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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 3, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 3, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! und-r At1 of March S. 18"}9. Pub]b4vd v,'c' i'h'c\v()il¢.~i ;qlh~ lie)'- } suits if they '`\'eve :qlln'(),,,ed bv lilt: State ],'ice Nlal:;h:|lt';; (H'fii.i,. Tih' .}:tyt:ot',% ;ill'catty ililVe lht!il' xtalc I)Ct'lilil. Tl'avis >;Ifl'(li/l ,Jt?xs \V',~)III'('('S htst \vee]i. Se;llloa/'(t Imnll)er Company, Se- a(lie, p;lid $52,500 for 2,099,000 'l)oalxt feet ill Iht' (h)snell Creek Ness j(\i)l('d the Sll(qLtm nffit:e (If the Henlth ])epa)'tmcnt M;l)'ch 15, 11147 and has served here ilS districL sanitarian the past 18 yea l"S. Afler an )'NIOll([0d vtteaLiol), he '`',,ill ]()ill t-tinllie I-hmlly. Ness exprc: se.d appl'eeiation fol" (lie c(ioperaiitSll he has i'eceived L _ ,#am~]~¸ ....... BLEACHERS PAINTED---Shclton Jaycees, with an assist from painting equipment from Gordon Bennett, painted the bleachers at U~e L.itAle Le.t.que baseball ficld at Callanan Park Satulday. l..ti(: to right are, Wes Roach, a Jaycee; Wentz Katie. Gordon Bennett, and Byron Winne, a Jaycee. Also assisting with the painting project wecc Arnold Fox, Dave Thache!" and t3ob Sheetz, The ball field is almost counpleted with the installation s,,,,,,,o, m., +o,,+ +" #or 249 .ere +o m+l + ffff C#@,¢I Daily g'llitlt'd 1 (!111','4 t hr(~tlg'h ,, , s./.,s,,, r.1,),. (: .... 11,.,t,, ,~, gt+ $~t#¢'+~P"+p I)uLto)l S:t\vlnill Throe, Phmit)g IV[ill, Illslllttlillg B();)rd PlII11t. an(1 S}lelton Vellt,(~r lqalli, will h'av(.' the SaWl'uill,~ Kalv ;It 1:0t) l".m. Mol)(hly tll)'ough ["1 id;ty dtiring the Xllllll/lel" lllOll1118. Marian Svinth. a f())'Ul(U M:trl< H. l~.c, etl S¢'h()hl)'ship \\it)Ill?r, v, ill ;lg'Hill eOlldllc( the ItSlll'S. \V,)lllon of thc remainder of the outfield fe~,ce about all that remains to be comph:ted. Welding equipment used in the installation was donaled by G(-rl'y l-lart and fuel for vehicles used in hauliI~R dirt and leveling the ficld was donated by C,,a~t Oil Co. The Jaycees will be insLallir~g playclro,md equipmeHt at the park Satt,rday. A dedicatioH ol tl~e park is tentativcly set for June 13. North Ma. 0n To Graduate 40 Tht' 10:2. i'adH;t]it)!- sl,)li.)l's J'FI;)II N(,!'til ~\t'.t.~;()ll lIlgh ,'4cll(u)l wiIl I c+ ('ci\'o t]le{l' (!il)iOlll;)F, at COlSllllt']l('t!- iil('llt t~X('t ciN('S ;tl }{ [/,151, I ()lilly hl tilt, Iti~i'll School gylm):t:;iuul. ,~pt')li('F foF the ])l'(5~'t';Itll \\'ii1 l):' SI:II(' R,'p, I'Lltll COlllI(!I', I'oit. ,,\ tIR(,l('::~. :I.h)tll))' ;l',v:l:'dS Ull(1 scht)laiship~ \vii] HiXt) t)O ;:iill()lllleCd. l~'t(!(qli;/lli','Hl(! SOIVi(tt'5 \Vt+l't' }l+'hl ill thc :4Cth)h;u;)n, lZ;t{hv \\'ilhlt:. 'l'il/I \\i)l[~, .1,'l'l" t"oi'tll(!l' iill(t l)eb.. bic i"0 !.~:e. Te sage ante is Righi 'l'he Sh(,lt,m ,)~lyc,,cs will ,~q~()ll- .'qtH' gL Tt'clIH?d? l)i111ce ;tt the ,"4hcl- {t)l*, Al')]hq'3' fl'()lll .q 15.111. tl) lllid~ ni!:il{ Fl'iday ni.Rh(. Muxi(' \\ill h,' by '"1'1117 Sill(its" ;,)/(I Mt'l'ih'*' :llld l'c;tll)lh)g Til/y T()l)y, "Till:; pr())lliscx [() I)(, ()lit' ()I' {h(' lilt)s1 ()litslat/(lhu.~ tla)wt' I\1,)- ~r;)l)/'4 t,v(,r I:lll O)I ill She]trill" said }"I~'(I \Vt)i)(l, \VOl'lii)l~ Ih;lil'ltl;tll fl)r Ill,' pr(Lject. l:li?.h .";!l L'(!I ~,%'!i~,llS ([]1'11t(% , \ ~t]ll~ ;'ilh i:ltl ()l tl'u! (q;U::; \\:):; t)'.'lt!t!:: l)t }'~'t'l' iitt([ :Lihlt;l{W h ( 5( )I ~y h11111~4illIll, Gp( Ill ~'l(l£'th I t"LV [t)t' ~it)S+tll (~t)1111]3' Mhli:l('l'ial 2\x- 5(,('iat iOll. Jlllle 7 il was )]11( Ill('( I t()(hly. 't'h(! 2,1b,'.',ru,itutlt'x ()[" i'-,hcl[()t) :tti(i i,i('i~ Ev('r,s. The (OllrS, \vhich illchl(te 15tlSll-- M~w, it: \\ill 15e fll)'lli:.;hl,,q I)y (lie