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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 2, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 2, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday 11:15 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class of 1940 meet for lunch at Royal Shang- hai Restaurant 2517 Olym- pic Hwy. N. in Shelton. All classmates welcome. We will miss Buck Armstron, Russ Dahl, Bob Hutt, Ray Peterson and others. 4 p.m., Mason County Forest Festival Carnival opens. Located at the north side of town on Mountain View. Gateway rental at the Gateway Plaza is the host for this event. 5:30-6:45 p.m., Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents PageTurners book discussion for adults. Join in a discussion of "Lord of the Flies" by William Gold- ing. Read or listen to the selected title of the month and join others in a conver- sation about the book. For more information, call 426-' 1362. Friday 11:30 a.m., the Repub- lican Women's Club of Ma- son County will hold their regular month]y meeting at the Royal Shanghai Restaurant, 2517 Olympic Hwy. N. A buffet lunch is available for $10. Special guest speaker Tom Mc- Cabe. The meeting is open to the public. ll;i}0 a,m,-1 p,m,, Busi- ness Builder Workshop lo- cated at Grove Street Bre- whouse and Tea 233 S. 1st St., corner of 1st and Grove in downtown Shelton. The topic will be business eti- quette with Stephanie Hor- ton of Top Dog Etiquette. 11:30 ' a.m.-1 p.m., Fiercely independent el- ders meets in the Washing- ton Room. Contact Ray at 898-2316 for more informa- tion. Noon, Irene S. Reed class of 1947 no-host lunch at Taylor Station on Lynch Road and Highway 101 South. 4 p.m., Mason County Forest Festival Carnival opens. Located at the north side of town on Mountain View. Gateway rental at the Gateway Plaza is the host for this dvent. Saturday 7 a.m., Goldsborough Creek Fun Run, starting at S helton Valley Christian School. To register online, go to and type in Goldsborough Creek. The event is for walkers or runners, family and friends. All Fun Run pro- ceeds will benefit Mason General Hospital. 7-11 a.m., Pancake breakfast at Shelton Fire station during the Forest Festival. Station 58 is lo- cated at 108 West Frank- lin. Donations are accepted - they go to fun equipment and services needed in the community. 9 a.m.-6 p.m., a benefit car wash to help raise mon- ey for a local breast cancer victim will be held at the Shelton Athletic Club. The Shelton Athletic Club and Olybean Espresso sponsor this event. 10:30 a.m., Mason Coun- ty Forest Festival Kid- die Parade. Create a loop through downtown Shelton. 11 a.m.., Mason County Forest Festival Carnival opens. Located at the north side of town on Mountain View. Gateway rental at the Gateway Plaza is the host for this event. 11 a.m., Forest Festival - Paul Bunyon Parade. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Ffiend of the 8helt0n Tim- berland Library will hold a book sale. Proceeds help fund events and equipment not covered in the library's regular budget. For more in- formation, call 426-1362. 1 p.m., Forest Festival awards, Awards at Loop Field 1-3 p.m., Cancer sup- port group meets at Mason General Hospital. For more information, call 456-8266. 2 p.m., Forest Festival logging show at Loop Field after the parade. 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Good Timber - Songs and Stories of the Western Log- ger at Shelton High School Auditorium. 7--9 p.m., Family Fun Night at Our Community Credit Union. 10 p.m., Fireworks at 'Wallace Kneeland Blvd., Oakland Bay Junior High Field. Sunday 9 a.m., Car show at Jer- ry's on Olympic Hwy. dur- ing the Mason County For- est Festival. 1--4 p.m., Habitat for Hu- manity of Mason County 2011 Annual Volunteer Rec- ognition BBQ at Kneeland Park. Food, music and fun for all past and present vol- unteers, donors and staff. Monday 7--9 p.m., Investment and retirement classes at the Matlock Grange. Learn to prepare for a financially secure retirement. Bring a lined tablet, pencil and ruler. Tuesday 6:30 p.m., Equestri- enne's of Mason County regular meeting at Denny's Restaurant, 301 E. Wallace Kneeland Blvd. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire District 9 Board of Fire commissioners will be hold- ing their meeting at station 9-1, 2320 W. Skokomish Valley Rd. The public is encouraged to attend. For additional information, call 229-0367. Tramper Sams, a Good Sam RV two-night outing begins at American Sunset RV Park in Westport. If you are interested in learning more, call 426-9217. Wednesday 1-3 p.m., Support Group for Chronic Pain and Other Invisible Disabilities please call for meeting schedule and further information at 426-0900. We offer some- thing every week, alternat- ing weeks we have regular meetings at the hospital or local coffee get-togethers on opposite weeks every Wednesday. 6 p.m., The Mason County Democratic Central Committee (MCDCC) will hold its monthly meeting in the PUD 3 auditorium on Cota Street. Roger Erskine, President of the Center of Ethical Leadership will speak. The public is invited to attend. Celebrate National Trails Day Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark and the Washingto]a State Department of Natural Re- sources (DNR) invite the public to celebrate the Amer- ican Hiking Society's National Trails Day by volun- teering on state lands Saturday throughout western Washington. A National Trails Day event is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday at Capitol State Forest south of Olympia. The plan is to relocate and rehabili- tate a section of motorized Trail No. 40 near Middle Waddell Campground and work on finishing a reroute of No. 6A trail. A work party is followed by a barbe- cue lunch provided by Friends of Capitol Forest (ham- burger and vegan options). Directions: Meet at "Y" intersection of Sherman Valley and Waddell Creek roads. For additional infor- mation, contact Nick Cronquist at 480-2700 or nick. 8helton 00lks lodge 40th 00ear00dnniversary and Grand 00e-Opening" Come see what we are doing! Youth Programs, Scholarships, Veterans, Hosting Community Dinners, and much much more. We have remodeled our building and are pleased to have you come and enjoy learning about Elks. Open House Saturday, June 4, and Sunday, June 5, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with hot dogs & soft drinks. Saturday the bar will open at 5:30 p.m. with a dinner at 6:30 p.m. $1 0 per person Open to the Public Shelton Elks 742 SE Craig Rd • Shelton, WA 98584 R.S.V.P. 360-426-2322 Correction • The Shelton Drag Strip Association phone number is 360- 229-9309. J CoRm See Our 1st-Run I 00$1t[llt)00i CINDIA$ 24-HOUR MOVI I: INFO 426-'1000 www,$IIELTONClNEMA$,©om [2 Da,y 4:, 7:00pro Additional Shows Sat-Sun 2:45pm V rl'Sat 8:50pm E plnltes of the CIidbbe On Slrang 11din Dally 4:00, 6:45pm Additional Shows Sat-Sun 1 :lSpm _ Fd-Sai 9:20pro i -- NOW OPEN -- Sm'W all organic, fair de espresso nks * Ai!A_ FEWER THAN 8 MIN, OF PREVIEWS * liIoIol:I,]ol:l:l l 1,1N llh i 'lll-:[bl:ltll, l'-dl,ol  ] Fm.6/3 - THURS. 6/9 all X41en: Rm elm d  -r,w'. ll qm al I1 lm allk. S/lu ml el Sld mmJllkmit, t-kaa, bHmr imml.m/ m; V,,l;Vk.Wa :,[,yll :b " =hi :l • :,1:t [ :1 Why Worry? I ti ', an00,-worry insurance-- 'tj7 " A regular ad in the Journal! 67 Annual Mason Counf00 Forest [-esT,val "Forest Tales" June 2- 5 2011 mamond Excavating ,, • .......... . • oii , m Thusdm. ue Z . Parsdi:le Amusemew Cm'tffv --  igh,,  opens 4 F Gatew W €e'.. Olympic H|wmy Narth Friday. Jume 3 C41rnivl * gate opens 4 pro, doe cqroxtmately 11 pea Gateway Cmer, Olympic WaJhmy North .Salxa'dav ,]'un 4 Goldsbor'ough Fun Run / Walk - r ,a & a am 3'tmim" ,Teg- 9:30 Rcislrgtion at  Poet Office on I;lailrmd A'*nu r  6 am Family & Pets Porode--to:O € drl,,,= RegiStration and Judging bgins zt g Paul   Parade -. z n  lr a 1gisttion, Stli3 & Judgitl I:liml €It 7:30 am Pood, f'ts n  VqdPIl--Lo4FlJdlx lO¢nod4 pa 2 Performance= at r $1ton High 1Auditit 4 pm  7:30 pm OUr Community Credit Unon prKihg lot, Olympic Highwey North nd Fireworks Ilp -- 1o pm Oakland Bay Junior High School Field, Wallae-Kn¢lt Bird qnak. June 5 presented y Krlms Town . " : Risrotion fm 8 to 11 n at JW'ry'S   Awm*d at 2 pm Toot €1 J L -- 32 il Bke R|d e, glstrat/on lO ore, roftim FitneSS on Otmpic Highway North Carnival l. gate opens at noon. closing time d$1nds o (lttdoJlc¢ and weather O GgEF.N DIAMOND RESOURCE COMPANY AIUMNmr Z :.d::,: (.',.,:*q;,vl: Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 2, 2011 - Page B-3