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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 2, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 2, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Tonja Goldsby-Sawyer Tonja CIdsby-Sawyer, 42, died in JOplin during the tornado. She was a resident of Fort Scott Kan. She was born December 17, 1969 in Washing- ton. She is survived by her sons Dashedin Goldsby of Goldsby- Fort Scott, Sawyer Kan. and Jarred Goldsby of Matlock; daugh- ters Makyah Goldsby and Samora Hernandez of Fort Scott, Kan. and grand- daughter  Ices Goldsby of ghanistan and ,other areas in the Middle East. He Was a Lieutenant at Medic One in Shelton EMT- IV Tech, his second home his family said. Prior to 1999 he was a resident fire fighter with the city of Shelton Fire Depart- ment. He graduated form the Washington State Fire Academy in North Bend. He was a volunteer with Fire District 11 in Shelton. The f a m ily shared that ev- eryone knew how attached he was to ents Linda and Dan Hora of Shelton; brother Eric Hubler of Kent; sisters Eve Fish of Sitka and Denise Niel of Shelton; grandmoth- er Brigitte Hubler of Shel- ton; grandfather Milosh Hora of Pleasant Hill, Calif.; uncle Mike Hubler (Penny) of McCleary; girlfriend and caregiver Jennifer Kennedy of Shelton; eight nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his grandfather Louis F. Hubler and grandmother Evelyn Hora. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 12 at the Shelton High School Auditorium. Chap- lain James Potter will offici- ton. In his younger days he enjoyed some hunting and fishing. His family shared that his "greatest joy was family and he was always up for a game of croquette or play- ing board games with his younger grand- children and great- grandchil- Robertson dren. He is survived by his daughters Glen- da Vorse of Shelton and Vicki VanderWal of Shel- ton; grandchildren B::radi::Alan H u r ley Bd an Hurl  a :t9, :20t .t, : : ::: .:::: .: : = &apos;:: i:i::::ilii::i: : :: :: : Home ishandling tea:: :;!!i:::::::::i :: =:: .... : Affd [¢tor. Fa ui kner ::Vir Fakner, 88, died Wednesday, May :iiiiiii!ii:::}iiiilm Was a resident of Shelton. McComb Fu- !!iiiiiiii i ei:::iihandling :: the arvments. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....... iiii:ii!!ili:iiiiiiiiiiii!i ii:!meffer;:: 93, :died esday; May 24, 2011 iii !i!i:i /alth and bilitation Center in Shel- !i,iiiiiiiiiii!iiiii:a resident of:Allyn. McComb Funeral !iiiiiiili:i iiiIn is handling the arrangements. !i!i!iiiiii:iiii!!iiiiiii!il ..... i!i ,i:96, died:day,:May27, 2011 at ii!i!i!i!iiiiiii:ii!i:i ia. McCombFeralHomeofShelton !iiiiii!:ii:: iiiearrangements, . Fort Scott, Kan. A potluck memorial will be at noon on June 12 at Truman Glick Park, 1291 West Ford Road near Mat- lock. Please bring picture or mementos for the memorial board. Jaesun F. Hora Jaesun F. Hora, 33, died Friday, May 27, 2011 from complications due to mela- noma at his home surround- ed by family and friends. He was a resident of Shelton all of his life. He was born April 9, 1978 to Dan and Dinda (Hubler) Hora in Shelton. He graduated in 1996 from Shelton High School. He served six years in the Air Force where he was with the security forces. He was a member of an elite group of 13 deployed after Sept. 11, 2001. He was a member of the Raven Squad, flying special missions over Af- C.J., his Hora jeep. He enjoyed the out- doors and was vice presi- dent of the Renegade Rigs Jeep Club. He enjoyed guns, video games, spending time with family and friends, trips to Yosemite National Park, the ocean, Tahuya and Melbourne Lake. His fam- ily said his most peaceful times were spent along side his dog Mocha. The family said his charisma, wit, hu- mor and his natural ability to connect with others made you fall in love with him in- stantly. His name means the healer. He committed his life to helping others and his community, always choos- ing a career that would keep him protecting and caring for others before himself. He will be greatly missed by not only his family, but also his ate. Forest Funeral Home of Shelton is handling the ar- rangements. Henry G. Robertson Henry G. Robertson, 95, died May 25, 2011 at home in Shelton with family at his side. He was a resident of Shelton for 60 years. He was born Febru- ary 21, 1916 in Big Sandy, Mont. to Thomas H. and Susie (Hinton) Robertson. He graduated from Irene S. Reed High School in 1934. He served in the United States Army in 1946. He married Ursula Silva in February 18, 1939 at St. Edwards Catholic Church (by Father Mark) they had been married for 66 years. Robertson was a main- tenance man for ITT Rayo- Carl Aim Strader of ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Blaine, Terry Oakes o f iili iii i ilh ..... Fountain Hills, Ariz., Dan iiii!::iiiiiili!i!:i!!iiiii!ii; 72, di Wednesday' May 25, 201 i Vorse of Grand Junction, Colo., Denise Johnson of :iii:iiiiiiiyn. Forest Fune :Home of Shelton is Peyton, Colo., Lisa Olson of :: e:::rrangements. Edmonds, Brenda Nolan of Shelton: Julie Saeger i iiaiii, chenoeth of Olympia, Christine i VanderWal of Shelton i!i!iiiill iii iii ::henoweth 89, died Monday, May 30, and Cheryl, Patsy, Jackie, !i!i{i{i0!1111!!:imeininion. Momb Funeral Home of and Debbie, all of Olympia; iiiiii:iiiii!i ii:i!i lingthe arr ments, 28 great-grandchildren and eight great-great-grand- children and numerous nieces, nephews and cous- Send /e the childre of \\; ins. obituaryinformation r/eta]Ioho(f[r'otdd His parents, wife Ursula, two brothers, three sisters to: like to thank those of and his sons-in-law, Carl Obits@masoncounty. ,tlOtI who seltt cards of Vorse and Karl VanderWal TICO[I,l'(lOlleltl GHd preceded him in death, corn. A memorial is planned Deadine is 2pm the your blcssig's at the from 1 to 4 p.m. on Satur- lilte ofotlr loss. day, June 4 at his home. Tuesday -q'chard, 8'mid.q, .1 eila Bob McComb Funeral Home before publication. \\; / is handling the arrange- ments. For your conve- friends and the community nier Co. nience, online condolences he served. He was a member of the may be sent to the family at He is survived by his par- VFW 40 ET 8 club of Shel- i    iO :: : i   e!i te l!ve o s!dent  !i!i!ii%.:::" ::::: "i: !::::!ii ::::<: ":iii*:i ' .:?::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !i ii!!ii i i :i iil !iiiiill iil ill'ill iii:i :: :: :. ::.:. !i i : ::::::::i:i#i: ::!:i ii:::iiiii:::iii::::ii:iii:i::iiiii::::ii::i::ii::::iiiiii:iiiiiiiiiii?:iiiiif :i:::::: :::ii :::::i ii: : : : : :::::: :: Direct Cremation Worthy of Your Trust Competitive Pricing  Pre-Arranged Planning Family Owned Local Business • Only Crematory in Mason County OREST c eOR°rems,at Io N A Reputation Built on Service • Direct Cremti fa h' o cleat , m servtce area Shelton - {360) 427-8044 Olympia- (360) 943-6363 (360) 426-4803 709 West Railroad Avenue, Shetton For the Journal, 2010 was one of our best years in more than a century of doing business. That may come as a shock to people used to heating about the inevitable demise of print media and especially of newspapers. We can't deny that our cousins in the big city have fallen on hard times and we think we know why. Unlike little newspapers the big boys enslaved themselves to the stock market. Their quest for ever-increasing profits and 30 percent annual growth could only have spelled doom for them eventually. Unlike this newspaper, they chased international readership via the Internet, forgoing generations of paid readership for a pot of gold that wasn't there. We will not be deserted by our paying audience because the staff here knows the only reason you buy this newspaper is because everything in it is of, by and for the people of Mason County. Our financial success continues because print advertising has and continues to be the best method of marketing goods and services. , Paid print advertising offers 10-times the readership of free newspapers with the same circulation. It is more effeiVeithananyelectrOnc medlabecause t captures the readers while at the same time the reader captures it. : We'd like our current :advertisers and potential customers to know that we want them to try all methods of ,marketing their business because they all work and this one quite simply works better than the rest. And thank you dear reader for continuing to purchase this newspaper. You are the reason our advertising works so well. That is also why we strive to cover the news, information and entertainment that is important to you. r To advertise call  Dave, Harvey, or Mat ..... s,to-o cou,  ......  at 426-4412 or email :.: Dave -- !iii .:.: .i !! .:! '!: ..:i:i .........  Harvey -- :: w w w. m a s o n c o u n t y. € b m Mat(Belfair Office) -- mat@masoncou Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 2,2011  Page B-7