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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,Medicare lO1' offered Diabetics of all ages can be helped with prescrip- tion costs, and those using the Medicare system may be eligible for additional benefits and services. "Medicare 101 and Prescription Assistance" will be the topic covered at the Mason General Hospital Shelton Diabetes Support Group meeting at 1 p.m. on Thursday, in the new PUD meeting room, 2621 E. John's Prairie Road. Two guest speakers will discuss Medicare's sup- plemental benefits and services and prescription assistance services for the uninsured or for those having difficulty with Medicare co-pays. Prescription assistance will include all ages, even those not yet on Medicare, anal there wilt be time set aside for questions and answers. For more information call Sue Barwick, R.N., C.D.E. at 427-7332. Mason General selects employee of the month Melissa Chappell, business office reimbursement account specialist, was selected as Mason General Hospital and Family of Clinics Employee of the Month for May. She has been with the company for a total of three and a half years. "Melissa has an excellent standard of profession- alism, which is the first thing I noticed about her," said her nominator. "She is also a genuinely nice person, which makes her great to work with and the type of person you want representing your or- ganization. She is sharp, well-spoken, and puts her ideas out there." In her position, Chappell handles all the patient accounts for the clinics. "I would love to be able to spend my entire ca- reer here," Chappell. "This is such a great place to work." Chappell has worked in the medical indus- try for 13 years. Historical Society honors Forest Festival Court Courtesy photo The Mason County Historical Society honored the Forest Festival Court and the parade Grand Marshall on May 20, at the museum during a program on Forest Festival memories. From left: Paul Bunyan Mike Bowman,-Prineess of Hemlock Jordan Crossan, Queen of the Forest Briana Eddy, Princess of Cedar Emily Grimmius, Princess of Spruce Harley Sweitzer, Smokey Bear Jacob Johnston and Grand Marshall Lyle Coleman. Alyssa Castro, Princess of Douglas Fir, was unable to attend• CALENDAR Thursday 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m., Relay for Life invites all cancer survivors and their care- givers to Annual Cancer Survivors and Caregiv- ers Celebration Dinner at Shelton Civic Center. For information call 426- 7649. 7 p.m., Shelton High School choir department presents "Remembrance and Reflection," the final choir performance of the school year, at the Shelton High School Auditorium. Admission is free and do- nations will be accepted. Friday 11:30 a.m., Republican Women of Mason County will hold a regular meeting at Royal Shanghai Restau- rant. Guest speaker Joel Myer of PUD 3 will explain the new operations center. Visitors are welcome. Noon, Irene S. Reed High School class of 1947 will have its quarterly lun- cheon at Taylor Station, 62 S.E. Lynch Road, Shelton. nations benefit the Ameri- Call 426-7151 for more in- can Cancer Society. formation. Monday Saturday 11 a.m.-4 p•m., WSU 7 a.m.-ll a.m., MGHF Extension will host a free Centennial Hospital Guild event, "Sustainable Shell- will host a 7-mile, 2-mile fish Production," at Hama or quarter-mile "Fun Run Hama Oyster Farm, 35846 and Walk," at Goldsbor- N.U.S. Highway 101, Lil- ough Creek in Shelton. For liwaup. Registration be- questions or to register call gins at 11 a.m. with farm 426-5821. walk at 11:30 a.m. For 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Shelton information call 426-9670 Farmer's Market will take ext. 690. place on Third Street be- 12:30 p.m.-4 p.m., The tween Cedar and Franklin Department of Social and streets. Health Services Mobile Noon, Altar Society Community Services Office of St. Edward's Catholic (truck) will be at the IGA Church presents a spring store, 24151 Highway 101, fashion show and luncheon Hoodsport. at St. Edward's Parish Hall, 601 W. C St., Shel- Tuesday ton. For information and 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Shel= tickets call 426-6134. ton Kiwanis Club will meet for a regular meeting at Xinh's Clam & Oyster House, 221 W. Railroad, Ave., Shelton. Noon-1 p.m., The Chamber Ambassadors Committee regular meet- Sunday 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Relay for Life hosts their Second Annual Car Wash at Shel- ton Athletic Club, 707 S. First St., Shelton. All do- ing will take place at Grove Club, 790 E. St. Andrews program. Street Brewhouse, 233 S: Drive, Shelton. 3 p.m.-5 p.m., Shel- First St., Shelton. ton Timberland Library 1 p.m.-2 p.m., Hood- Wednesday presents "Teen Gaming sport Timberland Library Noon-1 p.m., The Lounge" for teens. Play presents "Page Turn- Union Tourism Association video games and have re- ers Book Discussion" for will meet for their regular freshments with friends. adults. Join in a discus- meeting at Alderbrook Golf For more information call sion of "Sarah's Key," by & Yacht Club, 330 Country 426-1362. Tatiana de Rosnay. For Club Drive, Union. 7 p.m., "The Chse for more information call 877- Noon, The Mason Coun- Christ," a new, informa- 9339. ty Pioneers will meet for a tive series, will be held at 6:30 p.m., The regular luncheon at Shelton Elk's Gateway Christian Fellow- meeting of the Equestri- Lodge, 741 S.E. Craig ship, 405 S. Seventh St., ennes will be held at the Road. Commissioner Steve ~ Shelton, Call 426:2758 fgr Lake Limerick Country Bloomfield wilt present the information.~. iili!~~: iii~?JJ:Jiii~ii~ii~iii~!ii~iii~!~iiii!iiiii!iiii!)ii~iii~i;i~i!~?~!i~ii~i!~i~iiii~ii~iii~iiiiiii~iii!~ii~!i:!iii~i~i~i~, iiii .... iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill iii iiii!! %ii iii i iiiiii iiiii!i iiiiiii iiiii!!ii !!i 'ili!Z Where's The Fun? To Adve~ise call 426-4412 i¸ Shelton's Newest Antique, Collectible & Craft Store Opening on Friday, June 1~t at 10:00 AM 831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. Large Selection of Glassware, Linen, Artwork, Handmade Gifts Small and Large Treasures, Collectable Fishing Tackle. Help Joy And Phil celebrate there new venture and see what treasures they offer. I 2 Battleship Daily 4:30, 7:00pm Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:25pm Sat-Sun 2:0Opm [~Men In Black 3 Daily 4:40, 7:05pm ~ Additional Shows ~ ~ Fri-Sat 9:20pro Sat-Sun 2:lOpm Serving all organic, lair trade espresso drinks !.:i This evenf is ' fhe Shelton Elks • 100% Vegetable Oil, No Peanut Oil "~ • Large Meeting Room Available Open 7 days, 11am-9pm Lounge Open 11:30am to Closing Coffee .............. Routel on The parade 506 W. Railroad Ave • Shelton Mon-Fri 6 - 6 • Sat 7 - 6 Sunday 8 - 3 i 9 Celebrating Forest Festival Homestyle Family Meals Breakfast 432-2777 S ed All Day 628 W. Railroad Ave Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 31, 2012 - Page B-3 !. 1 ill