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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 2012
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Fun in the Memorial Day sun Journal photo by Kevin Spradlin Shaleigha Marquis, 14, takes her sister, Tiana, 12, for a ride Friday afternoon near Latimer's Landing on Oakland Bay as the weather was near-perfect to kickoff the family's Memorial Day weekend plans. Marvin V. Singson Lewis.Ma~on.Thu~tan A~e~ A~n~y ~,~, ~~n~ Caring for someone with Dementia? GENTLECARE Workshop June 12 & 13; 2012 9AM to 4PM Learn Dementia specific caregiving and, communication skills. Create ahome plan to manage stress without distress. For more information or to register call: 360-664-3162 ext. 102. $25 includes lunch both days. Funded by the Older Americans Act and the State of Washington Our 4th year in Allyn! What better way to celebrate than to imrodtlce the newest member W the Ayers Automotive Family, Todd Scales. T~¢hl is a Ma.~ter Technh~ian and'will be a great addition to oar ,*hop/Welcome ~bdd! • Scheduled : ~ ......... .......................... : ~ ........... maintenance • Air Conditioning • Tune-ups • Brakes • While You Wait Oil Changes T~ W/~,fe~ Brennan Dnitra Mark Todd l ~ -- Family Ow~ed ~ Oper(aed -- Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair g Service i ......LJ 360-275-0405" 18271 E Sire Re,re 3 Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2012 • " L Board tables purchase of new books not won't be kaown until next month. Howeve r, Lahmann said the "seed's plan ~ed" for improve- By KEVIN SPRADLIN "I hope we get you back," said ment at Hood C anal School. kevin@masoncounty,com board member Deb Petersen. "There's a lot of good work go- Petersen quickly realized, ing on," she said. "Good things' though, that in order to qualify are in place" if she does not re- Hood Canal School Districtfor Lahmann's repeat assis-turn in her part-time role. bid Mickey Lahmann an early tance, test scores would have to At ChurchilL's request, the farewell during the board's pub- remain low. board tabled ~'onsideration of lic meeting on May 24 in the The lowest-performing the purchase qf new textbooks school library, schools, Lahmann said -- those for the 2012-13school year. Lahmann, a district improve- in the bottom 5 percent -- are The board b as budgeted ap- ment facilitator, came to the designated "required action dis- proximately $63,000 to replace district at the beginning of the tricts" and must begin a rigorous textbooks for ~, tudents in kin- current school year. Her po- process to get up to annual year- dergarten throt gh eighth grade. sition is funded through the ly progress standards as estab- But the deci don to purchase state's Washington Innovations lished by the federal No Child comes at the s ame time board and Improvement Network. The Left Behind Act. members are 1 )oking at laying grant totaled $85,000. H_~.~ ,, off up to three teachers due to It was a double-edged sword, The ~:~US~ declining enrollment. officials said. because while they __~ ~ _~ ~____ Lahmann, v'ho has worked were pleased with Lahmann's p,an~ea" T~"~ with the schoc['s improvement impact on the school, her pres- ~ _-- team and guid ~d the review of ence was possible only because mmprovemen new textbooks didn't connect of its dismal performance on the the purchase w: th any reduction Measurements ofStudentProg- at Hood Ca~a~ inforce. ress, the state's annual assess- "We need a little bit more of students in kindergar- Sch(~ time," ment Lahmanp said. ten through eighth grade. A delay, she ~aid, "is a healthy Outgoing Superintendent Hood Canal School was the thing to do. Let's just put that on Tom Churchill said staff mem- second-lowest district for the pause a couple Weeks. bers were at first relucant to ac- 2010-11 school year. Lahmann Churchill nbted that Hood cept Lahmann's goal of improv- said. That meant funding was Canal School b~gan the current ing professional development, available, but how the funding school year with 317 students. Now, however, things have - and Lahmann's assistance -- School officialsI Churchill said, changed, Churchill said. was to be used came with fewer had planned fgr an in-year re- "It went through a process restrictions, duction and had expected to end of. 'it's one more thing we have Lahmann said that while the year with about 310 stu- to do,' to now. it's embraced." there is no gnarantee, .W INN dents. Churchill said of Lahman's fo- grantees typically receive asses- By the May~4 meeting, how- cus on benchmarks, classroom tance for a three-year period. No ever, the numl6er had dipped to walk-throughs and the creation fixes happen overnight. 299.8 -- the fraction was due of professional learning com- To qualify, state officials re- to two student~ attending in a munities, in which teachers es- view a school district's assess- part-time statqs and can not be sentially, lean on each other for ment scores and growth, if any, counted in anybther way. support and advice, when neces- on the exam over a two'-year pc- "This is the first time we've sary, ~o implement lessons that riod. among other things, gone below 300 in the five years reach across the curriculum Whether she returns* or I've been here." Churchill said. Serving Western Washington for 41 years Superior quality workmanship at an affordable price! RESIDENTIAL ° COMMERCIAL - MOBILE IIO ES ** Our Roofs Are Hand Nailed ** 30 YEAR WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY TODAY AND RECEIVE A COMPLETE ROOF SYSTEM (1500 sq. ft. minimum) ** Not valid with any other offer** o., FREE Estimates .... 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