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May 31, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 2012
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Shelton junior Alec Martinson tees off during the 4A WIAA Boys' State Golf Championship last week at Hangman Valley Golf Course in Spokane. Martinson tied for eighth place with Kamiak's Chris Hatch with a total score of 154. Courtes, of Lorna Martinson Lund misses finals by two strokes By EMILY HANSON take, he recovered well. He struggled with emil? his putting but his ball-striking was really good." ° SHS head boys' golf coach Mark Jensen The Shelton boys' golf season ended at was unavailable for comment. state last week and one of the golfers placed Junior Zach Lund shot 84 on the first in the top eight, day, two strokes over the 82 cut point to On May 22 and May 23, the Highclimb- make it to finals. ers golfed at Hangman Valley Golf Course "Zach played well for his first state tour- in Spokane at the 4A WIAA Boys' Golf nament," Martinson said. "The course was State Championship. really long and windy. I thought there were Junior Alec Martinson shot 77 both days some real tough pin locations on the first for a total score of 154, tying him for eighth day." place with Kamiak's Chris Hatch: The coach said Lund made a couple of "Alec played steady," SHS head girls' errors that cost him. golf coach Lorna Martinson said. "He had As juniors, Martinson and Lund are both a couple of blips bu~ when he made a mis- expected to return to the team next year. LAD ES+GOLFRESULTS AlderbrookLadies Golf score 142; 5, Dee Bishop, May 15 -- Scratch and Sharon Dufresne, Shirley Scramble Swenson, net score 143 18 holes: Nancy Gurnsey 9-hole: 1, Del Bailey, Peggy and Karen Dobson, 151; Willis, net score 67: 2, Lana Judy White and Shirly Clausen, Judy Jacobson. Muhich, 154 1/2; Rhonda Anne McGinness, net score Westover and Nancy Gur- 70; 3. Colleen McEachin, nsey, 156; Alice Chapman Janice Deiglemeier. Marl- and Renee Young, 157: lyn Butler, net score 70 Kay McAvinew and Asue Barnes, 159 Bayshore Ladies Golf 9 holes: Colleen McEachin May 29 -- Net Score and Judy Weakley, 60 1/2; Flight one: 1, Eeva Kissick: Del Bailey and Diane Budd, 2, Toni Stevens 62; Shauna Webb and Col- Flight ~wo: 1. Billie Elms; 2, leen McEachin, 65 Harlene Robbins May 17 -- T & F's Nine holers: 1. Lois Lemagie 18 holes Least putts: Eeva Kissick Division I: Kendra Warner, Birdies: Toni Stevens. No. 7 32; Renee Young, 32 1/2; Chip-ins: Lois Lemagie, No. Judy White, 33 1/2; Coralie 8 Watters, 35 Division II: Maxine Baillie, Lake Cushman Ladies Golf 31 1/2: Karen Aumend, 34: May 15 - 18 hole Roll the Alice Chapman, 35: Fran Dice Hammack, 36 1/2 First place team: Sharon 9 holes: Collen McEachin, Bennett, Joleta Smith, Mol- 17 3/4; Lois Rogers, 21 1/4 ly Frazier and Jan Olson May 24 -- Rhododendron Second place team: Vicki Tournament Brazil, Carletta Klarich and 18-hole: 1, Ginney Chit- Ruby Isaacson wood, Karen Dobson, Sha- Closest m the pin: Marian ron Ferguson, net score Reed, No. 4; Vickie World, 136: 2, Sue Wright, Jean No. 6: Ruby Isaacson, No. Scruggs, Berry Olson, net 13; Kathy Johnson, No. 15 score 136; 3, Asue Barnes, Chip-ins: IzzyHobson, Vick- Dusty Blair. net score 142; ie World, Marian Reed. Jo- 4, Nancy Gurnsey, Alice leta Smith and Sharon Ben- Chapman, Jan McClure. net nett PACESANDPLACES TRUSTIN US. Locker Packs Available, Locally Owned, Family-Run Meat Shop PRICES EFFECTIVE 5-30 to 6-5 Choice Steak Petit Sirloin Fresh Jumbo DrumSticks Bone-In Center Cut Pork Chops Lb. "~" +++~ i Popcorn Breaded Chicken Lb. +~ By the lOIb. box ,++++ Birdie: Izzy Hobson and No. 7; Sharon Corrigan, Corrigan, 32 18-hole Division May 23 -- First Day of No. 7 Low putts: Ann Wooten, 16 Flight one: 1, Marsha Berry, Eclectic Competition Chip-ins: MaryLou Traut- May 18 -- Hidden Hole 74; 2 (tie) An~ Johnson, Ma- First Division: Low gross, mann, No. 5 Flight one: 1 (tie) Gayle Wil- ryLou Trautmann, 78 Kathy Johnson, 92; 1st low Low net of the day: (tie) Pegi cox and Gall Gagner, 27; 2, Flight two: 1, Gayle Wilcox, net, Evie Campbell, 66; 2nd Reese and Sharon Corrigan Diane Pollard, 30 76; 2, Robbi Alberts, 81; 3, low net, Linda Sund, 71 May 16 -- Low Net 2-dayFlight two: 1, Sheila Thom- Diane Pollard, 87 Second Division: Low gross, Memorial Tournament as, 25; 2 (tie) Sharon Had- Chip-ins: Ann Johnson, No. Gloria Carlson, 103; 1st low 18-hole division sall and Clara Robinson, 29 8; Kerry Torkelson, No. 5 net. Marian Reed, 70; 2nd Flight one: 1, Marsha Berry, Pars: Diane Pollard, No. 14; Low Net of the Day: Marsha low net (tie) Vickie World, 71; 2, Ann Johnson, 80; 3, Kerry Torkelson, No. 18; Berry, 74 Jan Olson, 75 Rita Lipinski, 81 Gayle Wilcox, No. 18 May 25 -- Throw Out Worst KP No. 4: Donna Davis Flight two: 1, Joyce Reyn- Chip-ins: Gall Gagner, No. Hole KP No. 6 and No. 13: Linda olds, 71;'2, Gayle Wilcox, 80; 12 9-hole Division Sund 3, Jeannine Jacob, 83 Low net of the day: Gall Flight one: 1, Diane Pollard, Chip-ins: Charlotte Gilje Chip-ins: Ann Johnson, No. Gagner, 34 31; 2 (tie) Kerry Torkelson, and Vicki Brazil 16 May 23 -- Low Net Ann Johnson, 32 Low net of the day: (tie) 9-hole Division Flight two: 1, Bonnie Mor- Lake Limerick Ladies Golf Marsha Berry and Joyce Flight one: 1, Bonnie Mor- row, 28; 2, Jeannine Jacob, May 14 -- T & F Reynolds, 71 row, 35; 2, Sharon Corrigan, 33 Flight one: 1, MaryLou 9-holedivision 39 Flight three: 1, Sheila Trau~mann, 14; 2, Ann Flight one:' 1, Sharon Cor- Pars: Sharon Corrigan, No. Thomas, 28; 2, Rosie Bow- Johnson, 15; 3, Ann Wooten, rigan, 32; 2, Ann Wooten, 7 cutt, 31; 3, Clara Robinson, 16: 4, Gayle Wilcox, 16.5 38 Chip-ins: Sharon Corrigan, 35 Flight two: 1, Pegi Reese, Flight two: 1, Sheila Thom- No. 9; Bonnie Morrow, No. Low Net of the Day: Bonnie 11; 2, Sharon Corrigan, 13; as, 34; 2, Rosie Bowcutt, 49 5; Barb Eberhardt, No. 3 Morrow, 36 3, Clara Robinson, 16 Pars: Ann Wooten, No. 1Low Net of the Day: Bonnie Low Putts: Kerry Torkelson, Pars: Joyce Reynolds, No. 1 Low net of the day: Sharon Morrow, 35 14 ( Knowing the course can 'shave'y6u time yolu're offcourse, knowing the course difficult to gauge how much time + Those are three words no ~ can be. passed. ong distance runner wants to ~ The Mother's Day It was only a training run, but the hear at any point in a race. Dash four-miler was experience reinforced the lesson of Running, unfortunately, is not like held the morning of knowing the course. money. You can't save it. You can't May 13. As a report- Five days later, I ran the same bank it, putting away a little extra on er, I covered the race course. The difference was I knew a good day and taking some on a day and was given a brief where the turns were. I anticipated your performance doesn't meet your description of thethem. And I shaved 69 seconds off expectations. By KEVIN course. But I failed my time -- and this time I ran into a It doesn't work like that. Running SPRADLIN to take advantage of pretty strong Wind much of the way. is. above all else, an honest sport. It's the extra time I had With the Goldsborough Creek you against the clock -- and maybe before the race start 7-miler coming up on Saturday -- a one or 500 or more others -- along a to drive it. race I hope to enter -- I contacted Sh- measured distance. During the race, I took photos and eryal Balding, race director, and was The good thing is that with a little notes first at the start, then at the able to obtain a turn-by-turn list of prep work, you'll rarely have cause to turn onto East Wallace Kneeland Bou- directions. hear those three awful words, levard, more at the 1-mile mark and Further, I ran it May 20, as part To me, it's a very simple issue: then went straight to the finish -- re- of a nine-mile training run in a light know the course. In high school and tracing my steps from the first mile. rain. college cross country, course walks In other words, I never saw the last My time wasn't great that Sunday are offered before each and every three miles of the course. Later that -- slightly better than 8 minutes and race. Sometimes there are even evening, I decided to give the course a 30 seconds per mile. But that wasn't course maps available, try. And I thought it'd be rather sim- the point. In road running, course maps are ple to follow Island Lake Loop around Come Saturday, I'll know exactly also available, at least much of the a body of water, where to turn and when. And that time. And even if not, a little social It was my first time there, how- knowledge will likely help shave off a media networking can probably lead ever and that proved easier said than few seconds here ~nd there to get me you to someone who can offer a turn- done. As I approached one point, to the finish line faster. by-turn preview of the course for you I was unsure where to go: left or And, in a race, isn't that the point? -- especially the races that draw out straight. The moment of indecision the hundreds or thousands of runners, cost me time. This space In Shelton, that's not the case. And It happened again a short time Welcome to the first weekly column in a series of recent training runs, I later. I might have lost five seconds was reminded at just how important then, and 10 in all. Maybe more. It's See Paces on page C-3 . Zumba Toning . Zumba Classes O Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership , Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at +888 + • Sauna/Steam Room • Personal Training • Weight Training • Swimming+. Aerobics Classes • Racquetball. Tanning ° Cardio • Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm, Sat & Sun 7am.3pm Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason Gounty Journal - Thursday, May 31, 2012