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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 31, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 31, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HELPWANTED BUSINESS PROPERTIFJ HELP WANTED HELP WANTED GARAGE SALE PETSERVICES FAWN LAKE COM- 9am-4pm, 231 E Del- DENTAL ASSISTANT.CLERICAL I FOR HELP WANTED: py, manners, agility, 750 SQ.FT. OFFICE/ close to schools, and MUNITY garage sale. anty Road. C5/31 Rare opportunity at Mason County Utili- CNA swing and night conformation, rally, RETAIL space. Hwyother shopping. $995 Saturday, June 2nd SATURDAY JUNE2, Hackney Family Den- ties & Waste Mgmtshift in adult family behavior modifica- 101 frontage. Contact per month, water/ 8am-4pm; Sunday, 9am-5pm; Sunday tistry. We are looking Dept. $2,557 to home. Bring resume tion. Board and train. Brett atTaylor Station. sewer/garbage paid. for an energetic Den- $2,676/mo. Respon- to: 1109 North- Certified trainer Kar- Restaurant, 360-426- Small pets welcome June 3rd 8am-2pm, June 3, Assistant to join sible for reception & cliff Road, Shelton. en Cannard, CPDT.8501.T5/24-31 with deposit. Shown Cole Road. F5/24-31 70 E Beaumont Drive #B, Island Lake area. our team. Minimumclerical duties. Mini- N5/24-31 ~ by appointment only. 9am-4pm 730E Oak Downsizing homes,1 year experience, mum Qualifications: ~~| or 360-432-1478. Call 360-426-0674. Park Way. Weight set, all must go - tools, Please submit your High School gradu- ~r K5/17-7/12 P5/24tfn aquarium, kid's toys household items, lots resume to our office, ate or GED, 2 yrs__ ~, NOW RENTING at 1051 S.E, State Route clerical experience Gateway Apartments. up RV sites with and clothes. S5/31 3, Shelton, WA 98584 preferably in public GUITAR INSTRUC- ~! Standard size studio storage shed, easy by Tuesday, May 29. agency, must be de- TION all ages, all 1 & 2, rain or shine. H5/10-31 .tailed orientated with levels. SheltonGuitar 17' AMERICAN FI- on second floor, $425 access, 1 mile from per month. Water/town. Starting at $350 Furniture, clothing, dishes, odds & ends. WANTED: OLD ~ accuracy, goodtyping .Studio, Paul Rob- BERGLASS, 7'3"sewer/garbage pick- monthly. 360-789- SLOT machines, pin- CLAN. Qualified MR- skills with minimum ertshaw (360) 490- beam, Rated for up paid. Off-street 9149. H5/10-31 ~) ball machines. Any rine Tech, inboard/ of40wpm,&ability ~ 12751b. load, 150hp parking..Deposit/Fee ~ old arcade/amuse- outboard, gas en-to operate computer, outboard, $350. 7' and Application fee re- Tent park, coin op- gines. Full time, ben, Must have physical Columbia fiberglass, quired. Small pets wel- trailer, $550, includes erated machines, efits. Send or bring ability to stand, walk, new oars, $250.360- come with deposit. Call all utilities. 2-bedroom Rides, vending ma- resume/application bend, & lift. Applica- KITTEN RESCUE of 877-5563. A5/31 360-426-0674 for more trailer with stove, W/D chines, etc. Work- to: Verle's Sports tion required&avail- Mason County. Cats "~") information. P5/24tfn hookup. $750, W/S/G i ./| SIij~jr) ~-,....--.~J., included. 360-432- ing or not. Private Center and MR- able at411 N Fifth St, and kittens available ~ 3604. Or message, party, 360-204-1017. rine, 741 W. Golden Shelton, WA 98584to indoor only homes, G5/17-6/7 Pheasant Rd. Shel- or, adoption fee.Website 2~Y home. Move in special; Shandra 360-463- 1/2 off first month's rent. 4443. J5/10-31 ton. 360-426-0933. manre-, con- MOUNTAINEER, 4 3 bedroom home, 1 1/4 V5/24-31 sources Closes tact360-584-0594WD, 30+K miles onbaths, extra-large liv- cedar shingleblocks. ~ 6/6/12. M5/31 or 360-426-2455. new engine. Good ing room/family room. BATH, town house Will pay top dollar, rubber, excellent in- Large kitchen: new rental.Convenient Call for details before ed, mainly nights and ~ K7/09tfn 4477. K5/31-6/7YOU deliver, 360-249- recordG°°dneeded.driv- (MTA) is currently~~ " ~ terior. New radiator, fridge, stOVewasher/dryerand dish- Sheltonlocation. seeking a PartHTime, II PFT~iFliVI£1;S I fuel pump, battery, washer. Fenced yard, W/D Good people skills, On-Call Dispatcher/ ~ etc., etc. $3,500. 360- hook-ups. Garage provided. Covered knowledge of areaScheduler. MTA isDOG TRAINING - 789-9451.Mc5/24-31 with auto-door open- patio area, carport. Journal Classified a plus. Commission an EOE. For more in- No missed classes, ~ er. Downtown Shel- Small pets nego- section to buy or sell. plus tips. Call 360- formation or to apply start now, work at Journal Classified ton, behind Safeway, tiable. Very nice sur- roundings, secure Io- . $$$$$ Ca11426-4412. 490-4212. Drug test please call 360-426- your own pace. Pup- Ca11426-4412. 1 block to bus stop, cation. $685 monthly I Rochester . required. A5/31-6/21 9434 or in person at 790 E John's Prai- plus deposit. 360- [ 360-273q603 ~-~~ rie ad Shelton, WA 701-3888. a5/17tfn place a classified ad 98584. M5/31-6/7 F--0-RR--~TO-R~ INSTRUCTION BOATS/MOTORS CARS/TRUCKS PET SERVICES FORSALE HELPWANTED IELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Sports Writer/Editor HELPWANTED HELPWANTED 1 The Glasgow Courier, a leading Montana weekly ;that won a dozen /~'~'~'°~ state press awards in 2011, seeks a sports writer/editor to cover local I sports and ,ay out sports and news pages, seek an organized person !~d~i~i~ili~i~ ~ i~i: to fill this position with experience in InDesign/CS3 and a desire to not :ffal~v Ri@a csmer I i only cover high school sports but write features about athletes, events !i ' I land the great outdoors,n ourbeautifulpartof the Big Sky State. You ~L!~ilp~NE} j ii!I Mason County Lead Family Resources Coordinator I also would take photos and work with sports correspondents. Benefits include paid vacation and a health insurance stipend. Pl~hse send :~ Holly Ridge Cent ........ profit, as the Local Lead Agency of Mason CountyiSI resume references and examples of your writing and page design to _ seeking aFamilyR ...... Coordinator to provide phone intake, h ......... ingl . ' , . , & assessment, and Individual Family Service Plans for the 0-3 yrs. population. I I Pubhsher Jim Orr at E The ability to speak Spanish is preferred. Sewices are provided using an I ~ :~:l~:;: ~::~ :l~:~::~::~, ~::interdisciplinary, family-centered & culturally diverse approach. Qualifications: I knowledge of child development, good communication skills, awareness of WA I state Special Ed rags and/or Fed. Early Intervention law, and some data entcyI .. .. .. = , ,= .. ,., ~0~d0y-Sc]turd0y 8',00-6:~i~" i~ii~:''~:~i iii ;i Shelt0n abilities. Need valid WA state ,river's license, re,iable transportation & insurance.I $13.78/hrto$15.19/hrtostart. PartTima/FullTimepos,ionsavailable." I I tntt U rtmct, rgtflt.1 II rl Sund0y 9-5 426-4373 or 426-2411 I Send to: Holly Ridge Center, I i I sm NW'rayler, Bremerton, WA 98a1 I i I ..... ..... I or ema,l us at hrehr(~hollvridae.ora. ~,l r~ ~;~ :w .... all ages, all levels Fire l t " .asoo TransitAuthority is now accepting (MTA) is recruiting a full- applications for time Human Resources ~ ~h~ ~; volunteer Firefighters, Manager. MTA is an EOE. HELPWANTED Paul Robertshaw (360) 490-9805 EMT's, and Support Staff. This is an opportunity to make a positive difference in your local community. For applications or inquiries please call 360-275-6478. To apply: Submit letter of interest and resume to MTA do Sound Employment Solutions, sescorbin@msn.. cam, no later than 4:00 PM, June 1,2012. For more information or job description please visit the website or call 360-426-9434. 1MONDAY. S ~~ i!~ .s£-- ,'r mow ... ~.~-- g- 1T ~~1~::~ i~ leoe r al (360) 426-4412 by owner. No bank fi- nancing needed. New- er 3-bedroom 2-bath, 2-car garage home, Mountain View area. $1,000 monthly. 360~ 280-0024. G5/17-6/7 WATERFRONT ONE BEDROOM apart- ment on Hood Canal. Homelike atmosphere, kitchen, laundry fa- cilities, Internet, cable, Dish TV included. Fur- nished or unfurnished. $775. Nature, Google, oysters and HBO - could you ask for any- thing more? 360-877- 5501. Mc5/17tfn BECCA CONTRACT AI"rORNEY Mason County is now considering applications for one part-time juvenile offender- BECCA contract attorney position: Applicant must be a licensed attorney in good standing with the Washington State Bar Association. The term for this contract will be six months, from July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. Compensation will be $2,300 per month. For more information, please go to ............................... ~:~,~ ~i~~ ~iiiii!iiiiiiiiii~, ~!iiii!iiiiiiiii' i~i~i~i~i~! UNSI'IlTH Shotguns, rifles, handguns Full range of services available Stock and me.tal finishing, custom machine work, parts manufacturing RM BRAND, GUNSMITH Certified, full-time gunsmith with over 20 years experience in Mason County Call Randy at ~. 427-0767. 100% GREEN Land- tenance. Rhode, 360- GENERALANDstorm scaping - Queen 426-4598. QUEEN- clean-up and property Anne's. We design, in- AL044OR. Q11/19tfn maintenance. Fast stall and reorganize to JOE FASSIO Excava- and friendly service, your needs. Special- tion, 20 years experi- free estimates. Call izing in native plants, ence. Landclearing, Ron at 360-970-1659. lawns, perennials, septic system instal- A9/10TFN grasses, rockedes, lation, digouts, rock SMALL JOBS: dry- veggies, pruning. Ask walls and logging.Just wall, painting, roofing. about our "Do it your- about anything. Qual- Decks, roof cleaning self" choices: Consul- ity work the first time. and moss removal. tations and write-ups (360) 898-7286 FAS- Licensed, bonded, in- with photos. No main- SITE909MO. F3/30tfn sured. 360-427-1214. DEYETC*91 1B7. D2/16-5/31 HANDYMAN, Gut- ter cleaning, repairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- cialist, landscaping consultant. Benja- min (360)426-0084. B2/15tfn Call 426-4412 to place a classified ad JOEES LANDSCAP- ING. Commercial, resi- dential, full maintenance. Rock & block walls. Paver & flagstone walks. Sprinkler installation. Fences. Moss control & fertilizer. Brush clear- ing. Year round service. Free estimates. J. Gar- cia 360-432-1900. Lic #JOELSL938N7. G4/12- 5/31 K&LYARD SERVICES. All yard services. You name it, we do it. Call Kris 360-432-5919; cell 360-463-6009, re- cord clear message. Licenses,, references, experience, honest, hard working. General rabor, yearly mainte- nance, and hauling. UBI #602.312.692. K 5/24-6/28 ,Topping .Licensed ,Chipping ,Bonded ,Stump ,Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 LiCl #JAYBUTS053R2 Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C. Network System Engineering Services Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery Repair - Maintenance - Upgrades Specializing Microsoft, GroupWise in Novell Onsite Service for O ce & Home Call for Free Estimate 360,490,7043 or 360,898,3800 We take CREDIT CARDS ~ffordable. Refrigeration, Cooling, Heatinc (360) 229-2139 Residential & Commercial Heating, N( Repair, Service, Installation Oil & Heat Pump Specialist Credit Cards Welcome Locally Owned & Operated LBI#ARCHMM1902MN WATERFRONT Thursday, May 31,2012 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page D-1 I I I