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Fun in the Memorial Day sun
Journal photo by Kevin Spradlin
Shaleigha Marquis, 14, takes her sister, Tiana, 12, for
a ride Friday afternoon near Latimer's Landing on
Oakland Bay as the weather was near-perfect to kickoff
the family's Memorial Day weekend plans.
Marvin V. Singson
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Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2012
• " L
Board tables purchase of new books not won't be kaown until next
month. Howeve r, Lahmann said
the "seed's plan ~ed" for improve-
By KEVIN SPRADLIN "I hope we get you back," said ment at Hood C anal School.
kevin@masoncounty,com board member Deb Petersen. "There's a lot of good work go-
Petersen quickly realized, ing on," she said. "Good things'
though, that in order to qualify are in place" if she does not re-
Hood Canal School Districtfor Lahmann's repeat assis-turn in her part-time role.
bid Mickey Lahmann an early tance, test scores would have to At ChurchilL's request, the
farewell during the board's pub- remain low. board tabled ~'onsideration of
lic meeting on May 24 in the The lowest-performing the purchase qf new textbooks
school library, schools, Lahmann said -- those for the 2012-13school year.
Lahmann, a district improve- in the bottom 5 percent -- are The board b as budgeted ap-
ment facilitator, came to the designated "required action dis- proximately $63,000 to replace
district at the beginning of the tricts" and must begin a rigorous textbooks for ~, tudents in kin-
current school year. Her po- process to get up to annual year- dergarten throt gh eighth grade.
sition is funded through the ly progress standards as estab- But the deci don to purchase
state's Washington Innovations lished by the federal No Child comes at the s ame time board
and Improvement Network. The Left Behind Act. members are 1 )oking at laying
grant totaled $85,000. H_~.~ ,, off up to three teachers due to
It was a double-edged sword, The ~:~US~ declining enrollment.
officials said. because while they __~ ~ _~ ~____ Lahmann, v'ho has worked
were pleased with Lahmann's p,an~ea" T~"~ with the schoc['s improvement
impact on the school, her pres- ~ _-- team and guid ~d the review of
only because mmprovemen new textbooks didn't connect
of its dismal performance on the the purchase w: th any reduction
Measurements ofStudentProg- at Hood Ca~a~ inforce.
ress, the state's annual assess- "We need a little bit more
of students in kindergar- Sch(~ time,"
Lahmanp said.
ten through eighth grade. A delay, she ~aid, "is a healthy
Outgoing Superintendent Hood Canal School was the thing to do. Let's just put that on
Tom Churchill said staff mem- second-lowest district for the pause a couple Weeks.
bers were at first relucant to ac- 2010-11 school year. Lahmann Churchill nbted that Hood
cept Lahmann's goal of improv- said. That meant funding was Canal School b~gan the current
ing professional development, available, but how the funding school year with 317 students.
Now, however, things have - and Lahmann's assistance -- School officialsI Churchill said,
changed, Churchill said. was to be used came with fewer had planned fgr an in-year re-
"It went through a process restrictions, duction and had expected to end
of. 'it's one more thing we have Lahmann said that while the year with about 310 stu-
to do,' to now. it's embraced." there is no gnarantee, .W INN dents.
Churchill said of Lahman's fo- grantees typically receive asses- By the May~4 meeting, how-
cus on benchmarks, classroom tance for a three-year period. No ever, the numl6er had dipped to
walk-throughs and the creation fixes happen overnight. 299.8 -- the fraction was due
of professional learning com- To qualify, state officials re- to two student~ attending in a
munities, in which teachers es- view a school district's assess- part-time statqs and can not be
sentially, lean on each other for ment scores and growth, if any, counted in anybther way.
support and advice, when neces- on the exam over a two'-year pc- "This is the first time we've
sary, ~o implement lessons that riod. among other things, gone below 300 in the five years
reach across the curriculum Whether she returns* or I've been here." Churchill said.
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