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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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dlh O O CLASSIFIED • Is words or less- $6.50 .Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 .Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple Insertion ads, The Journal will be responsibb for errors in the first insertion only. LA-Z-BOY, (Ioveseat size) side-by-side recliners, blue fabric, good condition, $350 OBO. (360) 280-3773. B5/31 LARGE WOODEN rocker, $40. Mis- sion-style davenport, 3 cushion, $100. Mission-style oak table, 5 highback chairs/1 captains chair, 2-18" expan- sions, matching buffet (4 drawers/2 side display doors) lighted m both $650. Oak desk, with 1 file drawer, glass top, $60. Small oak entertainment center $75. 2 tall Fisher speakers, $20 each. Record turntable, receiver, amplifier, CD play- er, dual tape deck, $150 all. Framed Thomas Kinkade print, 27"x36" limited edition "Lamplight Inn," $100. Beveled mirror, 36"x36", $65. Genome 5-spool serger, never used, $350. (360) 427- 4322. F5/31 40' OLDER office trailer for storage. You move, $900. (360) 229-0399. Mc5/31- 6/7 OAK BUNKBED with built-in dresser, desk, drawers and shelves in good con- dition, $500. Nine drawer vanity dresser with large mirror, barely used, $700. (360) 432-9617. M5/31-6/7 WHIRLPOOL DISHWASHER - excel- lent condition, white, $125. Full-length women's size small wetsuit, excellent condition, $30. (360) 877-0422. J5/31 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT. New wall hardware, racks, display grids, clear hangers, antique cabinet, size dividers. (360) 427-3797 days. H5/31 KUBOTA B7510H5D-F tractor, 10.8 hours total time. Full loader, pasture aerator, calcium tire weight. $12,000. (360) 427-9654. H5/31-6/21 3 BOOKCASES, 2 medium size $30 each; 1 large $40.2 office chairs, cush- ioned swivel rocker, $40 each. Two- drawer file cabinet, wood, folding top, $30. Budweiser holiday stein set, First Edition 1980-2006, $400. 8'x21/2' Sam- sonite table, fold-up legs, $60. (360) 427-4322. F5/31 LOVE GOOD food but hate to clean? Love to host home parties? Love the perks of home parties? Consider upgrading your cookware and bakeware to what profes- sional chefs use! For more information and to schedule a home party for you and your friends, call Penny Wilson, your De- made at Home Independent Representa- tive, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21tfn SEASONED WOOD, $100 cord. You cut, you haul. (360) 427-2781. G5/24- 31 LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort - open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ accepts VISNMC - (360) 426-8632) celebrates June with a month of "Half Yearly sales." Each weekend will fea- ture up to 50% off sales on major cat- egories of stock such as furniture, col- lectibles, separates, china and more!! June lst-4th will feature furniture - piec- es including hall trees, armoires, dining sets, blanket chests, bookcases, beds, vanities, etc. (Sorry - no lay-aways dur- ing this sale). June 8th-1 lth will feature separates including St. John, Chico, Claiborne, etc. June 15th-17th, Father's Day weekend will feature gifts for Dad including fishing, golf and resort dcor. And finally, June 22nd-24th will feature collectibles including two sets of Japa- nese lithopane, English chintz, blue wil- low, and more. Don't miss these huge salesl Mark your calendars for July 14th and 15th, the Lady will host the first an- nual "Art Fair at the Lake." This outdoor festival will feature numerous artisans including stained glass, jewelry, bath and body products, stationery, candles, hats and handbags, custom built bird- houses and highlight rare and antique books as well as in-store discounts. L5/31-6/21 ................................................. GARAGE SALE June 2, 3, 9 a.m. to FORESTRY SMALL log processor. Converts 3" to, t0" diameter logs into" posts and rails. Cuts, drills and shapes components. Many applications possi- ble. Call for information. (360) 427-9436 ext. 21. M5/31 PEELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di- ameter 1"-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell remaining logs (about 1,200) and burls for $2,400. (380) 877-0602. H5/3tfn DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus- tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood- smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn 4 p.m. 11 SE Mya Lane in Curries Land- ing off Cole Road. J5/31. FAWN LAKE'S huge annual community garage sale! June 2 and 3. Gates open to the public 9 a.m.-4 p.m. only. Just off State Route 3 and Highway 101 in Shel- ton. Take Cole Road to mile marker 2. Please observe our 20 MPH speed limit. F5/31 SATURDAY-SUNDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 1620 Adams Street. Wood carv- ing equipment, glassware, lots more. G5/31 Collectible • Coins • Currency • Militaria J00DAN'S I I1WcomsHoP 1 13012 Harrison Ave. NWI I Olympia I TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut = No Rocks = No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere LANDASCAPERS" NORTHWEST 426-9922 LAND203B-4 , CLOQUALLUM RANCH, Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 10 miles from Shelton on Cloquallum Road. Dining room table with 8 chairs, excellent condition. New 4-piece fireplace set. Towels, kitchen items, fishing rods, skis, power saw, metal roofing, fruit jars, too much to list. All good stuff. R5/31 FRIDAY-SATURDAY 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Go Highway 3, turn on Pickering, go 1.1 miles across from Spencer Lake Gro- cery Store. Beautiful oak curio, $350. Like new 4 - Oak Barn kitchen chairs, $125. Baby/toddler clothes, lx-3x wom- en's clothes like new, and much more. R5/31 SATURDAY - 9 a.m.-3 p.m. multi-fam- ily. Vintage tables, buttons, pictures, drums, much more. 5810 SE Lynch Road. C5/31 HUGE SALEI Don't miss this one. Worth the drive out to Lake Limerick. 200 E. Aycliffe. Friday-Saturday, 8 a.m. Tons of tools, decorator items, antiques, clothes, furniture, toys, and miscella- neous household items. $5/31 2 LARGE yard sales at 151 and 170 Wivell Road. Friday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Furniture, household goods, bed- ding, linens, material, books, sewing accessories, VCR movies. Baby, teen and adult clothes. Lots of art, framed pictures, too much to list, something for everyone. H5/31 Journal's Super Crossword Answers Page 36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2007 SATURDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-4 p.m., large items, antiques, misc. Take Brockdale to McReavy to Bald Eagle Drive then follow signs. P5/31 FRIDAY-SATURDAY 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday? Good variety. 71 E. Herron Drive, Timberlakes. V5/31 MOVING SALE Friday, Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. No early sales. Cash only. Corner of 3rd and Alder. K5/31 HUGE MULTI-FAMILY garage sale Fri- day-Sunday at 215 E. Harvard, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Costume jewelry; 2 - six foot glass display cases; 8-drawer print cabinet; prints and picture frames; lots of furni- ture; glassware, bedding, crackle glass, canning jars, toys., Garden/yard tools galore. Fishing rods, reels and tackle. Rifles and shells. Mercury boat motor. Size 18-20 women's clothes and lots and lots more. K5J31 YARD SALE, Springfield Loop off Brockdale Road. Saturday 9 a.m.-? Lots of misc. Dresser, household items, kids, etc. M5/31 MULTI-FAMILY, 2 blocks from Olym- pic Hwy. Lots of good, high quality little girl clothes, complete kitchen play sets, sporting goods, fiberglass ladders, kitchenware, educational children's books and videos, wood chipper. Free articles. Saturday 2-8 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. 884 Fairmount Ave., next to Manke's. Cash only. No early sales due to Forest Festival. J5/31 SATURDAY 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 1506 Adams Street in alley. O5/31 BUYING DVDs and costume jewelry. 129 W. Railroad. Kiss Me Clothing & Antiques. K5/31-6/21 LIBERTY GUN safe or quality equiva- lent. (360) 427-6600. C5/24-6/14 WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit country and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I like music that delivers a positive mes- sage and emphasizes the value of mor- als. Some would call me lame because I don't listen to bands with names like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm look- ing for a group that's happy just to be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shelton. (360) 426-2907. $1/25ffn OF COMPLETE JUNK CARS 'AND UNWANTED VEHICLES within 5 miles of Shelton 360-427-9052 THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire Sandwich Artists for its new Sub- way restaurant opening in early July. The position performs a variety of duties relating to quick restaurant-style ser- vice including greeting and serving cus- tomers, cold and hot food preparation, stocking counters and steam table, and maintaining sanitation standards. Re- sponsible customer service is a major component of this position. A minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent is required. Must be over 18 years old, and be able to lift 50 pounds. Open un- til filled. For a complete job description and required employment application visit our website at www.skokomish. org or contact Winona Plant, Personnel Manager at (360) 426-4232, extension 209. $5/24-31 PART-TIME HOSPITALITY position open at Harmony Hill Retreat Center. Includes guest services and event prep. Variable hours including weekends. Non-smoking facility. EOE. Call Debo- rah (360) 898-2363. H5/24-31 CLASSIFIED ADS fiLL THE BILL 15 words for $6.50 Call The Journal at 426-4412 ENTRY LEVEL checkers wanted. Apply in person at Shelton Red Apple, ask for Rob. EOE. R5/24-31 FULL TIME position for an MA or CNA in a local clinic. Resume required. Call (360) 432-1234 for details and inter- view. Salary DOE. A5/24-31 FOOD AND beverage worker permit in- structor for WSU Mason County. Tempo- rary, part time position with a maximum of 20 hours per week without benefits. Pick up a job description and/or send resume, letter of interest and professional refer- ences to WSU Mason County Extension Office, 11840 N. Highway 101, Shelton, WA 98584. Phone (360) 427-9760 ext. 680. Deadline June 8, 2007. W5/24-31 A GREAT career opportunity. Now ac- cepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: part time $8.25/hour, full time $1,550/month plus benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or resume: Placeone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to pla- P5/24-6/14 SHELLFISH COMPANY seeking barge operator. Part time to start. Hours dictat- ed by tides. (360) 877-6938. H5/10-31 DEPUTY CLERK I in the County Clerk's office for Superior Court. 2007 sal- ary range starting at Range-9A $2,118 monthly. The application and the full job description, qualifications and duties are available in the county clerk's office, 2nd floor of the main courthouse build- ing, 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA. The applications must be submitted only to the clerk's office, and will be accepted until Friday, June 8, 2007 before 5 p.m. M5/24-31 PART-TIME SERVER/bartender, must be available all shifts, Contact Brett at Taylor Station Restaurant, (360) 426- 8501. T5/24-31 LOCAL COMPANy now accepting ap- plications for entry level position in the manufacture of utility poles. (360) 426- 2624; 351 E. Millwright Road, Shelton. $5/24-6/14 EXPERIENCED ROOFERS wanted. Must have valid driver's license. Ap- plications can be obtained at 1650 E. Shelton Springs Road between 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360) 426- 7057. M5/24tfn FULL TIME Maintenance I - Port of Shelton is recruiting for the position of Maintenance I. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Performs general building and grounds maintenance. Required to operate tools normally associated with buildings and grounds mainte- nance functions. For an application and a complete description including benefit information, please contact the Port of Shelton, 21 W. Sanderson Way, Shelton, WA 98584; (360) 426-1151; or www. Closes June 1st at 4 p.m. P5/24-31 RESIDENTIAL JOURNEYMAN Elec- trician, must have all current licensee. Must be dependable. (360) 877-0455. M5/24-6/14 DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles and top pay. Call Werner Enterprises for reg!onal openings today. 1-800-346- 2818/e'xt. 126. A5/10-31 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Pre- school is looking for a qualified person to work as a summer substitute, Mini- mum age 18. Would be working with children from 21/2 to 12 years of age. Hours will vary. Must be active in a Christian church and love children. For additional information and an applica- tion, please stop by the center at 206 E. Wyandotte. M5/10-31 ACTIVITIES ASSISTANT - Part time activities assistant position available. Experience in activities or healthcare setting a plus. Must speak English well, read well, be dependable, flexi- ble, creative, and a team player who is upbeat and can motivate and encour- age our residents to remain active. If this is you, please come in and apply at 153 Johns Court, Shelton 98584. S5/10-31 for Mason County Public Works. $4,730- $5,615/mo. Responsible for directing the transportation planning program for County Roads. Requires Bachelor's De- gree in transportation or civil engineer- ing & 3 yrs related experience OR any equivalent combination of education, training, & experience which provides the required knowledge, skill, & ability to perform the job. Physical ability to perform site inspections. Application re- quired & available at Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St., She]ton WA 98584; (360) 427-7265 www'c°'mmmzz'wa'u' AppLi- cations accepted until position filled. DEER CREEK Store now hiring.: time position. Salary DOE. Please in person: 5881 E.State Route 3, ton (360) 426-3671. D5/17-6/7 , 00EH000000ENT00and Living accepting applications for eXl_ enced med-aides, caregivers and time housekeeper. Please apply at, W Maple St., McCleary or fax reSUr" (360) 495-3903. F5/31-6_.._....... PART-TIME COOK need at Ha_ Hill Retreat Center Whole food .e.x/l ence helpful. Hours from morni_ early afternoon weekdays. Non',si ing facility. EOE. Call Deborah at (:" 898-2363. H5/31 CPA FIRM seeks paraprofessional., or anizational skills, abi itv to multi-=' wking with euickBooks Excel, W interacting with c,ents. with federal and state forms preE.,,rm' 401(k), medical, vacation, sickl  salary DOQ. Can start imm--l Send resume to: POB 1760, S WA 98584. G5/31-6/21 MEDICAL ASSISTANT, North Medical Clinic. Full time, day, and rotating Saturdays, Must have graduated from an ited Medical Assistant years experience, terminology, computer excellent communication skills are required. ferred. Send resume or apply Department, Mason General and P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, (360) 427-9575 M5/31 INFORMATION SERVICES ist, full-time, day shift, AA degree in computer equivalent work experience. ence with TCP/IP, NetBEUI, NT/2000, Microsoft Office plus troubleshooting/problem required. Send resume or pick cation at H.R. Department, eral Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. EMERGENCY medic (HCA-F). 3-PRN work variable workdays and mum 5 years paramedic ACLS, PALS required. Must rent WA State EMT-P license. or send resume to H.R. Shelton, WA 98584. (360) WSU MASON County ExtensiOn 4-H Summer Forestry Program Summer position to assist in and teaching of 4-H teen Requires 8 week commitment. $10 per hour. For more complete position WSU Extension Office, ext. 689 or 685 or come by sion office at 11840 N. Shelton. W5/31 sition. Prefer college degree in agement and at least one experience in housing field. $2, plus benefits. Send resumes Box 1777, Shelton, WA 98584. MAINTENANCE WORKER Experience in Building ties, grounds, roads, tenance and repairs. Ability carry materials and operate safely. Minimum CDL to obtain desired. ResumeS Beach Homeowners Island Drive, Olympia WA THE LUCKY Dog Casino Food service and kitchen Security officers. MIS tenders and cashiers. Promotio ers. Contact Jamie Auld, source Specialist, (360) 244. 19330 N. Highwa) WA 98584 e-mail: j L9/31-6/21 Timberland Regional Job Openings see at for more information - Library Aide - Belfair, positions availablel week (.50FTE) $9,750 annually. dental, vision, life p ton State PERS sition closes June 8, Code NM301005-03 For more information, tain application www'trlib'°rg/em your local Library or call fer to Job Code Resume NOT accept application. Equal dlh O O CLASSIFIED • Is words or less- $6.50 .Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 .Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple Insertion ads, The Journal will be responsibb for errors in the first insertion only. LA-Z-BOY, (Ioveseat size) side-by-side recliners, blue fabric, good condition, $350 OBO. (360) 280-3773. B5/31 LARGE WOODEN rocker, $40. Mis- sion-style davenport, 3 cushion, $100. Mission-style oak table, 5 highback chairs/1 captains chair, 2-18" expan- sions, matching buffet (4 drawers/2 side display doors) lighted m both $650. Oak desk, with 1 file drawer, glass top, $60. Small oak entertainment center $75. 2 tall Fisher speakers, $20 each. Record turntable, receiver, amplifier, CD play- er, dual tape deck, $150 all. Framed Thomas Kinkade print, 27"x36" limited edition "Lamplight Inn," $100. Beveled mirror, 36"x36", $65. Genome 5-spool serger, never used, $350. (360) 427- 4322. F5/31 40' OLDER office trailer for storage. You move, $900. (360) 229-0399. Mc5/31- 6/7 OAK BUNKBED with built-in dresser, desk, drawers and shelves in good con- dition, $500. Nine drawer vanity dresser with large mirror, barely used, $700. (360) 432-9617. M5/31-6/7 WHIRLPOOL DISHWASHER - excel- lent condition, white, $125. Full-length women's size small wetsuit, excellent condition, $30. (360) 877-0422. J5/31 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT. New wall hardware, racks, display grids, clear hangers, antique cabinet, size dividers. (360) 427-3797 days. H5/31 KUBOTA B7510H5D-F tractor, 10.8 hours total time. Full loader, pasture aerator, calcium tire weight. $12,000. (360) 427-9654. H5/31-6/21 3 BOOKCASES, 2 medium size $30 each; 1 large $40.2 office chairs, cush- ioned swivel rocker, $40 each. Two- drawer file cabinet, wood, folding top, $30. Budweiser holiday stein set, First Edition 1980-2006, $400. 8'x21/2' Sam- sonite table, fold-up legs, $60. (360) 427-4322. F5/31 LOVE GOOD food but hate to clean? Love to host home parties? Love the perks of home parties? Consider upgrading your cookware and bakeware to what profes- sional chefs use! For more information and to schedule a home party for you and your friends, call Penny Wilson, your De- made at Home Independent Representa- tive, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21tfn SEASONED WOOD, $100 cord. You cut, you haul. (360) 427-2781. G5/24- 31 LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort - open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ accepts VISNMC - (360) 426-8632) celebrates June with a month of "Half Yearly sales." Each weekend will fea- ture up to 50% off sales on major cat- egories of stock such as furniture, col- lectibles, separates, china and more!! June lst-4th will feature furniture - piec- es including hall trees, armoires, dining sets, blanket chests, bookcases, beds, vanities, etc. (Sorry - no lay-aways dur- ing this sale). June 8th-1 lth will feature separates including St. John, Chico, Claiborne, etc. June 15th-17th, Father's Day weekend will feature gifts for Dad including fishing, golf and resort dcor. And finally, June 22nd-24th will feature collectibles including two sets of Japa- nese lithopane, English chintz, blue wil- low, and more. Don't miss these huge salesl Mark your calendars for July 14th and 15th, the Lady will host the first an- nual "Art Fair at the Lake." This outdoor festival will feature numerous artisans including stained glass, jewelry, bath and body products, stationery, candles, hats and handbags, custom built bird- houses and highlight rare and antique books as well as in-store discounts. L5/31-6/21 ................................................. GARAGE SALE June 2, 3, 9 a.m. to FORESTRY SMALL log processor. Converts 3" to, t0" diameter logs into" posts and rails. Cuts, drills and shapes components. Many applications possi- ble. Call for information. (360) 427-9436 ext. 21. M5/31 PEELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di- ameter 1"-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell remaining logs (about 1,200) and burls for $2,400. (380) 877-0602. H5/3tfn DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus- tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood- smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn 4 p.m. 11 SE Mya Lane in Curries Land- ing off Cole Road. J5/31. FAWN LAKE'S huge annual community garage sale! June 2 and 3. Gates open to the public 9 a.m.-4 p.m. only. Just off State Route 3 and Highway 101 in Shel- ton. Take Cole Road to mile marker 2. Please observe our 20 MPH speed limit. F5/31 SATURDAY-SUNDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 1620 Adams Street. Wood carv- ing equipment, glassware, lots more. G5/31 Collectible • Coins • Currency • Militaria J00DAN'S I I1WcomsHoP 1 13012 Harrison Ave. NWI I Olympia I TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut = No Rocks = No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere LANDASCAPERS" NORTHWEST 426-9922 LAND203B-4 , CLOQUALLUM RANCH, Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 10 miles from Shelton on Cloquallum Road. Dining room table with 8 chairs, excellent condition. New 4-piece fireplace set. Towels, kitchen items, fishing rods, skis, power saw, metal roofing, fruit jars, too much to list. All good stuff. R5/31 FRIDAY-SATURDAY 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Go Highway 3, turn on Pickering, go 1.1 miles across from Spencer Lake Gro- cery Store. Beautiful oak curio, $350. Like new 4 - Oak Barn kitchen chairs, $125. Baby/toddler clothes, lx-3x wom- en's clothes like new, and much more. R5/31 SATURDAY - 9 a.m.-3 p.m. multi-fam- ily. Vintage tables, buttons, pictures, drums, much more. 5810 SE Lynch Road. C5/31 HUGE SALEI Don't miss this one. Worth the drive out to Lake Limerick. 200 E. Aycliffe. Friday-Saturday, 8 a.m. Tons of tools, decorator items, antiques, clothes, furniture, toys, and miscella- neous household items. $5/31 2 LARGE yard sales at 151 and 170 Wivell Road. Friday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Furniture, household goods, bed- ding, linens, material, books, sewing accessories, VCR movies. Baby, teen and adult clothes. Lots of art, framed pictures, too much to list, something for everyone. H5/31 Journal's Super Crossword Answers Page 36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2007 SATURDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-4 p.m., large items, antiques, misc. Take Brockdale to McReavy to Bald Eagle Drive then follow signs. P5/31 FRIDAY-SATURDAY 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday? Good variety. 71 E. Herron Drive, Timberlakes. V5/31 MOVING SALE Friday, Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. No early sales. Cash only. Corner of 3rd and Alder. K5/31 HUGE MULTI-FAMILY garage sale Fri- day-Sunday at 215 E. Harvard, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Costume jewelry; 2 - six foot glass display cases; 8-drawer print cabinet; prints and picture frames; lots of furni- ture; glassware, bedding, crackle glass, canning jars, toys., Garden/yard tools galore. Fishing rods, reels and tackle. Rifles and shells. Mercury boat motor. Size 18-20 women's clothes and lots and lots more. K5J31 YARD SALE, Springfield Loop off Brockdale Road. Saturday 9 a.m.-? Lots of misc. Dresser, household items, kids, etc. M5/31 MULTI-FAMILY, 2 blocks from Olym- pic Hwy. Lots of good, high quality little girl clothes, complete kitchen play sets, sporting goods, fiberglass ladders, kitchenware, educational children's books and videos, wood chipper. Free articles. Saturday 2-8 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. 884 Fairmount Ave., next to Manke's. Cash only. No early sales due to Forest Festival. J5/31 SATURDAY 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 1506 Adams Street in alley. O5/31 BUYING DVDs and costume jewelry. 129 W. Railroad. Kiss Me Clothing & Antiques. K5/31-6/21 LIBERTY GUN safe or quality equiva- lent. (360) 427-6600. C5/24-6/14 WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit country and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I like music that delivers a positive mes- sage and emphasizes the value of mor- als. Some would call me lame because I don't listen to bands with names like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm look- ing for a group that's happy just to be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shelton. (360) 426-2907. $1/25ffn OF COMPLETE JUNK CARS 'AND UNWANTED VEHICLES within 5 miles of Shelton 360-427-9052 THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire Sandwich Artists for its new Sub- way restaurant opening in early July. The position performs a variety of duties relating to quick restaurant-style ser- vice including greeting and serving cus- tomers, cold and hot food preparation, stocking counters and steam table, and maintaining sanitation standards. Re- sponsible customer service is a major component of this position. A minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent is required. Must be over 18 years old, and be able to lift 50 pounds. Open un- til filled. For a complete job description and required employment application visit our website at www.skokomish. org or contact Winona Plant, Personnel Manager at (360) 426-4232, extension 209. $5/24-31 PART-TIME HOSPITALITY position open at Harmony Hill Retreat Center. Includes guest services and event prep. Variable hours including weekends. Non-smoking facility. EOE. Call Debo- rah (360) 898-2363. H5/24-31 CLASSIFIED ADS fiLL THE BILL 15 words for $6.50 Call The Journal at 426-4412 ENTRY LEVEL checkers wanted. Apply in person at Shelton Red Apple, ask for Rob. EOE. R5/24-31 FULL TIME position for an MA or CNA in a local clinic. Resume required. Call (360) 432-1234 for details and inter- view. Salary DOE. A5/24-31 FOOD AND beverage worker permit in- structor for WSU Mason County. Tempo- rary, part time position with a maximum of 20 hours per week without benefits. Pick up a job description and/or send resume, letter of interest and professional refer- ences to WSU Mason County Extension Office, 11840 N. Highway 101, Shelton, WA 98584. Phone (360) 427-9760 ext. 680. Deadline June 8, 2007. W5/24-31 A GREAT career opportunity. Now ac- cepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: part time $8.25/hour, full time $1,550/month plus benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or resume: Placeone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to pla- P5/24-6/14 SHELLFISH COMPANY seeking barge operator. Part time to start. Hours dictat- ed by tides. (360) 877-6938. H5/10-31 DEPUTY CLERK I in the County Clerk's office for Superior Court. 2007 sal- ary range starting at Range-9A $2,118 monthly. The application and the full job description, qualifications and duties are available in the county clerk's office, 2nd floor of the main courthouse build- ing, 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA. The applications must be submitted only to the clerk's office, and will be accepted until Friday, June 8, 2007 before 5 p.m. M5/24-31 PART-TIME SERVER/bartender, must be available all shifts, Contact Brett at Taylor Station Restaurant, (360) 426- 8501. T5/24-31 LOCAL COMPANy now accepting ap- plications for entry level position in the manufacture of utility poles. (360) 426- 2624; 351 E. Millwright Road, Shelton. $5/24-6/14 EXPERIENCED ROOFERS wanted. Must have valid driver's license. Ap- plications can be obtained at 1650 E. Shelton Springs Road between 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360) 426- 7057. M5/24tfn FULL TIME Maintenance I - Port of Shelton is recruiting for the position of Maintenance I. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Performs general building and grounds maintenance. Required to operate tools normally associated with buildings and grounds mainte- nance functions. For an application and a complete description including benefit information, please contact the Port of Shelton, 21 W. Sanderson Way, Shelton, WA 98584; (360) 426-1151; or www. Closes June 1st at 4 p.m. P5/24-31 RESIDENTIAL JOURNEYMAN Elec- trician, must have all current licensee. Must be dependable. (360) 877-0455. M5/24-6/14 DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles and top pay. Call Werner Enterprises for reg!onal openings today. 1-800-346- 2818/e'xt. 126. A5/10-31 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Pre- school is looking for a qualified person to work as a summer substitute, Mini- mum age 18. Would be working with children from 21/2 to 12 years of age. Hours will vary. Must be active in a Christian church and love children. For additional information and an applica- tion, please stop by the center at 206 E. Wyandotte. M5/10-31 ACTIVITIES ASSISTANT - Part time activities assistant position available. Experience in activities or healthcare setting a plus. Must speak English well, read well, be dependable, flexi- ble, creative, and a team player who is upbeat and can motivate and encour- age our residents to remain active. If this is you, please come in and apply at 153 Johns Court, Shelton 98584. S5/10-31 for Mason County Public Works. $4,730- $5,615/mo. Responsible for directing the transportation planning program for County Roads. Requires Bachelor's De- gree in transportation or civil engineer- ing & 3 yrs related experience OR any equivalent combination of education, training, & experience which provides the required knowledge, skill, & ability to perform the job. Physical ability to perform site inspections. Application re- quired & available at Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St., She]ton WA 98584; (360) 427-7265 www'c°'mmmzz'wa'u' AppLi- cations accepted until position filled. DEER CREEK Store now hiring.: time position. Salary DOE. Please in person: 5881 E.State Route 3, ton (360) 426-3671. D5/17-6/7 , 00EH000000ENT00and Living accepting applications for eXl_ enced med-aides, caregivers and time housekeeper. Please apply at, W Maple St., McCleary or fax reSUr" (360) 495-3903. F5/31-6_.._....... PART-TIME COOK need at Ha_ Hill Retreat Center Whole food .e.x/l ence helpful. Hours from morni_ early afternoon weekdays. Non',si ing facility. EOE. Call Deborah at (:" 898-2363. H5/31 CPA FIRM seeks paraprofessional., or anizational skills, abi itv to multi-=' wking with euickBooks Excel, W interacting with c,ents. with federal and state forms preE.,,rm' 401(k), medical, vacation, sickl  salary DOQ. Can start imm--l Send resume to: POB 1760, S WA 98584. G5/31-6/21 MEDICAL ASSISTANT, North Medical Clinic. Full time, day, and rotating Saturdays, Must have graduated from an ited Medical Assistant years experience, terminology, computer excellent communication skills are required. ferred. Send resume or apply Department, Mason General and P.O. Box 1668, Shelton, (360) 427-9575 M5/31 INFORMATION SERVICES ist, full-time, day shift, AA degree in computer equivalent work experience. ence with TCP/IP, NetBEUI, NT/2000, Microsoft Office plus troubleshooting/problem required. Send resume or pick cation at H.R. Department, eral Hospital, P.O. Box 1668, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575. EMERGENCY medic (HCA-F). 3-PRN work variable workdays and mum 5 years paramedic ACLS, PALS required. Must rent WA State EMT-P license. or send resume to H.R. Shelton, WA 98584. (360) WSU MASON County ExtensiOn 4-H Summer Forestry Program Summer position to assist in and teaching of 4-H teen Requires 8 week commitment. $10 per hour. For more complete position WSU Extension Office, ext. 689 or 685 or come by sion office at 11840 N. Shelton. W5/31 sition. Prefer college degree in agement and at least one experience in housing field. $2, plus benefits. Send resumes Box 1777, Shelton, WA 98584. MAINTENANCE WORKER Experience in Building ties, grounds, roads, tenance and repairs. Ability carry materials and operate safely. Minimum CDL to obtain desired. ResumeS Beach Homeowners Island Drive, Olympia WA THE LUCKY Dog Casino Food service and kitchen Security officers. MIS tenders and cashiers. Promotio ers. Contact Jamie Auld, source Specialist, (360) 244. 19330 N. Highwa) WA 98584 e-mail: j L9/31-6/21 Timberland Regional Job Openings see at for more information - Library Aide - Belfair, positions availablel week (.50FTE) $9,750 annually. dental, vision, life p ton State PERS sition closes June 8, Code NM301005-03 For more information, tain application www'trlib'°rg/em your local Library or call fer to Job Code Resume NOT accept application. Equal