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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Cathy Barber Cathy Lynn (ZaputiD Barber, 63, died on May 24, 2012, at Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olympia. She was a resident of Shelton. She was born on July 17, 1948, in Seattle, to John and Mary Zaputil. She graduated from high school in 1966 and attended Highline Communi- ty College in Des Moines. She worked for Sears, MorTemp, Hagen and also as a tax sec- retary before becoming a wife, mother and homemaker. She was married on July 17, 1982, in Seattle to Chan- cel Geary Barber. She enjoyed crafts. One of her proj- ects was making bandages for people living with leprosy in Cathy third-world Barber countries. She is survived by her husband of Shelton: chil- dren Amy (Samuell Rosanna Russell of Grants Pass. Ore.. Louisa Dorthea Barber of Sid- ney, Mont. and Geoffrey John Owen Scott Barber of Shelton: four grandchildren: brother Ronald Zaputfl of Seattle; three sisters-in-law and several niec- es and nephews. She was pre- ceded in death by her parents. • A celebration of life will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Shelton. A potluck will follow. In lieu of flowers, dona- tions can be sent to the church's preschool/daycare program and the Karen Hil- burn Breast Cancer Fund of Mason General Hospital in Shelten. Forest Funeral Home of Shelton is handling arrange- ments. Please call 406-480- 9364 with questions. Jarett Gard Jarett "Jerry" tC Gard, 73, died on May 21, 2012, at home in Olympia. He was born on Feb. 5, 1939, in Los Angeles to Samuel "Mike" and Ruby (McAfee) Gard. He was married to Vickie (Little) Gard on OCt. 21, 1995, in Mason County. He worked as a production manager at a manufacturing plant in Port- land, Ore. His hobbies were fishing and camping. He is survived by ~fe Vickie Gard of Olympia; daughter Valerie Tomlison of Portland, Ore.; sons Todd Gard of Amboy and Jeff Gard of Battle Ground; step- daughters Monty-Rae Miles of Medford, Ore., and Tausha Hanson of Olympia; brother Roy "Mike" Gard; sister Karen Gard of Lacey; eight grandchildren and nine great- grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, at Spring Road Chapel, 1113 E. Shelton Springs,Road. The family has made ar- rangements. Donations can be made to the Thurston County Food Bank. Call 463- 7626 with questions. Rimoni Maiava Rimoni Maiava, 85, died on May 22, 2012, at home in Shelten. He was born on July 24, 1926. in Letogo, Samoa. m Sofala Maiava and Sloe Ri- moni. DEATH: NOTI Carroll Ellingsworth dent of SheltorL McComb Funeral Home h ar- rangements. Mary June Kappa Mary June Kappa, 72, died on May 22, 2012, at h0me in Shel~; Funeral Alternatives of Tumwater is h~dlingitlie Terra Dittmer : at a later time. He was married on They raised their family on a July 20, 1963, in Samoa, ranch in Montesano. In 1962 and worked as a farmer, they moved to Tacoma and He enjoyed spending time in 1994 celebrated their 50th with families and grandkids, anniversary. She spent her He loved to sing Samoan life surrounded by her family. melodies. She is survived by children He is survived by daugh- Priscilla (Larry) Conley of ter Maleifua Lazik of Lacey; Puyallup, Joyace Barnett of sons Mareko Maiava of Lakewood, Nancy Smith of Lakewood, Suavi Maiava of Killeen, Texas, Darrell Smith Shelton. Neemia Sale Maiva of Lakewood and Cindy Alm of Samoa, of Tacoma: sisters, Bertha ~ Kirisimasi Evens of Olympia, Ruth (A1- Maiava of fred) Kadoun of Shelton and Shelton, Waneda Tindall of Siletz, Sofala Ore.: 11 grandchildren, 30 Malava of great-grandchildren, and one Shelton. great-great-grandchild. Sekeh She was preceded in death Maiava of by her husband, daughter Tacoma, Sheila Ann Smith and six Rimoni Asaua brothers and sisters. Maiava Maiava She will be interned with of Samoa, her husband in Satsop Cem- Tasesa etery. A celebration of life will Maiava of Olympia and Ala- be held on June 23. pati Maiava of Tumwater; 49 grandchildren and 19 great- Rita Smith grandchildren. Rita Joan Smith, 90, died He was preceded in death on May 22, 2012, at Shelton by brothers Fauula Sofara, Ta- Health and Rehabilitation vae Aunese and Ponai Sofara Center. She was a resident of and sisters Elisapea Nonu, Shelton. Lelei Taluafulu and Sioe. She was born on Dec. 2, A private graveside service 1921, in Chicago to Ralph will be held at 10 a.m., Sun- and Mary (Ferrandy) Barone. day, at Mt. View Cemetery On June 1, 1957, she mar- in Tacoma. A memorial ser- ried Daniel Arthur Smith ]1 vice will follow at 11 a.m. at in Seattle. the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 5420 104th St. S.W., Lakewood. Forest Funeral Home is handling arrangements. Eva Nestell Eva Nestell, 48, died on April 14, 2012, at Mason Gen- eral Hospital in Shelton. She was a resident of Shelton. She was born on Aug. 17, 1963, in Shelton, to Leo Nest- ell and Jaunita Garitt. She •worked as a house- keeper and loved her pet. She is survived by daugh- ter Chawnna Nestell of Shelton and partner Richard Duggins of Shelton. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Please call 868-7829 with questions. Iliene Smith Iliene Maxine Smith, 83, died on May 24, 2012, at home. She was born on June 23, 1928, in War Eagle, W. Va., to George C. and Lilia O. (Coleman) Johnston. She married Robert Conway Smith on Oct. 28, Iliene 1944, in Smith Shelton Rita Smith In her early ca- reer she worked for a lawyer in Chi- cago. She was later employed by an oil company in Seattle and also by Bellevue School District as a secretary. She was raised a Catholic and attended the Methodist Church. She was a member of Lake Cushman Ladies Golf Club and also of the Red Hat Society. She enjoyed'golfing and was fond of her pets. She is survived by step- son Mike (Shirley) Smith of Potlatch: stepdaughters Judy (Gordon) Angermeir of Lake Chelan and Dana Jorden of Monroe: sister Lorraine (Ray) Anglet of Chicago; nine grandchildren, 14 great- grandchildren and four great- great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, brother Ralph and smpson Daniel A. Smith III. A family gathering will be held at a later date. McComb Funeral Home is handing arrangements. Condolences may be sent via Olympic National Forest Supervi- sion damage on the Wynoochee Lake- sor Dale Horn has announced that fees shore Trail, the South Fork Skomom- will be waived at all day use sites on ish Trail, Mount Muller Trail and the Saturday and June 9, in recognition of West Fork Humptulips Trail. National Trails Day and National Get Volunteers are asked to come fully Outdoors Day. "Several exciting trail mainte- nance projects are planned for Satur- gear. day in recognition of National Trails Pre-registration is required at Day," Hom said. "We are very appre- some locatiOns. To find a National ciative of the volunteer groups who Trails Day event near you, please visit consistently support these eventsw w w. a m e r i c a n h i k i n g. o r g / and invite the general public to also national-trails-day/or call Stephanie get out and enjoy America's greatNeff, Hood Canal Ranger District Rec- outdoors." reation Manager, at 877-1046. Among the volunteer organizationsFree day use will also be permitted expected to assist are the Olympic on June 9 in recognition of National Mountaineers, Back Country Horse-Get Outdoors Day. men of Washington, Washington Visit www.nationalgetoutdoorsday. Trails Association and the Pacific org for more information. Northwest TrailsAssociation. For general information on the Projects include clearing trail, re- Olympic National Forest, visit www. moving fallen trees, and repairing ero- prepared with plenty of food and wa- ter, work boots, work gloves and rain 4;¸ DSHS schedules trip to Hoodsport to provide services 4 The Department of Social and the Supplemental Nutrition Assis- Health Services (DSHS) Mobile Com- tance Program (Food Stamps), cash munity Services Offices will have a and medical programs such as Chil- truck going to Hoodsport on Monday dren and Family Medical, Pregnancy in an effort to reach out to the corn- and Disability Medical, Medicare munity to provide an access point to Cost Savings program aS well• as a DSHS programs and services. Drug and Alcohol Treatment pro- The services they provide are for gram. p,- L & I encourages safety for young workers ....... With the approach of the summer ing a new piece of equipment. A boss job season, the Washington State De- cannot retaliate against a worker for partment of Labor & Industries (L&I) refusing hazardous work. is urging young workers to be mindful 3. Look for hazards at work, like of the workplace hazards around them. slippery floors, hot grease, •dangerous Young workers tend to be hurt at machinery or ladders• Do not try to fix work at a higher rate than older adults, hazards or problems alone. Ask a su- Those about to start their first job this pervisor for help. summer can follow these safety tips: 4. There are special laws that pro- 1. Always get proper training on tect teens under 18. Get to know young how to complete a job or use equip- workers' rights on the job by visiting ment properly before beginning the work. 5. If injured at work, even a small 2. Everyone has the right to say cut, be sure to report it. That way "No" to tasks they feel unsafe doing, workers' compensation will cover the such as climbing a ladder or operat- problem if it becomes more serious. , WA 98584 Wake up toaHea rnil SHELTONMASONCOUNTY Member • Sedation Dentistry- if you're fearful, busy, suffer from TMJ pain or have sensitive gag reflex . Your comfort is our first concern • Friendly caring team , Beautiful cosmetic techniques to fix chips, spaces and stains • Computer-generated smile enhancements Now a PREFERRED PROVIDER for Washington Dental Service/Delta dental plans "? David I uca~ Worthy of Your Trust Competitive Pricing " Pre-Arranged Planning Family Owned Local Business ',, Only Crematory q Mason County Funeral Alternatives proudly serves all faiths, venues and cemeteries Special Burial & Cremation Packages for Families using Shelton Memorial Park OREST A Reputation Built on Service Shelton - (360) 427:?044 Call 426-4412 or email: Olympia ~:(3 to place your obituary notice !i!i Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 31, 2012- Page 8-5 %• i:,.