Mason County Commission,
Mason County Building I.
10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, boardroom, Third and Cota
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
2 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commission-
ers meeting, district office in Potlatch.
2 p.m., Port of Shelton Commission
meeting, port office, Sanderson Field.
5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance
Church. Call 360-426-2843 for infor-
5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330
East Country Club Drive. Call Ron
Bailey, 360-426-4906, for information.
6 p.m., Shelton Football Association
Youth Football meeting, Public Safety
Building, Municipal Court Room. Call
360-426-0513 for questions.
6:15 p.m., Shelton Lions Club din-
ner meeting, Alpine Way Retirement
6:30 p.m., Hood Canal Improvement
Club, Union Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Fire District 16 Commission,
Dayton Fire Hall.
7 p.m., American Legion and auxil-
iary business meeting, Memorial Hall,
Second and Franklin streets.
7 p.m., Equestrienne of Mason
County, regular meeting, Taylor Sta-
7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicron, home of
member, 360-426-3156.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn
Wednesday, June 6
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club,
Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial
Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel-
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwanis
Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
9:30 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class of'45
(and spouses) breakfast, Roosters.
9:30 a.m., free bingo, Maple Glen
Assisted Living, 1700 North 13th Loop
Road, Shelton.
10 a.m.-noon, Mindful Parenting
Community, William G. Reed Pub-
lic Library, 710 West Alder Street in
Noon, Community Mobilization
Against Substance Abuse interagency
meeting, Roosters restaurant.
1 p.m., Mason County Widows and
Widowers Support Group, Roosters,
3001 Olympic Highway North.
6:30 p.m., Shelton Model Railroad
Club, Southern Peninsula Rail Lines,
historical museum building, Mason
County Fairgrounds. Call 432-8126 for
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
° 7:30 p.m., Ladies of the Elks, Elks
New Plants Arriving Daily
66 SE Lynch Rd. major credit cards accepted
At Taylor Towne 360=432-8173
(l'mBuzztheSpellingBee) "N /'-' Wc/re btttj tci fpr tl c' [trt
la. together we're bui,ding I (k¢, ofo co L,', /, sdZ--sr,
I better communities through I \\;" / ' .... /, /, • • j t -- "
ileracy! J . 2r'/#/ td" ap.f tfCdOt OrgY"/€'.
A special " , vo,wrr €sdrsity t/w
thanks / sazh, ,5r s:
tO our , .... ",
Sponsors:Presenting(4. -'""
a ' Taylor
" " HIAWATHA hellfish
Book Store EVERGREEN s Farms
Active Construction, Inc. Pioneer Kiwanis Club Betty Brinkman Carolyn Olsen
Aerodrome Flying Club Queen Anne's Landscaping Lynn Busacca Cameron Osier
Annas Bay Music Festival R.S. Development Tone Butler Patty Osier
Arcadia Espresso Relaxation Massage Therapy Larry & Mahd Brennan Margo Otto
Art Talks Gallery Robin Hood Village Mark Brown Michelle Parsons
Bellevue Hilton Ryan Davis Insurance Agency, Inc. Ginny Brush Sue Patterson
Blase Gomy Design LTD. Sage Book Store Janis Byrd Sharon Pearson
Bob Kimbel, Inc. Settle & Johnson, PLLC Jeanne Coleman Elspeth Pope
Caring Touch Massage Shelton Athletic Club Dave Corm Janet Poupitch
Curtis Sapp, DDS Shelton Cinemas Dawn Crump Thelma Puhn
Delgash & Jackson, DDS Shelton Family Medicine Brenda Dayton Amy Richardson
EJ's Glass Company Shelton Kiwanis Club Andrea Dunn Richenda Richardson
El Sarape Shelton-Mason County Journal Pat Edmondson Lynda Ring-Erickson
Friends of the Hoodsport Library Sheri Bennett, LMP Laura and Will Farr Joe Robertson
Graham's Hair Works Skookum Rotary Club Janet Fisher Maria Teresa Reddguez
Green Diamond Resource Co. Taylor Shellfish Farms Shelley Fluter Lela Roller
Hammond Forestry The Office Supply Stere Elizabeth Frew Becky Schuyten
Harmony Hill Retreat Center The Wood Shed Furniture Nancy Garcia Teresa Seelig
Hiawatha Evergreens Toziers Jan Goebel Jeff Sells
Hood Canal Kayak Tupper's Floorcoverings & Beth Gregg Ida Sevier
Hood Canal Kiwanis Interiors Paige Hansen , Kathryn Sherman-Wentz
Hoodspert Marina & Pub Up The Creek Paddles David Hemmenway "Ellen Shortt-Sanchez
Hoodsport Winery Urraco Coffee Company Jewell Hemmenway Kathy Simmons
KFMY Radio 97.7 FM The Eagle Vander Wal's Garage Rhoda Henkels Judy Simons
KMAS Radio AM 1030 Verle's Sport Center Toni Herrera Sandy Smith
Kristmastewn Kiwanis Club William Busacca, DDS Tina Ivanoff Krls Smock
Lilfs Nails WindermerdHimlie Realty Don & Sybil Jones Rob Snyder
Little Skookum Shellfish Co. Xinh's Clam & Oyster House Toby & Pat Kevin Michael Statkus
Lost Lake Nttrsory Carol Acocks Bill & Pat King Neal & Debbie Stelberg
Lynch Creek Floral Melanie & Cara Appel- Norma Kirmsoe-Borden Gall Straus
Manke Lumber Company Judy Arms Tom & Margie LePique Cynthia Sund
Mason County Concert Association Crystal Ashley Emile Link John Tarrant
Mason County Title Insurance Dr. Mike & Sue Barnard Don & Carolyn Maddux Jennie Throckmorton
McGavick Winery Fred & Marilyn Barthe Tim Mallory Jessica Tomkins
Michael Wittenberg, CPA Joy Barthe Beth McBain Chris Veblen
Miles Sand & Gravel Paula Baumgarten Ken & Kim McElliott Julee Venahle
Nita's Cafe David Bayley Kendall MeElliott Janice Vocke
Old Cedar Forge Vickie Beeby Victoria Meadows Sara Watkins
Olympia Oyster Company Andrew Beelik Jean Moore Cathy & Ross Wiggins
Olympic Air Sue Bennett Jack & Megan Morrison Ronnie Wilson
Olympic College Shelton Denise Berghnd Moe & Jenny Rick Wiley
Olympic Gateway & Custom Frank & Marie Bishop Mostofavinasaab Melanie Willig
Frame Shop Jenny Blumenstein Carey Murray Debbie Wing
Our Community Credit Union George & Karen Bewen Rich & Pat Norris Frankie Zehrung
Parr, Younglove, Lyman & Coker, Bob Boyd Ann Olli
Mason County Literacy • (360) 426-9733. POB 2529, Shelton, WA 98584
Thursday, May 31,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17
,,Special Ev.ents
Y, May 31
9 p.m., Family Night and carni-
ttv part of Mason County Forest
val, Gateway Center on Moun-
Ii p.m., Family Night and car-
)= as part of Mason County Forest
,aVal, Gateway Center on Moun-
I 6day, June 2
)a a.., Goldsborough Fun Run and
tq, beginning at the Seventh-day
dl. tist Church on Shelton Valley
10':30 a m, Mason County For-
:tival iddie Parade, through
?ic°a.wn .S. heltOn County Forest
|11 am, Mason . n P e
I val Paul Bunyan Gra d arad ,
.h downtown Shelton.
gfl,:t30 p.m., logging show as part
:,me Mason County Forest Festi-
L°o. p Field, 10th and Franklin
b l!p.m., fireworks display, Wallace
and Boulevard on Mountain
eommunity ealendar
Sundday, June 3
Morning until noon, carnival as
part of Mason County Forest Festival,
Gateway Center on Mountain View.
Noon to 4 p.m., car show as part
of Mason County Forest Festival,
between D and I streets on Olympic
Highway on Mountain View.
Thursday, May 31
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport Library, 40 North School-
house Hill Road.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and J
streets. Call 426-5519.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start Facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
l00questrienne plan parade
i Members of the Equestrienne of Mason County will gather for
regular meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, at Taylor Station
||"Staurant and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. At this meeting the
I00I'Iomemakers plan potluck
[L | E Members of the Hillcrest Homemakers Club will meet at 10:30
I | . on Wednesday, June 6, at the home of Shirley Schober, located
[ I E 321 SE Evergreen Drive. The club enjoyed the annual potluck
| | _ated by the Matlock Homemakers group, along with members
[ If °fthe Southside group. The recent garage sale was also successful
| |l t°ugh to allow the club to scholarship Shelton High
lr ] ! hool senior Cara Oldham. award a to
fl|00lass of 1940 slates lunch
1. Members of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1940 will
leet at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 7, at the Royal Shanghai
taurant, 2517 Olympic Highway North. Members, spouses and
elds are invited to meet together at this venue for a no-host
of 1949 slates lunch
)l: blerabers of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1949 will meet
_! p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, at the Royal Shanghai Restaurant,
ad at 2517 Olympic Highway North. Members, spouses and
ds are invited to meet together at this venue for a no-host
B: Cheon
0000ehool retirees set dinner
/lembers of the Mason County School Retirees will meet for
er at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 7, at he Royal Shanghai
urant, 2517 Olympic Highway North i Shelton. A state
yention update will be presented and plans for the coming year
be discussed.
plans annual activity
of the Mason County chapter of AARP will meet at noon
June 4, at the United Methodist Church of Shelton,
Street. A prepaid catered luncheon will be served at this
Dennis Mahar, director of the Mason, Thurston and Lewis
ties Area Agency on Aging, will be the featured speaker at
event. The meeting's host committee will be Marilyn Willson,
:e Dingfield and Marge Ritchie. Those attending should bring
o.wn table service. Donations to the church food bank will be
from left to right: Karen Hilburn, Mark & Johnna Ziegler
Karen Hilburn Breast Cancer Fund is holding
Wash fund-raiser at Beach HutVacations, 422
1st Street, Saturday, June 2nd. This event will
place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All donations
benefit the KHBCF, which helps local women
medical bills related to their breast cancer
Please stop by and show your support!
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 126 and Boy
Scout Troop 126, Pioneer School Gym.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks
Ledge, Craig Road.
7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
Friday, June 1
10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, Hoodsport. Call 360-
877-9814 for information.
12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694,
dessert and card party, Memorial
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop,
330 East Country Club Drive. Call
Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for infor-
7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxil-
iary, Memorial Hall.
Saturday, June 2
2 p.m., Mason County Chapter,
People First of Washington, Excep-
tional Foresters Manor.
7 p.m., Open microphone, Sage
Book Store, 116 West Railroad Av-
enue, Shelton.
Sunday, June 3
Mason County invites you to attend
the church of your choice.
Monday, June 4
9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly
(TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community
Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road
Noon, AARP, Shelton United Meth-
odist Church, 1900 King Street.
5 p.m., Christian Writers Club,
Shelton Presbyterian Church office,
116 North Second Street.
6 p.m., Shelton City Commission
meeting, civic center.
6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160,
Faith Lutheran Church.
6:30 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis-
trict 1, rescue meeting, Station 1,
Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport.
7 p.m., Little Skookum Community
Club meeting in Skookum Hall, 3480
Lynch Road, Shelton.
7 p.m., Mason County Jobs and
Training Council, 110 West K Street.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Breast Cancer Support
Group, Mason General Hospital, El-
liner Room.
7 p.m., Mason County Fair Advi-
sory Board meeting, fairgrounds in
Building 13. Public welcome. Call 360-
427-7789 for information.
Tuesday, June 5
9 a.m., Mason County Commission,
Mason County Building I.
10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, boardroom, Third and Cota
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
2 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commission-
ers meeting, district office in Potlatch.
2 p.m., Port of Shelton Commission
meeting, port office, Sanderson Field.
5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance
Church. Call 360-426-2843 for infor-
5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330
East Country Club Drive. Call Ron
Bailey, 360-426-4906, for information.
6 p.m., Shelton Football Association
Youth Football meeting, Public Safety
Building, Municipal Court Room. Call
360-426-0513 for questions.
6:15 p.m., Shelton Lions Club din-
ner meeting, Alpine Way Retirement
6:30 p.m., Hood Canal Improvement
Club, Union Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Fire District 16 Commission,
Dayton Fire Hall.
7 p.m., American Legion and auxil-
iary business meeting, Memorial Hall,
Second and Franklin streets.
7 p.m., Equestrienne of Mason
County, regular meeting, Taylor Sta-
7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicron, home of
member, 360-426-3156.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn
Wednesday, June 6
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club,
Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial
Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel-
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwanis
Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
9:30 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class of'45
(and spouses) breakfast, Roosters.
9:30 a.m., free bingo, Maple Glen
Assisted Living, 1700 North 13th Loop
Road, Shelton.
10 a.m.-noon, Mindful Parenting
Community, William G. Reed Pub-
lic Library, 710 West Alder Street in
Noon, Community Mobilization
Against Substance Abuse interagency
meeting, Roosters restaurant.
1 p.m., Mason County Widows and
Widowers Support Group, Roosters,
3001 Olympic Highway North.
6:30 p.m., Shelton Model Railroad
Club, Southern Peninsula Rail Lines,
historical museum building, Mason
County Fairgrounds. Call 432-8126 for
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
° 7:30 p.m., Ladies of the Elks, Elks
New Plants Arriving Daily
66 SE Lynch Rd. major credit cards accepted
At Taylor Towne 360=432-8173
(l'mBuzztheSpellingBee) "N /'-' Wc/re btttj tci fpr tl c' [trt
la. together we're bui,ding I (k¢, ofo co L,', /, sdZ--sr,
I better communities through I \\;" / ' .... /, /, • • j t -- "
ileracy! J . 2r'/#/ td" ap.f tfCdOt OrgY"/€'.
A special " , vo,wrr €sdrsity t/w
thanks / sazh, ,5r s:
tO our , .... ",
Sponsors:Presenting(4. -'""
a ' Taylor
" " HIAWATHA hellfish
Book Store EVERGREEN s Farms
Active Construction, Inc. Pioneer Kiwanis Club Betty Brinkman Carolyn Olsen
Aerodrome Flying Club Queen Anne's Landscaping Lynn Busacca Cameron Osier
Annas Bay Music Festival R.S. Development Tone Butler Patty Osier
Arcadia Espresso Relaxation Massage Therapy Larry & Mahd Brennan Margo Otto
Art Talks Gallery Robin Hood Village Mark Brown Michelle Parsons
Bellevue Hilton Ryan Davis Insurance Agency, Inc. Ginny Brush Sue Patterson
Blase Gomy Design LTD. Sage Book Store Janis Byrd Sharon Pearson
Bob Kimbel, Inc. Settle & Johnson, PLLC Jeanne Coleman Elspeth Pope
Caring Touch Massage Shelton Athletic Club Dave Corm Janet Poupitch
Curtis Sapp, DDS Shelton Cinemas Dawn Crump Thelma Puhn
Delgash & Jackson, DDS Shelton Family Medicine Brenda Dayton Amy Richardson
EJ's Glass Company Shelton Kiwanis Club Andrea Dunn Richenda Richardson
El Sarape Shelton-Mason County Journal Pat Edmondson Lynda Ring-Erickson
Friends of the Hoodsport Library Sheri Bennett, LMP Laura and Will Farr Joe Robertson
Graham's Hair Works Skookum Rotary Club Janet Fisher Maria Teresa Reddguez
Green Diamond Resource Co. Taylor Shellfish Farms Shelley Fluter Lela Roller
Hammond Forestry The Office Supply Stere Elizabeth Frew Becky Schuyten
Harmony Hill Retreat Center The Wood Shed Furniture Nancy Garcia Teresa Seelig
Hiawatha Evergreens Toziers Jan Goebel Jeff Sells
Hood Canal Kayak Tupper's Floorcoverings & Beth Gregg Ida Sevier
Hood Canal Kiwanis Interiors Paige Hansen , Kathryn Sherman-Wentz
Hoodspert Marina & Pub Up The Creek Paddles David Hemmenway "Ellen Shortt-Sanchez
Hoodsport Winery Urraco Coffee Company Jewell Hemmenway Kathy Simmons
KFMY Radio 97.7 FM The Eagle Vander Wal's Garage Rhoda Henkels Judy Simons
KMAS Radio AM 1030 Verle's Sport Center Toni Herrera Sandy Smith
Kristmastewn Kiwanis Club William Busacca, DDS Tina Ivanoff Krls Smock
Lilfs Nails WindermerdHimlie Realty Don & Sybil Jones Rob Snyder
Little Skookum Shellfish Co. Xinh's Clam & Oyster House Toby & Pat Kevin Michael Statkus
Lost Lake Nttrsory Carol Acocks Bill & Pat King Neal & Debbie Stelberg
Lynch Creek Floral Melanie & Cara Appel- Norma Kirmsoe-Borden Gall Straus
Manke Lumber Company Judy Arms Tom & Margie LePique Cynthia Sund
Mason County Concert Association Crystal Ashley Emile Link John Tarrant
Mason County Title Insurance Dr. Mike & Sue Barnard Don & Carolyn Maddux Jennie Throckmorton
McGavick Winery Fred & Marilyn Barthe Tim Mallory Jessica Tomkins
Michael Wittenberg, CPA Joy Barthe Beth McBain Chris Veblen
Miles Sand & Gravel Paula Baumgarten Ken & Kim McElliott Julee Venahle
Nita's Cafe David Bayley Kendall MeElliott Janice Vocke
Old Cedar Forge Vickie Beeby Victoria Meadows Sara Watkins
Olympia Oyster Company Andrew Beelik Jean Moore Cathy & Ross Wiggins
Olympic Air Sue Bennett Jack & Megan Morrison Ronnie Wilson
Olympic College Shelton Denise Berghnd Moe & Jenny Rick Wiley
Olympic Gateway & Custom Frank & Marie Bishop Mostofavinasaab Melanie Willig
Frame Shop Jenny Blumenstein Carey Murray Debbie Wing
Our Community Credit Union George & Karen Bewen Rich & Pat Norris Frankie Zehrung
Parr, Younglove, Lyman & Coker, Bob Boyd Ann Olli
Mason County Literacy • (360) 426-9733. POB 2529, Shelton, WA 98584
Thursday, May 31,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17