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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hearings set on Allyn zoning, pay hike funds and hospital district The Mason County Commis- sion has a scheduled a number of public hearings for the next few weeks in the Commissioners Chambers at 411 North Fifth Street in downtown Shelton. • Under review are proposed franchise applications made by the Port of Allyn; Lake Limer- ick Water System; Shorecrest Estates; City of Shelton; H&R Waterworks, Incorporated; PUD 1; Emerald Lake Commu- nity Club, Incorporated; Collins Lake Community Club; and Oak Park Water Company. These applications concern the authority to occupy the county right-of-way, since these water systems currently have no utility franchise agreement. The public hearing is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 5, in the Commissioners Chambers at 411 North Fifth Street in downtown Shelton. • A public hearing will be- gin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 12, to consider a proposal to withdraw certain territory within Mason County Public Hospital District 1. The Public Hospital District 1 Commission has passed a resolution to this effect during a meeting on May 22. The proposal would form a second hospital district in the north end of Mason County, fol- lowing voter precinct lines. Har- rison Hospital plans to open and operate a new medical clinic in this area, replacing the current clinic Mason General expects to close. • The revised Allyn Urban Growth Area Zoning Code is the subject of a public hearing to be convened at 9:30 a.m. on Tues- day, June 12. Over the past sev- eral months the Mason County Department of Community De- velopment has been working with the Allyn Planning Cam- LEGAL NOTICES SUIVlMONS (ADOPTION) NO. 06 5 00083 2 SUPERIOR OUFrr OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON IN RE THE INTEREST OF KAYLA KATHLEEN NELSON, and JACOB CHRISTOPHER NELSON, Children under the age of eighteen years. TO THE' RESPONDENT: CHRISTO- PHER GEORGE NELSON 1. The petitioner has started an action in the above court requesting: the above-described children be adopted by their step-father, the Petitioner. Additional requests, if any, are stated in the petition, a copy of which is attached to this summons. (on file at the court.) 2. You must respond to this summons and petition by serving a copy of your writ- ten response on the person signing this sum- mons and by filing the original with the clerk of the court. If you do not serve your written response within 20 days (or 60 days if you are served outide'of the state of Washing- ton) after the date this summons was served on you, exclusive of the day of service, the court may enter an order of default against you, and the court may, without further notice to you, enter a decree and approve or provide for the relief requested in the petition. In the case of a dissolution of marriage, the court will not enter the final decree until at least 90 days after filing and service. If you serve a notice of appearance on the undersigned person, you are entitled to notice before an order of default or a decree may be entered. 3. Your written response to the summons and petition must be pursuant to the court rules and on a mandatory form' if one is avail- able. If available, this form may be obtained by contacting the clerk of the court at the ad- dress below, by contacting the Administra- tive Office of the Courts .at (360) 705-5328, or from the Internet at the Washington State Courts ham•page: 4. If this action has not been filed with the court, you may demand that the petitioner file this action with the court. If you do so, the de- mand must be in writing and must be served upon the person signing this summons. With- in 14 days after you serve the demand, the petitioner must file this action with the court, or the service on you of this summons and petition will be void. 5. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served on time, 6. One method of serving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by cer- tiffed matt with return receipt requested. This summons is issued pursuant to Superior Court Civi/Rule 4.1 of the state of Washington and published pursuant to court order dated May 9, 2007. Dated: /s/B. Regina Taylor B. REGINA TAYLOR WSBA #32379 Attorney for Petitioner FILE ORIGINAL OF YOUR RESPONSE WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT AT: MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Mail: P O Box X, Shelton WA 98584 Clerk: P.O. Box 340, Shelton, WA 98584 Physical: 419 N 4th St, Shelton WA 98584 SERVE A COPY OF YOUR RESPONSE ON: Petitioner's Attorney: B. REGINA TAYLOR Attorney at Law, PC 9353 Central Valley Road NW, Suite 2 Bremerton, WA 98311 mittee to provide revisions to the interim code in an effort to best reflect the needs and de- sires of the Allyn community. * Amendments to the building code are the subject of a public hearing scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 12. State code requires jurisdictions to adopt and enforce the state building code as adopted by Washington State. The 2006 Washington State building code will be effec- tive July 1. • The budget is the subject of a a public hearing set to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 12. Under review are proposed supplemental appropriations to the 2007 Current Expense Fund Budget in the amount of $186,016 and budget transfers in the total amount of $420,689. Of these proposed funds, $186,016 in supplemental ap- propriations would go to the De- partment of Community Devel- opment in order to budget and pay 2007 wage and benefit in- creases. Budget transfers in the amount of $407,489 will be used to budget and pay 2007 wage and benefit increases. Rotary Web Offset PRINTING • Advertising Tabloids • Newspapers • Magazines • Posters • Newsletters Just about anything except U.S. currency/ 426-4412 A budget transfer of $13,200 from the ending fund balance in the Current Expense Fund would be budgeted and used to pay the cost of employee train- ing and commissioners will also consider an additional $199,686 in budget transfers for 2007 OLYMPIA • Microclean Filtration • Energy Efficient • Financing Available • Chemicals • Mobile Service • Repair Mt. Olive wage and benefit increases.. The total budget impact 0f proposed 2007 wage and bandit settlements is $793,191. Lutheran Church Mis,;ouri Synod 206 Edst Wyandotte Avenue Worship Service ...................................... 9:00 a.m. Christian :&+(,tt i0t} ............................ 1():]0 a.m Office 426 6353 I)aycare 42'1M65 ,ww.ntolc.ct A Illllll I I II III .Fireplaces • Stoves .Inserts II I HSATI00GLO Where everything comes together P3REPL00CE , XrRoroe4A00 bT. PAVldb CLlu00.c00l Freedom Preached and Practiced W'orsh|p Sundays Iwith childcare): English Services .. 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Spanish .................. 9:00 a.m. Worship at 32 West Cedar Street Office phone: 426-8472 www, stdavidofwales,org Heavenly Gift= Thurs.-Sat. I I a.m.-4 p.m. Phone: 462-4438 New Co 111 c Church  Sunday GatheriP F'u , , (All are welcome/)  h WORSHIP SER. la 8:30 and 10:30 Y at the Union Fire HJdl _,. 50 E. Seattle St., Union 9° 360-898-785S web site: Church of h. ten 740 W. Dayton-Airport Road • 360-426-1169 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Biblc S tody7  Worship & Communion 1(h45 a.m. Christian Cou:ueli Worship 2 p.m. A,,pc' C,,u;st''C '' I(C ,aL d Single Summedime Service /, CALVARY FELLOWSHIP 00EI= l Practical, : !; OF SHELTOH - L ..::i'.i:iii" .............. 9.30 a.m. :  . • ,,,+,...,,d.,.,.,...,. ,,.,,,.. oh,,, ....  "" Nondenominational • Family Centered _. ' Chila"'Pav'tl"bl*'duri'ms*'rvi"e,, '/' i ........ Corner of Highway ].01 and Railroad Ave, .426.701. . UR--C-H- A¢,aul.dliftinworpernce Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a,m. ,- _ . E.L.C.A. Pastor Ste Olson ,,,.l q kkx 426-8611 1212 C'onnection St. First aaDttst Church www. snelt=*l"'] "'===' Traditional Worship ...... 8:45 a.m. 42a w's4t_em'" '€' La,. A Sunday School ......... I0:00 a.m. P" if tin- i.Al:l[ Church  ntempo a y mp ... t  a.m. ^e, I ,.oWOr/, h • • • +d'l I .... -+su =,l !11£ 'vl Bib&Study DaycareM-F462-5437 YouthActlvities ct, r. I ..... sll: YOU + 1B'uth Project, 9' m Sm--I th grd.J I r' yM .pJ [ ANA LUB-Wednesday IoL ' Groups allable mroumm me week. , " "," t'+ or €€ -0000FAb SundaySchoo00 00:30am (v  IIJ Morning Celebration 10:45 am ,_.'_, Eve. Celebration 6:00 pm "Where you wi// find love' Wed. Family Night J.A.M. for Kids 6:00 pm (360) 426-6402 Youth 6:00 pm A place to wrperience God's presence... 1521 Monroe St., Shelton, WA 98584 Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm Apace tab•long... Community Worship Night is GATEWAY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 405 S. Seventh St. 4, Shehon, WA 98584 @ 360.426.2758 4, Sunday 9:00 a.m. Celebration Service 10:30 a.m. Celebration Service, Attended Nursery, Children's Ministry 1:30 p.m. Hispanic (Bilingual) Worship Service 4:00 p.m. Freedom in Recovery 12-Step (Childcare provided) Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service, SoulFire Youth and Children's Ministry Ph. 360-698-5522 F ix: 360-698-2584 ¢g 5/17-24-31 3t Helping people become whole in Jesus Christ" Page 44 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2007 Sunday School -- 9:30 AM Womhip Celebration -- 10:45 AM Sunday Evening -- 6:00 PM 1331 E. Shelton Spdngs Rd. Shelton, WA 426.1298 http://nazarene.hctc, cam SEVENTH-DAy ADVENTIST CH "Shoring o Message of Hope" Sabbath School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. Saturday r[t , Worship Service I 0:50 a.m. Saturday 210VV. SheltonValley Road -- (360) 426-2776 i( J SHELTON VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL -- G d Washington State Accredited  Certified Teaching Scarf 201 W. Shelton Valley Road  (360) 426-4198 Shdton United Methodist Church Youth Group Chtl&en's/u:ttvtttes Spiritual CwowtE CIm Adult Choir S.mdl Groum Bull Choir I.=maUon,I Ministril Dynamic Worsktp Expemmc¢ Uttitcd MtbodUt O, un'h Hearings set on Allyn zoning, pay hike funds and hospital district The Mason County Commis- sion has a scheduled a number of public hearings for the next few weeks in the Commissioners Chambers at 411 North Fifth Street in downtown Shelton. • Under review are proposed franchise applications made by the Port of Allyn; Lake Limer- ick Water System; Shorecrest Estates; City of Shelton; H&R Waterworks, Incorporated; PUD 1; Emerald Lake Commu- nity Club, Incorporated; Collins Lake Community Club; and Oak Park Water Company. These applications concern the authority to occupy the county right-of-way, since these water systems currently have no utility franchise agreement. The public hearing is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 5, in the Commissioners Chambers at 411 North Fifth Street in downtown Shelton. • A public hearing will be- gin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 12, to consider a proposal to withdraw certain territory within Mason County Public Hospital District 1. The Public Hospital District 1 Commission has passed a resolution to this effect during a meeting on May 22. The proposal would form a second hospital district in the north end of Mason County, fol- lowing voter precinct lines. Har- rison Hospital plans to open and operate a new medical clinic in this area, replacing the current clinic Mason General expects to close. • The revised Allyn Urban Growth Area Zoning Code is the subject of a public hearing to be convened at 9:30 a.m. on Tues- day, June 12. Over the past sev- eral months the Mason County Department of Community De- velopment has been working with the Allyn Planning Cam- LEGAL NOTICES SUIVlMONS (ADOPTION) NO. 06 5 00083 2 SUPERIOR OUFrr OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON IN RE THE INTEREST OF KAYLA KATHLEEN NELSON, and JACOB CHRISTOPHER NELSON, Children under the age of eighteen years. TO THE' RESPONDENT: CHRISTO- PHER GEORGE NELSON 1. The petitioner has started an action in the above court requesting: the above-described children be adopted by their step-father, the Petitioner. Additional requests, if any, are stated in the petition, a copy of which is attached to this summons. (on file at the court.) 2. You must respond to this summons and petition by serving a copy of your writ- ten response on the person signing this sum- mons and by filing the original with the clerk of the court. If you do not serve your written response within 20 days (or 60 days if you are served outide'of the state of Washing- ton) after the date this summons was served on you, exclusive of the day of service, the court may enter an order of default against you, and the court may, without further notice to you, enter a decree and approve or provide for the relief requested in the petition. In the case of a dissolution of marriage, the court will not enter the final decree until at least 90 days after filing and service. If you serve a notice of appearance on the undersigned person, you are entitled to notice before an order of default or a decree may be entered. 3. Your written response to the summons and petition must be pursuant to the court rules and on a mandatory form' if one is avail- able. If available, this form may be obtained by contacting the clerk of the court at the ad- dress below, by contacting the Administra- tive Office of the Courts .at (360) 705-5328, or from the Internet at the Washington State Courts ham•page: 4. If this action has not been filed with the court, you may demand that the petitioner file this action with the court. If you do so, the de- mand must be in writing and must be served upon the person signing this summons. With- in 14 days after you serve the demand, the petitioner must file this action with the court, or the service on you of this summons and petition will be void. 5. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served on time, 6. One method of serving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by cer- tiffed matt with return receipt requested. This summons is issued pursuant to Superior Court Civi/Rule 4.1 of the state of Washington and published pursuant to court order dated May 9, 2007. Dated: /s/B. Regina Taylor B. REGINA TAYLOR WSBA #32379 Attorney for Petitioner FILE ORIGINAL OF YOUR RESPONSE WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT AT: MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Mail: P O Box X, Shelton WA 98584 Clerk: P.O. Box 340, Shelton, WA 98584 Physical: 419 N 4th St, Shelton WA 98584 SERVE A COPY OF YOUR RESPONSE ON: Petitioner's Attorney: B. REGINA TAYLOR Attorney at Law, PC 9353 Central Valley Road NW, Suite 2 Bremerton, WA 98311 mittee to provide revisions to the interim code in an effort to best reflect the needs and de- sires of the Allyn community. * Amendments to the building code are the subject of a public hearing scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 12. State code requires jurisdictions to adopt and enforce the state building code as adopted by Washington State. The 2006 Washington State building code will be effec- tive July 1. • The budget is the subject of a a public hearing set to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 12. Under review are proposed supplemental appropriations to the 2007 Current Expense Fund Budget in the amount of $186,016 and budget transfers in the total amount of $420,689. Of these proposed funds, $186,016 in supplemental ap- propriations would go to the De- partment of Community Devel- opment in order to budget and pay 2007 wage and benefit in- creases. Budget transfers in the amount of $407,489 will be used to budget and pay 2007 wage and benefit increases. Rotary Web Offset PRINTING • Advertising Tabloids • Newspapers • Magazines • Posters • Newsletters Just about anything except U.S. currency/ 426-4412 A budget transfer of $13,200 from the ending fund balance in the Current Expense Fund would be budgeted and used to pay the cost of employee train- ing and commissioners will also consider an additional $199,686 in budget transfers for 2007 OLYMPIA • Microclean Filtration • Energy Efficient • Financing Available • Chemicals • Mobile Service • Repair Mt. Olive wage and benefit increases.. The total budget impact 0f proposed 2007 wage and bandit settlements is $793,191. Lutheran Church Mis,;ouri Synod 206 Edst Wyandotte Avenue Worship Service ...................................... 9:00 a.m. Christian :&+(,tt i0t} ............................ 1():]0 a.m Office 426 6353 I)aycare 42'1M65 ,ww.ntolc.ct A Illllll I I II III .Fireplaces • Stoves .Inserts II I HSATI00GLO Where everything comes together P3REPL00CE , XrRoroe4A00 bT. PAVldb CLlu00.c00l Freedom Preached and Practiced W'orsh|p Sundays Iwith childcare): English Services .. 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Spanish .................. 9:00 a.m. Worship at 32 West Cedar Street Office phone: 426-8472 www, stdavidofwales,org Heavenly Gift= Thurs.-Sat. I I a.m.-4 p.m. Phone: 462-4438 New Co 111 c Church  Sunday GatheriP F'u , , (All are welcome/)  h WORSHIP SER. la 8:30 and 10:30 Y at the Union Fire HJdl _,. 50 E. Seattle St., Union 9° 360-898-785S web site: Church of h. ten 740 W. Dayton-Airport Road • 360-426-1169 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Biblc S tody7  Worship & Communion 1(h45 a.m. Christian Cou:ueli Worship 2 p.m. A,,pc' C,,u;st''C '' I(C ,aL d Single Summedime Service /, CALVARY FELLOWSHIP 00EI= l Practical, : !; OF SHELTOH - L ..::i'.i:iii" .............. 9.30 a.m. :  . • ,,,+,...,,d.,.,.,...,. ,,.,,,.. oh,,, ....  "" Nondenominational • Family Centered _. ' Chila"'Pav'tl"bl*'duri'ms*'rvi"e,, '/' i ........ Corner of Highway ].01 and Railroad Ave, .426.701. . UR--C-H- A¢,aul.dliftinworpernce Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a,m. ,- _ . E.L.C.A. Pastor Ste Olson ,,,.l q kkx 426-8611 1212 C'onnection St. First aaDttst Church www. snelt=*l"'] "'===' Traditional Worship ...... 8:45 a.m. 42a w's4t_em'" '€' La,. A Sunday School ......... I0:00 a.m. P" if tin- i.Al:l[ Church  ntempo a y mp ... t  a.m. ^e, I ,.oWOr/, h • • • +d'l I .... -+su =,l !11£ 'vl Bib&Study DaycareM-F462-5437 YouthActlvities ct, r. I ..... sll: YOU + 1B'uth Project, 9' m Sm--I th grd.J I r' yM .pJ [ ANA LUB-Wednesday IoL ' Groups allable mroumm me week. , " "," t'+ or €€ -0000FAb SundaySchoo00 00:30am (v  IIJ Morning Celebration 10:45 am ,_.'_, Eve. Celebration 6:00 pm "Where you wi// find love' Wed. Family Night J.A.M. for Kids 6:00 pm (360) 426-6402 Youth 6:00 pm A place to wrperience God's presence... 1521 Monroe St., Shelton, WA 98584 Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm Apace tab•long... Community Worship Night is GATEWAY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 405 S. Seventh St. 4, Shehon, WA 98584 @ 360.426.2758 4, Sunday 9:00 a.m. Celebration Service 10:30 a.m. Celebration Service, Attended Nursery, Children's Ministry 1:30 p.m. Hispanic (Bilingual) Worship Service 4:00 p.m. Freedom in Recovery 12-Step (Childcare provided) Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service, SoulFire Youth and Children's Ministry Ph. 360-698-5522 F ix: 360-698-2584 ¢g 5/17-24-31 3t Helping people become whole in Jesus Christ" Page 44 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2007 Sunday School -- 9:30 AM Womhip Celebration -- 10:45 AM Sunday Evening -- 6:00 PM 1331 E. Shelton Spdngs Rd. Shelton, WA 426.1298 http://nazarene.hctc, cam SEVENTH-DAy ADVENTIST CH "Shoring o Message of Hope" Sabbath School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. Saturday r[t , Worship Service I 0:50 a.m. Saturday 210VV. SheltonValley Road -- (360) 426-2776 i( J SHELTON VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL -- G d Washington State Accredited  Certified Teaching Scarf 201 W. Shelton Valley Road  (360) 426-4198 Shdton United Methodist Church Youth Group Chtl&en's/u:ttvtttes Spiritual CwowtE CIm Adult Choir S.mdl Groum Bull Choir I.=maUon,I Ministril Dynamic Worsktp Expemmc¢ Uttitcd MtbodUt O, un'h